18,216 research outputs found

    Overcoming the insider: reducing employee crime through Situational Crime Prevention

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    Information security has become increasingly important for organizations, given their dependence on ICT. Not surprisingly, therefore, the external threats posed by hackers and viruses have received extensive coverage in the mass media. Yet numerous security surveys also point to the 'insider' threat of employee computer crime. In 2006, for example, the Global Security Survey by Deloitte reports that 28% of respondent organizations encountered considerable internal computer fraud. This figure may not appear high, but the impact of crime perpetrated by insiders can be profound. Donn Parker argues that 'cyber-criminals' should be considered in terms of their criminal attributes, which include skills, knowledge, resources, access and motives (SKRAM). It is as a consequence of such attributes, acquired within the organization, that employers can pose a major threat. Hence, employees use skills gained through their legitimate work duties for illegitimate gain. A knowledge of security vulnerabilities can be exploited, utilising resources and access are provided by companies. It may even be the case that the motive is created by the organization in the form of employee disgruntlement. These criminal attributes aid offenders in the pursuit of their criminal acts, which in the extreme can bring down an organization. In the main, companies have addressed the insider threat through a workforce, which is made aware of its information security responsibilities and acts accordingly. Thus, security policies and complementary education and awareness programmes are now commonplace for organizations. That said, little progress has been made in understanding the insider threat from an offender's perspective. As organizations attempt to grapple with the behavior of dishonest employees, criminology potentially offers a body of knowledge for addressing this problem. It is suggested that Situational Crime Prevention (SCP), a relative newcomer to criminology, can help enhance initiatives aimed at addressing the insider threat. In this article, we discuss how recent criminological developments that focus on the criminal act, represent a departure from traditional criminology, which examines the causes of criminality. As part of these recent developments we discuss SCP. After defining this approach, we illustrate how it can inform and enhance information security practices. In recent years, a number of criminologists have criticised their discipline for assuming that the task of explaining the causes of criminality is the same as explaining the criminal act. Simply to explain how people develop a criminal disposition is only half the equation. What is also required is an explanation of how crimes are perpetrated. Criminological approaches, which focus on the criminal act, would appear to offer more to information security practitioners than their dispositional counterparts. Accordingly, the SCP approach can offer additional tools for practitioners in their fight against insider computer crime

    A Privacy-Preserving, Context-Aware, Insider Threat prevention and prediction model (PPCAITPP)

