10 research outputs found


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    Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a critical issue in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Management of solid waste in crowded conditions, especially in main cities such as the Al-Taif Province. This paper deals with that case study and focuses on how to solve material handling problems by applying conventional methods and computer ability. One of the costliest operations in the civil sector is transportation for material handling. City mayors considered transportation and materials handling as a subclass of the linear programming technique, thus linear programming problems take into consideration that the main objective is to handle materials from the city centre site to the identified dumping area. There are many methods and tools used to solve the transportation problem (TP) to find out the maximum or minimum in order to reduce cost or maximize profit. The methods related to manual solutions and others used many different computer applications. Manual solutions include the northwest corner method, the minimum cost method, the row minimum cost method, the column minimum cost method, and Vogel\u27s approximation method, and computer applications such as LINGO, Lingo, and solver function using Microsoft Excel. This case study focuses on applying the Microsoft Excel function to find the minimum cost of the transportation system in waste materials to reduce the transportation cost from the city centre to the final destination (dumping area) to be used. The results achieved with the model aided in obtaining optimal solutions and finally, the optimal solutions were checked.Gospodarenje čvrstim komunalnim otpadom kritično je pitanje u Kraljevini Saudijskoj Arabiji (KSA), posebice u uvjetima guste naseljenosti u glavnim gradovima i pokrajinama kao što je Taif. Ovaj rad prikazuje studiju slučaja i usredotočen je na to kako riješiti probleme gospodarenja i manipulacije materijalima primjenom konvencionalnih metoda i informatičkom tehnologijom. Jedan od najskupljih poslova u komunalnome sektoru jest transport materijala. Gradske uprave transport i rukovanje materijalima smatraju potklasom tehnologije linearnoga programiranja, stoga problemi linearnoga programiranja uzimaju u obzir da je glavni cilj rukovanje materijalima od središta grada do identificiranoga odlagališta. Postoje mnoge metode i alati koji se koriste za rješavanje problema transporta (TP) kako bi se saznao maksimum ili minimum u smislu smanjenja troškova ili maksimiziranja profita. Te metode primarno su se odnosile na manualna rješenja, a druge su se koristile mnogim različitim računalnim aplikacijama. Manualna rješenja uključuju metodu sjeverozapadnoga kuta (northwest corner method), metodu minimalnoga troška, metodu minimalnoga troška retka, metodu minimalnoga troška stupca i Vogelovu metodu aproksimacije te računalne aplikacije kao što su LINGO, Lingo i funkciju Solver koja je uključena u Microsoft Excel. Ova studija slučaja usredotočuje se na primjenu Microsoft Excel funkcije za pronalaženje minimalne cijene sustava transporta otpadnoga materijala kako bi se smanjio trošak transporta od centra grada do konačnoga odredišta (odlagalište). Rezultati dobiveni modeliranjem dali su optimalna rješenja koja su na kraju rada i provjerena

    Inexact fuzzy-stochastic constraint-softened programming - A case study for waste management

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    In this study, an inexact fuzzy-stochastic constraint-softened programming method is developed for municipal solid waste (MSW) management under uncertainty, The developed method can deal with multiple uncertainties presented in terms of fuzzy sets, interval values and random variables. Moreover, a number of violation levels for the system constraints are allowed. This is realized through introduction of violation variables to soften system constraints, such that the model's decision space can be expanded under demanding conditions. This can help generate a range of decision alternatives under various conditions, allowing in-depth analyses of tradeoffs among economic objective, satisfaction degree, and constraint-violation risk. The developed method is applied to a case study of planning a MSW management system. The uncertain and dynamic information can be incorporated within a multi-layer scenario tree; revised decisions are permitted in each time period based on the realized values of uncertain events. Solutions associated with different satisfaction degree levels have been generated, corresponding to different constraint-violation risks. They are useful for supporting decisions of waste flow allocation and system-capacity expansion within a multistage context. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Energy and environmental systems planning under uncertainty-An inexact fuzzy-stochastic programming approach

