48 research outputs found

    Reducing the complexity of a multiview H.264/AVC and HEVC hybrid architecture

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    With the advent of 3D displays, an efficient encoder is required to compress the video information needed by them. Moreover, for gradual market acceptance of this new technology, it is advisable to offer backward compatibility with existing devices. Thus, a multiview H.264/Advance Video Coding (AVC) and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) hybrid architecture was proposed in the standardization process of HEVC. However, it requires long encoding times due to the use of HEVC. With the aim of tackling this problem, this paper presents an algorithm that reduces the complexity of this hybrid architecture by reducing the encoding complexity of the HEVC views. By using Na < ve-Bayes classifiers, the proposed technique exploits the information gathered in the encoding of the H.264/AVC view to make decisions on the splitting of coding units in HEVC side views. Given the novelty of the proposal, the only similar work found in the literature is an unoptimized version of the algorithm presented here. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a good tradeoff between coding efficiency and complexity

    Efficient high-resolution video compression scheme using background and foreground layers

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    Video coding using dynamic background frame achieves better compression compared to the traditional techniques by encoding background and foreground separately. This process reduces coding bits for the overall frame significantly; however, encoding background still requires many bits that can be compressed further for achieving better coding efficiency. The cuboid coding framework has been proven to be one of the most effective methods of image compression which exploits homogeneous pixel correlation within a frame and has better alignment with object boundary compared to traditional block-based coding. In a video sequence, the cuboid-based frame partitioning varies with the changes of the foreground. However, since the background remains static for a group of pictures, the cuboid coding exploits better spatial pixel homogeneity. In this work, the impact of cuboid coding on the background frame for high-resolution videos (Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) and 360-degree videos) is investigated using the multilayer framework of SHVC. After the cuboid partitioning, the method of coarse frame generation has been improved with a novel idea by keeping human-visual sensitive information. Unlike the traditional SHVC scheme, in the proposed method, cuboid coded background and the foreground are encoded in separate layers in an implicit manner. Simulation results show that the proposed video coding method achieves an average BD-Rate reduction of 26.69% and BD-PSNR gain of 1.51 dB against SHVC with significant encoding time reduction for both UHD and 360 videos. It also achieves an average of 13.88% BD-Rate reduction and 0.78 dB BD-PSNR gain compared to the existing relevant method proposed by X. Hoang Van. © 2013 IEEE

    Fast Depth and Inter Mode Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding

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    International audienceThe scalable high efficiency video coding (SHVC) is an extension of high efficiency video coding (HEVC), which introduces multiple layers and inter-layer prediction, thus significantly increases the coding complexity on top of the already complicated HEVC encoder. In inter prediction for quality SHVC, in order to determine the best possible mode at each depth level, a coding tree unit can be recursively split into four depth levels, including merge mode, inter2Nx2N, inter2NxN, interNx2N, interNxN, in-ter2NxnU, inter2NxnD, internLx2N and internRx2N, intra modes and inter-layer reference (ILR) mode. This can obtain the highest coding efficiency, but also result in very high coding complexity. Therefore, it is crucial to improve coding speed while maintaining coding efficiency. In this research, we have proposed a new depth level and inter mode prediction algorithm for quality SHVC. First, the depth level candidates are predicted based on inter-layer correlation, spatial correlation and its correlation degree. Second, for a given depth candidate, we divide mode prediction into square and non-square mode predictions respectively. Third, in the square mode prediction, ILR and merge modes are predicted according to depth correlation, and early terminated whether residual distribution follows a Gaussian distribution. Moreover, ILR mode, merge mode and inter2Nx2N are early terminated based on significant differences in Rate Distortion (RD) costs. Fourth, if the early termination condition cannot be satisfied, non-square modes are further predicted based on significant differences in expected values of residual coefficients. Finally, inter-layer and spatial correlations are combined with residual distribution to examine whether to early terminate depth selection. Experimental results have demonstrated that, on average, the proposed algorithm can achieve a time saving of 71.14%, with a bit rate increase of 1.27%

    Overview of the Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) Standard

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    The Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) specification is a recent standard approved by the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG04 (MPEG) Video Coding. The main goal of LCEVC is to provide a standalone toolset for the enhancement of any other existing codec. It works on top of other coding schemes, resulting in a multi-layer video coding technology, but unlike existing scalable video codecs, adds enhancement layers completely independent from the base video. The LCEVC technology takes as input the decoded video at lower resolution and adds up to two enhancement sub-layers of residuals encoded with specialized low-complexity coding tools, such as simple temporal prediction, frequency transform, quantization, and entropy encoding. This paper provides an overview of the main features of the LCEVC standard: high compression efficiency, low complexity, minimized requirements of memory and processing power

    SLEPX: An Efficient Lightweight Cipher for Visual Protection of Scalable HEVC Extension

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    This paper proposes a lightweight cipher scheme aimed at the scalable extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) codec, referred to as the Scalable HEVC (SHVC) standard. This stream cipher, Symmetric Cipher for Lightweight Encryption based on Permutation and EXlusive OR (SLEPX), applies Selective Encryption (SE) over suitable coding syntax elements in the SHVC layers. This is achieved minimal computational complexity and delay. The algorithm also conserves most SHVC functionalities, i.e. preservation of bit-length, decoder format-compliance, and error resilience. For comparative analysis, results were taken and compared with other state-of-art ciphers i.e. Exclusive-OR (XOR) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The performance of SLEPX is also compared with existing video SE solutions to confirm the efficiency of the adopted scheme. The experimental results demonstrate that SLEPX is as secure as AES in terms of visual protection, while computationally efficient comparable with a basic XOR cipher. Visual quality assessment, security analysis and extensive cryptanalysis (based on numerical values of selected binstrings) also showed the effectiveness of SLEPX’s visual protection scheme for SHVC compared to previously-employed cryptographic technique

