6 research outputs found

    Emerging technologies and new business models: a review on disruptive business models

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    Purpose – This paper aims to conduct a review on disruptive business models. Considering that competition among companies will not only happen through new products, services or technologies but also through innovative business models, the disruptive business models arise to replace the existing business models, adapting the organizational structures to the products and services offered and emphasizing the proposition of unique value. Design/methodology/approach – The literature on this topic was revised, allowing the obtaining of the state of the art and the construction of a research agenda. The analyzed literature was obtained from systematic searches by the term disruptive business model in some databases. For the analysis of the data, the content analysis strategy was used through categorizations in the material exploration phase, and, later, for the processing of the results, the authors made use of inference and interpretation regarding the content analyzed. Findings – The collected literature made it possible to obtain a set of data formed by different views of authors on disruptive business models, which was analyzed and categorized to make new inferences and interpretations. Originality/value – Considering that the literature on the disruptive process of business models is emerging and addressing an important phenomenon in the market that lacks the theoretical basis to sustain it, this paper contributes by presenting a consolidated examination on this subject, thus deepening the theoretical analyzes on this topic and reducing this lack in the literature. This study also presents a research agenda, which clarifies the disruptive business model gap and reveals some opportunities for future empirical researches

    Conceptualizing and qualifying disruptive business models

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    Purpose – This paper aims to elaborate a set of characteristics that conceptualize and qualify a disruptive business model. Design/methodology/approach – The literature on disruptive business models will be analyzed using the latent semantic analysis (LSA) technique, complemented by content analysis, to obtain a more precise qualification and conceptualization regarding disruptive business models. Findings – The results found described concepts already described in the theory. However, such findings, highlighted by the LSA, bring new perspectives to the analysis of the disruptive business models, little discussed in the literature and which reveal important considerations to be made on this subject. Research limitations/implications – It should be noted, about the technique used, a limitation on the choice of the number of singular values. For this to be a problem in the open literature, the authors tried to work not just with the cost-benefit ratio given the addition of each new dimension in the analysis, as well as a criterion of saturation of the terms presented. Practical implications – The presentation of this set of characteristics can be used as a validation tool to identify if a business is or is not a disruptive business model by managers. Originality/value – The originality of this paper is the achievement of a consolidated set of characteristics that conceptualize and qualify the disruptive business models by conducting an in-depth analysis of the literature on disruptive business models through the LSA technique, considering the difficulty of obtaining precise concepts on this subject in the literature


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    Diante das constantes mudanças do mercado e do aumento das necessidades dos consumidores, a reconfiguração do modelo de negócio existente de uma organização, com o objetivo de adaptar as estruturas empresariais para um mercado inovador, por meio da oferta de novos produtos, serviços ou processos, permite às organizações se destacarem no mercado e obterem vantagem competitiva. Nesse contexto, a temática sobre modelos de negócios disruptivos tem sido discutida na literatura acadêmica. Assim, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a produção científica desse tema. Para isso, foram analisados 19 artigos disponibilizados em bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, identificando as principais características e tendências dessas pesquisas

    Open-source hardware as a model of technological innovation and academic entrepreneurship The Brazilian landscape

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to argue in favor of the open hardware philosophy (open-source hardware – OSH) as a technological innovation and academic entrepreneurshipmodel in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach – This argument is based on three pillars. The first one refers to a bibliographic review of theoretical frameworks related to academic entrepreneurship and technological innovation to emphasize the disruptive innovation capacity of academia. Second, a few elements related to the Brazilian political, economic and structural scenario, which entail a (more) favorable environment to technological innovation and academic entrepreneurship, is presented. Finally, concepts related to OSH and its business model are approached to demonstrate the facilitating effect toward the whole process. Findings – As a result of the argument made herein, it is possible to perceive the viability of the OSH model in terms of entrepreneurship and technological innovation in the academic sphere, and to perceive its benefits before social and economic needs in areas such as health and education. Research limitations/implications – There are no empirical or quantifiable data in the literature that enable comparison between OSH and traditional technological innovation models. Originality/value – The considerations on the philosophical value of OSH and its business models are scarcely explored in international literature. As far as we know, relating OSH to technological innovation entrepreneurship in the academic sphere, as well as its singularities in Brazil regarding the innovation national system and social and economic demands, is a unique approach in literature

