10 research outputs found

    Mason – A Read Simulator for Second Generation Sequencing Data

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    We present a read simulator software for Illumina, 454 and Sanger reads. Its features include position specific error rates and base quality values. For Illumina reads, we give a comprehensive analysis with empirical data for the error and quality model. For the other technologies, we use models from the literature. It has been written with performance in mind and can sample reads from large genomes. The C++ source code is extensible, and freely available under the GPL/LGPL

    LOCAS – A Low Coverage Assembly Tool for Resequencing Projects

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    Motivation: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a frequently applied approach to detect sequence variations between highly related genomes. Recent large-scale re-sequencing studies as the Human 1000 Genomes Project utilize NGS data of low coverage to afford sequencing of hundreds of individuals. Here, SNPs and micro-indels can be detected by applying an alignment-consensus approach. However, computational methods capable of discovering other variations such as novel insertions or highly diverged sequence from low coverage NGS data are still lacking. Results: We present LOCAS, a new NGS assembler particularly designed for low coverage assembly of eukaryotic genomes using a mismatch sensitive overlap-layout-consensus approach. LOCAS assembles homologous regions in a homologyguided manner while it performs de novo assemblies of insertions and highly polymorphic target regions subsequently to an alignment-consensus approach. LOCAS has been evaluated in homology-guided assembly scenarios with low sequence coverage of Arabidopsis thaliana strains sequenced as part of the Arabidopsis 1001 Genomes Project. While assembling the same amount of long insertions as state-of-the-art NGS assemblers, LOCAS showed best results regarding contig size, error rate and runtime. Conclusion: LOCAS produces excellent results for homology-guided assembly of eukaryotic genomes with short reads and low sequencing depth, and therefore appears to be the assembly tool of choice for the detection of novel sequenc

    Detection and correction of false segmental duplications caused by genome mis-assembly

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    A method for determining false segmental duplications in vertebrate genomes, thus correcting mis-assemblies and providing more accurate estimates of duplications

    Dynamic read mapping and online consensus calling for better variant detection

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    Variant detection from high-throughput sequencing data is an essential step in identification of alleles involved in complex diseases and cancer. To deal with these massive data, elaborated sequence analysis pipelines are employed. A core component of such pipelines is a read mapping module whose accuracy strongly affects the quality of resulting variant calls.We propose a dynamic read mapping approach that significantly improves read alignment accuracy. The general idea of dynamic mapping is to continuously update the reference sequence on the basis of previously computed read alignments. Even though this concept already appeared in the literature, we believe that our work provides the first comprehensive analysis of this approach.To evaluate the benefit of dynamic mapping, we developed a software pipeline (http://github.com/karel-brinda/dymas) that mimics different dynamic mapping scenarios. The pipeline was applied to compare dynamic mapping with the conventional static mapping and, on the other hand, with the so-called iterative referencing – a computationally expensive procedure computing an optimal modification of the reference that maximizes the overall quality of all alignments. We conclude that in all alternatives, dynamic mapping results in a much better accuracy than static mapping, approaching the accuracy of iterative referencing.To correct the reference sequence in the course of dynamic mapping, we developed an online consensus caller named Ococo (http://github.com/karel-brinda/ococo). Ococo is the first consensus caller capable to process input reads in the online fashion.Finally, we provide conclusions about the feasibility of dynamic mapping and discuss main obstacles that have to be overcome to implement it. We also review a wide range of possible applications of dynamic mapping with a special emphasis on variant detection

    A consistency-based consensus algorithm for de novo and reference-guided sequence assembly of short reads

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    Motivation: Novel high-throughput sequencing technologies pose new algorithmic challenges in handling massive amounts of short-read, high-coverage data. A robust and versatile consensus tool is of particular interest for such data since a sound multi-read alignment is a prerequisite for variation analyses, accurate genome assemblies and insert sequencing

    Studying Evolutionary Change: Transdisciplinary Advances in Understanding and Measuring Evolution

