5,456 research outputs found

    Meta-heuristic algorithms in car engine design: a literature survey

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms are often inspired by natural phenomena, including the evolution of species in Darwinian natural selection theory, ant behaviors in biology, flock behaviors of some birds, and annealing in metallurgy. Due to their great potential in solving difficult optimization problems, meta-heuristic algorithms have found their way into automobile engine design. There are different optimization problems arising in different areas of car engine management including calibration, control system, fault diagnosis, and modeling. In this paper we review the state-of-the-art applications of different meta-heuristic algorithms in engine management systems. The review covers a wide range of research, including the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in engine calibration, optimizing engine control systems, engine fault diagnosis, and optimizing different parts of engines and modeling. The meta-heuristic algorithms reviewed in this paper include evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategy, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, differential evolution, estimation of distribution algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and artificial immune system

    Sizing and Energy Management of a Hybrid Locomotive Based on Flywheel and Accumulators

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    The French National Railways Company (SNCF) is interested in the design of a hybrid locomotive based on various storage devices (accumulator, flywheel, and ultracapacitor) and fed by a diesel generator. This paper particularly deals with the integration of a flywheel device as a storage element with a reduced-power diesel generator and accumulators on the hybrid locomotive. First, a power flow model of energy-storage elements (flywheel and accumulator) is developed to achieve the design of the whole traction system. Then, two energy-management strategies based on a frequency approach are proposed. The first strategy led us to a bad exploitation of the flywheel, whereas the second strategy provides an optimal sizing of the storage device. Finally, a comparative study of the proposed structure with a flywheel and the existing structure of the locomotive (diesel generator, accumulators, and ultracapacitors) is presented

    Internal combustion engine sensor network analysis using graph modeling

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    In recent years there has been a rapid development in technologies for smart monitoring applied to many different areas (e.g. building automation, photovoltaic systems, etc.). An intelligent monitoring system employs multiple sensors distributed within a network to extract useful information for decision-making. The management and the analysis of the raw data derived from the sensor network includes a number of specific challenges still unresolved, related to the different communication standards, the heterogeneous structure and the huge volume of data. In this paper we propose to apply a method based on complex network theory, to evaluate the performance of an Internal Combustion Engine. Data are gathered from the OBD sensor subset and from the emission analyzer. The method provides for the graph modeling of the sensor network, where the nodes are represented by the sensors and the edge are evaluated with non-linear statistical correlation functions applied to the time series pairs. The resulting functional graph is then analyzed with the topological metrics of the network, to define characteristic proprieties representing useful indicator for the maintenance and diagnosis

    Modeling and Real-Time Scheduling of DC Platform Supply Vessel for Fuel Efficient Operation

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    DC marine architecture integrated with variable speed diesel generators (DGs) has garnered the attention of the researchers primarily because of its ability to deliver fuel efficient operation. This paper aims in modeling and to autonomously perform real-time load scheduling of dc platform supply vessel (PSV) with an objective to minimize specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) for better fuel efficiency. Focus has been on the modeling of various components and control routines, which are envisaged to be an integral part of dc PSVs. Integration with photovoltaic-based energy storage system (ESS) has been considered as an option to cater for the short time load transients. In this context, this paper proposes a real-time transient simulation scheme, which comprises of optimized generation scheduling of generators and ESS using dc optimal power flow algorithm. This framework considers real dynamics of dc PSV during various marine operations with possible contingency scenarios, such as outage of generation systems, abrupt load changes, and unavailability of ESS. The proposed modeling and control routines with real-time transient simulation scheme have been validated utilizing the real-time marine simulation platform. The results indicate that the coordinated treatment of renewable based ESS with DGs operating with optimized speed yields better fuel savings. This has been observed in improved SFOC operating trajectory for critical marine missions. Furthermore, SFOC minimization at multiple suboptimal points with its treatment in the real-time marine system is also highlighted

    Implementation of the Partially Premixed Combustion concept in a 2-stroke HSDI diesel engine fueled with gasoline

