454 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Quality of a Project Management & Scientific Publications Based On a New Wisdom Framework

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    This is a theoretical research paper. It presents a proposal for the evaluation of the quality of a project management based on a new and ‘General Cognitive Model of Wisdom’ -GCMW-. For the development of this GCMW, is proposed the conception of an ‘Information Ecosystem’ -IE-, which is composed by the following ‘cognitive units’: Data -D-; Information -I-; Knowledge(tacit, explicit) - K(tacit, explicit) = (Kt,e)- and Wisdom(tacit, explicit) -W(tacit, explicit) = (Wt,e)-, compactly written as DIKt,eWt,e. By aligning this IE with the DIKW hierarchical conception, wehave created a new, no hierarchical, integrated and generalized framework -the GCMW-. This GCMW framework aims -as an insight generator or strategic foresight- to provide a better assessment to different problems in any field of science, from information science, applied researchers or a more general audience as per example, to point out the theoretical and conceptual bases for the interaction between the project manager and this GCMW framework.It is introduced a new set of logical –general-, definitions for the DIKW to instrumentalize the GCMW framework. Finally, based on the GCMW framework, we have proposed a ‘Particular Cognitive Model of Wisdom’ -PCMW- for paper quality evaluation. Aiming at to build a comprehensive and in-depth evaluation of the quality of any scientific production, is derived from the GCMW framework a new no-hierarchical model -the PCMW framework- and a new set of logical –particular-, definitions for the DIKW are introduced to instrumentalize the PCMW towards paper quality assessment. This particular framework should provide –for any paper being written-, a better assessment and insight generator. By last, as we are admitting that any paper published has quality so; the proposal is, the quality of this paper is complete if -and only if-, the paper has also W. Both, the PCMW and the particular DIKW instruments definitions, are necessary and sufficient conditions for guaranteeing -guiding- if the paper -which is in evaluation-, has W

    The 'last mile' for climate data supporting local adaptation

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Non-technical summary The 'last mile' is a transportation planning term that describes the movement of people and goods from a transportation hub to a final destination; a local place such as a home or a shop. This is the final step of the logistics process that unites the product with its new owner. We present and explain challenges of science-guided adaptation at the local level, and how this is an equivalent 'last mile' challenge for climate adaptation. Technical summary The 'last mile' issue, a term used in transportation planning, describes the movement of people and goods from a transportation hub to a final destination, a local place such as a home or a shop. This is the critical final step of the logistics process that unites the product with its new owner, and the point of the value chain. This analogy aptly describes the last steps between presenting scientific evidence of climate change to decision-makers for use in local adaptation and planning. Climate change data (observational and model simulation data e.g. climate change projections and predictions) remain under-utilised, especially by local institutions and actors for which adaptation is a priority. The assumptions and assertions of the classical data-information-knowledge-wisdom are challenged, and a derivative form of the information hierarchy is proposed. Elements of the classical information hierarchy are offset by four balancing elements of access (to data); usability (of information); governance (of knowledge) and politics (of wisdom). These balancing elements and their relatedness coincide with newer models of innovation relating to the interaction between different stakeholders across the different levels of governance, the inclusion of stakeholder expectations, transparency and accountability. Social media summary Climate data to wise decision-making in the 'last mile': a novel perspective on science-guided local adaptation.publishersversionpublishe

