7,541 research outputs found

    A feature selection method for classification within functional genomics experiments based on the proportional overlapping score

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    Background: Microarray technology, as well as other functional genomics experiments, allow simultaneous measurements of thousands of genes within each sample. Both the prediction accuracy and interpretability of a classifier could be enhanced by performing the classification based only on selected discriminative genes. We propose a statistical method for selecting genes based on overlapping analysis of expression data across classes. This method results in a novel measure, called proportional overlapping score (POS), of a feature's relevance to a classification task.Results: We apply POS, along-with four widely used gene selection methods, to several benchmark gene expression datasets. The experimental results of classification error rates computed using the Random Forest, k Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Machine classifiers show that POS achieves a better performance.Conclusions: A novel gene selection method, POS, is proposed. POS analyzes the expressions overlap across classes taking into account the proportions of overlapping samples. It robustly defines a mask for each gene that allows it to minimize the effect of expression outliers. The constructed masks along-with a novel gene score are exploited to produce the selected subset of genes

    Identification of disease-causing genes using microarray data mining and gene ontology

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    Background: One of the best and most accurate methods for identifying disease-causing genes is monitoring gene expression values in different samples using microarray technology. One of the shortcomings of microarray data is that they provide a small quantity of samples with respect to the number of genes. This problem reduces the classification accuracy of the methods, so gene selection is essential to improve the predictive accuracy and to identify potential marker genes for a disease. Among numerous existing methods for gene selection, support vector machine-based recursive feature elimination (SVMRFE) has become one of the leading methods, but its performance can be reduced because of the small sample size, noisy data and the fact that the method does not remove redundant genes. Methods: We propose a novel framework for gene selection which uses the advantageous features of conventional methods and addresses their weaknesses. In fact, we have combined the Fisher method and SVMRFE to utilize the advantages of a filtering method as well as an embedded method. Furthermore, we have added a redundancy reduction stage to address the weakness of the Fisher method and SVMRFE. In addition to gene expression values, the proposed method uses Gene Ontology which is a reliable source of information on genes. The use of Gene Ontology can compensate, in part, for the limitations of microarrays, such as having a small number of samples and erroneous measurement results. Results: The proposed method has been applied to colon, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) and prostate cancer datasets. The empirical results show that our method has improved classification performance in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. In addition, the study of the molecular function of selected genes strengthened the hypothesis that these genes are involved in the process of cancer growth. Conclusions: The proposed method addresses the weakness of conventional methods by adding a redundancy reduction stage and utilizing Gene Ontology information. It predicts marker genes for colon, DLBCL and prostate cancer with a high accuracy. The predictions made in this study can serve as a list of candidates for subsequent wet-lab verification and might help in the search for a cure for cancers

    Single Sample Expression-Anchored Mechanisms Predict Survival in Head and Neck Cancer

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    Gene expression signatures that are predictive of therapeutic response or prognosis are increasingly useful in clinical care; however, mechanistic (and intuitive) interpretation of expression arrays remains an unmet challenge. Additionally, there is surprisingly little gene overlap among distinct clinically validated expression signatures. These “causality challenges” hinder the adoption of signatures as compared to functionally well-characterized single gene biomarkers. To increase the utility of multi-gene signatures in survival studies, we developed a novel approach to generate “personal mechanism signatures” of molecular pathways and functions from gene expression arrays. FAIME, the Functional Analysis of Individual Microarray Expression, computes mechanism scores using rank-weighted gene expression of an individual sample. By comparing head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) samples with non-tumor control tissues, the precision and recall of deregulated FAIME-derived mechanisms of pathways and molecular functions are comparable to those produced by conventional cohort-wide methods (e.g. GSEA). The overlap of “Oncogenic FAIME Features of HNSCC” (statistically significant and differentially regulated FAIME-derived genesets representing GO functions or KEGG pathways derived from HNSCC tissue) among three distinct HNSCC datasets (pathways:46%, p<0.001) is more significant than the gene overlap (genes:4%). These Oncogenic FAIME Features of HNSCC can accurately discriminate tumors from control tissues in two additional HNSCC datasets (n = 35 and 91, F-accuracy = 100% and 97%, empirical p<0.001, area under the receiver operating characteristic curves = 99% and 92%), and stratify recurrence-free survival in patients from two independent studies (p = 0.0018 and p = 0.032, log-rank). Previous approaches depending on group assignment of individual samples before selecting features or learning a classifier are limited by design to discrete-class prediction. In contrast, FAIME calculates mechanism profiles for individual patients without requiring group assignment in validation sets. FAIME is more amenable for clinical deployment since it translates the gene-level measurements of each given sample into pathways and molecular function profiles that can be applied to analyze continuous phenotypes in clinical outcome studies (e.g. survival time, tumor volume)

