139 research outputs found

    Using ant colony optimization for routing in microprocesors

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    Power consumption is an important constraint on VLSI systems. With the advancement in technology, it is now possible to pack a large range of functionalities into VLSI devices. Hence it is important to find out ways to utilize these functionalities with optimized power consumption. This work focuses on curbing power consumption at the design stage. This work emphasizes minimizing active power consumption by minimizing the load capacitance of the chip. Capacitance of wires and vias can be minimized using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms. ACO provides a multi agent framework for combinatorial optimization problems and hence is used to handle multiple constraints of minimizing wire-length and vias to achieve the goal of minimizing capacitance and hence power consumption. The ACO developed here is able to achieve an 8% reduction of wire-length and 7% reduction in vias thereby providing a 7% reduction in total capacitance, compared to other state of the art routers

    The Grid-Based Two-Layer Routing Algorithm Suitable for Cell/IP-Based Circuit Design

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    [[abstract]]In this work, we employ gridded model for channel routing and place the terminals which are horizontally aligned. We have developed a two-layer channel router that can eliminate the constraints due to overlap. The proposed approach is suitable for cell/IP-based channel-less circuit with a few channels. Our developed tool can route the nets in nearly linear time achieving to the advantage of time to market, and lead to the area overhead of 6.34% increase in average. The area overhead results from the space insertion, and we also have shown that the proposed algorithm can achieve 100% routing on most ISCASpsila85 benchmarks. In addition, the number of channel tracks can be minimized by our algorithm.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencelocation]]St. Julien's, Malt

    Virtualisation and resource allocation in MECEnabled metro optical networks

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    The appearance of new network services and the ever-increasing network traffic and number of connected devices will push the evolution of current communication networks towards the Future Internet. In the area of optical networks, wavelength routed optical networks (WRONs) are evolving to elastic optical networks (EONs) in which, thanks to the use of OFDM or Nyquist WDM, it is possible to create super-channels with custom-size bandwidth. The basic element in these networks is the lightpath, i.e., all-optical circuits between two network nodes. The establishment of lightpaths requires the selection of the route that they will follow and the portion of the spectrum to be used in order to carry the requested traffic from the source to the destination node. That problem is known as the routing and spectrum assignment (RSA) problem, and new algorithms must be proposed to address this design problem. Some early studies on elastic optical networks studied gridless scenarios, in which a slice of spectrum of variable size is assigned to a request. However, the most common approach to the spectrum allocation is to divide the spectrum into slots of fixed width and allocate multiple, consecutive spectrum slots to each lightpath, depending on the requested bandwidth. Moreover, EONs also allow the proposal of more flexible routing and spectrum assignment techniques, like the split-spectrum approach in which the request is divided into multiple "sub-lightpaths". In this thesis, four RSA algorithms are proposed combining two different levels of flexibility with the well-known k-shortest paths and first fit heuristics. After comparing the performance of those methods, a novel spectrum assignment technique, Best Gap, is proposed to overcome the inefficiencies emerged when combining the first fit heuristic with highly flexible networks. A simulation study is presented to demonstrate that, thanks to the use of Best Gap, EONs can exploit the network flexibility and reduce the blocking ratio. On the other hand, operators must face profound architectural changes to increase the adaptability and flexibility of networks and ease their management. Thanks to the use of network function virtualisation (NFV), the necessary network functions that must be applied to offer a service can be deployed as virtual appliances hosted by commodity servers, which can be located in data centres, network nodes or even end-user premises. The appearance of new computation and networking paradigms, like multi-access edge computing (MEC), may facilitate the adaptation of communication networks to the new demands. Furthermore, the use of MEC technology will enable the possibility of installing those virtual network functions (VNFs) not only at data centres (DCs) and central offices (COs), traditional hosts of VFNs, but also at the edge nodes of the network. Since data processing is performed closer to the enduser, the latency associated to each service connection request can be reduced. MEC nodes will be usually connected between them and with the DCs and COs by optical networks. In such a scenario, deploying a network service requires completing two phases: the VNF-placement, i.e., deciding the number and location of VNFs, and the VNF-chaining, i.e., connecting the VNFs that the traffic associated to a service must transverse in order to establish the connection. In the chaining process, not only the existence of VNFs with available processing capacity, but the availability of network resources must be taken into account to avoid the rejection of the connection request. Taking into consideration that the backhaul of this scenario will be usually based on WRONs or EONs, it is necessary to design the virtual topology (i.e., the set of lightpaths established in the networks) in order to transport the tra c from one node to another. The process of designing the virtual topology includes deciding the number of connections or lightpaths, allocating them a route and spectral resources, and finally grooming the traffic into the created lightpaths. Lastly, a failure in the equipment of a node in an NFV environment can cause the disruption of the SCs traversing the node. This can cause the loss of huge amounts of data and affect thousands of end-users. In consequence, it is key to provide the network with faultmanagement techniques able to guarantee the resilience of the established connections when a node fails. For the mentioned reasons, it is necessary to design orchestration algorithms which solve the VNF-placement, chaining and network resource allocation problems in 5G networks with optical backhaul. Moreover, some versions of those algorithms must also implements protection techniques to guarantee the resilience system in case of failure. This thesis makes contribution in that line. Firstly, a genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the VNF-placement and VNF-chaining problems in a 5G network with optical backhaul based on star topology: GASM (genetic algorithm for effective service mapping). Then, we propose a modification of that algorithm in order to be applied to dynamic scenarios in which the reconfiguration of the planning is allowed. Furthermore, we enhanced the modified algorithm to include a learning step, with the objective of improving the performance of the algorithm. In this thesis, we also propose an algorithm to solve not only the VNF-placement and VNF-chaining problems but also the design of the virtual topology, considering that a WRON is deployed as the backhaul network connecting MEC nodes and CO. Moreover, a version including individual VNF protection against node failure has been also proposed and the effect of using shared/dedicated and end-to-end SC/individual VNF protection schemes are also analysed. Finally, a new algorithm that solves the VNF-placement and chaining problems and the virtual topology design implementing a new chaining technique is also proposed. Its corresponding versions implementing individual VNF protection are also presented. Furthermore, since the method works with any type of WDM mesh topologies, a technoeconomic study is presented to compare the effect of using different network topologies in both the network performance and cost.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaDoctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Telecomunicacione