    Identificação de incertezas na adoção de tecnologias : estudo aplicado a uma plataforma digital para a Indústria 4.0

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    Com as inevitáveis mudanças tecnológicas que acompanharam a transformação da era industrial, existe uma possibilidade elevada de que novas incertezas sejam introduzidas e tenham impacto em muitos aspectos nas organizações. Percebe-se, então, ser necessário desenvolver e experimentar novas abordagens para a identificação de incertezas no ambiente produtivo, principalmente no que diz respeito à adoção de tecnologias emergentes para o contexto da Indústria 4.0. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar o desempenho de uma plataforma digital industrial a partir da análise das incertezas relacionas à sua adoção por parte do mercado. Com esse intento, foram aplicadas ferramentas e métodos relacionados à abordagem de Dinâmica de Sistemas a fim de prover recursos para aprimoramento da tomada de decisões. Dentre estas ferramentas estão o Pensamento Sistêmico, os Diagramas de Enlace Causal a Análise de Impacto, gerando resultados para que por meio de um modelo computadorizado se avalie o desempenho da tecnologia selecionada em diferentes cenários. Com isso, pretende-se que os tomadores de decisão ampliem o entendimento das forçasmotrizes, cenários e incertezas no desenvolvimento de tecnologias emergentes e sua adoção pelo mercado, a fim de potencializar o desempenho organizacional. A proposta elaborada foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso aplicado em uma empresa emergente do segmento de análise preditiva para manutenção industrial. Por meio dos resultados qualitativos e quantitativos obtidos da aplicação conjunta destas ferramentas foi possível identificar as variáveis mais relevantes à aceitação do mercado sob um ponto de vista sistêmico, vincular atributos da plataforma digital ao seu desempenho em termos de adotantes em diferentes cenários e, por meio de entrevistas com as partes interessadas, obter percepções relevantes para o aprimoramento contínuo da tecnologia ofertada. Assim, acredita-se que uma das grandes contribuições desta pesquisa foi fornecer uma abordagem capaz de, sistemicamente, propor uma orientação sobre o comportamento da adoção do mercado dado o desempenho da tecnologia.With the inevitable technological changes that will accompany the transformation of the industrial age, there is a high possibility that new uncertainties will be introduced and impact organizations in many aspects. It is therefore clear that it is essential to experience and develop and new approaches to identify uncertainties in the production environment, especially related to industry 4.0 emerging technologies adoption. The leading purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of an industrial digital platform by the uncertainties analysis regarding to its adoption by the market. For this purpose, tools and methods related to the Systems Dynamics approach were adapted with regard to provide resources to improve decision-making. Among these tools are Systemic Thinking, Causal Loo Diagrams and Cross Impact Analysis, generating results so that through a computer model the performance of the selected technology can be evaluated in different scenarios. It is intended that decision makers expand the understanding of driving forces, scenarios and uncertainties in the improvement of emerging technologies and their adoption by the market, concerning enhancement of organizational performance. The proposed research was carried out through a case study applied in an emerging enterprise in the predictive analysis segment for industrial maintenance. Through the qualitative and quantitative outcome accomplished from the employment of these tools, it was able to identify the most relevant variables to market acceptance from a systemic perspective, connect technological attributes of the digital platform to its performance measured in adopters quantity in different scenarios and, through interviews with stakeholders, obtain relevant insights for the continuous improvement of the technology offered. Thus, it is believed that the major contribution of this research is to provide an approach for systemically proposing guidance on the behavior of market adoption given the conduct of the technology

    Tecnologias digitais na estruturação de novos modelos de negócios contábeis-financeiros : uma análise a partir da perspectiva institucional

