7 research outputs found

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on airlines’ passenger satisfaction

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    This study aims to understand airline passengers' satisfaction trends by analyzing the most influential factors on satisfaction before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample consists of a dataset with 9745 passenger reviews published on airlinequality.com. The reviews were analyzed with a sentiment analysis tool calibrated for the aviation industry for accuracy. Machine learning algorithms were then implemented to predict review sentiment based on airline company, travelers' type and class, and country of origin. Findings show passengers were unhappy before the pandemic, aggravated after the COVID-19 outbreak. The staff's behavior is the main factor influencing passengers' satisfaction. Predictive modeling showed that it is possible to predict negative review sentiments with satisfactory performance rather than positive reviews. The main takeaway is that passengers, after the pandemic, are most worried about refunds and aircraft cabin cleanliness. From a managerial standpoint, airline companies can benefit from the created knowledge to adjust their strategies in agreement and meet their customers' expectations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on European airlines' passenger satisfaction

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    The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges to the airline industry, resulting in radical changes to the passengers’ experience. The purpose of this study is to understand the differences in customer satisfaction between the pre-COVID-19 period and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well the factors that influence said satisfaction. The sample of this study consists of a dataset with 9,745 reviews written by passengers on the well-known airline reviews website, airlinequality.com, owned by SKYTRAX. The reviews were analyzed with a sentiment analysis tool that was specially calibrated for the aviation industry to be more accurate. The findings of this study show that passengers were unhappy with airlines before the pandemic, and those feelings were aggravated after the COVID-19 outbreak. The behavior of airline staff is the main factor to influence passengers’ satisfaction. The main takeaway is that passengers, after the pandemic, are mostly worried with refunds and aircraft cabin cleanliness. This study shows that analyzing passenger reviews is an effective way of gathering customer feedback, paving the way for airlines to continuously improve their service offerings.A pandemia COVID-19 trouxe muitos desafios à indústria da aviação, resultando em drásticas alterações à experiência dos passageiros. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender as diferenças na satisfação dos passageiros, antes e depois da pandemia COVID-19, bem como quais os fatores que a influenciam. A amostra consiste em 9745 comentários deixados por passageiros no conhecido site de comentários, airlinequality.com, cujo proprietário é a SKYTRAX. Os comentários foram analisados recorrendo a uma ferramenta de análise de sentimentos, especialmente calibrada para a indústria aeronáutica, de modo a obter resultados mais precisos. Os resultados sugerem que os passageiros não estavam satisfeitos com as companhias aéreas, e esse sentimento foi agravado durante a pandemia. O comportamento dos trabalhadores das companhias aéreas são o fator que mais influencia a satisfação dos passageiros. A principal conclusão é que os passageiros, após a pandemia, demonstram preocupações acrescidas com reembolsos e com a limpeza da cabine das aeronaves. Este estudo mostra que análise de comentários de passageiros é uma forma eficiente de recolher a opinião dos clientes, dando oportunidade às companhias aéreas de melhorarem continuamente os seus serviços

    Investigating transportation research based on social media analysis: A systematic mapping review

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    Social media is a pool of users’ thoughts, opinions, surrounding environment, situation and others. This pool can be used as a real-time and feedback data source for many domains such as transportation. It can be used to get instant feedback from commuters; their opinions toward the transportation network and their complaints, in addition to the traffic situation, road conditions, events detection and many others. The problem is in how to utilize social media data to achieve one or more of these targets. A systematic review was conducted in the field of transportation-related research based on social media analysis (TRRSMA) from the years between 2008 and 2018; 74 papers were identified from an initial set of 703 papers extracted from 4 digital libraries. This review will structure the field and give an overview based on the following grounds: activity, keywords, approaches, social media data and platforms and focus of the researches. It will show the trend in the research subjects by countries, in addition to the activity trends, platforms usage trend and others. Further analysis of the most employed approach (Lexicons) and data (text) will be also shown. Finally, challenges and future works are drawn and proposed

    Exploring the Impact of Service Quality and Satisfaction on e-Loyalty through Online Apparel Shopping

