689 research outputs found

    Wi-Fi Signals Database Construction using Chebyshev Wavelets for Indoor Positioning Systems

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    Nowadays fast and accurate positioning of assets and people is as a crucial part of many businesses, such as, warehousing, manufacturing and logistics. Applications that offer different services based on mobile user location gaining more and more attention. Some of the most common applications include location-based advertising, directory assistance, point-to-point navigation, asset tracking, emergency and fleet management. While outdoors mostly covered by the Global Positioning System, there is no one versatile solution for indoor positioning. For the past decade Wi-Fi fingerprinting based indoor positioning systems gained a lot of attention by enterprises as an affordable and flexible solution to track their assets and resources more effectively. The concept behind Wi-Fi fingerprinting is to create signal strength database of the area prior to the actual positioning. This process is known as a calibration carried out manually and the indoor positioning system accuracy highly depends on a calibration intensity. Unfortunately, this procedure requires huge amount of time, manpower and effort, which makes extensive deployment of indoor positioning system a challenging task.  approach of constructing signal strength database from a minimal number of measurements using Chebyshev wavelets approximation. The main objective of the research is to minimize the calibration workload while providing high positioning accuracy.  The field tests as well as computer simulation results showed significant improvement in signal strength prediction accuracy compared to existing approximation algorithms. Furhtermore, the proposed algorithm can recover missing signal values with much smaller number of on-site measurements compared to conventional calibration algorithm

    Location-Enabled IoT (LE-IoT): A Survey of Positioning Techniques, Error Sources, and Mitigation

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has started to empower the future of many industrial and mass-market applications. Localization techniques are becoming key to add location context to IoT data without human perception and intervention. Meanwhile, the newly-emerged Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technologies have advantages such as long-range, low power consumption, low cost, massive connections, and the capability for communication in both indoor and outdoor areas. These features make LPWAN signals strong candidates for mass-market localization applications. However, there are various error sources that have limited localization performance by using such IoT signals. This paper reviews the IoT localization system through the following sequence: IoT localization system review -- localization data sources -- localization algorithms -- localization error sources and mitigation -- localization performance evaluation. Compared to the related surveys, this paper has a more comprehensive and state-of-the-art review on IoT localization methods, an original review on IoT localization error sources and mitigation, an original review on IoT localization performance evaluation, and a more comprehensive review of IoT localization applications, opportunities, and challenges. Thus, this survey provides comprehensive guidance for peers who are interested in enabling localization ability in the existing IoT systems, using IoT systems for localization, or integrating IoT signals with the existing localization sensors

    Indoor positioning model based on people effect and ray tracing propagation

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    WLAN-fingerprinting has been highlighted as the preferred technology in an Indoor Positioning System (IPS) due to its accurate positioning results and minimal infrastructure cost. However, the accuracy of IPS fingerprinting is highly influenced by the fluctuation in signal strength as a result of encountering obstacles. Many researchers have modelled static obstacles such as walls and ceilings, but hardly any have modelled the effect of people presence as an obstacle although the human body significantly impacts signal strength. Hence, the people presence effect must be considered to obtain highly accurate positioning results. Previous research proposed a model that only considered the direct path between the transmitter and the receiver. However, for indoor propagation, multipath effects such as reflection can also have a significant influence, but were not considered in past work. Therefore, this research proposes an accurate indoor positioning model that considers people presence using a ray tracing (AIRY) model in a dynamic environment which relies on existing infrastructure. Three solutions were proposed to construct AIRY: an automatic radio map using ray tracing (ARM-RT), a new human model in ray tracing (HUMORY), and a people effect constant for received signal strength indicator (RSSI) adaptation. At the offline stage, 30 RSSIs were recorded at each point using a smartphone to create a radio map database (523 points). The real-time RSSI was then compared to the radio map database at the online stage using MATLAB software to determine the user position (65 test points). The proposed model was tested at Level 3 of Razak Tower, UTM Kuala Lumpur (80 × 16 m). To test the influence of people presence, the number, position, and distance of the people around the mobile device (MD) were varied. The results showed that the closer the people were to the MD in both the Line of Sight (LOS) and Non-LOS position, the greater the decrease in RSSI, in which the increment number of people will increase the amount of reflection signals to be blocked. The signal strength reduction started from 0.5 dBm with two people and reached 0.9 dBm with seven people. In addition, the ray tracing model produced smaller errors on RSSI prediction than the multi-wall model when considering the effect of people presence. The k-nearest neighbour (KNN) algorithm was used to define the position. The initial accuracy was improved from 2.04 m to 0.57 m after people presence and multipath effects were considered. In conclusion, the proposed model successfully increased indoor positioning accuracy in a dynamic environment by overcoming the people presence effect