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    In this study, an inexact fuzzy-stochastic energy model (IFS-EM) is developed for planning energy and environmental systems (EES) management under multiple uncertainties. In the IFS-EM, methods of interval parameter fuzzy linear programming (IFLP) and multistage stochastic programming with recourse (MSP) are introduced into a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) framework, such that the developed model can tackle uncertainties described in terms of interval values, fuzzy sets and probability distributions. Moreover, it can reflect dynamic decisions for facility-capacity expansion and energy supply over a multistage context. The developed model is applied to a case of planning regional-scale energy and environmental systems to demonstrate its applicability, where three cases are considered based on different energy and environmental management policies. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated. They are helpful for supporting: (a) adjustment or justification of allocation patterns of regional energy resources and services, (b) formulation of local policies regarding energy consumption, economic development and environmental protection, and (c) in-depth analysis of tradeoffs among system cost, satisfaction degree and environmental requirement under multiple uncertainties. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A spatial optimization approach to watershed water quality management: A case of the Opequon Watershed

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    The Opequon Creek watershed is located in northern VA and the eastern panhandle of WV. Currently, the main creeks in the watershed do not meet VA or WV state water quality standards for recreational uses and aquatic life. In both states, the creeks are listed as impaired due to high levels of nutrients, bacteria, benthic and biologic impairment. The Opequon Creek is part of the upper Potomac River watershed, and ultimately impacts water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The main aim of this study was to develop a methodology that can be used to reduce nutrient loadings entering the bay area and improve water quality in Opequon watershed by implementing four innovative agricultural BMPs. The study develops an integrated approach to nutrient reduction incorporating three models involving water quality modeling, nutrient fate and transportation and an optimization model to recommend a least cost strategy for nutrient reduction.;Four optimization scenarios were evaluated, involving a uniform, holistic, prioritization, and targeted reduction approaches. A uniform reduction approach evaluated each subwatershed to meet a reduction goal. Using specific land use contributions, an annual cost of {dollar}5.9 million would be required to meet N and P reduction goals on 14 of the 17 subwatersheds. The holistic approach is a scenario whereby the entire watershed\u27s nutrient reduction strategy is evaluated to meet the nutrient reduction goal at the Opequon watershed mouth. However, no optimal solution was found for this approach using agricultural BMPs. When BMPs were implemented on all acres of crop and pasture land, a total cost of {dollar}19.3 million was computed with only 43% of the reduction goal is achieved for P and 42% for N. In the third scenario, a prioritization approach targets priority subwatersheds. High priority subwatersheds were identified using the WCMS nutrient levels and public participation prioritization exercise in watershed management. The same three subwatersheds were identified as high priority by both methods: Mill, Tuscarora and Middle Creeks. Using P as the only constraint, the total cost of BMP implementation for these three subwatersheds under the Chesapeake Bay values was approximately {dollar}1.1 million compared to {dollar}282,000 using specific land use specific values. This result showed that nutrient reduction costs are much lower under specific land use contributions than using the Chesapeake Bay wide averages. The final scenario involved a targeted approach where reduction goals are to be met for both the Virginia and West Virginia parts of the Opequon watershed. No optimal solution exists for these two points of evaluation. As with the second scenario, when BMPs were implements on all agricultural land, VA had 69% and 63% of reduction goals achieved for N and P while WV had 36% and 49% of reduction goals achieved for N and P, respectively.;From a perspective of water resource policy, this study showed that: (1) P goals are more attainable at reasonable cost than N goals so that trading on the Opequon watershed is more likely to be feasible for P than N; (2) compliance with WV and VA reduction goals across all subwatersheds is more achievable than meeting a holistic reduction goal for the entire watershed; and (3) local knowledge gives comparable information on priority subwatersheds as does watershed modeling

    Municipal solid waste management system: decision support through systems analysis