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    The insider threat problem is extremely challenging to address, as it is committed by insiders who are trusted and authorized to access the information resources of the organization. The problem is further complicated by the multifaceted nature of insiders, as human beings have various motivations and fluctuating behaviours. Additionally, typical monitoring systems may violate the privacy of insiders. Consequently, there is a need to consider a comprehensive approach to mitigate insider threats. This research presents a novel insider threat prevention and prediction model, combining several approaches, techniques and tools from the fields of computer science and criminology. The model is a Privacy- Preserving, Context-Aware, Insider Threat Prevention and Prediction model (PPCAITPP). The model is predicated on the Fraud Diamond (a theory from Criminology) which assumes there must be four elements present in order for a criminal to commit maleficence. The basic elements are pressure (i.e. motive), opportunity, ability (i.e. capability) and rationalization. According to the Fraud Diamond, malicious employees need to have a motive, opportunity and the capability to commit fraud. Additionally, criminals tend to rationalize their malicious actions in order for them to ease their cognitive dissonance towards maleficence. In order to mitigate the insider threat comprehensively, there is a need to consider all the elements of the Fraud Diamond because insider threat crime is also related to elements of the Fraud Diamond similar to crimes committed within the physical landscape. The model intends to act within context, which implies that when the model offers predictions about threats, it also reacts to prevent the threat from becoming a future threat instantaneously. To collect information about insiders for the purposes of prediction, there is a need to collect current information, as the motives and behaviours of humans are transient. Context-aware systems are used in the model to collect current information about insiders related to motive and ability as well as to determine whether insiders exploit any opportunity to commit a crime (i.e. entrapment). Furthermore, they are used to neutralize any rationalizations the insider may have via neutralization mitigation, thus preventing the insider from committing a future crime. However, the model collects private information and involves entrapment that will be deemed unethical. A model that does not preserve the privacy of insiders may cause them to feel they are not trusted, which in turn may affect their productivity in the workplace negatively. Hence, this thesis argues that an insider prediction model must be privacy-preserving in order to prevent further cybercrime. The model is not intended to be punitive but rather a strategy to prevent current insiders from being tempted to commit a crime in future. The model involves four major components: context awareness, opportunity facilitation, neutralization mitigation and privacy preservation. The model implements a context analyser to collect information related to an insider who may be motivated to commit a crime and his or her ability to implement an attack plan. The context analyser only collects meta-data such as search behaviour, file access, logins, use of keystrokes and linguistic features, excluding the content to preserve the privacy of insiders. The model also employs keystroke and linguistic features based on typing patterns to collect information about any change in an insider’s emotional and stress levels. This is indirectly related to the motivation to commit a cybercrime. Research demonstrates that most of the insiders who have committed a crime have experienced a negative emotion/pressure resulting from dissatisfaction with employment measures such as terminations, transfers without their consent or denial of a wage increase. However, there may also be personal problems such as a divorce. The typing pattern analyser and other resource usage behaviours aid in identifying an insider who may be motivated to commit a cybercrime based on his or her stress levels and emotions as well as the change in resource usage behaviour. The model does not identify the motive itself, but rather identifies those individuals who may be motivated to commit a crime by reviewing their computer-based actions. The model also assesses the capability of insiders to commit a planned attack based on their usage of computer applications and measuring their sophistication in terms of the range of knowledge, depth of knowledge and skill as well as assessing the number of systems errors and warnings generated while using the applications. The model will facilitate an opportunity to commit a crime by using honeypots to determine whether a motivated and capable insider will exploit any opportunity in the organization involving a criminal act. Based on the insider’s reaction to the opportunity presented via a honeypot, the model will deploy an implementation strategy based on neutralization mitigation. Neutralization mitigation is the process of nullifying the rationalizations that the insider may have had for committing the crime. All information about insiders will be anonymized to remove any identifiers for the purpose of preserving the privacy of insiders. The model also intends to identify any new behaviour that may result during the course of implementation. This research contributes to existing scientific knowledge in the insider threat domain and can be used as a point of departure for future researchers in the area. Organizations could use the model as a framework to design and develop a comprehensive security solution for insider threat problems. The model concept can also be integrated into existing information security systems that address the insider threat problemInformation ScienceD. Phil. (Information Systems

    Improving Organizational Information Security Strategy via Meso-Level Application of Situational Crime Prevention to the Risk Management Process

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    Existing approaches to formulating IS security strategy rely primarily on the risk management process and the application of baseline security standards (e.g., ISO 27002, previously ISO 17799). The use of existing approaches generally leads to measures that emphasize target hardening and incident detection. While such measures are appropriate and necessary, they do not capitalize on other measures, including those that surface when situational crime prevention (SCP) is applied to specific crimes. In particular, existing approaches do not typically surface measures designed to reduce criminal perceptions of the net benefits of the crime, or justification and provocation to commit the crime. However, the methods prescribed to-date for implementing SCP are cumbersome, requiring micro-level, individual analysis of crimes. In the current article, we propose that concepts derived from SCP can be strategically applied at an intermediate (meso) level of aggregation. We show that such meso-level application of SCP, when combined with the traditional risk management process, can reduce residual information security risk by identifying new strategies for combating computer crime. Using three illustrative cases, we demonstrate that the application of the proposed strategic approach does surface meaningful countermeasures not identified by the traditional risk management process alone

