31 research outputs found

    Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis

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    The aim of this study is to map the intellectual structure of the field of Information Retrieval (IR) during the period of 1987-1997. Co-word analysis was employed to reveal patterns and trends in the IR field by measuring the association strengths of terms representative of relevant publications or other texts produced in IR field. Data were collected from Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) for the period of 1987-1997. In addition to the keywords added by the SCI and SSCI databases, other important keywords were extracted from titles and abstracts manually. These keywords were further standardized using vocabulary control tools. In order to trace the dynamic changes of the IR field, the whole 11-year period was further separated into two consecutive periods: 1987-1991 and 1992-1997. The results show that the IR field has some established research themes and it also changes rapidly to embrace new themes

    Information Metrics (iMetrics): A Research Specialty with a Socio-Cognitive Identity?

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    "Bibliometrics", "scientometrics", "informetrics", and "webometrics" can all be considered as manifestations of a single research area with similar objectives and methods, which we call "information metrics" or iMetrics. This study explores the cognitive and social distinctness of iMetrics with respect to the general information science (IS), focusing on a core of researchers, shared vocabulary and literature/knowledge base. Our analysis investigates the similarities and differences between four document sets. The document sets are drawn from three core journals for iMetrics research (Scientometrics, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, and Journal of Informetrics). We split JASIST into document sets containing iMetrics and general IS articles. The volume of publications in this representation of the specialty has increased rapidly during the last decade. A core of researchers that predominantly focus on iMetrics topics can thus be identified. This core group has developed a shared vocabulary as exhibited in high similarity of title words and one that shares a knowledge base. The research front of this field moves faster than the research front of information science in general, bringing it closer to Price's dream.Comment: Accepted for publication in Scientometric

    Effects of Financial Education and Financial Literacy on Creative Entrepreneurship: A Worldwide Research

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    The limited attention given to financial education in the development of student competencies can undermine the decision making of individuals in their adulthood. This circumstance has been widely studied in the literature, where the effect of financial literacy on creative entrepreneurship is influenced. The objective of this study is to analyze global research trends on the effect of financial education and financial literacy with the creativity of individual entrepreneurship. For this, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on 665 documents related to the subject of study during 1990–2018 period. The results show the most influential journals, authors, institutions, countries, and areas of knowledge on this scientific research. This work detects the main trends and patterns to offer a vision of the relationship between financial education and creative entrepreneurship. It should be noted that this research area has become a relevant field of study in education, finance, business, and management issues

    Bibliometric analysis on scientific productivity of NIMTE,CAS

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    The methods of bibliometric analysis and knowledge mapping were used to investigate the scientific productivity of Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering based on the SCI, EI, ISTP articles as well as patents application from been found in Chinese Academy of Sciences. The papers number, co-authors, subjects, clusters, collaboration, cited authors, co-words and time cited were analyzed respectively on the published papers and applied patents. The knowledge map and bibliometric analysis results make out that this new established institute achieved great academic successes on materials research, and at the same time they kept ahead in five fields of materials science and technology through patents group application

    Estudio de similitudes entre áreas temáticas

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    In this paper some results are presented which permit the graphic representation of the similarities between subjects which appear on web pages found on the Internet. To this end, these similarities are quantified and graphically represented by means of an index between the different subjects, in accordance with an intuitive interpretation of similarity between sets. The use of a function based on Learning Theory, enable us to study the similarity or interrelation between different lines of investigations corresponding to information on web pages. The visual analysis of the aforementioned interrelations has been applied to the area of Learning research refering to the period May 2003-May 2004. Furthermore, various tables which clarify the potential of this similarity index are constructed.<br><br>En este trabajo presentamos unos resultados que permiten la representación gráfica de las similitudes entre centros de interés que aparecen en las páginas Web que se encuentran distribuidas en Internet. Para ello se cuantifica y representa gráficamente por medio de un índice de similitud entre los diferentes centros de interés, de acuerdo a una interpretación intuitiva de similitud entre conjuntos. La utilización de una función procedente de la teoría del aprendizaje nos permite estudiar, a partir de la información en las páginas Web, la similitud o interrelación que existe entre diferentes líneas de investigación. El análisis visual de dichas interrelaciones se ha aplicado al área de investigación del aprendizaje referido al período mayo 2003-mayo 2004. Asimismo, se construyen varias tablas que aclaran la potencialidad futura de este índice de similitud

