20 research outputs found

    Mathematical Analysis of Queue with Phase Service: An Overview

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    We discuss various aspects of phase service queueing models. A large number of models have been developed in the area of queueing theory incorporating the concept of phase service. These phase service queueing models have been investigated for resolving the congestion problems of many day-to-day as well as industrial scenarios. In this survey paper, an attempt has been made to review the work done by the prominent researchers on the phase service queues and their applications in several realistic queueing situations. The methodology used by several researchers for solving various phase service queueing models has also been described. We have classified the related literature based on modeling and methodological concepts. The main objective of present paper is to provide relevant information to the system analysts, managers, and industry people who are interested in using queueing theory to model congestion problems wherein the phase type services are prevalent

    A Retrial Queueing Model With Thresholds and Phase Type Retrial Times

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    There is an extensive literature on retrial queueing models. While a majority of the literature on retrial queueing models focuses on the retrial times to be exponentially distributed (so as to keep the state space to be of a reasonable size), a few papers deal with nonexponential retrial times but with some additional restrictions such as constant retrial rate, only the customer at the head of the retrial queue will attempt to capture a free server, 2-state phase type distribution, and finite retrial orbit. Generally, the retrial queueing models are analyzed as level-dependent queues and hence one has to use some type of a truncation method in performing the analysis of the model. In this paper we study a retrial queueing model with threshold-type policy for orbiting customers in the context of nonexponential retrial times. Using matrix-analytic methods we analyze the model and compare with the classical retrial queueing model through a few illustrative numerical examples. We also compare numerically our threshold retrial queueing model with a previously published retrial queueing model that uses a truncation method

    A multiple channel queueing model under an uncertain environment with multiclass arrivals for supplying demands in a cement industry

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    In recent years, cement consumption has increased in most Asian countries, including Malaysia. There are many factors which affect the supply of the increasing order demands in the cement industry, such as traffic congestion, logistics, weather and machine breakdowns. These factors hinder smooth and efficient supply, especially during periods of peak congestion at the main gate of the industry where queues occur as a result of inability to keep to the order deadlines. Basic elements, such as arrival and service rates, that cannot be predetermined must be considered under an uncertain environment. Solution approaches including conventional queueing techniques, scheduling models and simulations were unable to formulate the performance measures of the cement queueing system. Hence, a new procedure of fuzzy subset intervals is designed and embedded in a queuing model with the consideration of arrival and service rates. As a result, a multiple channel queueing model with multiclass arrivals, (M1, M2)/G/C/2Pr, under an uncertain environment is developed. The model is able to estimate the performance measures of arrival rates of bulk products for Class One and bag products for Class Two in the cement manufacturing queueing system. For the (M1, M2)/G/C/2Pr fuzzy queueing model, two defuzzification techniques, namely the Parametric Nonlinear Programming and Robust Ranking are used to convert fuzzy queues into crisp queues. This led to three proposed sub-models, which are sub-model 1, MCFQ-2Pr, sub-model 2, MCCQESR-2Pr and sub-model 3, MCCQ-GSR-2Pr. These models provide optimal crisp values for the performance measures. To estimate the performance of the whole system, an additional step is introduced through the TrMF-UF model utilizing a utility factor based on fuzzy subset intervals and the α-cut approach. Consequently, these models help decision-makers deal with order demands under an uncertain environment for the cement manufacturing industry and address the increasing quantities needed in future

    Modelling activities in a Critical Care Unit

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    The Critical Care Unit (CCU) is the sector of the hospital where, as the name suggests, critically ill patients receive treatment. The main aim of this research is to identify and apply suitable Operational Research techniques to model patient flow in the CCU at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. The Operational Research techniques employed in this thesis include queueing theory and simulation. These methods have been utilised previously in the field of healthcare with much success. The thesis begins by considering two aspects of queueing theory, namely batch service queueing theory and batch arrival queueing theory. The latter of these is utilised to model patient flow within the CCU. Although queueing theory may be used as a good approximation to activities in the Unit, it does not incorporate all aspects of real-life. Thus discrete-event simulation is suggested as an alternative approach. Two types of statistical analysis, CART and Regression, are applied to both length of stay and mortality variables. The results from these statistical tests are compiled and investigated in more depth. Finally, a discrete event simulation model is built in Visual Basic for Applications, for Microsoft Excel. This simulation model incorporates many of the complexities of a CCU, such as patient priority and cancellation of scheduled patients if all beds on the Unit are occupied. The model is then used to test various "what-if type" scenarios, including the possibility of funding additional beds, the concept of ring-fencing of beds for different levels of care, and the likely effect of reducing the impact of bed-blocking

    Информационные технологии и математическое моделирование (ИТММ-2019) : материалы XVIII Международной конференции им. А. Ф. Терпугова, 26−30 июня 2019 г. Ч. 2

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    Сборник содержит избранные материалы XVIII Международной конференции имени А.Ф. Терпугова по следующим направлениям: теория массового обслуживания и телетрафика, графы и их применение в задачах анализа дискретных автоматов, прикладной вероятностный анализ. Для специалистов в области информационных технологий и математического моделирования.Текст на рус. и англ. яз

    Activity report. 2011

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    Оценка точности восстановления координат при моделировании трехмерных объектов с использованием стереоизображений

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    Необходимость реконструкции трехмерных координат возникает в задачах распознавания, в которых требуется восстановить форму изображенного объекта. Один из способов решения задачи базируется на использовании модели системы технического зрения, описывающей формирование стереопары изображений. Параметры такой модели задаются матрицами преобразования однородных координат сцены. Для калибровки модели могут быть использованы тестовые стереоизображения, сделанные в разных ракурсах, для шести точек которых известны координаты соответствующих им точек сцены. Точность восстановления координат точек поверхности изображенного объекта (при условии удачного распознавания соответствующих им точек стереопары изображений) обуславливается, главным образом, точностью калибровки модели технического зрения. Оценка погрешностей позволяет построить тетраэдр, во внутренней области которого лежит точка поверхности трехмерного тела, соответствующая распознанной точке стереоизображения

    Randomized Machine Learning: Statement, solution, applications

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    In this paper we propose a new machine learning concept called randomized machine learning, in which model parameters are assumed random and data are assumed to contain random errors. Distinction of this approach from “classical” machine learning is that optimal estimation deals with the probability density functions of random parameters and the “worst” probability density of random data errors. As the optimality criterion of estimation, randomized machine learning employs the generalized information entropy maximized on a set described by the system of empirical balances. We apply this approach to text classification and dynamic regression problems. The results illustrate capabilities of the approach