    A survey on OFDM-based elastic core optical networking

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    Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a modulation technology that has been widely adopted in many new and emerging broadband wireless and wireline communication systems. Due to its capability to transmit a high-speed data stream using multiple spectral-overlapped lower-speed subcarriers, OFDM technology offers superior advantages of high spectrum efficiency, robustness against inter-carrier and inter-symbol interference, adaptability to server channel conditions, etc. In recent years, there have been intensive studies on optical OFDM (O-OFDM) transmission technologies, and it is considered a promising technology for future ultra-high-speed optical transmission. Based on O-OFDM technology, a novel elastic optical network architecture with immense flexibility and scalability in spectrum allocation and data rate accommodation could be built to support diverse services and the rapid growth of Internet traffic in the future. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on OFDM-based elastic optical network technologies, including basic principles of OFDM, O-OFDM technologies, the architectures of OFDM-based elastic core optical networks, and related key enabling technologies. The main advantages and issues of OFDM-based elastic core optical networks that are under research are also discussed

    Optical architectures for high performance switching and routing

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    This thesis investigates optical interconnection networks for high performance switching and routing. Two main topics are studied. The first topic regards the use of silicon microring resonators for short reach optical interconnects. Photonic technologies can help to overcome the intrinsic limitations of electronics when used in interconnects, short-distance transmissions and switching operations. This thesis considers the peculiarasymmetric losses of microring resonators since they pose unprecedented challenges for the design of the architecture and for the routing algorithms. It presents new interconnection architectures, proposes modifications on classical routing algorithms and achieves a better performance in terms of fabric complexity and scalability with respect to the state of the art. Subsequently, this thesis considers wavelength dimension capabilities of microring resonators in which wavelength reuse (i.e. crosstalk accumulation) presents impairments on the system performance. To this aim, it presents different crosstalk reduction techniques, a feasibility analysis for the design of microring resonators and a novel wavelength-agile routing matrix. The second topic regards flexible resource allocation with adaptable infrastructure for elastic optical networks. In particular, it focus on Architecture on Demand (AoD), whereby optical node architectures can be reconfigured on the fly according to traffic requirements. This thesis includes results on the first flexible-grid optical spectrum networking field trial, carried out in a collaboration with University of Essex. Finally, it addresses several challenges that present the novel concept AoD by means of modeling and simulation. This thesis proposes an algorithm to perform automatic architecture synthesis, reports AoD scalability and power consumption results working under the proposed synthesis algorithm. Such results validate AoD as a flexible node concept that provides power efficiency and high switching capacity

    All Optical Signal Processing Technologies in Optical Fiber Communication

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    Due to continued growth of internet at starling rate and the introduction of new broadband services, such as cloud computing, IPTV and high-definition media streaming, there is a requirement for flexible bandwidth infrastructure that supports mobility of data at peta-scale. Elastic networking based on gridless spectrum technology is evolving as a favorable solution for the flexible optical networking supportive next generation traffic requirements. Recently, research is centered on a more elastic spectrum provision methodology than the traditional ITU-T grid. The main issue is the requirement for a transmission connect, capable of accommodating and handling a variety of signals with distinct modulation format, baud rate and spectral occupancy. Segmented use of the spectrum could lead to the shortage of availableness of sufficiently extensive spectrum spaces for high bitrate channels, resulting in wavelength contention. On-demand space assignment creates not only deviation from the ideal course but also have spectrum fragmentation, which reduces spectrum resource utilization. This chapter reviewed the recent research development of feasible solutions for the efficient transport of heterogeneous traffic by enhancing the flexibility of the optical layer for performing allocation of network resources as well as implementation of optical node by all optical signal processing in optical fiber communication