    A Meta-Review of Indoor Positioning Systems

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    An accurate and reliable Indoor Positioning System (IPS) applicable to most indoor scenarios has been sought for many years. The number of technologies, techniques, and approaches in general used in IPS proposals is remarkable. Such diversity, coupled with the lack of strict and verifiable evaluations, leads to difficulties for appreciating the true value of most proposals. This paper provides a meta-review that performed a comprehensive compilation of 62 survey papers in the area of indoor positioning. The paper provides the reader with an introduction to IPS and the different technologies, techniques, and some methods commonly employed. The introduction is supported by consensus found in the selected surveys and referenced using them. Thus, the meta-review allows the reader to inspect the IPS current state at a glance and serve as a guide for the reader to easily find further details on each technology used in IPS. The analyses of the meta-review contributed with insights on the abundance and academic significance of published IPS proposals using the criterion of the number of citations. Moreover, 75 works are identified as relevant works in the research topic from a selection of about 4000 works cited in the analyzed surveys

    Crowdsource Based Indoor Localization by Uncalibrated Heterogeneous Wi-Fi Devices

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    Interference charecterisation, location and bandwidth estimation in emerging WiFi networks

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    Wireless LAN technology based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, commonly referred to as WiFi, has been hugely successful not only for the last hop access to the Internet in home, office and hotspot scenarios but also for realising wireless backhaul in mesh networks and for point -to -point long- distance wireless communication. This success can be mainly attributed to two reasons: low cost of 802.11 hardware from reaching economies of scale, and operation in the unlicensed bands of wireless spectrum.The popularity of WiFi, in particular for indoor wireless access at homes and offices, has led to significant amount of research effort looking at the performance issues arising from various factors, including interference, CSMA/CA based MAC protocol used by 802.11 devices, the impact of link and physical layer overheads on application performance, and spatio-temporal channel variations. These factors affect the performance of applications and services that run over WiFi networks. In this thesis, we experimentally investigate the effects of some of the above mentioned factors in the context of emerging WiFi network scenarios such as multi- interface indoor mesh networks, 802.11n -based WiFi networks and WiFi networks with virtual access points (VAPs). More specifically, this thesis comprises of four experimental characterisation studies: (i) measure prevalence and severity of co- channel interference in urban WiFi deployments; (ii) characterise interference in multi- interface indoor mesh networks; (iii) study the effect of spatio-temporal channel variations, VAPs and multi -band operation on WiFi fingerprinting based location estimation; and (iv) study the effects of newly introduced features in 802.11n like frame aggregation (FA) on available bandwidth estimation.With growing density of WiFi deployments especially in urban areas, co- channel interference becomes a major factor that adversely affects network performance. To characterise the nature of this phenomena at a city scale, we propose using a new measurement methodology called mobile crowdsensing. The idea is to leverage commodity smartphones and the natural mobility of people to characterise urban WiFi co- channel interference. Specifically, we report measurement results obtained for Edinburgh, a representative European city, on detecting the presence of deployed WiFi APs via the mobile crowdsensing approach. These show that few channels in 2.4GHz are heavily used and there is hardly any activity in the 5GHz band even though relatively it has a greater number of available channels. Spatial analysis of spectrum usage reveals that co- channel interference among nearby APs operating in the same channel can be a serious problem with around 10 APs contending with each other in many locations. We find that the characteristics of WiFi deployments at city -scale are similar to those of WiFi deployments in public spaces of different indoor environments. We validate our approach in comparison with wardriving, and also show that our findings generally match with previous studies based on other measurement approaches. As an application of the mobile crowdsensing based urban WiFi monitoring, we outline a cloud based WiFi router configuration service for better interference management with global awareness in urban areas.For mesh networks, the use of multiple radio interfaces is widely seen as a practical way to achieve high end -to -end network performance and better utilisation of available spectrum. However this gives rise to another type of interference (referred to as coexistence interference) due to co- location of multiple radio interfaces. We show that such interference can be so severe that it prevents concurrent successful operation of collocated interfaces even when they use channels from widely different frequency bands. We propose the use of antenna polarisation to mitigate such interference and experimentally