86 research outputs found

    The Bride, Millennial Identity, and Instagram: A Case Study of Hillsong Australia’s Instagram Account

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    Identity has become an incessant focus for millennials. They ascribe ever-growing significance to identity anchored in an accepting community that elevates their perception. Subsequently, identity is increasingly significant for brand and consumer relationships. Successful brands understand this and incorporate a pervasive sense of their unique identity into their brand, visually and otherwise. This case study of Hillsong Church hopes to help churches understand the importance of visuals in communicating identity. Hillsong Australia’s Instagram is examined using the Saussure model of visual semiotic theory to understand how they present their church identity in relation to millennial identity. The two most dominant visual themes on their account are promotion and entertainment (respectively). Lesser themes are as follows; the Houston family, congregants, text-based visuals, holidays, landscapes, and a small “miscellaneous” category. Using these results, this thesis analyzes Christian scripture to better understand theological ramifications of social media practice. Working off this foundation, this thesis offers practical advice for local churches seeking to improve social media engagement and more accurately reflect their congregation

    Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, volume 2

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    Papers and viewgraphs from the conference are presented. Discussion topics include the IEEE Mass Storage System Reference Model, data archiving standards, high-performance storage devices, magnetic and magneto-optic storage systems, magnetic and optical recording technologies, high-performance helical scan recording systems, and low end helical scan tape drives. Additional discussion topics addressed the evolution of the identifiable unit for processing (file, granule, data set, or some similar object) as data ingestion rates increase dramatically, and the present state of the art in mass storage technology

    Technology Directions for the 21st Century, volume 1

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    For several decades, semiconductor device density and performance have been doubling about every 18 months (Moore's Law). With present photolithography techniques, this rate can continue for only about another 10 years. Continued improvement will need to rely on newer technologies. Transition from the current micron range for transistor size to the nanometer range will permit Moore's Law to operate well beyond 10 years. The technologies that will enable this extension include: single-electron transistors; quantum well devices; spin transistors; and nanotechnology and molecular engineering. Continuation of Moore's Law will rely on huge capital investments for manufacture as well as on new technologies. Much will depend on the fortunes of Intel, the premier chip manufacturer, which, in turn, depend on the development of mass-market applications and volume sales for chips of higher and higher density. The technology drivers are seen by different forecasters to include video/multimedia applications, digital signal processing, and business automation. Moore's Law will affect NASA in the areas of communications and space technology by reducing size and power requirements for data processing and data fusion functions to be performed onboard spacecraft. In addition, NASA will have the opportunity to be a pioneering contributor to nanotechnology research without incurring huge expenses

    Museums, Equality and Social Justice

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    The last two decades have seen concerns for equality, diversity, social justice and human rights move from the margins of museum thinking and practice, to the core. The arguments – both moral and pragmatic – for engaging diverse audiences, creating the conditions for more equitable access to museum resources, and opening up opportunities for participation, now enjoy considerable consensus in many parts of the world. A growing number of institutions are concerned to construct new narratives that represent a plurality of lived experiences, histories and identities which aim to nurture support for more progressive, ethically-informed ways of seeing and to actively inform contemporary public debates on often contested rights-related issues. At the same time it would be misleading to suggest an even and uncontested transition from the museum as an organisation that has been widely understood to marginalise, exclude and oppress to one which is wholly inclusive. Moreover, there are signs that momentum towards making museums more inclusive and equitable is slowing down or, in some contexts, reversing. Museums, Equality and Social Justice aims to reflect on and, crucially, to inform debates in museum research, policy and practice at this critical time. It brings together new research from academics and practitioners and insights from artists, activists, and commentators to explore the ways in which museums, galleries and heritage organisations are engaging with the fast-changing equalities terrain and the shifting politics of identity at global, national and local levels and to investigate their potential to contribute to more equitable, fair and just societies

    Technology-enhanced education for Millennials: how the Information Society is changing the way of learning