    Intelligent approaches to VLSI routing

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    Very Large Scale Integrated-circuit (VLSI) routing involves many large-size and complex problems and most of them have been shown to be NP-hard or NP-complete. As a result, conventional approaches, which have been successfully used to handle relatively small-size routing problems, are not suitable to be used in tackling large-size routing problems because they lead to \u27combinatorial explosion\u27 in search space. Hence, there is a need for exploring more efficient routing approaches to be incorporated into today\u27s VLSI routing system. This thesis strives to use intelligent approaches, including symbolic intelligence and computational intelligence, to solve three VLSI routing problems: Three-Dimensional (3-D) Shortest Path Connection, Switchbox Routing and Constrained Via Minimization. The 3-D shortest path connection is a fundamental problem in VLSI routing. It aims to connect two terminals of a net that are distributed in a 3-D routing space subject to technological constraints and performance requirements. Aiming at increasing computation speed and decreasing storage space requirements, we present a new A* algorithm for the 3-D shortest path connection problem in this thesis. This new A*algorithm uses an economical representation and adopts a novel back- trace technique. It is shown that this algorithm can guarantee to find a path if one exists and the path found is the shortest one. In addition, its computation speed is fast, especially when routed nets are spare. The computational complexities of this A* algorithm at the best case and the worst case are O(Ɩ) and 0(Ɩ3), respectively, where Ɩ is the shortest path length between the two terminals. Most importantly, this A\u27 algorithm is superior to other shortest path connection algorithms as it is economical in terms of storage space requirement, i.e., 1 bit/grid. The switchbox routing problem aims to connect terminals at regular intervals on the four sides of a rectangle routing region. From a computational point of view, the problem is NP-hard. Furthermore, it is extremely complicated and as the consequence no existing algorithm can guarantee to find a solution even if one exists no matter how high the complexity of the algorithm is. Previous approaches to the switch box routing problem can be divided into algorithmic approaches and knowledge-based approaches. The algorithmic approaches are efficient in computational time, but they are unsucessful at achieving high routing completion rate, especially for some dense and complicated switchbox routing problems. On the other hand, the knowledge-based approaches can achieve high routing completion rate, but they are not efficient in computation speed. In this thesis we present a hybrid approach to the switchbox routing problem. This hybrid approach is based on a new knowledge-based routing technique, namely synchronized routing, and combines some efficient algorithmic routing techniques. Experimental results show it can achieve the high routing completion rate of the knowledge-based approaches and the high efficiency of the algorithmic approaches. The constrained via minimization is an important optimization problem in VLSI routing. Its objective is to minimize the number of vias introduced in VLSI routing. From computational perspective, the constrained via minimization is NP-complete. Although for a special case where the number of wire segments splits at a via candidate is not more than three, elegant theoretical results have been obtained. For a general case in which there exist more than three wire segment splits at a via candidate few approaches have been proposed, and those approaches are only suitable for tackling some particular routing styles and are difficult or impossible to adjust to meet practical requirements. In this thesis we propose a new graph-theoretic model, namely switching graph model, for the constrained via minimization problem. The switching graph model can represent both grid-based and grid less routing problems, and allows arbitrary wire segments split at a via candidate. Then on the basis of the model, we present the first genetic algorithm for the constrained via minimization problem. This genetic algorithm can tackle various kinds of routing styles and be configured to meet practical constraints. Experimental results show that the genetic algorithm can find the optimal solutions for most cases in reasonable time

    3D Global Router: a Study to Optimize Congestion, Wirelength and Via for Circuit Layout