    Improving Statistical Learning within Functional Genomic Experiments by means of Feature Selection

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    A Statistical learning approach concerns with understanding and modelling complex datasets. Based on a given training data, its main aim is to build a model that maps the relationship between a set of input features and a considered response in a predictive way. Classification is the foremost task of such a learning process. It has applications encompassing many important fields in modern biology, including microarray data as well as other functional genomic experiments. Microarray technology allow measuring tens of thousands of genes (features) simultaneously. However, the expressions of these genes are usually observed in a small number, tens to few hundreds, of tissue samples (observations). This common characteristic of high dimensionality has a great impact on the learning processes, since most of genes are noisy, redundant or non-relevant to the considered learning task. Both the prediction accuracy and interpretability of a constructed model are believed to be enhanced by performing the learning process based only on selected informative features. Motivated by this notion, a novel statistical method, named Proportional Overlapping Scores (POS), is proposed for selecting features based on overlapping analysis of gene expression data across different classes of a considered classification task. This method results in a measure, called POS score, of a feature’s relevance to the learning task. POS is further extended to minimize the redundancy among the selected features. The proposed approaches are validated on several publicly available gene expression datasets using widely used classifiers to observe effects on their prediction accuracy. Selection stability is also examined to address the captured biological knowledge in the obtained results. The experimental results of classification error rates computed using the Random Forest, k NearestNeighbor and Support VectorMachine classifiers show that the proposals achieve a better performance than widely used gene selection methods

    Algebraic Comparison of Partial Lists in Bioinformatics

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    The outcome of a functional genomics pipeline is usually a partial list of genomic features, ranked by their relevance in modelling biological phenotype in terms of a classification or regression model. Due to resampling protocols or just within a meta-analysis comparison, instead of one list it is often the case that sets of alternative feature lists (possibly of different lengths) are obtained. Here we introduce a method, based on the algebraic theory of symmetric groups, for studying the variability between lists ("list stability") in the case of lists of unequal length. We provide algorithms evaluating stability for lists embedded in the full feature set or just limited to the features occurring in the partial lists. The method is demonstrated first on synthetic data in a gene filtering task and then for finding gene profiles on a recent prostate cancer dataset

    Application of Volcano Plots in Analyses of mRNA Differential Expressions with Microarrays

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    Volcano plot displays unstandardized signal (e.g. log-fold-change) against noise-adjusted/standardized signal (e.g. t-statistic or -log10(p-value) from the t test). We review the basic and an interactive use of the volcano plot, and its crucial role in understanding the regularized t-statistic. The joint filtering gene selection criterion based on regularized statistics has a curved discriminant line in the volcano plot, as compared to the two perpendicular lines for the "double filtering" criterion. This review attempts to provide an unifying framework for discussions on alternative measures of differential expression, improved methods for estimating variance, and visual display of a microarray analysis result. We also discuss the possibility to apply volcano plots to other fields beyond microarray.Comment: 8 figure

    Novel computational methods for studying the role and interactions of transcription factors in gene regulation