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    Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) of fuels in the gasoline octane range has proven to combine low NOX and soot emissions with high indicated efficiencies, while still retaining control over combustion phasing with the injection event. Previous research performed in four-stroke engines, has shown how the operating region where gasoline PPC concept can be successfully implemented is largely linked to the octane number of the fuel, making difficult to cover the entire load range with a fixed fuel. In this framework, 2-stroke engines arise as a promising solution to extend the load range of gasoline PPC concept, since it intrinsically provides equivalent torque response with only half the IMEP required in a 4-stroke cycle. Moreover, 2-stroke architecture provides high flexibility on the air management parameters to substantially control the cylinder conditions and affect the combustion environment, allowing proper combustion control even in low load conditions. An experimental investigation has been performed to evaluate the potential of the PPC concept for pollutant control, using a commercial gasoline with Research Octane Number of 95 in a newly-designed 2-stroke poppet valves automotive diesel engine. The experimental results confirm how it is possible to achieve stable gasoline PPC combustion at a low speed medium load point (1200 rpm, 5 bar IMEP); with good combustion stability (σIMEP below 3%), high combustion efficiency (over 98%), and low NOX and zero soot levels; thanks to the wide control of the cylinder gas temperature provided by the air management settings. Nevertheless, in agreement to the results reported in the literature, the indicated cycle efficiency attained at this low load operating condition is lower than the obtained in conventional diesel combustion conditions. Therefore, a dedicated optimization process of the engine hardware and engine settings is required to fully exploit the benefits of gasoline PPC concept in the investigated 2-stroke engine architecture.The authors of this paper thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the financial support of this research through the Project TRA 2010-20271 (LOWTECOM).Benajes Calvo, JV.; Molina Alcaide, SA.; Novella Rosa, R.; De Lima Moradell, DA. (2014). Implementation of the Partially Premixed Combustion concept in a 2-stroke HSDI diesel engine fueled with gasoline. Applied Energy. 122:94-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.02.013S9411112

    Automated engine calibration of hybrid electric vehicles

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    We present a method for automated engine calibration, by optimizing engine management settings and power-split control of a hybrid electric vehicle. The problem, which concerns minimization of fuel consumption under a NOx constraint, is formulated as an optimal control problem. By applying Pontryagin's maximum principle, this study shows that the problem is separable in space. In the case where the limits of battery state of charge are not activated, we show that the optimization problem is also separable in time. The optimal solution is obtained by iteratively solving the power-split control problem using dynamic programming or the Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy. In addition, we present a computationally efficient suboptimal solution, which aims at reducing the number of power-split optimizations required. An example is provided concerning optimization of engine management settings and power-split control of a parallel hybrid electric vehicle

    The influence of different fuels and injection methods of RCCI and DCI in hybrid ICE-Battery vehicle performance

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    The incorporation of two recent technologies of using the dual-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion engine within the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is practiced to show how this combination can reduce the emission and enhance the thermal efficiency of the system. In particular, the heat transfers from the engine wall and the exhaust heat flow from the engine under different injection modes and fuels are of interest. The study in terms of thermal performance, fuel consumption, and battery state of charge (SOC) focuses mainly on the comparison between three cases of D100 (pure diesel) as the reference (baseline conventional direct pure diesel injection) case, D80H20 (80% diesel, 20% hydrogen) direct co-injection (DCI), and D80H20 RCCI (port + direct dual fuel injection). The NOx emission and engine power in the simulated drive cycle are investigated where the battery capacity and D50M50 (direct co-injection of 50% diesel with 50% methanol) are the additional cases. The findings indicate that the Battery SOC is preserved in better condition when the RCCI mode engine is coupled in the hybrid vehicle. The piston wall heat flux for D80H20 in DCI increases by 45.2% and for the RCCI increases by 60.5% compared to baseline diesel injection mode. It is also proved that the HEV releases considerably lower NOx compared to DCI and more NOx compared to D100 and D50M50

    Investigation on Multiple Injection Strategies for Gasoline PPC Operation in a Newly Designed 2-Stroke HSDI Compression Ignition Engine

