632 research outputs found

    Optimal FIR filter design

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    The design of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filters that considers both phase and magnitude specifications is investigated. This dissertation is divided into two parts. In Part I we present our implementation of an algorithm for the design of minimum phase filters. In Part II we investigate the design of FIR filters in the complex domain and develop a new powerful design method for digital FIR filters with arbitrary specification of magnitude and phase;Part I considers the design of minimum-phase filters. The method presented uses direct factorization of the transfer function of a companion Parks-McClellan linear-phase filter of twice the length of the desired minimum-phase filter. The minimum-phase filter is derived with excision of half the zeros of the companion linear-phase filter. The zeros of the prototype filter are found using Laguerre\u27s method. We will present our implementation of the design method, and describe some practical aspects and problems associated with the design of minimum-phase filters;Part II investigates the design of optimal Chebychev FIR filters in the complex domain. The design of FIR filters with arbitrary specification of magnitude and phase is formulated into a problem of complex approximation. The method developed is capable of designing filters with real or complex coefficients. Complex impulse response designs are an extension of the real coefficient case based on a proper selection of the approximating basis functions;The minimax criterion is used and the complex Chebychev approximation is posed as a minimization problem in linear optimization. The primal problem is converted to its dual and is solved using an efficient, quadratically convergent algorithm developed by Tang (14). The relaxation of the linear-phase constraint results in a reduction of the number of coefficients compared to linear-phase designs. Linear-phase filters are a special case of our filter design approach. We examine the design of frequency selective filters with or without the conjugate symmetry, the design of one-sided, two-sided, narrowband and fullband Hilbert Transformers and differentiators

    DSP compensation for distortion in RF filters

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    There is a growing demand for the high quality TV programs such as High Definition TV (HDTV). The CATV network is often a suitable solution to address this demand using a CATV modem delivering high data rate digital signals in a cost effective manner, thereby, utilizing a complex digital modulation scheme is inevitable. Exploiting complex modulation schemes, entails a more sophisticated modulator and distribution system with much tighter tolerances. However, there are always distortions introduced to the modulated signal in the modulator degrading signal quality. In this research, the effect of distortions introduced by the RF band pass filter in the modulator will be considered which cause degradations on the quality of the output Quadrature Amplitude Modulated (QAM) signal. Since the RF filter's amplitude/group delay distortions are not symmetrical in the frequency domain, once translated into the base band they have a complex effect on the QAM signal. Using Matlab, the degradation effects of these distortions on the QAM signal such as Bit Error Rate (BER) is investigated. In order to compensate for the effects of the RF filter distortions, two different methods are proposed. In the first method, a complex base band compensation filter is placed after the pulse shaping filter (SRRC). The coefficients of this complex filter are determined using an optimization algorithm developed during this research. The second approach, uses a pre-equalizer in the form of a Feed Forward FIR structure placed before the pulse shaping filter (SRRC). The coefficients of this pre-equalizer are determined using the equalization algorithm employed in a test receiver, with its tap weights generating the inverse response of the RF filter. The compensation of RF filter distortions in base band, in turn, improves the QAM signal parameters such as Modulation Error Ratio (MER). Finally, the MER of the modulated QAM signal before and after the base band compensation is compared between the two methods, showing a significant enhancement in the RF modulator performance