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    Thesis submitted to the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental EngineeringThe present study intends to show the development of systems analysis model applied to solid waste management system, applied into AMARSUL, a solid waste management system responsible for the management of municipal solid waste produced in Setúbal peninsula, Portugal. The model developed intended to promote sustainable decision making, covering the four columns: technical, environmental, economic and social aspects. To develop the model an intensive literature review have been conducted. To simplify the discussion, the spectrum of these systems engineering models and system assessment tools was divided into two broadly-based domains associated with fourteen categories although some of them may be intertwined with each other. The first domain comprises systems engineering models including cost-benefit analysis, forecasting analysis, simulation analysis, optimization analysis, and integrated modeling system whereas the second domain introduces system assessment tools including management information systems, scenario development, material flow analysis, life cycle assessment (LCA), risk assessment, environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, socio-economic assessment, and sustainable assessment. The literature performed have indicated that sustainable assessment models have been one of the most applied into solid waste management, being methods like LCA and optimization modeling (including multicriteria decision making(MCDM)) also important systems analysis methods. These were the methods (LCA and MCDM) applied to compose the system analysis model for solid waste. The life cycle assessment have been conducted based on ISO 14040 family of norms; for multicriteria decision making there is no procedure neither guidelines, being applied analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based Fuzzy Interval technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). Multicriteria decision making have included several data from life cycle assessment to construct environmental, social and technical attributes, plus economic criteria obtained from collected data from stakeholders involved in the study. The results have shown that solutions including anaerobic digestion in mechanical biological treatment plant plus anaerobic digestion of biodegradable municipal waste from source separation, with energetic recovery of refuse derived fuel (RDF) and promoting pays-as-you-throw instrument to promote recycling targets compliance would be the best solutions to implement in AMARSUL system. The direct burning of high calorific fraction instead of RDF has not been advantageous considering all criteria, however, during LCA, the results were the reversal. Also it refers that aerobic mechanical biological treatment should be closed.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - SFRH/BD/27402/200

    Systems Analysis For Urban Water Infrastructure Expansion With Global Change Impact Under Uncertainties

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    Over the past decades, cost-effectiveness principle or cost-benefit analysis has been employed oftentimes as a typical assessment tool for the expansion of drinking water utility. With changing public awareness of the inherent linkages between climate change, population growth and economic development, the addition of global change impact in the assessment regime has altered the landscape of traditional evaluation matrix. Nowadays, urban drinking water infrastructure requires careful long-term expansion planning to reduce the risk from global change impact with respect to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, economic boom and recession, as well as water demand variation associated with population growth and migration. Meanwhile, accurate prediction of municipal water demand is critically important to water utility in a fast growing urban region for the purpose of drinking water system planning, design and water utility asset management. A system analysis under global change impact due to the population dynamics, water resources conservation, and environmental management policies should be carried out to search for sustainable solutions temporally and spatially with different scales under uncertainties. This study is aimed to develop an innovative, interdisciplinary, and insightful modeling framework to deal with global change issues as a whole based on a real-world drinking water infrastructure system expansion program in Manatee County, Florida. Four intertwined components within the drinking water infrastructure system planning were investigated and integrated, which consists of water demand analysis, GHG emission potential, system optimization for infrastructure expansion, and nested minimax-regret (NMMR) decision analysis under uncertainties. In the water demand analysis, a new system dynamics model was developed to reflect the intrinsic relationship between water demand and changing socioeconomic iv environment. This system dynamics model is based on a coupled modeling structure that takes the interactions among economic and social dimensions into account offering a satisfactory platform. In the evaluation of GHG emission potential, a life cycle assessment (LCA) is conducted to estimate the carbon footprint for all expansion alternatives for water supply. The result of this LCA study provides an extra dimension for decision makers to extract more effective adaptation strategies. Both water demand forecasting and GHG emission potential were deemed as the input information for system optimization when all alternatives are taken into account simultaneously. In the system optimization for infrastructure expansion, a multiobjective optimization model was formulated for providing the multitemporal optimal facility expansion strategies. With the aid of a multi-stage planning methodology over the partitioned time horizon, such a systems analysis has resulted in a full-scale screening and sequencing with respect to multiple competing objectives across a suite of management strategies. In the decision analysis under uncertainty, such a system optimization model was further developed as a unique NMMR programming model due to the uncertainties imposed by the real-world problem. The proposed NMMR algorithm was successfully applied for solving the real-world problem with a limited scale for the purpose of demonstration


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    In last years, as the lifestyle and socio-economic situation of the citizens is changing, in this regards amount of the municipal waste and type of waste are also increasing in the Ulaanbaatar city. This research analyzed each of the four waste disposal methods, to develop and select the waste management best option. To estimates economic efficiency Life cycle cost analysis methods based on the municipal waste disposal budget data; used tool a Cost-benefit analysis of each scenario explores opportunities to increase waste revenues and reduce annual costs. Also analyzes Life cycle impact assessment for each waste treatment option and includes a Life cycle assessment that considers direct and indirect GHG emissions during landfilling, waste incineration, composting, recycling, or energy consumption from waste treatment in Ulaanbaatar city. This research was conducted based on the Multi criteria decision analysis method for evaluating the performance of each scenario considered hereafter as well as interviews with experts. These interviews were used to identify key ideas related to waste management. These issues have been considered using Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution analysis to determine the potential impacts of environmental, economic, technical, and social factors, which were analyzed for each waste disposal method to develop and select the best option. As the result, MBT plant has not been advantageous considering all criteria. However, waste incineration is the most cost-effective option in Ulaanbaatar city in terms of saving coal resources and reducing coal production.北九州市立大

    Implantação de um Programa de Coleta Seletiva: Uma Pesquisa-Ação na cidade de São Lourenço, Minas Gerais.

