207,681 research outputs found

    A framework for models of movement in geographic space

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    This article concerns the theoretical foundations of movement informatics. We discuss general frameworks in which models of spatial movement may be developed. In particular, the article considers the object–field and Lagrangian–Eulerian dichotomies, and the SNAP/SPAN ontologies of the dynamic world, and classifies the variety of informatic structures according to these frameworks. A major challenge is transitioning between paradigms. Usually data is captured with respect to one paradigm but can usefully be represented in another. We discuss this process in formal terms and then describe experiments that we performed to show feasibility. It emerges that observational granularity plays a crucial role in these transitions

    Moving Object Trajectories Meta-Model And Spatio-Temporal Queries

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    In this paper, a general moving object trajectories framework is put forward to allow independent applications processing trajectories data benefit from a high level of interoperability, information sharing as well as an efficient answer for a wide range of complex trajectory queries. Our proposed meta-model is based on ontology and event approach, incorporates existing presentations of trajectory and integrates new patterns like space-time path to describe activities in geographical space-time. We introduce recursive Region of Interest concepts and deal mobile objects trajectories with diverse spatio-temporal sampling protocols and different sensors available that traditional data model alone are incapable for this purpose.Comment: International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS) Vol.4, No.2, April 201

    Predicting spatial spread of rabies in skunk populations using surveillance data reported by the public

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    Background: Prevention and control of wildlife disease invasions relies on the ability to predict spatio-temporal dynamics and understand the role of factors driving spread rates, such as seasonality and transmission distance. Passive disease surveillance (i.e., case reports by public) is a common method of monitoring emergence of wildlife diseases, but can be challenging to interpret due to spatial biases and limitations in data quantity and quality. Methodology/Principal findings: We obtained passive rabies surveillance data from dead striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in an epizootic in northern Colorado, USA. We developed a dynamic patch-occupancy model which predicts spatio-temporal spreading while accounting for heterogeneous sampling. We estimated the distance travelled per transmission event, direction of invasion, rate of spatial spread, and effects of infection density and season. We also estimated mean transmission distance and rates of spatial spread using a phylogeographic approach on a subsample of viral sequences from the same epizootic. Both the occupancy and phylogeographic approaches predicted similar rates of spatio-temporal spread. Estimated mean transmission distances were 2.3 km (95% Highest Posterior Density (HPD95): 0.02, 11.9; phylogeographic) and 3.9 km (95% credible intervals (CI95): 1.4, 11.3; occupancy). Estimated rates of spatial spread in km/year were: 29.8 (HPD95: 20.8, 39.8; phylogeographic, branch velocity, homogenous model), 22.6 (HPD95: 15.3, 29.7; phylogeographic, diffusion rate, homogenous model) and 21.1 (CI95: 16.7, 25.5; occupancy). Initial colonization probability was twice as high in spring relative to fall. Conclusions/Significance: Skunk-to-skunk transmission was primarily local (< 4 km) suggesting that if interventions were needed, they could be applied at the wave front. Slower viral invasions of skunk rabies in western USA compared to a similar epizootic in raccoons in the eastern USA implies host species or landscape factors underlie the dynamics of rabies invasions. Our framework provides a straightforward method for estimating rates of spatial spread of wildlife diseases

    Exploring Cities Using Agent-Based Models and GIS

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    Cities are faced with many problems such as urban sprawl, congestion, and segregation. They are also constantly changing. Computer modelling is becoming an increasingly important tool when examining how cities operate. Agent based models (ABM) allow for the testing of different hypotheses and theories for urban change, thus leading to a greater understanding of how cities work. This paper presents how ABMs can be developed by their integration with Geographical Information System (GIS). To highlight this, a generic ABM is presented. This is then applied to two model applications: a segregation model and a location model. Both models highlight how different theories can be incorporated into the generic model and demonstrate the importance of space in the modelling process. Cities are faced with many problems such as urban sprawl, congestion, and segregation. They are also constantly changing. Computer modelling is becoming an increasingly important tool when examining how cities operate. Agent based models (ABM) allow for the testing of different hypotheses and theories for urban change, thus leading to a greater understanding of how cities work. This paper presents how ABMs can be developed by their integration with Geographical Information System (GIS). To highlight this, a generic ABM is presented. This is then applied to two model applications: a segregation model and a location model. Both models highlight how different theories can be incorporated into the generic model and demonstrate the importance of space in the modelling process