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    Regulation of which genes are expressed and when enables the existence of different cell types sharing the same genetic code in their DNA. Erroneously functioning gene regulation can lead to diseases such as cancer. Gene regulatory programs can malfunction in several ways. Often if a disease is caused by a defective protein, the cause is a mutation in the gene coding for the protein rendering the protein unable to perform its functions properly. However, protein-coding genes make up only about 1.5% of the human genome, and majority of all disease-associated mutations discovered reside outside protein-coding genes. The mechanisms of action of these non-coding disease-associated mutations are far more incompletely understood. Binding of transcription factors (TFs) to DNA controls the rate of transcribing genetic information from the coding DNA sequence to RNA. Binding affinities of TFs to DNA have been extensively measured in vitro, ligands by exponential enrichment) and Protein Binding Microarrays (PBMs), and the genome-wide binding locations and patterns of TFs have been mapped in dozens of cell types. Despite this, our understanding of how TF binding to regulatory regions of the genome, promoters and enhancers, leads to gene expression is not at the level where gene expression could be reliably predicted based on DNA sequence only. In this work, we develop and apply computational tools to analyze and model the effects of TF-DNA binding. We also develop new methods for interpreting and understanding deep learning-based models trained on biological sequence data. In biological applications, the ability to understand how machine learning models make predictions is as, or even more important as raw predictive performance. This has created a demand for approaches helping researchers extract biologically meaningful information from deep learning model predictions. We develop a novel computational method for determining TF binding sites genome-wide from recently developed high-resolution ChIP-exo and ChIP-nexus experiments. We demonstrate that our method performs similarly or better than previously published methods while making less assumptions about the data. We also describe an improved algorithm for calling allele-specific TF-DNA binding. We utilize deep learning methods to learn features predicting transcriptional activity of human promoters and enhancers. The deep learning models are trained on massively parallel reporter gene assay (MPRA) data from human genomic regulatory elements, designed regulatory elements and promoters and enhancers selected from totally random pool of synthetic input DNA. This unprecedentedly large set of measurements of human gene regulatory element activities, in total more than 100 times the size of the human genome, allowed us to train models that were able to predict genomic transcription start site positions more accurately than models trained on genomic promoters, and to correctly predict effects of disease-associated promoter variants. We also found that interactions between promoters and local classical enhancers are non-specific in nature. The MPRA data integrated with extensive epigenetic measurements supports existence of three different classes of enhancers: classical enhancers, closed chromatin enhancers and chromatin-dependent enhancers. We also show that TFs can be divided into four different, non-exclusive classes based on their activities: chromatin opening, enhancing, promoting and TSS determining TFs. Interpreting the deep learning models of human gene regulatory elements required application of several existing model interpretation tools as well as developing new approaches. Here, we describe two new methods for visualizing features and interactions learned by deep learning models. Firstly, we describe an algorithm for testing if a deep learning model has learned an existing binding motif of a TF. Secondly, we visualize mutual information between pairwise k-mer distributions in sample inputs selected according to predictions by a machine learning model. This method highlights pairwise, and positional dependencies learned by a machine learning model. We demonstrate the use of this model-agnostic approach with classification and regression models trained on DNA, RNA and amino acid sequences.Monet eliöt koostuvat useista erilaisista solutyypeistÀ, vaikka kaikissa nÀiden eliöiden soluissa onkin sama DNA-koodi. Geenien ilmentymisen sÀÀtely mahdollistaa erilaiset solutyypit. Virheellisesti toimiva sÀÀtely voi johtaa sairauksiin, esimerkiksi syövÀn puhkeamiseen. Jos sairauden aiheuttaa viallinen proteiini, on syynÀ usein mutaatio tÀtÀ proteiinia koodaavassa geenissÀ, joka muuttaa proteiinia siten, ettei se enÀÀ pysty toimittamaan tehtÀvÀÀnsÀ riittÀvÀn hyvin. Kuitenkin vain 1,5 % ihmisen genomista on proteiineja koodaavia geenejÀ. Suurin osa kaikista löydetyistÀ sairauksiin liitetyistÀ mutaatioista sijaitsee nÀiden ns. koodaavien alueiden ulkopuolella. Ei-koodaavien sairauksiin liitetyiden mutaatioiden vaikutusmekanismit ovat yleisesti paljon huonommin tunnettuja, kuin koodaavien alueiden mutaatioiden. Transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutuminen DNA:han sÀÀtelee transkriptiota, eli geeneissÀ olevan geneettisen informaation lukemista ja muuntamista RNA:ksi. Transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutumista DNA:han on mitattu kattavasti in vitro-olosuhteissa, ja monien transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutumiskohdat on mitattu genominlaajuisesti useissa eri solutyypeissÀ. TÀstÀ huolimatta ymmÀrryksemme siitÀ miten transkriptioitekijöiden sitoutuminen genomin sÀÀtelyelementteihin, eli promoottoreihin ja vahvistajiin, johtaa geenien ilmentymiseen ei ole sellaisella tasolla, ettÀ voisimme luotettavasti ennustaa geenien ilmentymistÀ pelkÀstÀÀn DNA-sekvenssin perusteella. TÀssÀ työssÀ kehitÀmme ja sovellamme laskennallisia työkaluja transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutumisesta johtuvan geenien ilmentymisen analysointiin ja mallintamiseen. KehitÀmme myös uusia menetelmiÀ biologisella sekvenssidatalla opetettujen syvÀoppimismallien tulkitsemiseksi. Koneoppimismallin tekemien ennusteiden ymmÀrrettÀvyys on biologisissa sovelluksissa yleensÀ yhtÀ tÀrkeÀÀ, ellei jopa tÀrkeÀmpÀÀ kuin pelkkÀ raaka ennustetarkkuus. TÀmÀ on synnyttÀnyt tarpeen uusille menetelmille, jotka auttavat tutkijoita louhimaan biologisesti merkityksellistÀ tietoa syvÀoppimismallien ennusteista. Kehitimme tÀssÀ työssÀ uuden laskennallisen työkalun, jolla voidaan mÀÀrittÀÀ transkriptiotekijöiden sitoutumiskohdat genominlaajuisesti kÀyttÀen mittausdataa hiljattain kehitetyistÀ korkearesoluutioisista ChIP-exo ja ChIP-nexus kokeista. NÀytÀmme, ettÀ kehittÀmÀmme menetelmÀ suoriutuu paremmin, tai vÀhintÀÀn yhtÀ hyvin kuin aiemmin julkaistut menetelmÀt tehden nÀitÀ vÀhemmÀn oletuksia signaalin muodosta. Esittelemme myös parannellun algoritmin transkriptiotekijöiden alleelispesifin sitoutumisen mÀÀrittÀmiseksi. KÀytÀmme syvÀoppimismenetelmiÀ oppimaan mitkÀ ominaisuudet ennustavat ihmisen promoottori- ja voimistajaelementtien aktiivisuutta. NÀmÀ syvÀoppimismallit on opetettu valtavien rinnakkaisten reportterigeenikokeiden datalla ihmisen genomisista sÀÀtelyelementeistÀ, sekÀ aktiivisista promoottoreista ja voimistajista, jotka ovat valikoituneet satunnaisesta joukosta synteettisiÀ DNA-sekvenssejÀ. TÀmÀ ennennÀkemÀttömÀn laaja joukko mittauksia ihmisen sÀÀtelyelementtien aktiivisuudesta - yli satakertainen mÀÀrÀ DNA sekvenssiÀ ihmisen genomiin verrattuna - mahdollisti transkription aloituskohtien sijainnin ennustamisen ihmisen genomissa tarkemmin kuin ihmisen genomilla opetetut mallit. NÀmÀ mallit myös ennustivat oikein sairauksiin liitettyjen mutaatioiden vaikutukset ihmisen promoottoreilla. Tuloksemme nÀyttivÀt, ettÀ vuorovaikutukset ihmisen promoottorien ja klassisten paikallisten voimistajien vÀlillÀ ovat epÀspesifejÀ. MPRA-data, integroituna kattavien epigeneettisten mittausten kanssa mahdollisti voimistajaelementtien jaon kolmeen luokkaan: klassiset, suljetun kromatiinin, ja kromatiinista riippuvat voimistajat. Tutkimuksemme osoitti, ettÀ transkriptiotekijÀt voidaan jakaa neljÀÀn, osittain pÀÀllekkÀiseen luokkaan niiden aktiivisuuksien perusteella: kromatiinia avaaviin, voimistaviin, promotoiviin ja transkription aloituskohdan mÀÀrittÀviin transkriptiotekijöihin. Ihmisen genomin sÀÀtelyelementtejÀ kuvaavien syvÀoppimismallien tulkitseminen vaati sekÀ olemassa olevien menetelmien soveltamista, ettÀ uusien kehittÀmistÀ. Kehitimme tÀssÀ työssÀ kaksi uutta menetelmÀÀ syvÀoppimismallien oppimien muuttujien ja niiden vÀlisten vuorovaikutusten visualisoimiseksi. Ensin esittelemme algoritmin, jonka avulla voidaan testata onko syvÀoppimismalli oppinut jonkin jo tunnetun transkriptiotekijÀn sitoutumishahmon. Toiseksi, visualisoimme positiokohtaisten k-meerijakaumien keskeisinformaatiota sekvensseissÀ, jotka on valittu syvÀoppimismallin ennusteiden perusteella. TÀmÀ menetelmÀ paljastaa syvÀoppimismallin oppimat parivuorovaikutukset ja positiokohtaiset riippuvuudet. NÀytÀmme, ettÀ kehittÀmÀmme menetelmÀ on mallin arkkitehtuurista riippumaton soveltamalla sitÀ sekÀ luokittelijoihin, ettÀ regressiomalleihin, jotka on opetettu joko DNA-, RNA-, tai aminohapposekvenssidatalla