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    The Information Society has provided the context for the development of a new generation, known as the Millennials, who are characterized by their intensive use of technologies in everyday life. These features are changing the way of learning, prompting educational institutions to attempt to better adapt to young needs by incorporating technologies into education. Based on this premise, we have reviewed the prominent reports of the integration of ICT into education at different levels with the aim of evidencing how education is changing, and will change, to meet the needs of Millennials with ICT support. The results show that most of the investments have simply resulted in an increase of computers and access to the Internet, with teachers reproducing traditional approaches to education and e-learning being seen as complementary to face-to-face education. While it would seem that the use of ICT is not revolutionizing learning, it is facilitating the personalization, collaboration and ubiquity of learning

    Migrating Heritage: Experiences of Cultural Networks and Cultural Dialogue in Europe

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    Bringing together an international forum of experts, this book looks at how museums, libraries and other public cultural institutions respond to the effects of globalisation, mobility and migration across Europe. It puts forward examples of innovative practice and policies that reflect these challenges, looking at issues such as how institutions present themselves to and interact with multicultural audiences, how to support networking across European institutions, and share practice in core activities such as archiving and exhibiting artefacts. Academics, practitioners from museums and public institutions, policymakers, and representatives of migrant communities explore theoretical and practical approaches from a range of different disciplines such as museum studies, cultural studies, social anthropology, sociology of organizations, and library and information science

    User-appropriate viewer for high resolution interactive engagement with 3D digital cultural artefacts.

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    The core mission of museums and cultural institutions is the preservation, study and presentation of cultural heritage content. In this technological age, the creation of digital datasets and archives has been widely adopted as one way of seeking to achieve some or all of these goals. However, there are many challenges with the use of these data, and in particular the large numbers of 3D digital artefacts that have been produced using methods such as non- contact laser scanning. As public expectation for more open access to information and innovative digital media increases, there are many issues that need to be rapidly addressed. The novel nature of 3D datasets and their visualisation presenting unique issues that impede use and dissemination. Key questions include the legal issues associated with 3D datasets created from cultural artefacts; the complex needs of users who are interacting with them; a lack of knowledge to texture and assess the visual quality of the datasets; and how the visual quality of the presented dataset relates to the perceptual experience of the user. This engineering doctorate, based on an industrial partnership with the National Museums of Liverpool and Conservation Technologies, investigates these questions and offers new ways of working with 3D cultural heritage datasets. The research outcomes in the thesis provide an improved understanding of the complexity of intellectual property law in relation to 3D cultural heritage datasets and how this impacts dissemination of these types of data. It also provides tools and techniques that can be used to understand the needs of a user when interacting with 3D cultural content. Additionally, the results demonstrate the importance of the relationship between texture and polygonal resolution and how this can affect the perceived visual experience of a visitor. It finds that there is an acceptable cost to texture and polygonal resolution to offer the best perceptual experience with 3D digital cultural heritage. The results also demonstrate that a non-textured mesh may be as highly received as a high resolution textured mesh. The research presented provides methodologies and guidelines to improve upon the dissemination and visualisation of 3D cultural content; enhancing and communicating the significance of their 3D collections to their physical and virtual visitors. Future opportunities and challenges for disseminating and visualising 3D cultural content are also discussed

