263 research outputs found

    A cultured human neural network operates a robotic actuator

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    The development of bio-electronic prostheses, hybrid human-electronics devices and bionic robots has been the aim of many researchers. Although neurophysiologic processes have been widely investigated and bio-electronics has developed rapidly, the dynamics of a biological neuronal network that receive sensory inputs, store and control information is not yet understood. Toward this end, we have taken an interdisciplinary approach to study the learning and response of biological neural networks to complex stimulation patterns. This paper describes the design, execution, and results of several experiments performed in order to investigate the behavior of complex interconnected structures found in biological neural networks. The experimental design consisted of biological human neurons stimulated by parallel signal patterns intended to simulate complex perceptions. The response patterns were analyzed with an innovative artificial neural network (ANN), called ITSOM (Inductive Tracing Self Organizing Map). This system allowed us to decode the complex neural responses from a mixture of different stimulations and learned memory patterns inherent in the cell colonies. In the experiment described in this work, neurons derived from human neural stem cells were connected to a robotic actuator through the ANN analyzer to demonstrate our ability to produce useful control from simulated perceptions stimulating the cells. Preliminary results showed that in vitro human neuron colonies can learn to reply selectively to different stimulation patterns and that response signals can effectively be decoded to operate a minirobot. Lastly the fascinating performance of the hybrid system is evaluated quantitatively and potential future work is discussed

    Simulation, Application, and Resilience of an Organic Neuromorphic Architecture, Made with Organic Bistable Devices and Organic Field Effect Transistors

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    This thesis presents work done simulating a type of organic neuromorphic architecture, modeled after Artificial Neural Network, and termed Synthetic Neural Network, or SNN. The first major contribution of this thesis is development of a single-transistor-single-organic-bistable-device-per-input circuit that approximates behavior of an artificial neuron. The efficacy of this design is validated by comparing the behavior of a single synthetic neuron to that of an artificial neuron as well as two examples involving a network of synthetic neurons. The analysis utilizes electrical characteristics of polymer electronic elements, namely Organic Bistable Device and Organic Field Effect Transistor, created in the laboratory at University of Denver. Polymer electronics is a new branch of electronics that is based on conductive and semi-conductive polymers. These new elements hold a great advantage over the inorganic electronics in the form of physical flexibility and low cost of fabrication. However, their device variability between individual devices is also much greater. Therefore the second major contribution of this thesis is the analysis of resilience of neural networks subjected to physical damage and other manufacturing faults

    Preventing Neurodegenerative Memory Loss in Hopfield Neuronal Networks Using Cerebral Organoids or External Microelectronics

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    Developing technologies have made significant progress towards linking the brain with brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) which have the potential to aid damaged brains to perform their original motor and cognitive functions. We consider the viability of such devices for mitigating the deleterious effects of memory loss that is induced by neurodegenerative diseases and/or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Our computational study considers the widely used Hopfield network, an autoassociative memory model in which neurons converge to a stable state pattern after receiving an input resembling the given memory. In this study, we connect an auxiliary network of neurons, which models the BMI device, to the original Hopfield network and train it to converge to its own auxiliary memory patterns. Injuries to the original Hopfield memory network, induced through neurodegeneration, for instance, can then be analyzed with the goal of evaluating the ability of the BMI to aid in memory retrieval tasks. Dense connectivity between the auxiliary and Hopfield networks is shown to promote robustness of memory retrieval tasks for both optimal and nonoptimal memory sets. Our computations estimate damage levels and parameter ranges for which full or partial memory recovery is achievable, providing a starting point for novel therapeutic strategies

    Neural Substrate Expansion for the Restoration of Brain Function

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    Restoring neurological and cognitive function in individuals who have suffered brain damage is one of the principal objectives of modern translational neuroscience. Electrical stimulation approaches, such as deep-brain stimulation, have achieved the most clinical success, but they ultimately may be limited by the computational capacity of the residual cerebral circuitry. An alternative strategy is brain substrate expansion, in which the computational capacity of the brain is augmented through the addition of new processing units and the reconstitution of network connectivity. This latter approach has been explored to some degree using both biological and electronic means but thus far has not demonstrated the ability to reestablish the function of large-scale neuronal networks. In this review, we contend that fulfilling the potential of brain substrate expansion will require a significant shift from current methods that emphasize direct manipulations of the brain (e.g., injections of cellular suspensions and the implantation of multi-electrode arrays) to the generation of more sophisticated neural tissues and neural-electric hybrids in vitro that are subsequently transplanted into the brain. Drawing from neural tissue engineering, stem cell biology, and neural interface technologies, this strategy makes greater use of the manifold techniques available in the laboratory to create biocompatible constructs that recapitulate brain architecture and thus are more easily recognized and utilized by brain networks