    Integrated Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Approaches for Prediction of Cancer-Driving Gene Mutations

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    Cancer arises from the accumulation of somatic mutations and genetic alterations in cell division checkpoints and apoptosis, this often leads to abnormal tumor proliferation. Proper classification of cancer-linked driver mutations will considerably help our understanding of the molecular dynamics of cancer. In this study, we compared several cancer-specific predictive models for prediction of driver mutations in cancer-linked genes that were validated on canonical data sets of functionally validated mutations and applied to a raw cancer genomics data. By analyzing pathogenicity prediction and conservation scores, we have shown that evolutionary conservation scores play a pivotal role in the classification of cancer drivers and were the most informative features in the driver mutation classification. Through extensive comparative analysis with structure-functional experiments and multicenter mutational calling data from PanCancer Atlas studies, we have demonstrated the robustness of our models and addressed the validity of computational predictions. We evaluated the performance of our models using the standard diagnostic metrics such as sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve and F-measure. To address the interpretability of cancer-specific classification models and obtain novel insights about molecular signatures of driver mutations, we have complemented machine learning predictions with structure-functional analysis of cancer driver mutations in several key tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. Through the experiments carried out in this study, we found that evolutionary-based features have the strongest signal in the machine learning classification VII of driver mutations and provide orthogonal information to the ensembled-based scores that are prominent in the ranking of feature importance
