17 research outputs found

    A Survey of Critical Success Factors in the Malaysia e-Banking: A Perspective of UUM Postgraduate Students

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    The topic of this paper is: A survey of critical success factors in Malaysia e-Banking: An organizational perspective from the view of UUM postgraduate students. The main purpose of this study is to obtain the critical success factors from the organizational perspective in e-banking sectors in Malaysia from the perspective of ULTM Postgraduate students in UUMKL Campus. This study was conducted among 150 postgraduates of UUMKL by using questionnaires. The findings show that in Malaysia, technical capability of the e-banking systems is the critical success factors. Secure website and other related systems and IS integration are the technical capability of the e-banking success in Malaysia as compared to strategic factors. The results indicated that availability of resources and flexible organizational are the least important consideration to be the critical success factors in Malaysia

    Student Web Self-Service Portal for a Tertiary Institution

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    The optimum condition for students to study is in an environment where they can access virtually all they need to know about courses, lecturers, locate places (for fresh and prospective students), validate staff identity, access past examination questions easily, identify vacant student hostels within and outside the school premises. Some of the reasons for students’ failure can be attributed to finding accommodation within or outside the school premises. Also, fresh students find it difficult to locate specific places in the university environment and some students find it very difficult to interact with staff. This paper presents a student self-service portal to address some of these challenges. Unified Modeling Language (UML) was used to model the system. The model was implemented using Microsoft C#, Microsoft ASP.net, Microsoft SQL Server, and Google Map. The proposed system was tested and the result obtained during the execution shows that the system is capable of addressing some of the challenges confronted by students.Keywords: Web Self-Service, Portal, Students, SQL, Unified Modeling Language (UML)

    The importance of Internet as a strategic Management Tool: A study of Dutch SMEs

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    This paper proposes a methodology for the identification and evaluation of Internet-based strategies and examines the role of the Internet as element of the strategic planning of Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) from a variety of Dutch industrial sectors. The study has an explorative character and is based on empirical data; it reveals the degree of acceptance and integration of the Web into the strategic plans by assessing management attitudes in three categories of factors delineating the online strategy. The findings suggest that while managers appreciate the importance of the Internet as essential component of their business setting, Web-based commerce does not seem to have become an integral part of corporate strategy by this category of businesses; limited strategic commitment and cautious attitudes in adopting technology as an important strategic option are for all intents and purposes preventing SMBs from fully utilizing the potential of the virtual marketplace


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    The study investigated the relationship between service convenience and marketing performance of fast food restaurants in Port Harcourt. There specific objectives were to determine the relationship between decision convenience and customer satisfaction and ascertain the relationship between access convenience and customer satisfaction in fast food restaurants in Port Harcourt. Descriptive research design was employed. The service convenience dimensions were tested to determine and measure the relationship with marketing performance using Pearson Correlation Coefficient with the help of SPSS (version 21) in order to interpret the customers’ response towards the convenience factors. The questionnaires were filled by the respondents selected conveniently from 52 fast food restaurants that made up the population. The findings revealed positive and significant relationship between service convenience and marketing performance measures. The study concluded that, a relationship exists between service convenience and marketing performance. It was therefore recommended that marketing communicating programmes should be very clear to aid consumers to make quick and dependable purchase decisions, and fast food organisations should design a customer centric service system that is capable of minimizing the efforts of customers to gain access to service points

    Antecedentes y consecuentes de la satisfacción online : el caso de las webs comparadoras de precios de moda.

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    Las webs comparadoras de precios han modificado el comportamiento del consumidor de moda, siendo clave en la elección del producto. En este sentido, la evaluación que realiza el consumidor sobre ellas marca sus actitudes hacia la compra. En caso de ser positiva, se demuestra que la satisfacción y la lealtad se ven aumentadas, permitiendo el éxito de la web. Por ello, este trabajo analiza cómo la un diseño accesible, navegable y que facilite la transacción favorecen una evaluación positiva, llevando al consumidor a estar satisfecho, y así percibir mayores beneficios, confiar y ser leal. A partir de una muestra de 141 usuarios habituales de webs comparadores de precios se han obtenido unos resultados, mediante la técnica de PLS (SmartPLS 3.1), que permiten extender al sector de la moda las conclusiones obtenidas en otros ámbitos, destacando la importancia del diseño web en la mejora de las actitudes del consumidor de moda.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Assessing the effect of service quality and information quality on customers’ overall perceived service quality in m-commerce

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    M-commerce is an emerging and rapidly evolving area as demonstrated by new technological innovations introduced to improve m-service. Motivated by the growing interest in online commerce, this research questions focuses on examining the dimensions of service quality and information quality that contribute to overall perceived service quality (OPSQ) in m-commerce. The three identified dimensions of service quality are reliability, personalization, and perceived risk, and the dimension of information quality is content usefulness.It was found in the study that there was a remarkable effect of content usefulness on the OPSQ.Other service quality dimensions however were found to have no significant effect with OPSQ.The findings suggest that service providers need to understand the consumers’ perspective and needs.In order to provide better services for users, companies need to pay more attention on controlling the perceived risk associated with using m-commerce