study its benefits in both multi -band and single -band configurations. In particular, we show that using differently polarised antennas on a multi -radio platform can be a helpful counteracting mechanism for alleviating receiver blocking and adjacent channel interference phenomena that underlie multi -radio coexistence interference. We also validate observations about adjacent channel interference from previous studies via direct and microscopic observation of MAC behaviour.Location is an indispensable information for navigation and sensing applications. The rapidly growing adoption of smartphones has resulted in a plethora of mobile applications that rely on position information (e.g., shopping apps that use user position information to recommend products to users and help them to find what they want in the store). WiFi fingerprinting is a popular and well studied approach for indoor location estimation that leverages the existing WiFi infrastructure and works based on the difference in strengths of the received AP signals at different locations. However, understanding the impact of WiFi network deployment aspects such as multi -band APs and VAPs has not received much attention in the literature. We first examine the impact of various aspects underlying a WiFi fingerprinting system. Specifically, we investigate different definitions for fingerprinting and location estimation algorithms across different indoor environments ranging from a multi- storey office building to shopping centres of different sizes. Our results show that the fingerprint definition is as important as the choice of location estimation algorithm and there is no single combination of these two that works across all environments or even all floors of a given environment. We then consider the effect of WiFi frequency bands (e.g., 2.4GHz and 5GHz) and the presence of virtual access points (VAPs) on location accuracy with WiFi fingerprinting. Our results demonstrate that lower co- channel interference in the 5GHz band yields more accurate location estimation. We show that the inclusion of VAPs has a significant impact on the location accuracy of WiFi fingerprinting systems; we analyse the potential reasons to explain the findings.End -to -end available bandwidth estimation (ABE) has a wide range of uses, from adaptive application content delivery, transport-level transmission rate adaptation and admission control to traffic engineering and peer node selection in peer -to- peer /overlay networks [ 1, 2]. Given its importance, it has been received much research attention in both wired data networks and legacy WiFi networks (based on 802.11 a/b /g standards), resulting in different ABE techniques and tools proposed to optimise different criteria and suit different scenarios. However, effects of new MAC/PHY layer enhancements in new and next generation WiFi networks (based on 802.11n and 802.11ac standards) have not been studied yet. We experimentally find that among different new features like frame aggregation, channel bonding and MIMO modes (spacial division multiplexing), frame aggregation has the most harmful effect as it has direct effect on ABE by distorting the measurement probing traffic pattern commonly used to estimate available bandwidth. Frame aggregation is also specified in both 802.11n and 802.1 lac standards as a mandatory feature to be supported. We study the effect of enabling frame aggregation, for the first time, on the performance of the ABE using an indoor 802.11n wireless testbed. The analysis of results obtained using three tools - representing two main Probe Rate Model (PRM) and Probe Gap Model (PGM) based approaches for ABE - led us to come up with the two key principles of jumbo probes and having longer measurement probe train sizes to counter the effects of aggregating frames on the performance of ABE tools. Then, we develop a new tool, WBest+ that is aware of the underlying frame aggregation by incorporating these principles. The experimental evaluation of WBest+ shows more accurate ABE in the presence of frame aggregation.Overall, the contributions of this thesis fall in three categories - experimental characterisation, measurement techniques and mitigation/solution approaches for performance problems in emerging WiFi network scenarios. The influence of various factors mentioned above are all studied via experimental evaluation in a testbed or real - world setting. Specifically, co- existence interference characterisation and evaluation of available bandwidth techniques are done using indoor testbeds, whereas characterisation of urban WiFi networks and WiFi fingerprinting based location estimation are carried out in real environments. New measurement approaches are also introduced to aid better experimental evaluation or proposed as new measurement tools. These include mobile crowdsensing based WiFi monitoring; MAC/PHY layer monitoring of co- existence interference; and WBest+ tool for available bandwidth estimation. Finally, new mitigation approaches are proposed to address challenges and problems identified throughout the characterisation studies. These include: a proposal for crowd - based interference management in large scale uncoordinated WiFi networks; exploiting antenna polarisation diversity to remedy the effects of co- existence interference in multi -interface platforms; taking advantage of VAPs and multi -band operation for better location estimation; and introducing the jumbo frame concept and longer probe train sizes to improve performance of ABE tools in next generation WiFi networks