    Ethical tensions in artificial intelligence : A conceptual analysis

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    The rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies has provoked intense political and scholarly debate on ethics of artificial intelligence. Due to underdeveloped technological framework the debate has stagnated, which causes difficulties for regulation that is essential for wider adoption of new technologies. The main problem of current ethical discussion on artificial intelligence is its blurriness as used terminology is not exact. In information sciences data, information, knowledge, intelligence and wisdom are recognized as distinct concepts, but this is disregarded in current AI ethics discussion. Another deficit of the ethical discussion is that ethics is seen as the good or the right, which turns the focus out from ethics as decision process between conflicting interests. This study is conceptual analysis, where the ethical discussion on artificial intelligence is analyzed in technological framework. In this thesis I propose that discussion artificial intelligence could be restructured to technological framework consisting of data, information and artificial intelligence. Parsing the discussion through technological framework would be useful in understanding of the wider picture, but also it might have practical implications by making concepts more transparent and thus help in creating regulation for artificial intelligence.Tekoälyn nopea kehitys on synnyttänyt voimakasta poliittista ja tieteellistä keskustelua tekoälyn etiikasta. Teknologisen viitekehyksen puutteellisen kehityksen vuoksi keskustelun edistyminen on kuitenkin pysähtynyt, mikä vaikeuttaa tekoälyn sääntelyä, joka puolestaan on välttämätöntä tekoälyteknologioiden laajemman käyttöönoton näkökulmasta. Tekoälykeskustelun suurin ongelma tällä hetkellä on sekavuus, sillä termejä käytetään epätarkasti. Tietojenkäsittelytieteissä data, informaatio, tieto, äly ja viisaus on tunnistettu omiksi käsitteikseen, mutta nykyisessä tekoälyn etiikkaa koskevassa keskustelussa tätä seikkaa ei huomioida. Lisäksi tekoälyn etiikkaa koskeva keskustelu on puutteellista, koska etiikka nähdään vain hyvänä tai oikeana, mikä kääntää huomion pois siitä, että etiikka pohjimmiltaan on ristiriitaisten intressien välillä tehtäviä valintoja. Tässä käsiteanalyyttisessa tutkimuksessa eettistä keskustelua ja siinä käytettäviä termejä tarkastellaan teknologisessa viitekehyksessä. Tutkielmassani esitän, että tekoälyn etiikkaa koskeva keskustelu voidaan jäsentää teknologiseen viitekehykseen, joka koostuu datasta, informaatiosta ja tekoälystä. Eettisen keskustelun jäsentäminen teknologisen viitekehyksen mukaisesti olisi hyödyllistä suuren kuvan hahmottamisessa. Käsitteiden läpinäkyvyyden lisäämisellä voi olla myös käytännön vaikutuksia, sillä ymmärrettävyys edistää tekoälyn sääntelyn syntyä

    DIKW – hijerarhija: za i protiv

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    Koncept DIKW-hijerarhije (engl. Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom hierarchy) osmišljen je 1980-ih kako bi na što jednostavniji način oslikao odnose između možda ključnih pojmova u knjižničnoj i informacijskoj znanosti danas – podatka, informacije, znanja i mudrosti. U radu se izlaže i kritički analizira tumačenje koncepta DIKW-hijerarhije u literaturi iz dvaju velikih područja – upravljanja znanjem i knjižnične i informacijske znanosti. Dan je kratki osvrt na porijeklo nastanka DIKW-koncepta te njegov najčešći prikaz u obliku piramide, odnosno trokuta. Nadalje, DIKW-hijerarhija propituje se kao model i kao simbol. Kao model, DIKW-hijerarhija dopušta dodatne interpretacije strukturnih i funkcionalnih značajki vezanih uz procese transformiranja, procesiranja i međusobnog sadržavanja ugrađenih DIKW-koncepata u modelu. Kao simbol, DIKW-hijerarhija, u najopćenitijem smislu, može simbolizirati proces stjecanja znanja kao najprihvatljiviju mogućnost, otvarajući vrata metaforičnoj interpretaciji pojedinih pojmova uključenih u nadređeni DIKW-koncept. Na kraju rada dan je osvrt i na pojedine kritičke pristupe DIKW-hijerarhiji, prije svega na kritike njezinih logičkih i epistemoloških pretpostavki. Autor zatim izlaže vlastitu kritiku simboličnog prikaza i metaforične interpretacije DIKW-hijerarhije kao piramide te zaključuje da je sudbina DIKW-hijerarhije neizvjesnija nego ikada prije

    DIKW – hijerarhija: za i protiv

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    Koncept DIKW-hijerarhije (engl. Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom hierarchy) osmišljen je 1980-ih kako bi na što jednostavniji način oslikao odnose između možda ključnih pojmova u knjižničnoj i informacijskoj znanosti danas – podatka, informacije, znanja i mudrosti. U radu se izlaže i kritički analizira tumačenje koncepta DIKW-hijerarhije u literaturi iz dvaju velikih područja – upravljanja znanjem i knjižnične i informacijske znanosti. Dan je kratki osvrt na porijeklo nastanka DIKW-koncepta te njegov najčešći prikaz u obliku piramide, odnosno trokuta. Nadalje, DIKW-hijerarhija propituje se kao model i kao simbol. Kao model, DIKW-hijerarhija dopušta dodatne interpretacije strukturnih i funkcionalnih značajki vezanih uz procese transformiranja, procesiranja i međusobnog sadržavanja ugrađenih DIKW-koncepata u modelu. Kao simbol, DIKW-hijerarhija, u najopćenitijem smislu, može simbolizirati proces stjecanja znanja kao najprihvatljiviju mogućnost, otvarajući vrata metaforičnoj interpretaciji pojedinih pojmova uključenih u nadređeni DIKW-koncept. Na kraju rada dan je osvrt i na pojedine kritičke pristupe DIKW-hijerarhiji, prije svega na kritike njezinih logičkih i epistemoloških pretpostavki. Autor zatim izlaže vlastitu kritiku simboličnog prikaza i metaforične interpretacije DIKW-hijerarhije kao piramide te zaključuje da je sudbina DIKW-hijerarhije neizvjesnija nego ikada prije