    Efficient Algorithms for Immersive Audio Rendering Enhancement

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    Il rendering audio immersivo è il processo di creazione di un’esperienza sonora coinvolgente e realistica nello spazio 3D. Nei sistemi audio immersivi, le funzioni di trasferimento relative alla testa (head-related transfer functions, HRTFs) vengono utilizzate per la sintesi binaurale in cuffia poiché esprimono il modo in cui gli esseri umani localizzano una sorgente sonora. Possono essere introdotti algoritmi di interpolazione delle HRTF per ridurre il numero di punti di misura e per creare un movimento del suono affidabile. La riproduzione binaurale può essere eseguita anche dagli altoparlanti. Tuttavia, il coinvolgimento di due o più gli altoparlanti causa il problema del crosstalk. In questo caso, algoritmi di cancellazione del crosstalk (CTC) sono necessari per eliminare i segnali di interferenza indesiderati. In questa tesi, partendo da un'analisi comparativa di metodi di misura delle HRTF, viene proposto un sistema di rendering binaurale basato sull'interpolazione delle HRTF per applicazioni in tempo reale. Il metodo proposto mostra buone prestazioni rispetto a una tecnica di riferimento. L'algoritmo di interpolazione è anche applicato al rendering audio immersivo tramite altoparlanti, aggiungendo un algoritmo di cancellazione del crosstalk fisso, che considera l'ascoltatore in una posizione fissa. Inoltre, un sistema di cancellazione crosstalk adattivo, che include il tracciamento della testa dell'ascoltatore, è analizzato e implementato in tempo reale. Il CTC adattivo implementa una struttura in sottobande e risultati sperimentali dimostrano che un maggiore numero di bande migliora le prestazioni in termini di errore totale e tasso di convergenza. Il sistema di riproduzione e le caratteristiche dell'ambiente di ascolto possono influenzare le prestazioni a causa della loro risposta in frequenza non ideale. L'equalizzazione viene utilizzata per livellare le varie parti dello spettro di frequenze che compongono un segnale audio al fine di ottenere le caratteristiche sonore desiderate. L'equalizzazione può essere manuale, come nel caso dell'equalizzazione grafica, dove il guadagno di ogni banda di frequenza può essere modificato dall'utente, o automatica, la curva di equalizzazione è calcolata automaticamente dopo la misurazione della risposta impulsiva della stanza. L'equalizzazione della risposta ambientale può essere applicata anche ai sistemi multicanale, che utilizzano due o più altoparlanti e la zona di equalizzazione può essere ampliata misurando le risposte impulsive in diversi punti della zona di ascolto. In questa tesi, GEQ efficienti e un sistema adattativo di equalizzazione d'ambiente. In particolare, sono proposti e approfonditi tre equalizzatori grafici a basso costo computazionale e a fase lineare e quasi lineare. Gli esperimenti confermano l'efficacia degli equalizzatori proposti in termini di accuratezza, complessità computazionale e latenza. Successivamente, una struttura adattativa in sottobande è introdotta per lo sviluppo di un sistema di equalizzazione d'ambiente multicanale. I risultati sperimentali verificano l'efficienza dell'approccio in sottobande rispetto al caso a banda singola. Infine, viene presentata una rete crossover a fase lineare per sistemi multicanale, mostrando ottimi risultati in termini di risposta in ampiezza, bande di transizione, risposta polare e risposta in fase. I sistemi di controllo attivo del rumore (ANC) possono essere progettati per ridurre gli effetti dell'inquinamento acustico e possono essere utilizzati contemporaneamente a un sistema audio immersivo. L'ANC funziona creando un'onda sonora in opposizione di fase rispetto all'onda sonora in arrivo. Il livello sonoro complessivo viene così ridotto grazie all'interferenza distruttiva. Infine, questa tesi presenta un sistema ANC utilizzato per la riduzione del rumore. L’approccio proposto implementa una stima online del percorso secondario e si basa su filtri adattativi in sottobande applicati alla stima del percorso primario che mirano a migliorare le prestazioni dell’intero sistema. La struttura proposta garantisce un tasso di convergenza migliore rispetto all'algoritmo di riferimento.Immersive audio rendering is the process of creating an engaging and realistic sound experience in 3D space. In immersive audio systems, the head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) are used for binaural synthesis over headphones since they express how humans localize a sound source. HRTF interpolation algorithms can be introduced for reducing the number of measurement points and creating a reliable sound movement. Binaural reproduction can be also performed by loudspeakers. However, the involvement of two or more loudspeakers causes the problem of crosstalk. In this case, crosstalk cancellation (CTC) algorithms are needed to delete unwanted interference signals. In this thesis, starting from a comparative analysis of HRTF measurement techniques, a binaural rendering system based on HRTF interpolation is proposed and evaluated for real-time applications. The proposed method shows good performance in comparison with a reference technique. The interpolation algorithm is also applied for immersive audio rendering over loudspeakers, by adding a fixed crosstalk cancellation algorithm, which assumes that the listener is in a fixed position. In addition, an adaptive crosstalk cancellation system, which includes the tracking of the listener's head, is analyzed and a real-time implementation is presented. The adaptive CTC implements a subband structure and experimental results prove that a higher number of bands improves the performance in terms of total error and convergence rate. The reproduction system and the characteristics of the listening room may affect the performance due to their non-ideal frequency response. Audio equalization is used to adjust the balance of different audio frequencies in order to achieve desired sound characteristics. The equalization can be manual, such as in the case of graphic equalization, where the gain of each frequency band can be modified by the user, or automatic, where the equalization curve is automatically calculated after the room impulse response measurement. The room response equalization can be also applied to multichannel systems, which employ two or more loudspeakers, and the equalization zone can be enlarged by measuring the impulse responses in different points of the listening zone. In this thesis, efficient graphic equalizers (GEQs), and an adaptive room response equalization system are presented. In particular, three low-complexity linear- and quasi-linear-phase graphic equalizers are proposed and deeply examined. Experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed GEQs in terms of accuracy, computational complexity, and latency. Successively, a subband adaptive structure is introduced for the development of a multichannel and multiple positions room response equalizer. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of the subband approach in comparison with the single-band case. Finally, a linear-phase crossover network is presented for multichannel systems, showing great results in terms of magnitude flatness, cutoff rates, polar diagram, and phase response. Active noise control (ANC) systems can be designed to reduce the effects of noise pollution and can be used simultaneously with an immersive audio system. The ANC works by creating a sound wave that has an opposite phase with respect to the sound wave of the unwanted noise. The additional sound wave creates destructive interference, which reduces the overall sound level. Finally, this thesis presents an ANC system used for noise reduction. The proposed approach implements an online secondary path estimation and is based on cross-update adaptive filters applied to the primary path estimation that aim at improving the performance of the whole system. The proposed structure allows for a better convergence rate in comparison with a reference algorithm

