4,545 research outputs found

    Queue normalization methods in systems GI/GI/1/m with infinite variance of service time

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    Queuing systems with an infinite variance of service time are considered. The average waiting time in such systems is equal to infinity at a stationary regime. We analyze the efficiency of introducing of absolute priorities with infinite number of priority classes determined by the special axis marking on intervals for possible values of service time. It is stated that queues in systems become normalized, i.e. the average queue length become finite, when using regular marking. Furthermore, request loss probabilities radically decrease when buffer size is finite. More efficient marking - exponential marking - is proposed for practical purposes in networks with fractal traffic. The optimization problems of regular and exponential markings are solved

    Single and dual queueing schemes with prioritised traffic scheduling and finite waiting room

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    Analysis of new schemes aimed at improving congestion in communications systems is vital for todays service providers. Many techniques are used to evaluate such schemes be it precisely via mathematics or approximately using simulation. This thesis introduces a new scheme, the multi priority dual queue (MPDQ). The MPDQ is the combination of two concepts, the dual queue introduced by [Hayes et. al., 1999] and prioritised traffic. The MPDQ is a system with finite waiting room with two queues where traffic upon arrival if finding the first queue full wait in the second queue if there is room. When a space becomes vacant in the first queue, a customer at the front of the second queue enters the back of the first, which is the queue that has the service centre at the front of it. The traffic can be of two or more classes. The analysis of such a system is complex, both analytically using queueing theory and approximately using simulation analysis. Both approaches are taken in this thesis. To begin, the new algorithmic approach used for the MPDQ is applied for the single buffer model. The steady state and waiting time distributions are obtained and later compared to the MPDQ. Next the performance characteristics are obtained by solving the steady state and waiting time distributions of a two class MPDQ. Preemptive and non-preemptive service disciplines are investigated. Maple is also used to solve the algorithm. To broaden the application of the MPDQ scheme, computer simulations using Arena are undertaken to extend the application of the scheme (and existing finite queueing models) to situations with more than two priorities, something that is extremely difficult to solve analytically. Using simulation, comparisons are undertaken for the single and dual queue schemes for more than two priorities with a variety of queueing disciplines used including First In First Out (FIFO), Last In First Out (LIFO), High Class First (HCF), and Low Class First (LCF). Network scenarios are also modelled to determine the performance of the MPDQ in this environment

    Численный метод анализа моделей систем массового обслуживания со скачкообразными приоритетами

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    Розроблено алгоритмічний підхід до дослідження моделей систем масового обслуговування із загальною обмеженою та необмеженою чергами за наявності стрибкоподібних пріоритетів. Припускається, що в момент надходження нового низькопріоритетного виклику один виклик такого типу з деякою ймовірністю може перейти у кінець черги високопріоритетних викликів. Ймовірність переходу залежить від стану черги різнотипних викликів. Наведено алгоритми розрахунку характеристик таких моделей обслуговування.An algorithmic approach to study the queuing models with common finite and infinite buffer and jump priorities is developed. It is assumed that upon arrival of a low-priority call, one call of such kind might be transferred to the end of the queue of high-priority calls. The transfer probability depends on the state of the queue of heterogeneous calls. The algorithms are proposed to calculate the quality of service metrics of such queuing models

    The effective bandwidth problem revisited

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    The paper studies a single-server queueing system with autonomous service and \ell priority classes. Arrival and departure processes are governed by marked point processes. There are \ell buffers corresponding to priority classes, and upon arrival a unit of the kkth priority class occupies a place in the kkth buffer. Let N(k)N^{(k)}, k=1,2,...,k=1,2,...,\ell denote the quota for the total kkth buffer content. The values N(k)N^{(k)} are assumed to be large, and queueing systems both with finite and infinite buffers are studied. In the case of a system with finite buffers, the values N(k)N^{(k)} characterize buffer capacities. The paper discusses a circle of problems related to optimization of performance measures associated with overflowing the quota of buffer contents in particular buffers models. Our approach to this problem is new, and the presentation of our results is simple and clear for real applications.Comment: 29 pages, 11pt, Final version, that will be published as is in Stochastic Model

    Partially shared buffers with full or mixed priority

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    This paper studies a finite-sized discrete-time two-class priority queue. Packets of both classes arrive according to a two-class discrete batch Markovian arrival process (2-DBMAP), taking into account the correlated nature of arrivals in heterogeneous telecommunication networks. The model incorporates time and space priority to provide different types of service to each class. One of both classes receives absolute time priority in order to minimize its delay. Space priority is implemented by the partial buffer sharing acceptance policy and can be provided to the class receiving time priority or to the other class. This choice gives rise to two different queueing models and this paper analyses both these models in a unified manner. Furthermore, the buffer finiteness and the use of space priority raise some issues on the order of arrivals in a slot. This paper does not assume that all arrivals from one class enter the queue before those of the other class. Instead, a string representation for sequences of arriving packets and a probability measure on the set of such strings are introduced. This naturally gives rise to the notion of intra-slot space priority. Performance of these queueing systems is then determined using matrix-analytic techniques. The numerical examples explore the range of service differentiation covered by both models

    Modeling the fraud-like investment founds by Petri nets

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    In this paper we model the fraud-like investment founds using place-transition Petri nets. We will also classify the business using regression line in order to find the possible fraud-like investment founds. In these regression lines we compute analytical the mark of a place in function of some other elements of the Petri net, and next we express this value in function of the same elements using regression. From the identity of the coefficients we find a ratio between two weights of arcs. We make also a program where the marks and transitions are implemented as classes for Petri nets, and, using the heritage mechanism we extend the Petri net to Petri net with priorities.Petri nets, fraud-like investment founds, objects programming.