    Multiview Video Coding for Virtual Reality

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    Virtual reality (VR) is one of the emerging technologies in recent years. It brings a sense of real world experience in simulated environments, hence, it is being used in many applications for example in live sporting events, music recordings and in many other interactive multimedia applications. VR makes use of multimedia content, and videos are a major part of it. VR videos are captured from multiple directions to cover the entire 360 field-of-view. It usually employs, multiple cameras of wide field-of-view such as fisheye lenses and the camera arrangement can also vary from linear to spherical set-ups. Videos in VR system are also subjected to constraints such as, variations in network bandwidth, heterogeneous mobile devices with limited decoding capacity, adaptivity for view switching in the display. The uncompressed videos from multiview cameras are redundant and impractical for storage and transmission. The existing video coding standards compresses the multiview videos effi ciently. However, VR systems place certain limitations on the video and camera arrangements, such as, it assumes rectilinear properties for video, translational motion model for prediction and the camera set-up to be linearly arranged. The aim of the thesis is to propose coding schemes which are compliant to the current video coding standards of H.264/AVC and its successor H.265/HEVC, the current state-of-the-art and multiview/scalable extensions. This thesis presents methods that compress the multiview videos which are captured from eight cameras that are arranged spherically, pointing radially outwards. The cameras produce circular fi sheye videos of 195 degree field-of-view. The final goal is to present methods, which optimize the bitrate in both storage and transmission of videos for the VR system. The presented methods can be categorized into two groups: optimizing storage bitrate and optimizing streaming bitrate of multiview videos. In the storage bitrate category, six methods were experimented. The presented methods competed against simulcast coding of individual views. The coding schemes were experimented with two data sets of 8 views each. The method of scalable coding with inter-layer prediction in all frames outperformed simulcast coding with approximately 7.9%. In the case of optimizing streaming birates, five methods were experimented. The method of scalable plus multiview skip-coding outperformed the simulcast method of coding by 36% on average. Future work will focus on pre-processing the fi sheye videos to rectilinear videos, in-order to fit them to the current translational model of the video coding standards. Moreover, the methods will be tested in comprehensive applications and system requirements

    Hybrid strategies for efficient intra prediction in spatial SHVC

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkWith multi-layer encoding and Inter-layer prediction, Spatial Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding (SSHVC) has extremely high coding complexity. It is very crucial to speed up its coding to promote widespread and cost-effective SSHVC applications. Specifically, we first reveal that the average RD cost of Inter-layer Reference (ILR) mode is different from that of Intra mode, but they both follow the Gaussian distribution. Based on this discovery, we apply the classic Gaussian Mixture Model and Expectation Maximization to determine whether ILR mode is the best mode thus skipping Intra mode. Second, when coding units (CUs) in enhancement layer use Intra mode, it indicates very simple texture is presented. We investigate their Directional Mode (DM) distribution, and divide all DMs into three classes, and then develop different methods with respect to classes to progressively predict the best DMs. Third, by jointly considering rate distortion costs, residual coefficients and neighboring CUs, we propose to employ the Conditional Random Fields model to early terminate depth selection. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve coding speed with negligible coding efficiency losses

    Análise do HEVC escalável : desempenho e controlo de débito

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesEsta dissertação apresenta um estudo da norma de codificação de vídeo de alta eficiência (HEVC) e a sua extensão para vídeo escalável, SHVC. A norma de vídeo SHVC proporciona um melhor desempenho quando codifica várias camadas em simultâneo do que quando se usa o codificador HEVC numa configuração simulcast. Ambos os codificadores de referência, tanto para a camada base como para a camada superior usam o mesmo modelo de controlo de débito, modelo R-λ, que foi otimizado para o HEVC. Nenhuma otimização de alocação de débito entre camadas foi até ao momento proposto para o modelo de testes (SHM 8) para a escalabilidade do HEVC (SHVC). Derivamos um novo modelo R-λ apropriado para a camada superior e para o caso de escalabilidade espacial, que conduziu a um ganho de BD-débito de 1,81% e de BD-PSNR de 0,025 em relação ao modelo de débito-distorção existente no SHM do SHVC. Todavia, mostrou-se também nesta dissertação que o proposto modelo de R-λ não deve ser usado na camada inferior (camada base) no SHVC e por conseguinte no HEVC.This dissertation provides a study of the High Efficiency Video Coding standard (HEVC) and its scalable extension, SHVC. The SHVC provides a better performance when encoding several layers simultaneously than using an HEVC encoder in a simulcast configuration. Both reference encoders, in the base layer and in the enhancement layer use the same rate control model, R-λ model, which was optimized for HEVC. No optimal bitrate partitioning amongst layers is proposed in scalable HEVC (SHVC) test model (SHM 8). We derived a new R-λ model for the enhancement layer and for the spatial case which led to a DB-rate gain of 1.81% and DB-PSNR gain of 0.025 in relation to the rate-distortion model of SHM-SHVC. Nevertheless, we also show in this dissertation that the proposed model of R-λ should not be used neither in the base layer nor in HEVC