    Assessment of thermal-stable polymer nanocomposite techniques by patent citation network analysis

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    Nanocomposite material with new functions or properties superior to traditional composite materials opens a door to transform the way that material is currently applied. This study aims to provide 1) a systematic and quantitative method for obtaining global patent overview, 2) a global patent-citation overview on thermal-stable polymer nanocomposite patents retrieved from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The systematic method provided in this paper is integration of basic patent statistics, technology-function classification, standard industrial classification, patent citation and network properties calculation. All of these contribute not only to a systematic approach for obtaining a quantitative overview of large amount of selected patents, but also bridge the gap between patented techniques and business management activities, e.g. R&D resource allocation, performance evaluation, patent map visualization, patent valuation, in business and industry.<br

    Application of Social Network Analysis to Health Care Sectors

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    Objectives: This study aimed to examine the feasibility of social network analysis as a valuable research tool for indicating a change in research topics in health care and medicine. Methods: Papers used in the analysis were collected from the PubMed database at the National Library of Medicine. After limiting the search to papers affiliated with the National Institutes of Health, 27,125 papers were selected for the analysis. From these papers, the top 100 non-duplicate and most studied Medical Subject Heading terms were extracted. NetMiner V.3 was used for analysis. Weighted degree centrality was applied to the analysis to compare the trends in the change of research topics. Changes in the core keywords were observed for the entire group and in three-year intervals. Results: The core keyword with the highest centrality value was “Risk Factor, ” followed b


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    In today´s world, organizations conduct technology assessment (TAS) prior to decision making about investments in existing, emerging, and hot technologies to avoid costly mistakes and survive in the hyper-competitive business environment. Relying on web search engines in looking for relevant information for TAS processes, decision makers face abundant unstructured information that limit their ability to assess technologies within a reasonable time frame. Thus the following qustion arises: how to extract valuable TAS knowledge from a diverse corpus of textual data on the web? To cope with this qustion, this paper presents a web-based model and tool for knowledge mapping. The proposed knowledge maps are constructed on the basis of a novel method of co-word analysis, based on webometric web counts and a temporal trend detection algorithm which employs the vector space model (VSM). The approach is demonstrated and validated for a spectrum of information technologies. Results show that the research model assessments are highly correlated with subjective expert (n=136) assessment (r \u3e 0.91), and with predictive validity valu above 85%. Thus, it seems safe to assume that this work can probably be generalized to other domains. The model contribution is emphasized by the current growing attention to the big-data phenomenon

    The Sustainable Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Global Analysis and Future Trends

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    Due to the process of globalization, companies are obligated to observe corporate social responsibility and best practices from a sustainability approach towards their stakeholders and society. The explicit aim is to determine the relevance of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its relationship with sustainability, in order to establish trends and future lines of research. The evolution of global research on this subject has been studied from 2001 to 2018. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis of 1832 articles has been applied, obtaining results of the scientific productivity of the journals, authors, institutions, and countries that contribute to this research. Evidence shows a growing interest in studying the relationship between socially responsible practices and the dimension of sustainability. The main category is Business, Management, and Accounting. The most productive journals are the Journal of Business Ethics and Sustainability. The authors with the most articles are García-Sánchez, Moneva, and Moratis, while Kolk is the most cited. The most prolific institution is the University of Salamanca. The United States is the country with the most publications and quotes. France and China are the countries with the largest number of international collaborations in their work. Global research has been on an upward trend with optimal publication rates in recent years