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    Evolutionary processes can be found in almost any historical, i.e. evolving, system that erroneously copies from the past. Well studied examples do not only originate in evolutionary biology but also in historical linguistics. Yet an approach that would bind together studies of such evolving systems is still elusive. This thesis is an attempt to narrowing down this gap to some extend. An evolving system can be described using characters that identify their changing features. While the problem of a proper choice of characters is beyond the scope of this thesis and remains in the hands of experts we concern ourselves with some theoretical as well data driven approaches. Having a well chosen set of characters describing a system of different entities such as homologous genes, i.e. genes of same origin in different species, we can build a phylogenetic tree. Consider the special case of gene clusters containing paralogous genes, i.e. genes of same origin within a species usually located closely, such as the well known HOX cluster. These are formed by step- wise duplication of its members, often involving unequal crossing over forming hybrid genes. Gene conversion and possibly other mechanisms of concerted evolution further obfuscate phylogenetic relationships. Hence, it is very difficult or even impossible to disentangle the detailed history of gene duplications in gene clusters. Expanding gene clusters that use unequal crossing over as proposed by Walter Gehring leads to distinctive patterns of genetic distances. We show that this special class of distances helps in extracting phylogenetic information from the data still. Disregarding genome rearrangements, we find that the shortest Hamiltonian path then coincides with the ordering of paralogous genes in a cluster. This observation can be used to detect ancient genomic rearrangements of gene clus- ters and to distinguish gene clusters whose evolution was dominated by unequal crossing over within genes from those that expanded through other mechanisms. While the evolution of DNA or protein sequences is well studied and can be formally described, we find that this does not hold for other systems such as language evolution. This is due to a lack of detectable mechanisms that drive the evolutionary processes in other fields. Hence, it is hard to quantify distances between entities, e.g. languages, and therefore the characters describing them. Starting out with distortions of distances, we first see that poor choices of the distance measure can lead to incorrect phylogenies. Given that phylogenetic inference requires additive metrics we can infer the correct phylogeny from a distance matrix D if there is a monotonic, subadditive function ζ such that ζ^−1(D) is additive. We compute the metric-preserving transformation ζ as the solution of an optimization problem. This result shows that the problem of phylogeny reconstruction is well defined even if a detailed mechanistic model of the evolutionary process is missing. Yet, this does not hinder studies of language evolution using automated tools. As the amount of available and large digital corpora increased so did the possibilities to study them automatically. The obvious parallels between historical linguistics and phylogenetics lead to many studies adapting bioinformatics tools to fit linguistics means. Here, we use jAlign to calculate bigram alignments, i.e. an alignment algorithm that operates with regard to adjacency of letters. Its performance is tested in different cognate recognition tasks. Using pairwise alignments one major obstacle is the systematic errors they make such as underestimation of gaps and their misplacement. Applying multiple sequence alignments instead of a pairwise algorithm implicitly includes more evolutionary information and thus can overcome the problem of correct gap placement. They can be seen as a generalization of the string-to-string edit problem to more than two strings. With the steady increase in computational power, exact, dynamic programming solutions have become feasible in practice also for 3- and 4-way alignments. For the pairwise (2-way) case, there is a clear distinction between local and global alignments. As more sequences are consid- ered, this distinction, which can in fact be made independently for both ends of each sequence, gives rise to a rich set of partially local alignment problems. So far these have remained largely unexplored. Thus, a general formal frame- work that gives raise to a classification of partially local alignment problems is introduced. It leads to a generic scheme that guides the principled design of exact dynamic programming solutions for particular partially local alignment problems

    Novel computational techniques for mapping and classifying Next-Generation Sequencing data