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    As tecnologias digitais estão sendo empregadas em uma série de produtos e serviços, alterando as relações sociais, pessoais e de trabalho dos indivíduos. O processo de mudança viabilizado pelas informações no formato digital vem afetando as organizações, que precisam lidar com o desafio da transformação digital, que afeta desde os setores com estruturas menos complexas até aqueles excessivamente organizados e regulamentados. A Contabilidade é um exemplo de segmento altamente institucionalizado, prevalecendo as questões regulatórias na legitimidade de suas práticas e que, atualmente, enfrenta o desafio das mudanças de caráter tecnológico. Esta tese propõe que, na Contabilidade, a mudança proporcionada por fatores tecnológicos difere da mudança relacionada a normas e regulamentos, considerando o caráter mandatório desta última; ao mesmo tempo, vai além de sua mera incorporação para otimização de processos. Ou seja, acredita-se que esse tipo de mudança permite um contexto maior de adaptação das estruturas organizacionais, originando novos modelos de negócios que acompanham as atuais práticas de clientes, fornecedores, órgãos regulatórios, entre outros. Considerando esses aspectos, a presente tese tem como objetivo geral explorar a relação entre as tecnologias digitais e a estruturação de novos modelos de negócios contábeis-financeiros pela lente teórica institucional. Para o desfecho desse objetivo, esta tese foi estruturada em três artigos que buscam: 1) Analisar a forma de aplicação da Teoria Institucional nas pesquisas em Sistemas de Informações Contábeis; 2) Apresentar a estrutura dos tradicionais modelos de negócios contábeis-financeiros, incorporada ao campo organizacional no processo de legitimação; 3) Identificar o papel das tecnologias digitais no processo de mudança institucional do campo organizacional dos modelos de negócios contábeis-financeiros; e 4) Analisar o processo de surgimento e difusão de novos modelos de negócios contábeis-financeiros. De modo geral, e apresentado um dos principais resultados da pesquisa, ficou evidente a manutenção de estruturas estabelecidas, a reestruturação de estruturas tradicionais para modelos digitais e o surgimento de novos modelos de negócios (escritórios online), no processo de mudança institucional do campo contábil. Além disso, foi identificado o papel de outros atores (empresas de tecnologia, clientes, marketing) no processo de mudança institucional do campo contábil. Diante desse atual cenário, percebe-se o papel da tecnologia atuando como um elemento de mudança do campo, ao determinar a direção dos três possíveis/atuais arranjos para os escritórios contábeis: não adoção das tecnologias digitais, tecnologias digitais como elemento de reestruturação (otimização de processos e possibilidade de entregas gerenciais) e tecnologias digitais como elemento de inovação (otimização de processos, criação de novos modelos de negócios e novas entregas de valor para mercados remodelados).Digital technologies are being employed in several products and services, altering the social, personal, and work relationships of individuals. The process of change made possible by information in digital format has affected organizations, that need to deal with the challenge of digital transformation. This change affects sectors with less complex structures and sectors with overly organized and regulated. The accounting area is an example of a highly institutionalized segment, prevailing regulatory issues in the legitimacy of its practices and which currently faces the challenge of technological changes. This thesis proposes that, in Accounting, the change provided by technological factors differs from the change related to norms and regulations, considering the mandatory nature of the latter; at the same time, it goes beyond its mere incorporation for process optimization. In other words, it is believed that this type of change allows a greater context of adaptation of organizational structures, resulting in new business models that follow the current practices of customers, suppliers, regulatory bodies, among others. Considering these aspects, this thesis has as its general objective to explore the relationship between digital technologies and the structuring of new accounting-financial business models through the institutional theoretical lens. For the outcome of this objective, this thesis was structured into three articles that seek: 1) To analyze the way institutional theory is used in research in Accounting Information Systems; 2) Present the structure of traditional accounting-financial business models, incorporated into the organizational field in the legitimation process; 3) Identify the role of digital technologies in the process of institutional change in the organizational field of accounting-financial business models; and 4) Analyze the process of emergence and dissemination of new accounting-financial business models. In general, and presented one of the main results of the research, it was evident the maintenance of established structures, the restructuring of traditional structures for digital models, and the emergence of new business models (online CPA firms), in the process of institutional change of the accounting field. In addition, the role of other actors (technology companies, customers, marketing) in the process of institutional change in the accounting field was identified. Given this current scenario, the role of technology acting as an element of change in the field is perceived, when determining the direction of the three possible/current arrangements for CPA firms: non-adoption of digital technologies, digital technologies as a restructuring element (process optimization and the possibility of management deliveries) and digital technologies as an element of innovation (process optimization, creation of new business models and new value deliveries to remodeled markets)