164 research outputs found

    GCNs-Net: A Graph Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Decoding Time-resolved EEG Motor Imagery Signals

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    Towards developing effective and efficient brain-computer interface (BCI) systems, precise decoding of brain activity measured by electroencephalogram (EEG), is highly demanded. Traditional works classify EEG signals without considering the topological relationship among electrodes. However, neuroscience research has increasingly emphasized network patterns of brain dynamics. Thus, the Euclidean structure of electrodes might not adequately reflect the interaction between signals. To fill the gap, a novel deep learning framework based on the graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs) was presented to enhance the decoding performance of raw EEG signals during different types of motor imagery (MI) tasks while cooperating with the functional topological relationship of electrodes. Based on the absolute Pearson's matrix of overall signals, the graph Laplacian of EEG electrodes was built up. The GCNs-Net constructed by graph convolutional layers learns the generalized features. The followed pooling layers reduce dimensionality, and the fully-connected softmax layer derives the final prediction. The introduced approach has been shown to converge for both personalized and group-wise predictions. It has achieved the highest averaged accuracy, 93.056% and 88.57% (PhysioNet Dataset), 96.24% and 80.89% (High Gamma Dataset), at the subject and group level, respectively, compared with existing studies, which suggests adaptability and robustness to individual variability. Moreover, the performance was stably reproducible among repetitive experiments for cross-validation. To conclude, the GCNs-Net filters EEG signals based on the functional topological relationship, which manages to decode relevant features for brain motor imagery

    The Ensemble Machine Learning-Based Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks in Brain-Computer Interface

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    The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) permits persons with impairments to interact with the real world without using the neuromuscular pathways. BCIs are based on artificial intelligence piloted systems. They collect brain activity patterns linked to the mental process and transform them into commands for actuators. The potential application of BCI systems is in the rehabilitation centres. In this context, a novel method is devised for automated identification of the Motor Imagery (MI) tasks. The contribution is an effective hybridization of the Multiscale Principal Component Analysis (MSPCA), Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD), statistical features extraction from subbands, and ensemble learning-based classifiers for categorization of the MI tasks. The intended electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are segmented and denoised. The denoising is achieved with a Daubechies algorithm-based wavelet transform (WT) incorporated in the MSPCA. The WT with the 5th level of decomposition is used. Onward, the Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD), with the 4th level of decomposition, is used for subbands formation. The statistical features are selected from each subband, namely, mean absolute value, average power, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. Also, ratios of absolute mean values of adjacent subbands are computed and concatenated with other extracted features. Finally, the ensemble machine learning approach is used for the classification of MI tasks. The usefulness is evaluated by using the BCI competition III, MI dataset IVa. Results revealed that the suggested ensemble learning approach yields the highest classification accuracies of 98.69% and 94.83%, respectively, for the cases of subject-dependent and subject-independent problems.</p

    Brain-computer interface of focus and motor imagery using wavelet and recurrent neural networks

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    Brain-computer interface is a technology that allows operating a device without involving muscles and sound, but directly from the brain through the processed electrical signals. The technology works by capturing electrical or magnetic signals from the brain, which are then processed to obtain information contained therein. Usually, BCI uses information from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals based on various variables reviewed. This study proposed BCI to move external devices such as a drone simulator based on EEG signal information. From the EEG signal was extracted to get motor imagery (MI) and focus variable using wavelet. Then, they were classified by recurrent neural networks (RNN). In overcoming the problem of vanishing memory from RNN, was used long short-term memory (LSTM). The results showed that BCI used wavelet, and RNN can drive external devices of non-training data with an accuracy of 79.6%. The experiment gave AdaDelta model is better than the Adam model in terms of accuracy and value losses. Whereas in computational learning time, Adam's model is faster than AdaDelta's model

    Motor Imagery EEG Recognition using Deep Generative Adversarial Network with EMD for BCI Applications