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    Kako u današnjem svijetu potrošači imaju velik izbor mjesta, fizičkih i digitalnih, na kojima mogu kupiti proizvode koje žele, poduzećima je sve teže osigurati i privući lojalne korisnike. Kupci imaju izbora kupiti određeni proizvod kod različitih poduzeća i zbog toga je prodavačima najvažnije stvoriti bazu lojalnih kupaca koji će iznova kupovati kod njih. Tržište online prodaje odjeće ima niske ulazne barijere i to je dovelo do zasićenosti, a zbog toga tržište raste već godinama, a rast će i dalje. Upravo zbog toga poduzećima je izrazito važno shvatiti koji faktori utječu na lojalnost korisnika i na koji način mogu privući potrošače, i što je još važnije, stvoriti bazu kupaca koji će biti stalni klijenti i besplatni ambasadori koji će širiti pozitivne informacije o proizvodima, uslugama i poduzeću. U ovom radu fokus je bio na kvaliteti usluga i zadovoljstvu korisnika. Cilj je bio istražiti kako te dvije varijable utječu na lojalnost kupaca kada kupuju odjeću online. Istraživanje je provedeno online anketnim upitnikom na namjernom prigodnom uzorku kupaca koji su barem u dva navrata kupili odjeću na istoj online platformi. Ispitanici su u upitniku izražavali svoje slaganje ili neslaganje s nizom tvrdnji koje su se odnosile na kvalitetu dobivene usluge, općenito zadovoljstvo kupnjom i lojalnost online trgovcu. Rezultati su pokazali kako su ispitanici u većini slučajeva dobili kvalitetnu uslugu i bili su zadovoljni kupnjom te kako smatraju da su lojalni online trgovcu. Unatoč tome, većina ispitanika ipak tvrdi da će kupovati i od drugih online trgovaca i neće se ograničavati samo na navedenog. Nakon provedene regresijske analize, opći zaključak je kako predstavljeni model ima pozitivan utjecaj na lojalnost korisnika.Nowadays, there are various stores, both offline and online, where consumers can buy products from. For that reason, it is increasingly difficult for businesses to attract and retain loyal customers. Consumers can buy a particular product from different businesses, which is why it is paramount for retailers to create a loyal customer base that will repurchase their products. The online apparel market has low entry barriers and that has led to market saturation. This market has been growing for years, and it will continue to grow. This is why it is extremely important for businesses to understand which factors affect customer loyalty and how they can attract consumers, and more importantly, create a customer base that will be their free ambassadors who will spread positive word-of-mouth about products, services and business. In this paper, service quality and customer satisfaction were in the focus of research. The goal was to find out how these two variables affect customer loyalty in online apparel shopping. The survey was conducted using an online questionnaire on a sample of customers that purchased clothing from the same e-commerce store at least twice. In the questionnaire, the respondents expressed their agreement or disagreement with a number of claims regarding the quality of the service, overall satisfaction with the purchase and their loyalty to the online retailer. The results showed that in most cases the respondents received a quality service, they were satisfied with their purchase and that they considered themselves to be loyal to the online retailer. However, most respondents say they will still buy from other online retailers and they will not limit their choices to the listed e-retailer. After conducting the regression analysis, the general conclusion is that the model presented in this paper has a positive impact on customer loyalty

    Exploring the Impact of Service Quality and Satisfaction on e-Loyalty through Online Apparel Shopping

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    Kako u današnjem svijetu potrošači imaju velik izbor mjesta, fizičkih i digitalnih, na kojima mogu kupiti proizvode koje žele, poduzećima je sve teže osigurati i privući lojalne korisnike. Kupci imaju izbora kupiti određeni proizvod kod različitih poduzeća i zbog toga je prodavačima najvažnije stvoriti bazu lojalnih kupaca koji će iznova kupovati kod njih. Tržište online prodaje odjeće ima niske ulazne barijere i to je dovelo do zasićenosti, a zbog toga tržište raste već godinama, a rast će i dalje. Upravo zbog toga poduzećima je izrazito važno shvatiti koji faktori utječu na lojalnost korisnika i na koji način mogu privući potrošače, i što je još važnije, stvoriti bazu kupaca koji će biti stalni klijenti i besplatni ambasadori koji će širiti pozitivne informacije o proizvodima, uslugama i poduzeću. U ovom radu fokus je bio na kvaliteti usluga i zadovoljstvu korisnika. Cilj je bio istražiti kako te dvije varijable utječu na lojalnost kupaca kada kupuju odjeću online. Istraživanje je provedeno online anketnim upitnikom na namjernom prigodnom uzorku kupaca koji su barem u dva navrata kupili odjeću na istoj online platformi. Ispitanici su u upitniku izražavali svoje slaganje ili neslaganje s nizom tvrdnji koje su se odnosile na kvalitetu dobivene usluge, općenito zadovoljstvo kupnjom i lojalnost online trgovcu. Rezultati su pokazali kako su ispitanici u većini slučajeva dobili kvalitetnu uslugu i bili su zadovoljni kupnjom te kako smatraju da su lojalni online trgovcu. Unatoč tome, većina ispitanika ipak tvrdi da će kupovati i od drugih online trgovaca i neće se ograničavati samo na navedenog. Nakon provedene regresijske analize, opći zaključak je kako predstavljeni model ima pozitivan utjecaj na lojalnost korisnika.Nowadays, there are various stores, both offline and online, where consumers can buy products from. For that reason, it is increasingly difficult for businesses to attract and retain loyal customers. Consumers can buy a particular product from different businesses, which is why it is paramount for retailers to create a loyal customer base that will repurchase their products. The online apparel market has low entry barriers and that has led to market saturation. This market has been growing for years, and it will continue to grow. This is why it is extremely important for businesses to understand which factors affect customer loyalty and how they can attract consumers, and more importantly, create a customer base that will be their free ambassadors who will spread positive word-of-mouth about products, services and business. In this paper, service quality and customer satisfaction were in the focus of research. The goal was to find out how these two variables affect customer loyalty in online apparel shopping. The survey was conducted using an online questionnaire on a sample of customers that purchased clothing from the same e-commerce store at least twice. In the questionnaire, the respondents expressed their agreement or disagreement with a number of claims regarding the quality of the service, overall satisfaction with the purchase and their loyalty to the online retailer. The results showed that in most cases the respondents received a quality service, they were satisfied with their purchase and that they considered themselves to be loyal to the online retailer. However, most respondents say they will still buy from other online retailers and they will not limit their choices to the listed e-retailer. After conducting the regression analysis, the general conclusion is that the model presented in this paper has a positive impact on customer loyalty

