3,606 research outputs found

    Hypercellular graphs: partial cubes without Q3−Q_3^- as partial cube minor

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    We investigate the structure of isometric subgraphs of hypercubes (i.e., partial cubes) which do not contain finite convex subgraphs contractible to the 3-cube minus one vertex Q3−Q^-_3 (here contraction means contracting the edges corresponding to the same coordinate of the hypercube). Extending similar results for median and cellular graphs, we show that the convex hull of an isometric cycle of such a graph is gated and isomorphic to the Cartesian product of edges and even cycles. Furthermore, we show that our graphs are exactly the class of partial cubes in which any finite convex subgraph can be obtained from the Cartesian products of edges and even cycles via successive gated amalgams. This decomposition result enables us to establish a variety of results. In particular, it yields that our class of graphs generalizes median and cellular graphs, which motivates naming our graphs hypercellular. Furthermore, we show that hypercellular graphs are tope graphs of zonotopal complexes of oriented matroids. Finally, we characterize hypercellular graphs as being median-cell -- a property naturally generalizing the notion of median graphs.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, added example answering Question 1 from earlier draft (Figure 6.

    Groups acting on quasi-median graphs. An introduction

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    Quasi-median graphs have been introduced by Mulder in 1980 as a generalisation of median graphs, known in geometric group theory to naturally coincide with the class of CAT(0) cube complexes. In his PhD thesis, the author showed that quasi-median graphs may be useful to study groups as well. In the present paper, we propose a gentle introduction to the theory of groups acting on quasi-median graphs.Comment: 16 pages. Comments are welcom

    On embeddings of CAT(0) cube complexes into products of trees

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    We prove that the contact graph of a 2-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex X{\bf X} of maximum degree Δ\Delta can be coloured with at most ϵ(Δ)=MΔ26\epsilon(\Delta)=M\Delta^{26} colours, for a fixed constant MM. This implies that X{\bf X} (and the associated median graph) isometrically embeds in the Cartesian product of at most ϵ(Δ)\epsilon(\Delta) trees, and that the event structure whose domain is X{\bf X} admits a nice labeling with ϵ(Δ)\epsilon(\Delta) labels. On the other hand, we present an example of a 5-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex with uniformly bounded degrees of 0-cubes which cannot be embedded into a Cartesian product of a finite number of trees. This answers in the negative a question raised independently by F. Haglund, G. Niblo, M. Sageev, and the first author of this paper.Comment: Some small corrections; main change is a correction of the computation of the bounds in Theorem 1. Some figures repaire

    Bucolic Complexes

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    We introduce and investigate bucolic complexes, a common generalization of systolic complexes and of CAT(0) cubical complexes. They are defined as simply connected prism complexes satisfying some local combinatorial conditions. We study various approaches to bucolic complexes: from graph-theoretic and topological perspective, as well as from the point of view of geometric group theory. In particular, we characterize bucolic complexes by some properties of their 2-skeleta and 1-skeleta (that we call bucolic graphs), by which several known results are generalized. We also show that locally-finite bucolic complexes are contractible, and satisfy some nonpositive-curvature-like properties.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figure

    Weak hyperbolicity of cube complexes and quasi-arboreal groups

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    We examine a graph Γ\Gamma encoding the intersection of hyperplane carriers in a CAT(0) cube complex X~\widetilde X. The main result is that Γ\Gamma is quasi-isometric to a tree. This implies that a group GG acting properly and cocompactly on X~\widetilde X is weakly hyperbolic relative to the hyperplane stabilizers. Using disc diagram techniques and Wright's recent result on the aymptotic dimension of CAT(0) cube complexes, we give a generalization of a theorem of Bell and Dranishnikov on the finite asymptotic dimension of graphs of asymptotically finite-dimensional groups. More precisely, we prove asymptotic finite-dimensionality for finitely-generated groups acting on finite-dimensional cube complexes with 0-cube stabilizers of uniformly bounded asymptotic dimension. Finally, we apply contact graph techniques to prove a cubical version of the flat plane theorem stated in terms of complete bipartite subgraphs of Γ\Gamma.Comment: Corrections in Sections 2 and 4. Simplification in Section
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