5,388 research outputs found

    CD-ROM networking in libraries : an investigation

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    There is a growing awareness of the advantages of the applications of CD-ROM networking in libraries. The databases can be effectively shared among multi-users simultaneously or within the library or the organisation or several libraries. The CD-ROM technology is discussed to provide basic understanding of the technology. This will further improve the understanding of CD-ROM networking. The CD-ROM networking technology is thoroughly discussed to provide an in-depth information of the technology. The cabling system; network topologies; CD-ROM network software; network operating system; case studies of its application in various libraries etc. are investigated

    A distributed network architecture for video-on-demand

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    The objective of this thesis is to design a distributed network architecture that provides video - on - demand services to public subscribers. This architecture is proposed as an alternative to a centralized video service system. The latter system is currently being developed by Oracle Corporation and NCube Corporation. A simulator is developed to compare the performance of both the distributed and centralized video server architectures. Moreover, an estimate of the cost of both systems is derived using current price data. It is shown that the distributed video server architecture offers a better cost / performance trade-off than the centralized system. In addition, the distributed system can be scaled up in an incremental fashion to increase the system capacity and throughput. Finally, the distributed system is a more robust system: in the presence of component failure, it can be configured to isolate or bypass failed components. Thus, it allows for graceful performance degradation, which is difficult to achieve in a centralized system

    Reading for Professional Purposes

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    ‘Reading for Professional Purposes’ is intended for the students who study the English of Economic Cybernetics for their professional needs. It integrates and develops the students’ linguistic competence in business reading and writing."Професійно орієнтоване читання" призначене для студентів, які вивчають англійську мову для економічної кібернетики. Посібник інтегрує та розвиває лінгвістичну компетенцію студентів у діловому читанні та письмі

    Aerospace Applications of Microprocessors

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    An assessment of the state of microprocessor applications is presented. Current and future requirements and associated technological advances which allow effective exploitation in aerospace applications are discussed

    Апаратне забезпечення: практикум з англійської мови для студентів фізико-математичного факультету спеціальностей: «Інформатика», «Математика та інформатика», «Фізика та інформатика»

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    Практикум складається з 8 розділів, текстів для самостійного опрацювання, додаткового читання та додатків. Тексти підібрані з оригінальної науково-технічної літератури та містять необхідну термінологію зі спеціальності. До складу розділів входять лексико-граматичні та комунікативні вправи, що спонукають студентів до монологічного, діалогічного та полілогічного мовлення, тести для перевірки набутих знань, та завдання для розвитку творчої діяльності студентів. Вправи та тести побудовано на мовному матеріалі, який використовується в текстах розділів. Лексичний мінімум подається у вправах кожного розділу. Додається підсумковий тест для перевірки знань всього курсу. Глосарій містить необхідний мінімум спеціальної лексики. Для студентів неспеціальних факультетів денної, заочної та дистанційної форми навчання, які вивчають інформатику. Пізнавальний характер текстів зацікавить не лише зазначене коло студентів, але й усіх тих, хто поглиблено вивчає англійську мову

    The development and evaluation of a detection concept to extend the red clearance by predicting a red light running event

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    This study focuses on developing and evaluating a detection concept to extend the red clearance by predicting a RLR event. It will dynamically extend the red clearance several seconds when a RLR is predicted to happen otherwise zero. Therefore the time will be used more efficient. In order to evaluate the influence caused by alternative detector positions, a VISSIM network was built up, connecting Econolite ASC/3 controller and ATACID. Due to the lack of realistic data, all the data in this study are fictional, but close to real. Several parameters are artificially modified in order to gain larger RLR occurrence. The two of the most crucial changes are the changing of reaction to amber signal and decreasing yellow interval. In this study, a MATLAB program predicts the RLR violation based on the data received from VISSIM via COM Interface, and makes decisions And then, ASC/3 controller would execute every command received from the MATLAB program.Within every cycle, the MATLAB program would output data into a texture file, including the red extension type and red extension length. The result has four types: red clearance is extended while there is RLR violation (RERV); red clearance is extended no RLR violation (RENRV); red clearance not extended RLR violation (RNERV); red clearance not extended no RLR violation (RNENRV). RENRV and RNERV are two types of error that should be controlled in a reasonable range, especially RNERV. There are five scenarios while the position of the prediction detector is separately 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200ft away from the stopping bar. Each scenario has 5 runs with different simulation seed.By comparing the percentile of those four types of red extension among five scenarios, the system is more likely to extend all red as the distance increases; system accuracy will increase first and then decrease; Because detector located at 150ft has the least RNERV value, 2.1%, and least summation of RNERV and RENRV, 6.6%, it can be tentatively concluded that 150 ft is the appropriate position to locate the red extension detector, while the speed limit is 60 MPH in this study

    Study of Various Motherboards

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    Technology research for strapdown inertial experiment and digital flight control and guidance

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    A helicopter flight-test program to evaluate the performance of Honeywell's Tetrad - a strapdown, laser gyro, inertial navitation system is discussed. The results of 34 flights showed a mean final navigational velocity error of 5.06 knots, with a standard deviation of 3.84 knots; a corresponding mean final position error of 2.66 n.mi., with a standard deviation of 1.48 n.m.; and a modeled mean-position-error growth rate for the 34 tests of 1.96 knots, with a standard deviation of 1.09 knots. Tetrad's four-ring laser gyros provided reliable and accurate angular rate sensing during the test program and on sensor failures were detected during the evaluation. Criteria suitable for investigating cockpit systems in rotorcraft were developed. This criteria led to the development of two basic simulators. The first was a standard simulator which could be used to obtain baseline information for studying pilot workload and interactions. The second was an advanced simulator which integrated the RODAAS developed by Honeywell into this simulator. The second area also included surveying the aerospace industry to determine the level of use and impact of microcomputers and related components on avionics systems

    CAMAC bulletin: A publication of the ESONE Committee Issue #14 December 1975 [last pub. of series]

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    CAMAC is a means of interconnecting many peripheral devices through a digital data highway to a data processing device such as a computer