    Space Communication Channel Emulation Using Digital and Analog Signal Processing

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    New communication protocols intended for large distances, including low orbit and deep space, can be inherently difficult to evaluate since trial implementations are often impractical. In order to accurately measure the performance of a new protocol, it is important to evaluate it in an environment that most closely matchs that in which it will be used. This thesis demonstrates the ability to emulate a space communications channel through digitizing a transmission centered at an intermediate frequency of 70 MHz with a bandwidth of 24 MHz, digitally introducing the characteristics of a transmission through space, and reconstructing the digital data to its analog counterpart. Delay, Doppler shift, Gaussian noise, and fading are among the most prevalent characteristics of such a channel, and thus were the focus of this thesis. Special care was given to the design of each digital and analog component to maintain the integrity of the original signal by minimizing all undesired noise introduced. The final design can accurately produce a given dynamic transmission signature or continually output a static set of channel characteristic parameters to test new communication protocols

    Analysis and Design of Low-Cost Waveguide Filters for Wireless Communications

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    The area of research of this thesis is built around advanced waveguide filter structures. Waveguide filters and the waveguide technology in general are renowned for high power capacity, low losses and excellent electromagnetic shielding. Waveguide filters are important components in fixed wireless communications as well as in satellite and radar systems. Furthermore, their advantages and utilization become even greater with increase in frequency, which is a trend in modern communication systems because upper frequency bands offer larger channel capacities. However, waveguide filters are relatively bulky and expensive. To comply with more and more demanding miniaturization and cost-cutting requirements, compactness and economical design represent some of the main contemporary focuses of interest. Approaches that are used to achieve this include use of planar inserts to build waveguide discontinuities, additive manufacturing and substrate integration. At the same time, waveguide filters still need to satisfy opposed stringent requirements like small insertion loss, high selectivity and multiband operation. Another difficulty that metal waveguide components face is integration with other circuitry, especially important when solid-state active devices are included. Thus, improvements of interconnections between waveguide and other transmission interfaces are addressed too. The thesis elaborates the following aspects of work: Further analysis and improved explanations regarding advanced waveguide filters with E-plane inserts developed by the Wireless Communications Research Group, using both cross coupled resonators and extracted pole sections (Experiments with higher filter orders, use of tuning screws, degrees of freedom in design, etc. Thorough performance comparison with competing filter technologies) - Proposing novel E-plane filter sections with I-shaped insets - Extension of the E-plane filtering structures with metal fins to new compact dual band filters with high frequency selectivity and miniaturized diplexers. - Introduction of easy-to-build waveguide filters with polymer insert frames and high-performance low-profile cavity filters, taking advantage of enhanced fabrication capabilities when using additive manufacturing - Developing new substrate integrated filters, as well as circuits used to transfer signals between different interfaces Namely, these are substrate integrated waveguide to metal waveguide planar transitions that do not require any modifications of the metal waveguides. Such novel transitions have been designed both for single and orthogonal signal polarizations

    Filter-Based Fading Channel Modeling

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    A channel simulator is an essential component in the development and accurate performance evaluation of wireless systems. A key technique for producing statistically accurate fading variates is to shape the flat spectrum of Gaussian variates using digital filters. This paper addresses various challenges when designing real and complex spectrum shaping filters with quantized coefficients for efficient realization of both isotropic and nonisotropic fading channels. An iterative algorithm for designing stable complex infinite impulse response (IIR) filters with fixed-point coefficients is presented. The performance of the proposed filter design algorithm is verified with 16-bit fixed-point simulations of two example fading filters
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