1,511 research outputs found

    A first approach in solving initial-value problems in ODEs by elliptic fitting methods

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    Exponentially-fitted and trigonometrically-fitted methods have a long successful history in the solution of initial-value problems, but other functions might be considered in adapted methods. Specifically, this paper aims at the derivation of a new numerical scheme for approximating initial value problems of ordinary differential equations using elliptic functions. The example considered is the undamped Duffing equation where the forcing term is of autonomous type affected by a perturbation parameter. The new scheme is constructed by considering a suitable approximation to the theoretical solution based on elliptic functions. The proposed elliptic fitting procedure has been tested on a variety of problems, showing its good performance

    Cardiac Electromechanics: The effect of contraction model on the mathematical problem and accuracy of the numerical scheme

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    Models of cardiac electromechanics usually contain a contraction model determining the active tension induced at the cellular level, and the equations of nonlinear elasticity to determine tissue deformation in response to this active tension. All contraction models are dependent on cardiac electro-physiology, but can also be dependent on\ud the stretch and stretch-rate in the fibre direction. This fundamentally affects the mathematical problem being solved, through classification of the governing PDEs, which affects numerical schemes that can be used to solve the governing equations. We categorise contraction models into three types, and for each consider questions such as classification and the most appropriate choice from two numerical methods (the explicit and implicit schemes). In terms of mathematical classification, we consider the question of strong ellipticity of the total strain energy (important for precluding ‘unnatural’ material behaviour) for stretch-rate-independent contraction models; whereas for stretch-rate-dependent contraction models we introduce a corresponding third-order problem and explain how certain choices of boundary condition could lead to constraints on allowable initial condition. In terms of suitable numerical methods, we show that an explicit approach (where the contraction model is integrated in the timestep prior to the bulk deformation being computed) is: (i) appropriate for stretch-independent contraction models; (ii) only conditionally-stable, with the stability criterion independent of timestep, for contractions models which just depend on stretch (but not stretch-rate), and (iii) inappropriate for stretch-rate-dependent models

    The use of the mesh free methods (radial basis functions) in the modeling of radionuclide migration and moving boundary value problems

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    Recently, the mesh free methods (radial basis functions-RBFs) have emerged as a novel computing method in the scientific and engineering computing community. The numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) has been usually obtained by finite difference methods (FDM), finite element methods (FEM) and boundary elements methods (BEM). These conventional numerical methods still have some drawbacks. For example, the construction of the mesh in two or more dimensions is a nontrivial problem. Solving PDEs using radial basis function (RBF) collocations is an attractive alternative to these traditional methods because no tedious mesh generation is required. We compare the mesh free method, which uses radial basis functions, with the traditional finite difference scheme and analytical solutions. We will present some examples of using RBFs in geostatistical analysis of radionuclide migration modeling. The advection-dispersion equation will be used in the Eulerian and Lagrangian forms. Stefan's or moving boundary value problems will also be presented. The position of the moving boundary will be simulated by the moving data centers method and level set method

    Combining the radial basis function Eulerian and Lagrangian schemes with geostatistics for modeling of radionuclide migration through the geosphere

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    To assess the long-term safety of a radioactive waste disposal system, mathematical models are used to describe groundwater flow, chemistry, and potential radionuclide migration through geological formations. A number of processes need to be considered, when predicting the movement of radionuclides through the geosphere. The most important input data are obtained from field measurements, which are not available for all regions of interest. For example, the hydraulic conductivity as an input parameter varies from place to place. In such cases, geostatistical science offers a variety of spatial estimation procedures. Methods for solving the solute transport equation can also be classified as Eulerian, Lagrangian and mixed. The numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDE) has usually been obtained by finite-difference methods (FDM), finite-element methods (FEM), or finite-volume methods (FVM). Kansa introduced the concept of solving partial differential equations using radial basis functions (RBF) for hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic PDEs. The aim of this study was to present a relatively new approach to the modeling of radionuclide migration through the geosphere using radial basis function methods in Eulerian and Lagrangian coordinates. In this study, we determine the average and standard deviation of radionuclide concentration with regard to variable hydraulic conductivity, which was modelled by a geostatistical approach. Radionuclide concentrations will also be calculated in heterogeneous and partly heterogeneous 2D porous media. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Hyperbolic/parabolic development for the GIM-STAR code

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    Flow fields in supersonic inlet configurations were computed using the eliptic GIM code on the STAR computer. Spillage flow under the lower cowl was calculated to be 33% of the incoming stream. The shock/boundary layer interaction on the upper propulsive surface was computed including separation. All shocks produced by the flow system were captured. Linearized block implicit (LBI) schemes were examined to determine their application to the GIM code. Pure explicit methods have stability limitations and fully implicit schemes are inherently inefficient; however, LBI schemes show promise as an effective compromise. A quasiparabolic version of the GIM code was developed using elastical parabolized Navier-Stokes methods combined with quasitime relaxation. This scheme is referred to as quasiparabolic although it applies equally well to hyperbolic supersonic inviscid flows. Second order windward differences are used in the marching coordinate and either explicit or linear block implicit time relaxation can be incorporated
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