53 research outputs found

    Low-Power Tracking Image Sensor Based on Biological Models of Attention

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    This paper presents implementation of a low-power tracking CMOS image sensor based on biological models of attention. The presented imager allows tracking of up to N salient targets in the field of view. Employing "smart" image sensor architecture, where all image processing is implemented on the sensor focal plane, the proposed imager allows reduction of the amount of data transmitted from the sensor array to external processing units and thus provides real time operation. The imager operation and architecture are based on the models taken from biological systems, where data sensed by many millions of receptors should be transmitted and processed in real time. The imager architecture is optimized to achieve low-power dissipation both in acquisition and tracking modes of operation. The tracking concept is presented, the system architecture is shown and the circuits description is discussed

    Mixed-Signal Neural Network Implementation with Programmable Neuron

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    This thesis introduces implementation of mixed-signal building blocks of an artificial neural network; namely the neuron and the synaptic multiplier. This thesis, also, investigates the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a single artificial neuron and presents a Distributed Arithmetic (DA)-based Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. All the introduced structures are designed and custom laid out

    Winner-take-all in a phase oscillator system with adaptation.

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    We consider a system of generalized phase oscillators with a central element and radial connections. In contrast to conventional phase oscillators of the Kuramoto type, the dynamic variables in our system include not only the phase of each oscillator but also the natural frequency of the central oscillator, and the connection strengths from the peripheral oscillators to the central oscillator. With appropriate parameter values the system demonstrates winner-take-all behavior in terms of the competition between peripheral oscillators for the synchronization with the central oscillator. Conditions for the winner-take-all regime are derived for stationary and non-stationary types of system dynamics. Bifurcation analysis of the transition from stationary to non-stationary winner-take-all dynamics is presented. A new bifurcation type called a Saddle Node on Invariant Torus (SNIT) bifurcation was observed and is described in detail. Computer simulations of the system allow an optimal choice of parameters for winner-take-all implementation

    An Analog Decoder for Turbo-Structured Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

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    In this work, we consider a class of structured regular LDPC codes, called Turbo-Structured LDPC (TS-LDPC). TS-LDPC codes outperform random LDPC codes and have much lower error floor at high Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). In this thesis, Min-Sum (MS) algorithms are adopted in the decoding of TS-LDPC codes due to their low complexity in the implementation. We show that the error performance of the MS-based TS-LDPC decoder is comparable with the Sum-Product (SP) based decoder and the error floor property of TS-LDPC codes is preserved. The TS-LDPC decoding algorithms can be performed by analog or digital circuitry. Analog decoders are preferred in many communication systems due to their potential for higher speed, lower power dissipation and smaller chip area compared to their digital counterparts. In this work, implementation of the (120, 75) MS-based TS-LDPC analog decoder is considered. The decoder chip consists of an analog decoder heart, digital input and digital output blocks. These digital blocks are required to deliver the received signal to the analog decoder heart and transfer the estimated codewords to the off-chip module. The analog decoder heart is an analog processor performing decoding on the Tanner graph of the code. Variable and check nodes are the main building blocks of analog decoder which are designed and evaluated. The check node is the most complicated unit in MS-based decoders. The minimizer circuit, the fundamental block of a check node, is designed to have a good trade-off between speed and accuracy. In addition, the structure of a high degree minimizer is proposed considering the accuracy, speed, power consumption and robustness against mismatch of the check node unit. The measurement results demonstrate that the error performance of the chip is comparable with theory. The SNR loss at Bit-Error-Rate of 10−5 is only 0.2dB compared to the theory while information throughput is 750Mb/s and the energy efficiency of the decoder chip is 17pJ/b. It is shown that the proposed decoder outperforms the analog decoders that have been fabricated to date in the sense of error performance, throughput and energy efficiency. This decoder is the first analog decoder that has ever been implemented in a sub 100-nm technology and it improves the throughput of analog decoders by a factor of 56. This decoder sets a new state-of-the-art in analog decoding

    A full-custom digital-signal-processing unit for real-time cortical blood flow monitoring

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    Scalable Hardware Efficient Deep Spatio-Temporal Inference Networks

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    Deep machine learning (DML) is a promising field of research that has enjoyed much success in recent years. Two of the predominant deep learning architectures studied in the literature are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Deep Belief Networks (DBNs). Both have been successfully applied to many standard benchmarks with a primary focus on machine vision and speech processing domains. Many real-world applications involve time-varying signals and, consequently, necessitate models that efficiently represent both temporal and spatial attributes. However, neither DBNs nor CNNs are designed to naturally capture temporal dependencies in observed data, often resulting in the inadequate transformation of spatio-temporal signals into wide spatial structures. It is argued that deep machine learning without proper temporal representation mechanisms is unable to extract meaningful information from many time-varying natural signals. Another clear emerging need is in growing deep learning architectures with the size of the problem at hand, suggesting that such architectures should map well to custom hardware platforms. The latter offer much better performance than that achievable using CPUs or even GPUs. Analog computation is a unique potential solution to the scalability challenge offering the benefits of low power consumption and smaller physical size when compared to digital implementations. However, these benefits come with the consequence of inaccurate computations and noise. This work presents an enhanced formulation of DeSTIN - a Deep Spatio-Temporal Inference Network (DeSTIN) that is inherently designed to capture both spatial and temporal dependencies in the data provided. The regular structure of DeSTIN, its computational requirements, and local connectivity render it hardware-efficient and highly scalable. Implementation of DeSTIN using analog computation is studied in detail, where the architectural robustness to various distortions in its signals is demonstrated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time custom analog hardware has been developed for deep machine learning. Key enhancements to previous formulations of DeSTIN are discussed in detail and results on standard benchmarks are presented. This work helps pave the way for advancing deep learning to address some of the long-standing challenges in machine learning

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    VLSI analogs of neuronal visual processing: a synthesis of form and function

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    This thesis describes the development and testing of a simple visual system fabricated using complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) very large scale integration (VLSI) technology. This visual system is composed of three subsystems. A silicon retina, fabricated on a single chip, transduces light and performs signal processing in a manner similar to a simple vertebrate retina. A stereocorrespondence chip uses bilateral retinal input to estimate the location of objects in depth. A silicon optic nerve allows communication between chips by a method that preserves the idiom of action potential transmission in the nervous system. Each of these subsystems illuminates various aspects of the relationship between VLSI analogs and their neurobiological counterparts. The overall synthetic visual system demonstrates that analog VLSI can capture a significant portion of the function of neural structures at a systems level, and concomitantly, that incorporating neural architectures leads to new engineering approaches to computation in VLSI. The relationship between neural systems and VLSI is rooted in the shared limitations imposed by computing in similar physical media. The systems discussed in this text support the belief that the physical limitations imposed by the computational medium significantly affect the evolving algorithm. Since circuits are essentially physical structures, I advocate the use of analog VLSI as powerful medium of abstraction, suitable for understanding and expressing the function of real neural systems. The working chip elevates the circuit description to a kind of synthetic formalism. The behaving physical circuit provides a formal test of theories of function that can be expressed in the language of circuits