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    Em 2010 foi instituída a Lei nº 12.305, conhecida como Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). Tal política reúne o conjunto de princípios, objetivos, instrumentos, metas e ações para a gestão adequada dos resíduos sólidos. Dentre essas metas está a de implantação de programas de coleta seletiva em todos os municípios brasileiros. Todavia, não existem modelos de implantação, pois faltam estudos que retratem experiências de implantação, que devem-se atentar sobre duas questões: qual o agente executor e qual a modalidade de coleta seletiva que será utilizada. Outro fator importante tanto na implantação quanto na melhoria de programas é o planejamento eficiente dos roteiros de coleta dos veículos coletores, pois os custos de coleta são os mais significativos em um programa de coleta seletiva. Uma forma de realizar a roteirização eficaz na coleta de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) é a utilização de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIGs). Nesse contexto, é importante não só implantar programas de coleta seletiva, como também retratar e estudar a implantação, de maneira que ocorra a geração de conhecimento sobre como a implantação pode ou deve ocorrer. A pesquisa-ação é um método de pesquisa que tem como objetivo a resolução de um problema real, e que gera tanto uma ação como a conhecimento sobre o problema de pesquisa. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi planejar e implementar um programa de coleta seletiva em um município brasileiro através de uma pesquisa-ação, utilizando-se de um SIG para a elaboração dos roteiros de coleta. Espera-se que o conhecimento gerado através da pesquisa-ação sirva como base de informações e referências que auxiliem na tomada de decisões de órgãos e autoridades públicas que necessitam se adequarem a PNRS. A utilização do SIG permitiu a elaboração de roteiros de coleta mais eficazes. A pesquisa-ação foi conduzida no município de São Lourenço, localizado no sul de Minas Gerais, escolhido por não ter até então um programa de coleta seletiva mas a implantação em vista. O projeto teve a participação da Cooperativa de Produção e Recicladores de Materiais de São Lourenço (COOPRECI), do Serviço Autônomo de Água e Esgoto (SAAE) de São Lourenço, da ONG “Todos por São Lourenço” e dos pesquisadores do Grupo de Pesquisa em Logística, Transporte e Sustentabilidade (LogTranS) da Universidade Federal de Itajubá (UNIFEI). A implantação do programa de coleta seletiva possibilitou a geração de benefícios ambientais, econômicos e sociais para todos os envolvidos no projeto, desde a população até a prefeitura da cidade: houve uma melhoria da quantidade coletada por mês pela cooperativa e do volume médio coletado por mês por catador; durante os 12 meses do projeto, evitou-se que cerca de 89 toneladas de materiais recicláveis fossem destinadas ao lixão; evitou-se que cerca de 2,3 toneladas de poluentes atmosféricos fossem liberadas; gerou-se uma economia de cerca de R$ 14 mil e gerou-se uma renda melhor para cada catador da COOPRECI. Foi possível também a identificação das principais barreiras, bem como as melhores práticas para a implantação. Conclui-se que a principal barreira para a implantação é a conscientização e participação da sociedade no programa, e que uma maneira de garantir uma melhor implantação e de melhorar programas de coleta seletiva que já existem é a criação de parcerias efetivas entre as prefeituras, empresas particulares e cooperativas de catadores para a realização do serviço

    SUWAMAS, a decision support model for sustainable waste management systems

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    SUWAMAS is a decision support model designed to deliver sustainable waste management strategies. Recommended strategies promote economic growth and social cohesion without impairing environmental quality. These strategies consider the integrated product policy approach and European waste management strategic drivers. SUWAMAS is designed to minimise unsustainable production and consumption patterns through the life cycle of the product system. The product system consists of recovery and disposal waste management operations such as mechanical, biological, mechanical-biological, incineration and landfill. Every waste management operation is modelled according to its installed choice of technology, operational conditions and technical requirements