119 research outputs found

    Dreaming of eReading Futures

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    The open nature of Android ecosystem has naturally laid the foundation for a highly fragmented operating system. In fact, the official AOSP versions have been aggressively customized into thousands of system images by everyone in the customization chain, such as device manufacturers, vendors, carriers, etc. If not well thought-out, the customization process could result in serious security problems. This dissertation performs a systematic investigation of Android customization’ inconsistencies with regards to security aspects at various Android layers. It brings to light new vulnerabilities, never investigated before, caused by the under-regulated and complex Android customization. It first describes a novel vulnerability Hare and proves that it is security critical and extensive affecting devices from major vendors. A new tool is proposed to detect the Hare problem and to protect affected devices. This dissertation further discovers security configuration changes through a systematic differential analysis among custom devices from different vendors and demonstrates that they could lead to severe vulnerabilities if introduced unintentionally

    Practical Isolated Searchable Encryption in a Trusted Computing Environment

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    Cloud computing has become a standard computational paradigm due its numerous advantages, including high availability, elasticity, and ubiquity. Both individual users and companies are adopting more of its services, but not without loss of privacy and control. Outsourcing data and computations to a remote server implies trusting its owners, a problem many end-users are aware. Recent news have proven data stored on Cloud servers is susceptible to leaks from the provider, third-party attackers, or even from government surveillance programs, exposing users’ private data. Different approaches to tackle these problems have surfaced throughout the years. Naïve solutions involve storing data encrypted on the server, decrypting it only on the client-side. Yet, this imposes a high overhead on the client, rendering such schemes impractical. Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) has emerged as a novel research topic in recent years, allowing efficient querying and updating over encrypted datastores in Cloud servers, while retaining privacy guarantees. Still, despite relevant recent advances, existing SSE schemes still make a critical trade-off between efficiency, security, and query expressiveness, thus limiting their adoption as a viable technology, particularly in large-scale scenarios. New technologies providing Isolated Execution Environments (IEEs) may help improve SSE literature. These technologies allow applications to be run remotely with privacy guarantees, in isolation from other, possibly privileged, processes inside the CPU, such as the operating system kernel. Prominent example technologies are Intel SGX and ARM TrustZone, which are being made available in today’s commodity CPUs. In this thesis we study these new trusted hardware technologies in depth, while exploring their application to the problem of searching over encrypted data, primarily focusing in SGX. In more detail, we study the application of IEEs in SSE schemes, improving their efficiency, security, and query expressiveness. We design, implement, and evaluate three new SSE schemes for different query types, namely Boolean queries over text, similarity queries over image datastores, and multimodal queries over text and images. These schemes can support queries combining different media formats simultaneously, envisaging applications such as privacy-enhanced medical diagnosis and management of electronic-healthcare records, or confidential photograph catalogues, running without the danger of privacy breaks in Cloud-based provisioned services

    Assisting Software Developers With License Compliance

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    Open source licensing determines how open source systems are reused, distributed, and modified from a legal perspective. While it facilitates rapid development, it can present difficulty for developers in understanding due to the legal language of these licenses. Because of misunderstandings, systems can incorporate licensed code in a way that violates the terms of the license. Such incompatibilities between licensing can result in the inability to reuse a particular library without either relicensing the system or redesigning the architecture of the system. Prior efforts have predominantly focused on license identification or understanding the underlying phenomena without reasoning about compatibility in a broad scale. The work in this dissertation first investigates the rationale of developers and identifies the areas that developers struggle with respect to free/open source software licensing. First, we investigate the diffusion of licenses and the prevalence of license changes in a large scale empirical study of 16,221 Java systems. We observed a clear lack of traceability and a lack of standardized licensing that led to difficulties and confusion for developers trying to reuse source code. We further investigated the difficulty by surveying the developers of the systems with license changes to understand why they first adopted a license and then changed licenses. Additionally, we performed an analysis on issue trackers and legal mailing lists to extract licensing bugs. From these works, we identified key areas in which developers struggled and needed support. While developers need support to identify license incompatibilities and understand both the cause and implications of the incompatibilities, we observed that state-of-the-art license identification tools did not identify license exceptions. Since these exceptions directly modify the license terms (either the permissions granted by the license or the restrictions imposed by the license), we proposed an approach to complement current license identification techniques in order to classify license exceptions. The approach relies on supervised machine learners to classify the licensing text to identify the particular license exceptions or the lack of a license exception. Subsequently, we built an infrastructure to assist developers with evaluating license compliance warnings for their system. The infrastructure evaluates compliance across the dependency tree of a system to ensure it is compliant with all of the licenses of the dependencies. When an incompatibility is present, it notes the specific library/libraries and the conflicting license(s) so that the developers can investigate these compliance warnings, which would prevent distribution of their software, in their system. We conduct a study on 121,094 open source projects spanning 6 programming languages, and we demonstrate that the infrastructure is able to identify license incompatibilities between these projects and their dependencies
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