    Effect of Customers’ Emotions on Perceived Damage of the Probability of Fraud in Online Shopping

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    The increasing use of internet leads to the expansion of electronic exchange. Customers are trying to take advantage of this situation in different ways. One of their main concerns is the lack of sufficient trust toward the other side. In other words, they are afraid of the probable damage of these kinds of online bargains. For example their potential fears of fraud. Maybe the perceived fraud is their greatest anxiety that hinders the continuance of their shopping. So the way the customers feel before entering the virtual world has a very important role in conveying the sense of probable existence of deception or vice versa. In this paper, we try to study the impact of customers’ emotions on the perceived damages in online shopping in which the clients are the probable victims. Our statistical population in this research includes university and higher education members in the west of Iran (provinces of Kurdistan). The examined sample according to relative classification method consists of 148 persons. In order to study the relationship between variables, descriptive research methods & structural equation modeling were used. According to results, customers’ sentiments have a considerable effect on the kind of perceived fraud. In this model negative feelings such as fear, shame, and stress have an important role in the intensity of technological deception. The most common non-technological frauds perceived by customers are online robbery; swindle & being exposed to compromise & willingness have the greatest role in decreasing the fear of victimization & increasing the tendency for online shopping

    Developing a Framework for Evaluation of Corporate Non-Transactional Business-to-Consumer Web Sites: A Descriptive Study

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    During the soaring information economy of the last decade, organizations spent large sums of money on the development of Web sites without much knowledge of their performance value. In time, organizations realized that measuring Web site performance to determine value was fundamental. For transactional, e-commerce Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Web sites, this effort is straightforward because value is attached to sales. Measuring performance to determine the value of non-transactional B2C Web sites (i.e., sites that provide information, not sales) is more complex. This study examined the underexplored subject of evaluating non-transactional Web sites. Performance was defined as outcomes ranging from site visitor attributes to business impacts. Value was defined as the degree to which the site contributed to achieving business objectives. The resulting qualitative, exploratory study involved 45-60 minute semi-structured interviews conducted with 15 employees from four corporations across diverse industries regarding evaluation of non-transactional sites. Each interview was recorded with participant consent and transcribed. Interview results were aggregated, analyzed, and grouped based on themes and patterns. Logical groupings of participant opinions on topics such as associating Web initiatives to company business strategy, how Web success is defined, comfort with subjective measurement, and value placed on subjective measurement were identified and placed on several continuums. The study\u27s result is a three phase process to evaluate non-transactional Web sites. Phase one is comprised of four components: 1) identify the company\u27s Web belief system, 2) clarify the company\u27s level of expectation for non-transactional Web sites, 3) determine which viewpoint (business, customer, or both) the company will use to evaluate Web site effectiveness and success, and 4) identify the purpose of evaluating the performance of Web sites. Phase two includes two components: 1) select applicable metrics and 2) collect appropriate data. To supplement Phase two, three tools/guides were developed: 1) expectations/evaluation considerations matrix, 2) sample business viewpoint metrics and 3) sample customer viewpoint metrics. Phase three consists of two components: 1) analyze the data and identify insights and 2) act upon the results. Together, this three phase process and accompanying tools constitute a practical framework for evaluating non-transactional Web sites

    What Makes Consumers Loyal to a Particular Online Travel Website? Case of booking.com

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    Kamelia Chaichi - ORCID: 0000-0001-7204-0659 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7204-0659It is critical for an online travel website to not only attract new customers but only enhance existing customer loyalty to improve the website's image and generate revenue. This research aims to find out the factors that affect loyalty among consumers of online travel websites. The variables in this study were selected after profound research on the literature review and review of the customers' feedback who were using the Booking.com website. Models of antecedents were tested such as price, convenience, experience, and interaction in predicting consumer satisfaction and the impact on brand loyalty among online travel website customers. Data was collected from 420 users of an online travel website (Booking.com) and analysed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings show that all constructs influence consumer satisfaction toward online travel websites and consequently influence customer brand loyalty. The research results will create awareness for entrepreneurs, organisations, researchers, and the public to improve marketing strategies and enhance customer retention and brand loyalty. Websites need to consistently deliver high-quality packages and services to stay on top of trends and build trust with customers by providing good service. Live customer service is one of the most significant implications since interaction with the website significantly affects customer satisfaction. As such, websites need to be available in real-time for the customers to enhance brand loyalty. The research outcomes can be beneficial to enhance the reputation of the website and generate more revenue.http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i10.520510pubpub1