    Exploring the Impact of Service Quality and Satisfaction on e-Loyalty through Online Apparel Shopping

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    Kako u današnjem svijetu potrošači imaju velik izbor mjesta, fizičkih i digitalnih, na kojima mogu kupiti proizvode koje žele, poduzećima je sve teže osigurati i privući lojalne korisnike. Kupci imaju izbora kupiti određeni proizvod kod različitih poduzeća i zbog toga je prodavačima najvažnije stvoriti bazu lojalnih kupaca koji će iznova kupovati kod njih. Tržište online prodaje odjeće ima niske ulazne barijere i to je dovelo do zasićenosti, a zbog toga tržište raste već godinama, a rast će i dalje. Upravo zbog toga poduzećima je izrazito važno shvatiti koji faktori utječu na lojalnost korisnika i na koji način mogu privući potrošače, i što je još važnije, stvoriti bazu kupaca koji će biti stalni klijenti i besplatni ambasadori koji će širiti pozitivne informacije o proizvodima, uslugama i poduzeću. U ovom radu fokus je bio na kvaliteti usluga i zadovoljstvu korisnika. Cilj je bio istražiti kako te dvije varijable utječu na lojalnost kupaca kada kupuju odjeću online. Istraživanje je provedeno online anketnim upitnikom na namjernom prigodnom uzorku kupaca koji su barem u dva navrata kupili odjeću na istoj online platformi. Ispitanici su u upitniku izražavali svoje slaganje ili neslaganje s nizom tvrdnji koje su se odnosile na kvalitetu dobivene usluge, općenito zadovoljstvo kupnjom i lojalnost online trgovcu. Rezultati su pokazali kako su ispitanici u većini slučajeva dobili kvalitetnu uslugu i bili su zadovoljni kupnjom te kako smatraju da su lojalni online trgovcu. Unatoč tome, većina ispitanika ipak tvrdi da će kupovati i od drugih online trgovaca i neće se ograničavati samo na navedenog. Nakon provedene regresijske analize, opći zaključak je kako predstavljeni model ima pozitivan utjecaj na lojalnost korisnika.Nowadays, there are various stores, both offline and online, where consumers can buy products from. For that reason, it is increasingly difficult for businesses to attract and retain loyal customers. Consumers can buy a particular product from different businesses, which is why it is paramount for retailers to create a loyal customer base that will repurchase their products. The online apparel market has low entry barriers and that has led to market saturation. This market has been growing for years, and it will continue to grow. This is why it is extremely important for businesses to understand which factors affect customer loyalty and how they can attract consumers, and more importantly, create a customer base that will be their free ambassadors who will spread positive word-of-mouth about products, services and business. In this paper, service quality and customer satisfaction were in the focus of research. The goal was to find out how these two variables affect customer loyalty in online apparel shopping. The survey was conducted using an online questionnaire on a sample of customers that purchased clothing from the same e-commerce store at least twice. In the questionnaire, the respondents expressed their agreement or disagreement with a number of claims regarding the quality of the service, overall satisfaction with the purchase and their loyalty to the online retailer. The results showed that in most cases the respondents received a quality service, they were satisfied with their purchase and that they considered themselves to be loyal to the online retailer. However, most respondents say they will still buy from other online retailers and they will not limit their choices to the listed e-retailer. After conducting the regression analysis, the general conclusion is that the model presented in this paper has a positive impact on customer loyalty