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    Since their emergence around 2006, Next-Generation Sequencing technologies have been revolutionizing biological and medical research. Quickly obtaining an extensive amount of short or long reads of DNA sequence from almost any biological sample enables detecting genomic variants, revealing the composition of species in a metagenome, deciphering cancer biology, decoding the evolution of living or extinct species, or understanding human migration patterns and human history in general. The pace at which the throughput of sequencing technologies is increasing surpasses the growth of storage and computer capacities, which creates new computational challenges in NGS data processing. In this thesis, we present novel computational techniques for read mapping and taxonomic classification. With more than a hundred of published mappers, read mapping might be considered fully solved. However, the vast majority of mappers follow the same paradigm and only little attention has been paid to non-standard mapping approaches. Here, we propound the so-called dynamic mapping that we show to significantly improve the resulting alignments compared to traditional mapping approaches. Dynamic mapping is based on exploiting the information from previously computed alignments, helping to improve the mapping of subsequent reads. We provide the first comprehensive overview of this method and demonstrate its qualities using Dynamic Mapping Simulator, a pipeline that compares various dynamic mapping scenarios to static mapping and iterative referencing. An important component of a dynamic mapper is an online consensus caller, i.e., a program collecting alignment statistics and guiding updates of the reference in the online fashion. We provide Ococo, the first online consensus caller that implements a smart statistics for individual genomic positions using compact bit counters. Beyond its application to dynamic mapping, Ococo can be employed as an online SNP caller in various analysis pipelines, enabling SNP calling from a stream without saving the alignments on disk. Metagenomic classification of NGS reads is another major topic studied in the thesis. Having a database with thousands of reference genomes placed on a taxonomic tree, the task is to rapidly assign a huge amount of NGS reads to tree nodes, and possibly estimate the relative abundance of involved species. In this thesis, we propose improved computational techniques for this task. In a series of experiments, we show that spaced seeds consistently improve the classification accuracy. We provide Seed-Kraken, a spaced seed extension of Kraken, the most popular classifier at present. Furthermore, we suggest ProPhyle, a new indexing strategy based on a BWT-index, obtaining a much smaller and more informative index compared to Kraken. We provide a modified version of BWA that improves the BWT-index for a quick k-mer look-up

    Dissecting multiple sequence alignment methods : the analysis, design and development of generic multiple sequence alignment components in SeqAn

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    Multiple sequence alignments are an indispensable tool in bioinformatics. Many applications rely on accurate multiple alignments, including protein structure prediction, phylogeny and the modeling of binding sites. In this thesis we dissected and analyzed the crucial algorithms and data structures required to construct such a multiple alignment. Based upon that dissection, we present a novel graph-based multiple sequence alignment program and a new method for multi-read alignments occurring in assembly projects. The advantage of the graph-based alignment is that a single vertex can represent a single character, a large segment or even an abstract entity such as a gene. This gives rise to the opportunity to apply the consistencybased progressive alignment paradigm to alignments of genomic sequences. The proposed multi-read alignment method outperforms similar methods in terms of alignment quality and it is apparently one of the first methods that can readily be used for insert sequencing. An important aspect of this thesis was the design, the development and the integration of the essential multiple sequence alignment components in the SeqAn library. SeqAn is a software library for sequence analysis that provides the core algorithmic components required to analyze large-scale sequence data. SeqAn aims at bridging the current gap between algorithm theory and available practical implementations in bioinformatics. Hence, we always describe in conjunction to the theoretical development of the methods, the actual implementation of the data structures and algorithms in order to strengthen the use of SeqAn as an experimental platform for rapidly developing and testing applications. All presented methods are part of the open source SeqAn library that can be downloaded from our website, www.seqan.de

    Indices and Applications in High-Throughput Sequencing

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    Recent advances in sequencing technology allow to produce billions of base pairs per day in the form of reads of length 100 bp an longer and current developments promise the personal $1,000 genome in a couple of years. The analysis of these unprecedented amounts of data demands for efficient data structures and algorithms. One such data structures is the substring index, that represents all substrings or substrings up to a certain length contained in a given text. In this thesis we propose 3 substring indices, which we extend to be applicable to millions of sequences. We devise internal and external memory construction algorithms and a uniform framework for accessing the generalized suffix tree. Additionally we propose different index-based applications, e.g. exact and approximate pattern matching and different repeat search algorithms. Second, we present the read mapping tool RazerS, which aligns millions of single or paired-end reads of arbitrary lengths to their potential genomic origin using either Hamming or edit distance. Our tool can work either lossless or with a user-defined loss rate at higher speeds. Given the loss rate, we present a novel approach that guarantees not to lose more reads than specified. This enables the user to adapt to the problem at hand and provides a seamless tradeoff between sensitivity and running time. We compare RazerS with other state-of-the-art read mappers and show that it has the highest sensitivity and a comparable performance on various real-world datasets. At last, we propose a general approach for frequency based string mining, which has many applications, e.g. in contrast data mining. Our contribution is a novel and lightweight algorithm that is faster and uses less memory than the best available algorithms. We show its applicability for mining multiple databases with a variety of frequency constraints. As such, we use the notion of entropy from information theory to generalize the emerging substring mining problem to multiple databases. To demonstrate the improvement of our algorithm we compared to recent approaches on real-world experiments of various string domains, e.g. natural language, DNA, or protein sequences