4 research outputs found

    Ein Ordnungsrahmen fĂĽr Social Networking Services

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    Der große Erfolg vieler Internet-Plattformen zum Social Networking, wie facebook.com oder myspace.com zieht zunehmend auch die Aufmerksamkeit großer Unternehmen auf sich, die mit ähnlichen Werkzeugen ihr internes Wissens- und Innovationsmanagement verbessern möchten. Im Gegensatz zu anderer Social Software wie Wikis oder Weblogs, die sich in der Regel leicht für den Einsatz innerhalb des Firmen-Intranets adaptieren lassen, ist dies für Social Networking Services (SNS) jedoch schwieriger. Zum einen existieren kaum Open-Source-Anwendungen, die ohne großen Aufwand implementierbar sind. Zum anderen unterscheiden sich die Lösungen von SNS-Anbietern enorm, was es den Unternehmen schwer macht, eine geeignete Lösung auszuwählen. Eine Hilfestellung soll der im vorliegenden Beitrag vorgestellte Ordnungsrahmen für SNS bieten. Entlang von acht Dimensionen ermöglicht er den Vergleich und die Einordnung verschiedener Dienste

    On requirements elicitation for Software Projects in ICT for development

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    Currently, there is much interest in harnessing the potential of new and affordable Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) such as mobile phones, to assist in reducing disparities in socioeconomic conditions throughout the world. Such efforts have come to be known as ICT for Development or ICT4D. While this field of research holds much promise, few projects have managed to achieve long-term sustained success. Among the many reasons for this, from a software engineering perspective, in many cases it can be attributed to inadequacies in the gathering and defining of software requirements. Failures in realising sustainable systems stern from inadequate consideration of the high-level socioeconomic development goals, neglect of environmental constraints, and a lack of adequate input from end-users regarding their specific needs and sociocultural context. The situation is exacerbated by inadequate reporting on the social impact of such interventions, making it difficult to assess a project's success, let alone apply lessons learned to new projects. In this thesis we propose enhancing conventional requirements elicitation with a complementary elicitation methodology specifically adapted to address these shortcomings. Our approach is based on a proposed novel technique of Structured Digital Storytelling to elicit input from end-users having limited literacy in the form of stories. The proposed methodology includes a systematic method for extracting and interpreting the informational content of the stories that applies a conceptual model derived from Communications Theory to identify constraints arising from the users' sociocultural context. The thesis introduces an ICT4D quality model identifying non-functional requirements related to the sociodynamics of a system's sustained use in a rural community. The needs, goals and constraints thus identified are integrated using a goal-based analysis to produce a more informed understanding of potential areas of technology intervention and to develop high-level functional and non-functional software requirements. The resulting goal model is also used in deriving a measurement framework for assessing a project's success based on its social impact. We illustrate our approach and validate its effectiveness with a field study. Keywords: ICT4D, digital divide. requirements engineering. needs elicitation, requirements elicitation, culture, storytellin

    Monitoring oriented agile based web applications development methodology for small software firms in Jordan

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    Small software firms (SSF) is vital to the software industry in many countries as they provide substantial growth to their economy. In Jordan, most software companies that are involved with developing Web applications are small firms. However, the extent of applying best Web applications development and management practices in these firms is limited. Besides, the existing software development methods are still lack of monitoring the quality of process and product. As a result, the Web application being developed exceeds deadlines and budget, and not meeting user requirements. Therefore, this research aims to construct a new methodology referred as Monitoring Oriented Agile Based Web Applications Development (MOGWD) Methodology for SSF. This study introduced an Extended Agile Method by extending the Scrum method with Extreme Programming (XP) elements. The Extended Agile Method was improved by combining common steps of Web design method and incorporating the Goal Oriented Monitoring Method (GOMM). The GOMM has defined twenty goals. Each goal has one or more questions. The questions are answered through the defined metrics. There are 101 qualitative metrics for monitoring the process quality, and 37 quantitative metrics for monitoring the process and product quality. Moreover, the proposed MOGWD methodology defines four phases: Plan, Do, Check and Act. The MOGWD methodology was evaluated using expert review and case study. The evaluation results show that the MOGWD methodology has gained SSF practitioners’ satisfaction and found to be practical for the real environment. This study contributes to the field of Agile based development and Web applications measurement. It also provides SSF practitioners a development methodology that monitors the quality of the process and product for Web development

    Virtuelle Organisation und Neue Medien 2009. Workshop GeNeMe \u2709, Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. TU Dresden, 01./02.10.2009

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    Die Tagungsreihe „GeNeMe - Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien“ findet in diesem Jahr zum zwölften Mal mit einer Vielzahl interessanter Beiträge aus folgenden Themengebieten statt: Konzepte, Modelle (Geschäfts-, Betriebs-, Architektur-Modelle); Technologien und Methoden für Virtuelle Gemeinschaften und Virtuelle Organisationen; Soziale Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien; Wirtschaftliche Aspekte Virtueller Gemeinschaften und Virtuelle Organisationen; Wissensmanagement in Virtuellen Organisationen, virtuelles Lehren und Lernen; Anwendungen und Praxisbeispiele von GeNeMe. (DIPF/Orig.