8 research outputs found

    The Development of an assistive chair for elderly with sit to stand problems

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyStanding up from a seated position, known as sit-to-stand (STS) movement, is one of the most frequently performed activities of daily living (ADLs). However, the aging generation are often encountered with STS issues owning to their declined motor functions and sensory capacity for postural control. The motivated is rooted from the contemporary market available STS assistive devices that are lack of genuine interaction with elderly users. Prior to the software implementation, the robot chair platform with integrated sensing footmat is developed with STS biomechanical concerns for the elderly. The work has its main emphasis on recognising the personalised behavioural patterns from the elderly users’ STS movements, namely the STS intentions and personalised STS feature prediction. The former is known as intention recognition while the latter is defined as assistance prediction, both achieved by innovative machine learning techniques. The proposed intention recognition performs well in multiple subjects scenarios with different postures involved thanks to its competence of handling these uncertainties. To the provision of providing the assistance needed by the elderly user, a time series prediction model is presented, aiming to configure the personalised ground reaction force (GRF) curve over time which suggests successful movement. This enables the computation of deficits between the predicted oncoming GRF curve and the personalised one. A multiple steps ahead prediction into the future is also implemented so that the completion time of actuation in reality is taken into account

    Hybrid wheelchair controller for handicapped and quadriplegic patients

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    In this dissertation, a hybrid wheelchair controller for handicapped and quadriplegic patient is proposed. The system has two sub-controllers which are the voice controller and the head tilt controller. The system aims to help quadriplegic, handicapped, elderly and paralyzed patients to control a robotic wheelchair using voice commands and head movements instead of a traditional joystick controller. The multi-input design makes the system more flexible to adapt to the available body signals. The low-cost design is taken into consideration as it allows more patients to use this system

    Biomechatronics: Harmonizing Mechatronic Systems with Human Beings

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    This eBook provides a comprehensive treatise on modern biomechatronic systems centred around human applications. A particular emphasis is given to exoskeleton designs for assistance and training with advanced interfaces in human-machine interaction. Some of these designs are validated with experimental results which the reader will find very informative as building-blocks for designing such systems. This eBook will be ideally suited to those researching in biomechatronic area with bio-feedback applications or those who are involved in high-end research on manmachine interfaces. This may also serve as a textbook for biomechatronic design at post-graduate level

    Astronautics and aeronautics, 1973: Chronology of science, technology and policy

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    A brief chronological account is presented of key events of the year in aerospace sciences. Dates, actions, hardware, persons, scientific discoveries are recorded along with plans, decisions, achievements and preliminary evaluations of results. Samples of public reaction and social impact are included. Sources are identified and an index is provided to aid in tracing related events through the year. The index also serves as a glossary of acronyms and abbreviations


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    The textbook «Travelling» is the most complete specialized textbook for training specialists in English in the field of travelling. It is based on the most recent data on the main directions of the travelling industry development. The value and timeliness of this tutorial will help you on the one hand – to improve your English skills, and on the other – to make better your knowledge in your professional context. The structure of this textbook is that – four chapters: the cities of the world (English, American and others); travelling by railway, air and sea. In the book there are a lot of authentic texts in English, developed exercises, dialogues, charts, colour inserts. This tutorial allows you to learn the professional vocabulary quickly and easily and ameliorate your level of English.Даний підручник «Подорожі» є найповнішим спеціалізованим навчальним посібником із професійної підготовки фахівців з англійської мови у сфері подорожей. Він побудований на базі найсучасніших даних із основних напрямків розвитку туристичної галузі. У цьому полягає цінність і своєчасність даного навчального підручника, який допоможе, з одного боку, удосконалити знання англійської мови, а з іншого – поліпшити свої знання у професійній сфері. Структура даного підручника така – чотири розділі: великі і малі міста (прогулянка містом, історія міст, англійські міста, американські міста, міста світу); подорож залізницею, авіаподорож, морська подорож. У підручнику велика кількість автентичних текстів англійською мовою; розроблені вправи, діалоги, схеми, кольорові вкладиші. Даний підручник дозволяє швидко і легко засвоїти професійну лексику і підвищити свій рівень знання англійської мови