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    The activities for motor imagery (MI) movements in Electroencephalography (EEG) are still interesting and challenging. BCI (Brain Computer Interface) allows the brain signals to control the external devices and also helps a disabled person suffering from neuromuscular disorders. In any BCI system, the two most essential steps are feature extraction and classification method. However, in this paper, the MI classification is improved by the performance of Deep Learning (DL) concept. In this proposed system two-moment imagination of right hand and right foot from the BCI competition three datasets IVA has been taken and classification methods utilizing Conventional neural network (CNN) and Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) are developed. The training time is reduced and non-stationary problem is managed by applying Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and mixing their intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) in feature extraction technique. The experimental result indicates the proposed GAN classification technique achieves better classification accuracy in terms of 95.29% than the CNN of 89.38%. The proposed GAN method achieves an average positive rate of 62% and average false positive rate of 3.4% on BCI competition three datasets IVA whose EEG facts were resulting from the similar C3, C4, and Cz channels of the motor cortex

    Decoding Neural Signals with Computational Models: A Systematic Review of Invasive BMI

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    There are significant milestones in modern human's civilization in which mankind stepped into a different level of life with a new spectrum of possibilities and comfort. From fire-lighting technology and wheeled wagons to writing, electricity and the Internet, each one changed our lives dramatically. In this paper, we take a deep look into the invasive Brain Machine Interface (BMI), an ambitious and cutting-edge technology which has the potential to be another important milestone in human civilization. Not only beneficial for patients with severe medical conditions, the invasive BMI technology can significantly impact different technologies and almost every aspect of human's life. We review the biological and engineering concepts that underpin the implementation of BMI applications. There are various essential techniques that are necessary for making invasive BMI applications a reality. We review these through providing an analysis of (i) possible applications of invasive BMI technology, (ii) the methods and devices for detecting and decoding brain signals, as well as (iii) possible options for stimulating signals into human's brain. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of invasive BMI for further development in the area.Comment: 51 pages, 14 figures, review articl

    BCI applications based on artificial intelligence oriented to deep learning techniques

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    A Brain-Computer Interface, BCI, can decode the brain signals corresponding to the intentions of individuals who have lost neuromuscular connection, to reestablish communication to control external devices. To this aim, BCI acquires brain signals as Electroencephalography (EEG) or Electrocorticography (ECoG), uses signal processing techniques and extracts features to train classifiers for providing proper control instructions. BCI development has increased in the last decades, improving its performance through the use of different signal processing techniques for feature extraction and artificial intelligence approaches for classification, such as deep learning-oriented classifiers. All of these can assure more accurate assistive systems but also can enable an analysis of the learning process of signal characteristics for the classification task. Initially, this work proposes the use of a priori knowledge and a correlation measure to select the most discriminative ECoG signal electrodes. Then, signals are processed using spatial filtering and three different types of temporal filtering, followed by a classifier made of stacked autoencoders and a softmax layer to discriminate between ECoG signals from two types of visual stimuli. Results show that the average accuracy obtained is 97% (+/- 0.02%), which is similar to state-of-the-art techniques, nevertheless, this method uses minimal prior physiological and an automated statistical technique to select some electrodes to train the classifier. Also, this work presents classifier analysis, figuring out which are the most relevant signal features useful for visual stimuli classification. The features and physiological information such as the brain areas involved are compared. Finally, this research uses Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) or Convnets to classify 5 categories of motor tasks EEG signals. Movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) are used as a priori information to improve the processing of time-frequency representation of EEG signals. Results show an increase of more than 25% in average accuracy compared to a state-of-the-art method that uses the same database. In addition, an analysis of CNN or ConvNets filters and feature maps is done to and the most relevant signal characteristics that can help classify the five types of motor tasks.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónic

    The classification of wink-based eeg signals by means of transfer learning models