    System Level Performance Evaluation of Distributed Embedded Systems

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    In order to evaluate the feasibility of the distributed embedded systems in different application domains at an early phase, the System Level Performance Evaluation (SLPE) must provide reliable estimates of the nonfunctional properties of the system such as end-to-end delays and packet losses rate. The values of these non-functional properties depend not only on the application layer of the OSI model but also on the technologies residing at the MAC, transport and Physical layers. Therefore, the system level performance evaluation methodology must provide functionally accurate models of the protocols and technologies operating at these layers. After conducting a state of the art survey, it was found that the existing approaches for SLPE are either specialized for a particular domain of systems or apply a particular model of computation (MOC) for modeling the communication and synchronization between the different components of a distributed application. Therefore, these approaches abstract the functionalities of the data-link, Transport and MAC layers by the highly abstract message passing methods employed by the different models of computation. On the other hand, network simulators such as OMNeT++, ns-2 and Opnet do not provide the models for platform components of devices such as processors and memories and totally abstract the application processing by delays obtained via traffic generators. Therefore the system designer is not able to determine the potential impact of an application in terms of utilization of the platform used by the device. Hence, for a system level performance evaluation approach to estimate both the platform utilization and the non-functional properties which are a consequence of the lower layers of OSI models (such as end-to-end delays), it must provide the tools for automatic workload extraction of application workload models at various levels of refinement and functionally correct models of lower layers of OSI model (Transport MAC and Physical layers). Since ABSOLUT is not restricted to a particular domain and also does not depend on any MOC, therefore it was selected for the extension to a system level performance evaluation approach for distributed embedded systems. The models of data-link and Transport layer protocols and automatic workload generation of system calls was not available in ABSOLUT performance evaluation methodology. The, thesis describes the design and modelling of these OSI model layers and automatic workload generation tool for system calls. The tools and models integrated to ABSOLUT methodology were used in a number of case studies. The accuracy of the protocols was compared to network simulators and real systems. The results were 88% accurate for user space code of the application layer and provide an improvement of over 50% as compared to manual models for external libraries and system calls. The ABSOLUT physical layer models were found to be 99.8% accurate when compared to analytical models. The MAC and transport layer models were found to be 70-80% accurate when compared with the same scenarios simulated by ns-2 and OMNeT++ simulators. The bit error rates, frame error probability and packet loss rates show close correlation with the analytical methods .i.e., over 99%, 92% and 80% respectively. Therefore the results of ABSOLUT framework for application layer outperform the results of performance evaluation approaches which employ virtual systems and at the same time provide as accurate estimates of the end-to-end delays and packet loss rate as network simulators. The results of the network simulators also vary in absolute values but they follow the same trend. Therefore, the extensions made to ABSOLUT allow the system designer to identify the potential bottlenecks in the system at different OSI model layers and evaluate the non-functional properties with a high level of accuracy. Also, if the system designer wants to focus entirely on the application layer, different models of computations can be easily instantiated on top of extended ABSOLUT framework to achieve higher simulation speeds as described in the thesis

    Layout, design and new technology: a documentation and analysis of the impact of new technologies on the design and layout of The Star.

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    ABSTRACT A documentation and analysis of the impact of new technologies on the design and layout of The Star, particularly desktop publishing hardware and software, digital photography and the Internet. A broad outline of the production and editorial technology employed prior to the introduction of fourth wave in 1995 is provided to contextualise the research. A systematic visual analysis of selected pages from the 1920s to present as well as interviews with key members of staff from The Star, who have experienced the evolution of the paper first-hand, provide the primary source of information for the study. To prevent the paper from becoming too anecdotal, the organisational approach to the study of the media and theory of visual culture provide the theoretical framework. The research concludes that new technology itself has not drastically affected the design and layout of The Star over the past decade, but rather stimulated change within the organisational environment, which gradually did affected the visual appearance of the paper

    Emergency Services Workforce 2030: Changing work literature review

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    The Changing Work Literature Review collates a high-level evidence base around nine major themes related to internal workforce management approaches and working environments of fire, emergency service, and rural land management agencies. It is an output of the Workforce 2030 project and is one of two literature reviews that summarise the research base underpinning a high-level integrative report of emerging workforce challenges and opportunities, Emergency Services Workforce 2030. Workforce 2030 aimed to highlight major trends and developments likely to impact the future workforces of emergency service organisations, and their potential implications. The starting point for the project was a question: What can research from outside the sphere of emergency management add to our knowledge of wider trends and developments likely to shape the future emergency services workforce, and their implications? The Changing Work Literature Review focuses on nine themes relevant to changes that have implications for emergency service organisation’s internal workforce management approaches and working environments: 1) Recruitment, assessment, and selection, 2) Socialisation and training, 3) Work design, 4) Diversity and inclusion, 5) Managing mental health and wellbeing, 6) Leadership, 7) Change management, 8) Managing an ageing workforce, and 9) Managing volunteer workforces
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