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    Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) of fuels in the gasoline octane range has proven its potential to achieve simultaneous reduction in soot and NOX emissions, combined with high indicated efficiencies; while still retaining proper control over combustion phasing with the injection event, contrary to fully premixed strategies. However, gasoline fuels with high octane number as the commonly available for the public provide a challenge to ensure reliable ignition especially in the low load range, while fuel blends with lower octane numbers present problems for extending the ignition delay in the high load range and avoid the onset of knocking-like combustion. Thus, choosing an appropriate fuel and injection strategy is critical to solve these issues, assuring successful PPC operation in the full engine map. In this framework, the objective of the present investigation consists of evaluating the use of multiple injection strategies for achieving stable PPC operation, attaining low NOX and soot emissions together with high efficiencies. This research was carried out in a single-cylinder DOHC 2-stroke HSDI CI engine using 95 Research Octane Number (RON) gasoline fuel. Three different operating conditions in terms of indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) and speed were investigated: 3.1 bar IMEP and 1250 rpm, 5.5 bar IMEP and 1500 rpm and 10.4 bar IMEP and 1500 rpm. Parametric variations of injection timings, at different rail pressures and different fuel split between injections were experimentally performed to analyze the effect of the injection strategy over the combustion process, exhaust emissions and efficiency levels. Experimental results confirm how using an appropriate injection strategy helps to achieve stable PPC operation in the selected operating conditions; with competitive combustion stability, lower NOX and soot levels, and moderate CO and HC emissions with combustion efficiency over 96%, compared to Conventional Diesel Combustion (CDC). Finally, a detailed analysis of the local cylinder conditions was performed by means of 3D-CFD simulations in order to provide guidelines for further optimization of the gasoline PPC concept, when using multiple injection strategies in the 2-stroke engine under development.Benajes Calvo, JV.; Novella Rosa, R.; De Lima Moradell, DA.; Tribotte, P. (2015). Investigation on Multiple Injection Strategies for Gasoline PPC Operation in a Newly Designed 2-Stroke HSDI Compression Ignition Engine. SAE International Journal of Engines. 8(2):758-774. doi:10.4271/2015-01-0830S7587748

    An experimental investigation on the influence of piston bowl geometry on RCCI performance and emissions in a heavy-duty engine

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    This experimental work investigates the effects of piston bowl geometry on RCCI performance and emissions at low, medium and high engine loads. For this purpose three different piston bowl geometries with compression ratio 14.4:1 have been evaluated using single and double injection strategies. The experiments were conducted in a heavy-duty single-cylinder engine adapted for dual fuel operation. All the tests were carried out at 1200 rev/min. Results suggest that piston geometry has great impact on combustion development at low load conditions, more so when single injection strategies are used. It terms of emissions, it was proved that the three geometries enables ultra-low NOx and soot emissions at low and medium load when using double injection strategies. By contrast, unacceptable emissions were measured at high load taking into account EURO VI limitations. Finally, the application of a mathematical function considering certain self-imposed constraints suggested that the more suitable piston geometry for RCCI operation is the stepped one, which has a modified transition from the center to the squish region and reduced piston surface area than the stock geometry.The authors acknowledge VOLVO Group Trucks Technology for supporting this research.Benajes Calvo, JV.; Pastor Soriano, JV.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve Serrano, J. (2015). An experimental investigation on the influence of piston bowl geometry on RCCI performance and emissions in a heavy-duty engine. Energy Conversion and Management. 103:1019-1030. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.07.047S1019103010

    Effects of direct injection timing and blending ratio on RCCI combustion with different low reactivity fuels

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    This work investigates the effects of the direct injection timing and blending ratio on RCCI performance and engine-out emissions at different engine loads using four low reactivity fuels: E10-95, E10-98, E20-95 and E85 (port fuel injected) and keeping constant the same high reactivity fuel: diesel B7, (direct injected). The experiments were conducted using a heavy-duty single-cylinder research diesel engine adapted for dual-fuel operation. All the tests were carried out at 1200 rpm. To assess the blending ratio effect, the total energy delivered to the cylinder coming from the low reactivity fuel was kept constant for the different fuel blends investigated by adjusting the low reactivity fuel mass as required in each case. In addition, a detailed analysis of the air/fuel mixing process has been developed by means of a 1-D in-house developed spray model. Results suggest that notable higher diesel amount is required to achieve a stable combustion using E85. This fact leads to higher NOx levels and unacceptable ringing intensity. By contrast, EURO VI NOx and soot levels are fulfilled with E20-95, E10-98 and E10-95. Finally, the higher reactivity of E10-95 results in a significant reduction in CO and HC emissions, mainly at low load.The authors acknowledge VOLVO Group Trucks Technology and TOTAL for supporting this research.Benajes Calvo, JV.; Molina, S.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve Serrano, J. (2015). Effects of direct injection timing and blending ratio on RCCI combustion with different low reactivity fuels. Energy Conversion and Management. 99:193-209. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.04.046S1932099