    Accelerated neuromorphic cybernetics

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    Accelerated mixed-signal neuromorphic hardware refers to electronic systems that emulate electrophysiological aspects of biological nervous systems in analog voltages and currents in an accelerated manner. While the functional spectrum of these systems already includes many observed neuronal capabilities, such as learning or classification, some areas remain largely unexplored. In particular, this concerns cybernetic scenarios in which nervous systems engage in closed interaction with their bodies and environments. Since the control of behavior and movement in animals is both the purpose and the cause of the development of nervous systems, such processes are, however, of essential importance in nature. Besides the design of neuromorphic circuit- and system components, the main focus of this work is therefore the construction and analysis of accelerated neuromorphic agents that are integrated into cybernetic chains of action. These agents are, on the one hand, an accelerated mechanical robot, on the other hand, an accelerated virtual insect. In both cases, the sensory organs and actuators of their artificial bodies are derived from the neurophysiology of the biological prototypes and are reproduced as faithfully as possible. In addition, each of the two biomimetic organisms is subjected to evolutionary optimization, which illustrates the advantages of accelerated neuromorphic nervous systems through significant time savings

    Mobile Robots

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    The objective of this book is to cover advances of mobile robotics and related technologies applied for multi robot systems' design and development. Design of control system is a complex issue, requiring the application of information technologies to link the robots into a single network. Human robot interface becomes a demanding task, especially when we try to use sophisticated methods for brain signal processing. Generated electrophysiological signals can be used to command different devices, such as cars, wheelchair or even video games. A number of developments in navigation and path planning, including parallel programming, can be observed. Cooperative path planning, formation control of multi robotic agents, communication and distance measurement between agents are shown. Training of the mobile robot operators is very difficult task also because of several factors related to different task execution. The presented improvement is related to environment model generation based on autonomous mobile robot observations

    SpheroidPicker for automated 3D cell culture manipulation using deep learning

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    Recent statistics report that more than 3.7 million new cases of cancer occur in Europe yearly, and the disease accounts for approximately 20% of all deaths. High-throughput screening of cancer cell cultures has dominated the search for novel, effective anticancer therapies in the past decades. Recently, functional assays with patient-derived ex vivo 3D cell culture have gained importance for drug discovery and precision medicine. We recently evaluated the major advancements and needs for the 3D cell culture screening, and concluded that strictly standardized and robust sample preparation is the most desired development. Here we propose an artificial intelligence-guided low-cost 3D cell culture delivery system. It consists of a light microscope, a micromanipulator, a syringe pump, and a controller computer. The system performs morphology-based feature analysis on spheroids and can select uniform sized or shaped spheroids to transfer them between various sample holders. It can select the samples from standard sample holders, including Petri dishes and microwell plates, and then transfer them to a variety of holders up to 384 well plates. The device performs reliable semi- and fully automated spheroid transfer. This results in highly controlled experimental conditions and eliminates non-trivial side effects of sample variability that is a key aspect towards next-generation precision medicine.Peer reviewe

    Brain-Inspired Organic Electronics:Merging Neuromorphic Computing and Bioelectronics Using Conductive Polymers

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    Neuromorphic computing offers the opportunity to curtail the huge energy demands of modern artificial intelligence (AI) applications by implementing computations into new, brain-inspired computing architectures. However, the lack of fabrication processes able to integrate several computing units into monolithic systems and the need for new, hardware-tailored training algorithms still limit the scope of application and performance of neuromorphic hardware. Recent advancements in the field of organic transistors present new opportunities for neuromorphic systems and smart sensing applications, thanks to their unique properties such as neuromorphic behavior, low-voltage operation, and mixed ionic-electronic conductivity. Organic neuromorphic transistors push the boundaries of energy efficient brain-inspired hardware AI, facilitating decentralized on-chip learning and serving as a foundation for the advancement of closed-loop intelligent systems in the next generation. The biocompatibility and dual ionic-electronic conductivity of organic materials introduce new prospects for biointegration and bioelectronics. Their ability to sense and regulate biosystems, as well as their neuro-inspired functions can be combined with neuromorphic computing to create the next-generation of bioelectronics. These systems will be able to seamlessly interact with biological systems and locally compute biosignals in a relevant matter
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