    Organisational vulnerability to intentional insider threat

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    In recent times there has been a spate of reporting on the counterproductive behaviour of individuals in both private and public organisations. As such, research into insider threat as a form of such behaviour is considered a timely contribution. The Australian Government now mandates that public sector organisations protect against insider threat through best practice recommendations and adopting a risk management approach. Whilst non-government organisations and private businesses are less accountable, these organisations can also benefit from the efficiencies, performance, resilience, and corporate value associated with an insider threat risk management approach. Mitigating against Intentional Insider Threat (IIT) is an organisational priority which requires new ways of thinking about the problem, especially in terms of a multidisciplinary approach that holistically addresses the technical, individual, and organisational aspects of the problem. To date, there has been limited academic and practical contribution and a dearth of literature providing recommendations or practical tools as a means to mitigate IIT. The purpose of this study is to develop a set of diagnostic inventories to assess for Organisational Vulnerability to Intentional Insider Threat (the OVIT). In order to achieve this overall purpose, the study sought to answer three research questions: Research Question 1: What are the main organisational influences on Intentional Insider Threat (IIT) based on available literature? Research Question 2: What are the main organisational influences on IIT based on expert opinion? Research Question 3: How is organisational vulnerability to IIT operationalised by the study? The methodology adopted by the study assumes a pragmatist paradigm and mixed methods design. There were three phases to this research: - Phase One - a thorough review of the extant literature to determine the status of research and applied knowledge and identify factors and variables of IIT. - Phase Two - conduct of a Delphi study to gather expert opinion on IIT and combine this professional knowledge with the literature review outcomes to enhance the factors and variables associated with IIT. - Phase Three - operationalise IIT diagnostic instruments utilising multivariate statistical techniques to determine the validity of the inventories and develop a framework of organisational vulnerability to IIT. Qualitative and quantitative analysis procedures were used throughout the research. The final survey data of phase three was analysed using multivariate statistics. The results from Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) demonstrate the underlying factors of each of the three dimensions (individual, technical, and organisational) which operationalise the construct of organisational vulnerability to IIT. The exploratory results indicate that diagnostic inventories of organisational vulnerability to IIT can validly and reliably measure each of the three dimensions. These were triangulated with the Delphi panel results and indicated alignment while further developing the IIT construct. A reflection on additional contributions is an important aspect of pragmatic research. The literature available on insider threat highlights the emerging focus on the topic. Gaps in the literature indicate a number of limitations which were addressed in the current research beginning with the development of a conceptual framework illustrating the relationships of the construct, dimensions, and factors of organisational vulnerability to IIT. Whilst this work-based study had three very specific research questions to operationalise IIT, additional contributions from the research emerged as follows: The research enhanced knowledge through: (1) study of IIT from an Australian perspective, utilising Australian expert opinion and Australian samples; (2) demonstration of the utility of the Delphi method in the study and further development of the insider threat construct; (3) an Australian definition of IIT; (4) integration of risk management standards with the available literature on insider threat; and, (5) contribution to the foresight and futures study of IIT. While this research study has proved beneficial in addressing gaps in current literature, it is not without limitations. The generalisability of findings is hampered by the size and nature of an Australian sample and the study’s exploratory approach. The ability to generalise findings and assert causality is restricted in this research, and this can be overcome by undertaking future longitudinal research or other future studies based on the findings of this study

    Insider Threat Prevention in the US Banking System

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    Insider threats have been a major problem for the US banking sector in recent years, costing billions of dollars in damages. To combat this, the implementation of effective cybersecurity measures is essential. This paper investigates the current state of insider threats to banks in the U.S., the associated costs, and the potential measures that can be taken to mitigate this risk. The development of a framework for the adoption of cybersecurity measures within the banking industry is the primary emphasis in order to stop fraud and lessen financial losses. Through a detailed examination of the literature, in-depth interviews with experts in the banking sector, and case studies of existing cybersecurity measures, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of the problem and potential remedies. Analysis of the research reveals that identity and access management, data encryption, and secure authentication are key components of any cybersecurity strategy. Furthermore, it is recommended that banks increase their technical capabilities and improve their employee awareness and training. The study concludes with a series of suggestions for enhancing banking industry cybersecurity and eventually reducing the danger of insider attacks. This paper explores the topic of insider threats in the US banking industry and presents cybersecurity measures to prevent fraud. Insider threats from people with access to sensitive data and systems present serious hazards to the banking industry, resulting in monetary losses, reputational harm, and compromised data integrity

    VISTA:an inclusive insider threat taxonomy, with mitigation strategies

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    Insiders have the potential to do a great deal of damage, given their legitimate access to organisational assets and the trust they enjoy. Organisations can only mitigate insider threats if they understand what the different kinds of insider threats are, and what tailored measures can be used to mitigate the threat posed by each of them. Here, we derive VISTA (inclusiVe InSider Threat tAxonomy) based on an extensive literature review and a survey with C-suite executives to ensure that the VISTA taxonomy is not only scientifically grounded, but also meets the needs of organisations and their executives. To this end, we map each VISTA category of insider threat to tailored mitigations that can be deployed to reduce the threat

    Overcoming Data Breaches and Human Factors in Minimizing Threats to Cyber-Security Ecosystems

