79 research outputs found

    Evaluation of preprocessors for neural network speaker verification

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    Analysis of derived features for the motion classification of a passive lower limb exoskeleton

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    Analysis of Derived Features for the Motion Classification of a PassiveLowerLimbExoskeleton The recognition of human motion intentions is a fundamental requirement to control efficiently an exoskeleton system. The exoskeleton control can be enhanced or subsequent motions can be predicted, if the current intended motion is known. At H2T research has been carried out with a classification system based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to classify the multi-modal sensor data acquired from a unilateral passive lower-limb exoskeleton. The training data is formed of force vectors, linear accelerations and Euler angles provided by 7 3D-force sensors and 3 IMUs. The recordings consist of data of 10 subjects performing 14 different types of daily activities, each one carried out 10 times. This master thesis attempts to improve the motion classification by using physical meaningful derived features from the raw data aforementioned. The knee vector moment and the knee and ankle joint angles, which respectively give a kinematic and dynamic description of a motion, were the derived features considered. Firstly, these new features are analysed to study their patterns and the resemblance of the data among different subjects is quantified in order to check their consistency. Afterwards, the derived features are evaluated in the motion classification system to check their performance. Various configurations of the classifier were tested including different preprocessors of the data employed and the structure of the HMMs used to represent each motion. Some setups combining derived features and raw data led to good results (e.g. norm of the moment vector and IMUs got 89.39% of accuracy), but did not improve the best results of previous works (e.g. 2 IMUs and 1 Force Sensor got 90.73% of accuracy). Although the classification results are not improved, it is proved that these derived features are a good representation of their primary features and a suitable option if a dimensional reduction of the data is pursued. At the end, possible directions of improvement are suggested to improve the motion classification concerning the results obtained along the thesis.Outgoin

    Eye Detection Using Wavelets and ANN

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    A Biometric system provides perfect identification of individual based on a unique biological feature or characteristic possessed by a person such as finger print, hand writing, heart beat, face recognition and eye detection. Among them eye detection is a better approach since Human Eye does not change throughout the life of an individual. It is regarded as the most reliable and accurate biometric identification system available. In our project we are going to develop a system for ‘eye detection using wavelets and ANN’ with software simulation package such as matlab 7.0 tool box in order to verify the uniqueness of the human eyes and its performance as a biometric. Eye detection involves first extracting the eye from a digital face image, and then encoding the unique patterns of the eye in such a way that they can be compared with preregistered eye patterns. The eye detection system consists of an automatic segmentation system that is based on the wavelet transform, and then the Wavelet analysis is used as a pre-processor for a back propagation neural network with conjugate gradient learning. The inputs to the neural network are the wavelet maxima neighborhood coefficients of face images at a particular scale. The output of the neural network is the classification of the input into an eye or non-eye region. An accuracy of 81% is observed for test images under different environment conditions not included during training

    Speech and neural network dynamics

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    The 5th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Tone classification of syllable -segmented Thai speech based on multilayer perceptron

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    Thai is a monosyllabic and tonal language. Thai makes use of tone to convey lexical information about the meaning of a syllable. Thai has five distinctive tones and each tone is well represented by a single F0 contour pattern. In general, a Thai syllable with a different tone has a different lexical meaning. Thus, to completely recognize a spoken Thai syllable, a speech recognition system has not only to recognize a base syllable but also to correctly identify a tone. Hence, tone classification of Thai speech is an essential part of a Thai speech recognition system.;In this study, a tone classification of syllable-segmented Thai speech which incorporates the effects of tonal coarticulation, stress and intonation was developed. Automatic syllable segmentation, which performs the segmentation on the training and test utterances into syllable units, was also developed. The acoustical features including fundamental frequency (F0), duration, and energy extracted from the processing syllable and neighboring syllables were used as the main discriminating features. A multilayer perceptron (MLP) trained by backpropagation method was employed to classify these features. The proposed system was evaluated on 920 test utterances spoken by five male and three female Thai speakers who also uttered the training speech. The proposed system achieved an average accuracy rate of 91.36%

    Model and structure of multiagent system for collection and processing sound information

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    A symbolic model of a multi-agent system (MAS) for collecting and processing sound information (CPSI) from the environment was proposed. The model includes agents of input and encoding of local sound information, database agents, knowledge base agents, agents of calculation of integral estimates of the sound situation, decision-making agent. On the basis of this model the structure of the MAC for CPSI consisting of preprocessors for audio input and encoding, wireless communication channels, server and operator console was developed

    Development of a ROS environment for researching machine learning techniques applied to drones

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    The first part of this dissertation presents ROS-MAGNA, a general framework for the definition and management of cooperative missions for multiple Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) based on the Robot Operating System (ROS) [42]. This framework makes transparent the type of autopilot on-board and creates the state machines that control the behaviour of the different UAS from the specification of the multi-UAS mission. In addition, it integrates a virtual world generation tool to manage the information of the environment and visualize the geometrical objects of interest to properly follow the progress of the mission. The framework supports the coexistence of software-in-the-loop, hardware-in-the-loop and real UAS cooperating in the same arena, being a very useful testing tool for the developer of UAS advanced functionalities. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first framework which endows all these capabilities. The document also includes simulations and real experiments which show the main features of the framework. ROS-MAGNA is used to develop and test a machine learning tool. The information generated during a mission is used to train neural networks of different architecture for navigation purposes. The data treatment and training processes are accomplished in a testbench to select the best solution from different datasets. Tensorflow is the framework selected to implement every deep learning algorithm along with its Tensorboard tool for training understanding.Furthermore, an API with the pre-trained is used during a real mission in real time. The third part of this dissertation is the design and integration of a voice control assistant inside ROSMAGNA. Employing diverse online and offline tools, oral commands are processed to perform changes to the mission state and performance and to retrieve information.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería Industria