    The Role of Knowledge Management in Fortifying Foresight

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    The knowledge management practices within the strategic foresight process are as varied as the foresight practitioners that apply them. If foresight as a discipline is to continue to lay stake as a strong and worthy practice in the realm of business and management, foresighters will need to bring consistency to their knowledge management practices. It is the purpose of this study to shed light on what tools are used for knowledge management throughout the strategic foresight process. Through our research using a literature review and 15 semistrucutred interviews of strategic foresight practitioners, we identified and noted the tools that are more commonly used and how they are applied for knowledge management within the strategic foresight process. By identifying the tools used and aligning them with knowledge management theory, we then illustrated the foresight process, the tools and the knowledge management process using a process map, giving way to the formulation of recommendations in an attempt to create a more efficient and robust strategic foresight process. These recommendations will be most useful to foresight practitioners used to working in teams as they focus on organisational and collaborative knowledge management challenges

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAs nurses, we seek to gain nursing wisdom and apply it in our daily practice, yet the process of practicing with wisdom has not been well explained for nursing. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop a theory of wisdom in action (WIA) for clinical nursing, beginning with a formal concept analysis. In Phase 1 (Aim 1), a preliminary theory was developed deductively using derivation and synthesis, based on theories and models from psychology, education, and nursing. Pertinent concepts were identified and nursing-specific definitions created. The theory included four dimensions: person-related factors, environment-related factors, knowledge, and wisdom. Separately, a constructivist grounded theory approach inductively captured the experience of wisdom in nursing practice (Aim 2), based on wisdom narratives from 30 emergency department nurses. The resulting grounded theory focused on two processes, technical and affective, juxtaposed on a foundation of expertise. New findings were the importance of affective characteristics such as emotional intelligence and confidence. Finally, the theories were synthesized into the Theory of Wisdom in Action for Clinical Nursing. The theory describes two antecedent dimensions, person-related and setting-related factors, and two types of wisdom processes. General wisdom processes apply to patient care and describe the actions nurses take during a stressful or uncertain event. Personal wisdom develops afterwards, as a feedback loop with reflection, discovery of meaning, and learning, followed by increased knowledge and confidence. Wisdom is critical for all areas of nursing practice. The Theory of Wisdom in Action for Clinical Nursing provides a working framework for translating wisdom in clinical nursing practice into theoretical and practical terms, depicting both the science and the art of nursing. This novel theory displays how nurses practice with wisdom, and reveals that wisdom in action requires clinical skills, experience, knowledge, and affective proficiency

    The Use of Clinical Decision Support to Improve Nursing Practice

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    Healthcare information technology is solidly entrenched in most acute care hospitals but the need to demonstrate its positive impact on patient outcomes persists. Clinical decision support (CDS) is an informatics tool that is highly customizable to promote patient improvement activities. Despite its high potential, studies have had mixed results regarding the impact of CDS and it has not been widely studied in the realm of nursing practice. One aim of this dissertation was to analyze the concept of CDS in order to inform the examination of the relationships between CDS implementation and nursing interventions. The determining factors of nurses use and acceptance of CDS was also described within the context of the CDS concept schematic developed. Data from 4718 pediatric hospital admissions were analyzed to examine if there was a relationship between the implementation of CDS and the implementation of sequential compression devices (SCD) for the purpose of preventing VTE and the placement of chart notifications of VTE risk. Admissions with patients who were identified as at risk for VTE had SCDs placed almost two and one-half times more often after the CDS was implemented (RR = 2.32; 95% CI (1.9 – 2.83)) and 33 times more likely to have chart notifications placed. In order to describe the determining factors of use, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was adapted to create an electronic survey. Two multivariate regression models were built to describe the UTAUT model from previous literature. Results demonstrated that the model as described explains the majority of the data but also highlighted some weaknesses in the realm of the construct voluntary use. The results of this dissertation contribute to the limited literature regarding CDS use in nursing practice