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    Stroke is one of the dominant causes of impairme nt. An estimation of half post-stroke survivors suffer from a severe motor or cognitive deterioration, that affects the functionality of the affected parts of the body, which in turn, prevents the patients from carrying out Activities of Daily Living (ADL). EEG signals which contains information on the activities carried out by a human that is widely used in many applications of BCI technologies which offers a means of controlling exoskeletons or automated orthosis to facilitate their ADL. Although motor imagery signals have been used in assisting the hand grasping motion amongst others motions, nonetheless, such signals are often difficult to be generated. It is non-trivial to note that EEG-based signals for instance, winking could mitigate the aforesaid issue. Nevertheless, extracting and attaining significant features from EEG signals are also somewhat challenging. The utilization of deep learning, particularly Transfer Learning (TL), have been demonstrated in the literature to b e able to provide seamless extraction of such signals in a myria d of various applications. Hitherto, limited studies have investigated the classification of wink-based EEG signals through TL accompanied by classical Machine Learning (ML) pipelines. This study aimed to explore the performance of different pre-processing methods, namely Fast Fourier Transform, Short-Time Fourier Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform, and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) that could allow TL models to extract features from the images generated and classify through selected classical ML algorithms . These pre-processing methods were utilized to convert the digital signals into respective images of all the right and left winking EEG signals along with no winking signals that were collected from ten (6 males and 4 females, aged between 22 and 29) subjects. The implementation of pre-processing algorithms has been demonstrated to be able to mitigate the signal noises that arises from the winking signals without the need for the use signal filtering algorithms. A new form of input which consists of scalogram and spectrogram images that represents both time and frequency domains , are then introduced in the classification of wink-based EEG signals. Different TL models were exploited to extract features from the transformed EEG signals. The features extracted were then classified through three classical ML models, namely Support Vector Machine, k -Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) and Random Forest to determine the best pipeline for wink -based EEG signals. The hyperparameters of the ML models were tuned through a 5-fold crossvalidation technique via an exhaustive grid search approach. The training, validation and testing of the models were split with a stratified ratio of 60:20:20, respectively. The results obtained from the TL-ML pipelines were evaluated in terms of classification accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-Score and confusion matrix. It was demonstrated from the simulation investigation that the CWT model could yield a better signal transformation amongst the preprocessing algorithms. In addition, amongst the eighteen TL models evaluated based on the CWT transformation, fourteen was f ound to be able to extract the features reasonable, i.e., VGG16, VGG19, ResNet101, ResNet101 V2, ResNet152, ResNet152 V2, Inception V3, Inception ResNet V2, Xception, MobileNetV2, DenseNet 121, DenseNet 169, NasNetMobile and NasNetLarge. Whilst it was observed that the optimized k-NN model based on the aforesaid pipeline could achieve a classification accuracy of 100% for the training, validation, and tes t data. Nonetheless, upon carrying out a robustness test on new data, it was demonstrated that the CWT-NasNetMobile-kNN pipeline yielded the best performance. Therefore, it could be concluded that the proposed CWT-NasNetMobile-k-NN pipeline is suitable to be adopted to classify -winkbased EEG signals for BCI applications,for instance a grasping exoskeleton

    Statistically significant features improve binary and multiple Motor Imagery task predictions from EEGs

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    In recent studies, in the field of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), researchers have focused on Motor Imagery tasks. Motor Imagery-based electroencephalogram (EEG) signals provide the interaction and communication between the paralyzed patients and the outside world for moving and controlling external devices such as wheelchair and moving cursors. However, current approaches in the Motor Imagery-BCI system design require effective feature extraction methods and classification algorithms to acquire discriminative features from EEG signals due to the non-linear and non-stationary structure of EEG signals. This study investigates the effect of statistical significance-based feature selection on binary and multi-class Motor Imagery EEG signal classifications. In the feature extraction process performed 24 different time-domain features, 15 different frequency-domain features which are energy, variance, and entropy of Fourier transform within five EEG frequency subbands, 15 different time-frequency domain features which are energy, variance, and entropy of Wavelet transform based on five EEG frequency subbands, and 4 different Poincare plot-based non-linear parameters are extracted from each EEG channel. A total of 1,364 Motor Imagery EEG features are supplied from 22 channel EEG signals for each input EEG data. In the statistical significance-based feature selection process, the best one among all possible combinations of these features is tried to be determined using the independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test on binary and multi-class Motor Imagery EEG signal classifications, respectively. The whole extracted feature set and the feature set that contain statistically significant features only are classified in this study. We implemented 6 and 7 different classifiers in multi-class and binary (two-class) classification tasks, respectively. The classification process is evaluated using the five-fold cross-validation method, and each classification algorithm is tested 10 times. These repeated tests provide to check the repeatability of the results. The maximum of 61.86 and 47.36% for the two-class and four-class scenarios, respectively, are obtained with Ensemble Subspace Discriminant among all these classifiers using selected features including only statistically significant features. The results reveal that the introduced statistical significance-based feature selection approach improves the classifier performances by achieving higher classifier performances with fewer relevant components in Motor Imagery task classification. In conclusion, the main contribution of the presented study is two-fold evaluation of non-linear parameters as an alternative to the commonly used features and the prediction of multiple Motor Imagery tasks using statistically significant features