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    The increasing size of integrated circuits and aggressive shrinking process feature size for IC manufacturing process poses signicant challenges on traditional physical design problems. Various design rules signicantly complicate the physical design problems and large problem size abides nothing but extremely e cient techniques. Leading physical design tools have to be powerful enough to handle complex design demands and be nimble enough to waste no runtime. This thesis studies the challenges faced by global routing problem, one of the traditional physical design problems that needs to be pushed to its new limit. This work proposes three e ective tools to tackle congestion, wire and via optimization in global routing process, from three di erent aspects. The number of vias generated during the global routing stage is a critical factor for the yield of integrated circuits. However, most global routers only approach the problem by charging a cost for vias in the maze routing cost function. The first work of this thesis, FastRoute 4.0 presents a global router that addresses the via number optimization problem throughout the entire global routing ow. It introduces the via aware Steiner tree generation, 3-bend routing and layer assignment with careful ordering to reduce via count. The integration of these three techniques with existing academic global routers achieves signicant reduction in via count without any sacrice in runtime. Despite of the recent development for popular rip-up and reroute framework, the congestion elimination process remains arbitrary and requires signicant tuning. Global routing has congestion elimination as the first and foremost priority and congestion issue becomes increasingly severe due to timing requirements, design for manufacturability. The second work of this thesis, an auction algorithm based pre-processing framework (APF) for global routing focuses on how to eliminate congestion e ectively. In order to achieve more consistent congestion elimination, the framework uses auction based detour techniques to alleviate the impacts of greedy sequential manner of maze routing, which remains as a major drawback in the most popular global routing framework. In the framework, APF first identies the most congested global routing locations by an interval over ow lower bound technique. Then APF uses auction based detour algorithm to compute which nets to detour and where to detour. The framework can be applied to any global routers and would help them to achieve signicant improvement in both solution quality and runtime. The third work in this thesis combines the advantage of the two framework used to minimize via usage in global routing: 3D routers with good solution quality and e cient 2D routers with layer assignment process. It results in a new multi-level 3D global router called MGR (multi-level global router) that combines the advantage of both kinds. MGR resorts to an e cient multi-level framework to reroute nets in the congested region on the 3D grid graph. Routing on the coarsened grid graph speeds up the global router while 3D routing introduces less vias. The powerful multi-level rerouting framework wraps three innovative routing techniques together: an adaptive resource reservation technique in coarsening process, a new 3-terminal maze routing algorithm and a network flow based solution propagation method in uncoarsening process. As a result, MGR can achieve the solution quality close to 3D routers with comparable runtime of 2D routers

    Shortest Paths and Steiner Trees in VLSI Routing

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    Routing is one of the major steps in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design. Its task is to find disjoint wire connections between sets of points on a chip, subject to numerous constraints. This problem is solved in a two-stage approach, which consists of so-called global and detailed routing steps. For each set of metal components to be connected, global routing reduces the search space by computing corridors in which detailed routing sequentially determines the desired connections as shortest paths. In this thesis, we present new theoretical results on Steiner trees and shortest paths, the two main mathematical concepts in routing. In the practical part, we give computational results of BonnRoute, a VLSI routing tool developed at the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics at the University of Bonn. Interconnect signal delays are becoming increasingly important in modern chip designs. Therefore, the length of paths or direct delay measures should be taken into account when constructing rectilinear Steiner trees. We consider the problem of finding a rectilinear Steiner minimum tree (RSMT) that --- as a secondary objective --- minimizes a signal delay related objective. Given a source we derive some structural properties of RSMTs for which the weighted sum of path lengths from the source to the other terminals is minimized. Also, we present an exact algorithm for constructing RSMTs with weighted sum of path lengths as secondary objective, and a heuristic for various secondary objectives. Computational results for industrial designs are presented. We further consider the problem of finding a shortest rectilinear Steiner tree in the plane in the presence of rectilinear obstacles. The Steiner tree is allowed to run over obstacles; however, if it intersects an obstacle, then no connected component of the induced subtree must be longer than a given fixed length. This kind of length restriction is motivated by its application in VLSI routing where a large Steiner tree requires the insertion of repeaters which must not be placed on top of obstacles. We show that there are optimal length-restricted Steiner trees with a special structure. In particular, we prove that a certain graph (called augmented Hanan grid) always contains an optimal solution. Based on this structural result, we give an approximation scheme for the special case that all obstacles are of rectangular shape or are represented by at most a constant number of edges. Turning to the shortest paths problem, we present a new generic framework for Dijkstra's algorithm for finding shortest paths in digraphs with non-negative integral edge lengths. Instead of labeling individual vertices, we label subgraphs which partition the given graph. Much better running times can be achieved if the number of involved subgraphs is small compared to the order of the original graph and the shortest path problems restricted to these subgraphs is computationally easy. As an application we consider the VLSI routing problem, where we need to find millions of shortest paths in partial grid graphs with billions of vertices. Here, the algorithm can be applied twice, once in a coarse abstraction (where the labeled subgraphs are rectangles), and once in a detailed model (where the labeled subgraphs are intervals). Using the result of the first algorithm to speed up the second one via goal-oriented techniques leads to considerably reduced running time. We illustrate this with the routing program BonnRoute on leading-edge industrial chips. Finally, we present computational results of BonnRoute obtained on real-world VLSI chips. BonnRoute fulfills all requirements of modern VLSI routing and has been used by IBM and its customers over many years to produce more than one thousand different chips. To demonstrate the strength of BonnRoute as a state-of-the-art industrial routing tool, we show that it performs excellently on all traditional quality measures such as wire length and number of vias, but also on further criteria of equal importance in the every-day work of the designer