475 research outputs found

    Converse Ackermann property and constructive negation defined with a negation connective

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    The Converse Ackermann Property is the unprovability of formulas of the form (A -> B) -> C when C does contain neither -> nor ¬. Intuitively, the CAP amounts to rule out the derivability of pure non-necessitive propositions from non-necessitive ones. A constructive negation of the sort historically defined by, e.g., Johansson is added to positive logics with the CAP in the spectrum delimited by Ticket Entailment and Dummett’s logic LC

    Extensions of the basic constructive logic for weak consistency BKc1 defined with a falsity constant

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    The logic BKc1 is the basic constructive logic for weak consistency (i.e., absence of the negation of a theorem) in the ternary relational semantics without a set of designated points. In this paper, a number of extensions of B Kc1 defined with a propositional falsity constant are defined. It is also proved that weak consistency is not equivalent to negation-consistency or absolute consistency (i.e., non-triviality) in any logic included in positive contractionless intermediate logic LC plus the constructive negation of BKc1 and the (constructive) contraposition axioms

    Relevance logics, paradoxes of consistency and the K rule II. A non-constructive negation

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    The logic B+ is Routley and Meyer’s basic positive logic. We define the logics BK+ and BK'+ by adding to B+ the K rule and to BK+ the characteristic S4 axiom, respectively. These logics are endowed with a relatively strong non-constructive negation. We prove that all the logics defined lack the K axiom and the standard paradoxes of consistency

    Weihrauch goes Brouwerian

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    We prove that the Weihrauch lattice can be transformed into a Brouwer algebra by the consecutive application of two closure operators in the appropriate order: first completion and then parallelization. The closure operator of completion is a new closure operator that we introduce. It transforms any problem into a total problem on the completion of the respective types, where we allow any value outside of the original domain of the problem. This closure operator is of interest by itself, as it generates a total version of Weihrauch reducibility that is defined like the usual version of Weihrauch reducibility, but in terms of total realizers. From a logical perspective completion can be seen as a way to make problems independent of their premises. Alongside with the completion operator and total Weihrauch reducibility we need to study precomplete representations that are required to describe these concepts. In order to show that the parallelized total Weihrauch lattice forms a Brouwer algebra, we introduce a new multiplicative version of an implication. While the parallelized total Weihrauch lattice forms a Brouwer algebra with this implication, the total Weihrauch lattice fails to be a model of intuitionistic linear logic in two different ways. In order to pinpoint the algebraic reasons for this failure, we introduce the concept of a Weihrauch algebra that allows us to formulate the failure in precise and neat terms. Finally, we show that the Medvedev Brouwer algebra can be embedded into our Brouwer algebra, which also implies that the theory of our Brouwer algebra is Jankov logic.Comment: 36 page

    Embedding Non-Ground Logic Programs into Autoepistemic Logic for Knowledge Base Combination

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    In the context of the Semantic Web, several approaches to the combination of ontologies, given in terms of theories of classical first-order logic and rule bases, have been proposed. They either cast rules into classical logic or limit the interaction between rules and ontologies. Autoepistemic logic (AEL) is an attractive formalism which allows to overcome these limitations, by serving as a uniform host language to embed ontologies and nonmonotonic logic programs into it. For the latter, so far only the propositional setting has been considered. In this paper, we present three embeddings of normal and three embeddings of disjunctive non-ground logic programs under the stable model semantics into first-order AEL. While the embeddings all correspond with respect to objective ground atoms, differences arise when considering non-atomic formulas and combinations with first-order theories. We compare the embeddings with respect to stable expansions and autoepistemic consequences, considering the embeddings by themselves, as well as combinations with classical theories. Our results reveal differences and correspondences of the embeddings and provide useful guidance in the choice of a particular embedding for knowledge combination.Comment: 52 pages, submitte

    The intuitionistic temporal logic of dynamical systems

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    A dynamical system is a pair (X,f)(X,f), where XX is a topological space and f ⁣:XXf\colon X\to X is continuous. Kremer observed that the language of propositional linear temporal logic can be interpreted over the class of dynamical systems, giving rise to a natural intuitionistic temporal logic. We introduce a variant of Kremer's logic, which we denote ITLc{\sf ITL^c}, and show that it is decidable. We also show that minimality and Poincar\'e recurrence are both expressible in the language of ITLc{\sf ITL^c}, thus providing a decidable logic expressive enough to reason about non-trivial asymptotic behavior in dynamical systems

    Extending Metacompleteness to Systems with Classical Formulae

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    In honour of Bob Meyer, the paper extends the use of his concept of metacompleteness to include various classical systems, as much as we are able. To do this for the classical sentential calculus, we add extra axioms so as to treat the variables like constants. Further, we use a one-sorted and a two-sorted approach to add classical sentential constants to the logic DJ of my book, Universal Logic. It is appropriate to use rejection to represent classicality in the one-sorted case. We then extend these methods to the quantified logics, but we use a finite domain of individual constants to do this