77 research outputs found

    Are shared electric scooters energy efficient?

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    Shared electric scooters (e-scooter) are booming across the world and widely regarded as a sustainable mobility service. An increasing number of studies have investigated the e-scooter trip patterns, safety risks, and environmental impacts, but few considered the energy efficiency of e-scooters. In this research, we collected the operational data of e-scooters from a major provider in Gothenburg to shed light on the energy efficiency performance of e-scooters in real cases. We first develop a multiple logarithmic regression model to examine the energy consumption of single trips and influencing factors. With the regression model, a Monte Carlo simulation framework is proposed to estimate the fleet energy consumption in various scenarios, taking into account both trip-related energy usage and energy loss in idle status. The results indicate that 40% of e-scooter battery energy was wasted in idle status in the current practice, mainly due to the relatively low usage rate (0.83) of e-scooters. If the average usage rate drops below 0.5, the wasted energy could reach up to 53%. In the end, we present a field example to showcase how to optimally integrate public transport with e-scooters from the perspective of energy efficiency. We hope the findings of this study could help understand and resolve the current and future challenges regarding the ever-growing e-scooter services

    A Systematic Literature Review on Machine Learning in Shared Mobility

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    Shared mobility has emerged as a sustainable alternative to both private transportation and traditional public transport, promising to reduce the number of private vehicles on roads while offering users greater flexibility. Today, urban areas are home to a myriad of innovative services, including car-sharing, ride-sharing, and micromobility solutions like moped-sharing, bike-sharing, and e-scooter-sharing. Given the intense competition and the inherent operational complexities of shared mobility systems, providers are increasingly seeking specialized decision-support methodologies to boost operational efficiency. While recent research indicates that advanced machine learning methods can tackle the intricate challenges in shared mobility management decisions, a thorough evaluation of existing research is essential to fully grasp its potential and pinpoint areas needing further exploration. This paper presents a systematic literature review that specifically targets the application of Machine Learning for decision-making in Shared Mobility Systems. Our review underscores that Machine Learning offers methodological solutions to specific management challenges crucial for the effective operation of Shared Mobility Systems. We delve into the methods and datasets employed, spotlight research trends, and pinpoint research gaps. Our findings culminate in a comprehensive framework of Machine Learning techniques designed to bolster managerial decision-making in addressing challenges specific to Shared Mobility across various levels

    Transfer learning for cross-modal demand prediction of bike-share and public transit

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    The urban transportation system is a combination of multiple transport modes, and the interdependencies across those modes exist. This means that the travel demand across different travel modes could be correlated as one mode may receive/create demand from/for another mode, not to mention natural correlations between different demand time series due to general demand flow patterns across the network. It is expected that cross-modal ripple effects will become more prevalent with Mobility as a Service. Therefore, by propagating demand data across modes, a better demand prediction could be obtained. To this end, this study explores various transfer learning strategies and machine learning models for cross-modal demand prediction. The trip data of bike-share, metro, and taxi are processed as the station-level passenger flows, and then the proposed prediction method is tested in the large-scale case studies of Nanjing and Chicago. The results suggest that prediction models with transfer learning perform better than unimodal prediction models. Fine-tuning without freezing strategy performs the best among all transfer learning strategies, and the split-brain strategy can handle the data missing problem. Furthermore, the 3-layer stacked Long Short-Term Memory model performs particularly well in cross-modal demand prediction. These results verify our deep transfer learning method’s forecasting improvement over existing benchmarks and demonstrate the good transferability for cross-modal demand prediction in multiple cities

    Deep trip generation with graph neural networks for bike sharing system expansion

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    Bike sharing is emerging globally as an active, convenient, and sustainable mode of transportation. To plan successful bike-sharing systems (BSSs), many cities start from a small-scale pilot and gradually expand the system to cover more areas. For station-based BSSs, this means planning new stations based on existing ones over time, which requires prediction of the number of trips generated by these new stations across the whole system. Previous studies typically rely on relatively simple regression or machine learning models, which are limited in capturing complex spatial relationships. Despite the growing literature in deep learning methods for travel demand prediction, they are mostly developed for short-term prediction based on time series data, assuming no structural changes to the system. In this study, we focus on the trip generation problem for BSS expansion, and propose a graph neural network (GNN) approach to predicting the station-level demand based on multi-source urban built environment data. Specifically, it constructs multiple localized graphs centered on each target station and uses attention mechanisms to learn the correlation weights between stations. We further illustrate that the proposed approach can be regarded as a generalized spatial regression model, indicating the commonalities between spatial regression and GNNs. The model is evaluated based on realistic experiments using multi-year BSS data from New York City, and the results validate the superior performance of our approach compared to existing methods. We also demonstrate the interpretability of the model for uncovering the effects of built environment features and spatial interactions between stations, which can provide strategic guidance for BSS station location selection and capacity planning

    Using graph structural information about flows to enhance short-term demand prediction in bike-sharing systems

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    Short-term demand prediction is important for managing transportation infrastructure, particularly in times of disruption, or around new developments. Many bike-sharing schemes face the challenges of managing service provision and bike fleet rebalancing due to the “tidal flows” of travel and use. For them, it is crucial to have precise predictions of travel demand at a fine spatiotemporal granularities. Despite recent advances in machine learning approaches (e.g. deep neural networks) and in short-term traffic demand predictions, relatively few studies have examined this issue using a feature engineering approach to inform model selection. This research extracts novel time-lagged variables describing graph structures and flow interactions from real-world bike usage datasets, including graph node Out-strength, In-strength, Out-degree, In-degree and PageRank. These are used as inputs to different machine learning algorithms to predict short-term bike demand. The results of the experiments indicate the graph-based attributes to be more important in demand prediction than more commonly used meteorological information. The results from the different machine learning approaches (XGBoost, MLP, LSTM) improve when time-lagged graph information is included. Deep neural networks were found to be better able to handle the sequences of the time-lagged graph variables than other approaches, resulting in more accurate forecasting. Thus incorporating graph-based features can improve understanding and modelling of demand patterns in urban areas, supporting bike-sharing schemes and promoting sustainable transport. The proposed approach can be extended into many existing models using spatial data and can be readily transferred to other applications for predicting dynamics in mass transit systems. A number of limitations and areas of further work are discussed
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