2,622 research outputs found

    PVR: Patch-to-Volume Reconstruction for Large Area Motion Correction of Fetal MRI

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    In this paper we present a novel method for the correction of motion artifacts that are present in fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of the whole uterus. Contrary to current slice-to-volume registration (SVR) methods, requiring an inflexible anatomical enclosure of a single investigated organ, the proposed patch-to-volume reconstruction (PVR) approach is able to reconstruct a large field of view of non-rigidly deforming structures. It relaxes rigid motion assumptions by introducing a specific amount of redundant information that is exploited with parallelized patch-wise optimization, super-resolution, and automatic outlier rejection. We further describe and provide an efficient parallel implementation of PVR allowing its execution within reasonable time on commercially available graphics processing units (GPU), enabling its use in the clinical practice. We evaluate PVR's computational overhead compared to standard methods and observe improved reconstruction accuracy in presence of affine motion artifacts of approximately 30% compared to conventional SVR in synthetic experiments. Furthermore, we have evaluated our method qualitatively and quantitatively on real fetal MRI data subject to maternal breathing and sudden fetal movements. We evaluate peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM), and cross correlation (CC) with respect to the originally acquired data and provide a method for visual inspection of reconstruction uncertainty. With these experiments we demonstrate successful application of PVR motion compensation to the whole uterus, the human fetus, and the human placenta.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. v2: wadded funders acknowledgements to preprin

    A Streaming Multi-GPU Implementation of Image Simulation Algorithms for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Simulation of atomic resolution image formation in scanning transmission electron microscopy can require significant computation times using traditional methods. A recently developed method, termed plane-wave reciprocal-space interpolated scattering matrix (PRISM), demonstrates potential for significant acceleration of such simulations with negligible loss of accuracy. Here we present a software package called Prismatic for parallelized simulation of image formation in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) using both the PRISM and multislice methods. By distributing the workload between multiple CUDA-enabled GPUs and multicore processors, accelerations as high as 1000x for PRISM and 30x for multislice are achieved relative to traditional multislice implementations using a single 4-GPU machine. We demonstrate a potentially important application of Prismatic, using it to compute images for atomic electron tomography at sufficient speeds to include in the reconstruction pipeline. Prismatic is freely available both as an open-source CUDA/C++ package with a graphical user interface and as a Python package, PyPrismatic

    GPU-based fast iterative reconstruction of fully 3-D PET sinograms

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    This work presents a graphics processing unit (GPU)- based implementation of a fully 3-D PET iterative reconstruction code, FIRST (Fast Iterative Reconstruction Software for [PET] Tomography), which was developed by our group. We describe the main steps followed to convert the FIRST code (which can run on several CPUs using the message passing interface [MPI] protocol) into a code where the main time-consuming parts of the reconstruction process (forward and backward projection) are massively parallelized on a GPU. Our objective was to obtain significant acceleration of the reconstruction without compromising the image quality or the flexibility of the CPU implementation. Therefore, we implemented a GPU version using an abstraction layer for the GPU, namely, CUDA C. The code reconstructs images from sinogram data, and with the same System Response Matrix obtained from Monte Carlo simulations than the CPU version. The use of memory was optimized to ensure good performance in the GPU. The code was adapted for the VrPET small-animal PET scanner. The CUDA version is more than 70 times faster than the original code running in a single core of a high-end CPU, with no loss of accuracy.This work was supported in part by AMIT Project funded by CDTI (CENIT Programme), UCM (Grupos UCM, 910059), CPAN (Consolider-Ingenio 2010, CSPD-2007-00042), RECAVA- RETIC network, Comunidad de Madrid (ARTEMIS S2009/DPI-1802), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spanish Government (ENTEPRASE grant, PSE-300000-2009-5 and TEC2007-64731/TCM), and European Regional funds.Publicad

    GPU acceleration of a fully 3D iterative reconstruction software for PET using CUDA

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    Proceeding of: 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), Orlando, Florida, 25-31 October 2009A CUDA implementation of the existing software FIRST (Fast Iterative Reconstruction Software for (PET) Tomography) is presented. This implementation uses consumer graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate the compute-intensive parts of the reconstruction: forward and backward projection. FIRST was originally developed in FORTRAN, and it has been migrated to C language to be used with NVIDIA C for CUDA, as well as for a straightforward implementation and performance comparison between the C versions of the code running on the CPU and on the GPU. We measured the execution time of the CUDA version compared to the fastest available CPU. The CUDA implementation includes a loop re-ordering and an optimized memory allocation, which improves even more the performance of the reconstruction on the GPUs.This work was supported in part by MEC (FPA2007-62216), CDTEAM (Programa CENIT, Ministerio de Industria), UCM (Grupos UCM, 910059), CPAN (Consolider-Ingenio 2010) CSPD-2007-00042 and the RECAVA-RETIC networ