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    This mixed-methods study focused on the internal human factors responsible for data breaches that could cause adverse impacts on organizations. Based on the Swiss cheese theory, the study was designed to examine preventative measures that managers could implement to minimize potential data breaches resulting from internal employees\u27 behaviors. The purpose of this study was to provide insight to managers about developing strategies that could prevent data breaches from cyber-threats by focusing on the specific internal human factors responsible for data breaches, the root causes, and the preventive measures that could minimize threats from internal employees. Data were collected from 10 managers and 12 employees from the business sector, and 5 government managers in Ivory Coast, Africa. The mixed methodology focused on the why and who using the phenomenological approach, consisting of a survey, face-to-face interviews using open-ended questions, and a questionnaire to extract the experiences and perceptions of the participants about preventing the adverse consequences from cyber-threats. The results indicated the importance of top managers to be committed to a coordinated, continuous effort throughout the organization to ensure cyber security awareness, training, and compliance of security policies and procedures, as well as implementing and upgrading software designed to detect and prevent data breaches both internally and externally. The findings of this study could contribute to social change by educating managers about preventing data breaches who in turn may implement information accessibility without retribution. Protecting confidential data is a major concern because one data breach could impact many people as well as jeopardize the viability of the entire organization

    Formal Mitigation Strategies for the Insider Threat: A Security Model and Risk Analysis Framework

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    The advancement of technology and reliance on information systems have fostered an environment of sharing and trust. The rapid growth and dependence on these systems, however, creates an increased risk associated with the insider threat. The insider threat is one of the most challenging problems facing the security of information systems because the insider already has capabilities within the system. Despite research efforts to prevent and detect insiders, organizations remain susceptible to this threat because of inadequate security policies and a willingness of some individuals to betray their organization. To investigate these issues, a formal security model and risk analysis framework are used to systematically analyze this threat and develop effective mitigation strategies. This research extends the Schematic Protection Model to produce the first comprehensive security model capable of analyzing the safety of a system against the insider threat. The model is used to determine vulnerabilities in security policies and system implementation. Through analysis, mitigation strategies that effectively reduce the threat are identified. Furthermore, an action-based taxonomy that expresses the insider threat through measurable and definable actions is presented. A risk analysis framework is also developed that identifies individuals within an organization that display characteristics indicative of a malicious insider. The framework uses a multidisciplinary process by combining behavior and technical attributes to produce a single threat level for each individual within the organization. Statistical analysis using the t-distribution and prediction interval on the threat levels reveal those individuals that are a potential threat to the organization. The effectiveness of the framework is illustrated using the case study of Robert Hanssen, demonstrating the process would likely have identified him as an insider threat

    Adversarial behaviours knowledge area

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    The technological advancements witnessed by our society in recent decades have brought improvements in our quality of life, but they have also created a number of opportunities for attackers to cause harm. Before the Internet revolution, most crime and malicious activity generally required a victim and a perpetrator to come into physical contact, and this limited the reach that malicious parties had. Technology has removed the need for physical contact to perform many types of crime, and now attackers can reach victims anywhere in the world, as long as they are connected to the Internet. This has revolutionised the characteristics of crime and warfare, allowing operations that would not have been possible before. In this document, we provide an overview of the malicious operations that are happening on the Internet today. We first provide a taxonomy of malicious activities based on the attacker’s motivations and capabilities, and then move on to the technological and human elements that adversaries require to run a successful operation. We then discuss a number of frameworks that have been proposed to model malicious operations. Since adversarial behaviours are not a purely technical topic, we draw from research in a number of fields (computer science, criminology, war studies). While doing this, we discuss how these frameworks can be used by researchers and practitioners to develop effective mitigations against malicious online operations.Published versio

    Artificial intelligence and UK national security: Policy considerations

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    RUSI was commissioned by GCHQ to conduct an independent research study into the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for national security purposes. The aim of this project is to establish an independent evidence base to inform future policy development regarding national security uses of AI. The findings are based on in-depth consultation with stakeholders from across the UK national security community, law enforcement agencies, private sector companies, academic and legal experts, and civil society representatives. This was complemented by a targeted review of existing literature on the topic of AI and national security. The research has found that AI offers numerous opportunities for the UK national security community to improve efficiency and effectiveness of existing processes. AI methods can rapidly derive insights from large, disparate datasets and identify connections that would otherwise go unnoticed by human operators. However, in the context of national security and the powers given to UK intelligence agencies, use of AI could give rise to additional privacy and human rights considerations which would need to be assessed within the existing legal and regulatory framework. For this reason, enhanced policy and guidance is needed to ensure the privacy and human rights implications of national security uses of AI are reviewed on an ongoing basis as new analysis methods are applied to data
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