    Location-Quality-aware Policy Optimisation for Relay Selection in Mobile Networks

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    Relaying can improve the coverage and performance of wireless access networks. In presence of a localisation system at the mobile nodes, the use of such location estimates for relay node selection can be advantageous as such information can be collected by access points in linear effort with respect to number of mobile nodes (while the number of links grows quadratically). However, the localisation error and the chosen update rate of location information in conjunction with the mobility model affect the performance of such location-based relay schemes; these parameters also need to be taken into account in the design of optimal policies. This paper develops a Markov model that can capture the joint impact of localisation errors and inaccuracies of location information due to forwarding delays and mobility; the Markov model is used to develop algorithms to determine optimal location-based relay policies that take the aforementioned factors into account. The model is subsequently used to analyse the impact of deployment parameter choices on the performance of location-based relaying in WLAN scenarios with free-space propagation conditions and in an measurement-based indoor office scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in ACM/Springer Wireless Network

    Multi-agent simulation: new approaches to exploring space-time dynamics in GIS

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    As part of the long term quest to develop more disaggregate, temporally dynamic models of spatial behaviour, micro-simulation has evolved to the point where the actions of many individuals can be computed. These multi-agent systems/simulation(MAS) models are a consequence of much better micro data, more powerful and user-friendly computer environments often based on parallel processing, and the generally recognised need in spatial science for modelling temporal process. In this paper, we develop a series of multi-agent models which operate in cellular space.These demonstrate the well-known principle that local action can give rise to global pattern but also how such pattern emerges as the consequence of positive feedback and learned behaviour. We first summarise the way cellular representation is important in adding new process functionality to GIS, and the way this is effected through ideas from cellular automata (CA) modelling. We then outline the key ideas of multi-agent simulation and this sets the scene for three applications to problems involving the use of agents to explore geographic space. We first illustrate how agents can be programmed to search route networks, finding shortest routes in adhoc as well as structured ways equivalent to the operation of the Bellman-Dijkstra algorithm. We then demonstrate how the agent-based approach can be used to simulate the dynamics of water flow, implying that such models can be used to effectively model the evolution of river systems. Finally we show how agents can detect the geometric properties of space, generating powerful results that are notpossible using conventional geometry, and we illustrate these ideas by computing the visual fields or isovists associated with different viewpoints within the Tate Gallery.Our forays into MAS are all based on developing reactive agent models with minimal interaction and we conclude with suggestions for how these models might incorporate cognition, planning, and stronger positive feedbacks between agents

    Geospatial Narratives and their Spatio-Temporal Dynamics: Commonsense Reasoning for High-level Analyses in Geographic Information Systems

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    The modelling, analysis, and visualisation of dynamic geospatial phenomena has been identified as a key developmental challenge for next-generation Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In this context, the envisaged paradigmatic extensions to contemporary foundational GIS technology raises fundamental questions concerning the ontological, formal representational, and (analytical) computational methods that would underlie their spatial information theoretic underpinnings. We present the conceptual overview and architecture for the development of high-level semantic and qualitative analytical capabilities for dynamic geospatial domains. Building on formal methods in the areas of commonsense reasoning, qualitative reasoning, spatial and temporal representation and reasoning, reasoning about actions and change, and computational models of narrative, we identify concrete theoretical and practical challenges that accrue in the context of formal reasoning about `space, events, actions, and change'. With this as a basis, and within the backdrop of an illustrated scenario involving the spatio-temporal dynamics of urban narratives, we address specific problems and solutions techniques chiefly involving `qualitative abstraction', `data integration and spatial consistency', and `practical geospatial abduction'. From a broad topical viewpoint, we propose that next-generation dynamic GIS technology demands a transdisciplinary scientific perspective that brings together Geography, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Science. Keywords: artificial intelligence; cognitive systems; human-computer interaction; geographic information systems; spatio-temporal dynamics; computational models of narrative; geospatial analysis; geospatial modelling; ontology; qualitative spatial modelling and reasoning; spatial assistance systemsComment: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (ISSN 2220-9964); Special Issue on: Geospatial Monitoring and Modelling of Environmental Change}. IJGI. Editor: Duccio Rocchini. (pre-print of article in press
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