846 research outputs found

    Computer-aided modeling for efficient and innovative product-process engineering

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    Model baserede computer understøttet produkt process engineering har opnået øget betydning i forskelligste industrielle brancher som for eksampel farmaceutisk produktion, petrokemi, finkemikalier, polymerer, bioteknologi, fødevarer, energi og vand. Denne trend er forventet at fortsætte på grund af substantielle fordele, hvilke computer understøttede metoder medfører. Den primære forudsætning af computer understøttet produkt process engineering erselvfølgelig den tilgængelighed af modeller af forskellige typer, former og anvendelser. Udviklingen af den påkrævet modellen for de undersøgte systemer er normalt en tidskrævende udfordring og derfor mest også dyrt. Den involverer forskelligste trin, fagekspert viden og dygtighed og forskellige modellerings værktøjer. Formålet af dette projekt er at systematisere den model udviklings proces og anvendelse og dermed øge effektiviteten af modeller såvel somkvaliteten. Den væsentlige bidrag af denne PhD afhandling er en generisk metodologi for proces model udviklingen og anvendelse i kombination med grundige algoritmiske arbejdes diagrammer for de forskellige involverede modeller opgaver og udviklingen af computer understøttede modeller rammer hvilke er strukturbaseret på den generiske metodologi, delvis automatiseret i de forskellige arbejdstrin og kombinerer alle påkrævet værktøjer, understøttelseog vejledning for de forskellige arbejdstrin. Understøttede modelleringsopgaver er etableringen af modeller mål, indsamling af de nødvendige informationer, model formulering inklusive numeriske analyser, etablering af løsningsstrategier og forbinding med den passende løsningsmodul, model identificering og sondering såvel som model anvendelse for simulation og optimering. Den computer understøttede modeller ramme blev implementeret i en brugervenlig software. En række forskellige demonstrationseksempler fra forskellige områder i kemisk ogbiokemiske engineering blev løst for udvikling og validering af den generiske modellerings metodologi og den computer understøttet modeller ramme anvendt på den udviklet software værktøj.Model-based computer aided product-process engineering has attained increased importance in a number of industries, including pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, fine chemicals, polymers, biotechnology, food, energy and water. This trend is set to continue due to the substantial benefits computer-aided methods provide. The key prerequisite of computer-aided productprocess engineering is however the availability of models of different types, forms andapplication modes. The development of the models required for the systems under investigation tends to be a challenging, time-consuming and therefore cost-intensive task involving numerous steps, expert skills and different modelling tools. The objective of this project is to systematize the process of model development and application thereby increasing the efficiency of the modeller as well as model quality.The main contributions of this thesis are a generic methodology for the process of model development and application, combining in-depth algorithmic work-flows for the different modelling tasks involved and the development of a computer-aided modelling framework. This framework is structured, is based on the generic modelling methodology, partially automates the involved work-flows by integrating the required tools and, supports and guides the userthrough the different work-flow steps. Supported modelling tasks are the establishment of the modelling objective, the collection of the required system information, model construction including numerical analysis, derivation of solution strategy and connection to appropriate solvers, model identification/ discrimination as well as model application for simulation and optimization. The computer-aided modelling framework has been implemented into an userfriendlysoftware.A variety of case studies from different areas in chemical and biochemical engineering have been solved to illustrate the application of the generic modelling methodology, the computeraided modelling framework and the developed software tool

    Hybrid data-based modelling in oncology: successes, challenges and hopes

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    International audienceIn this review we make the statement that hybrid models in oncology are required as a mean for enhanced data integration. In the context of systems oncology, experimental and clinical data need to be at the heart of the models developments from conception to validation to ensure a relevant use of the models in the clinical context. The main applications pursued are to improve diagnosis and to optimize therapies.We first present the Successes achieved thanks to hybrid modelling approaches to advance knowledge, treatments or drug discovery. Then we present the Challenges than need to be addressed to allow for a better integration of the model parts and of the data into the models. And Finally, the Hopes with a focus towards making personalised medicine a reality. Mathematics Subject Classification. 35Q92, 68U20, 68T05, 92-08, 92B05

    Chapter Challenges and New Frontiers in the Paediatric Drug Discovery and Development

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    Drug discovery and development advances in the last decades allowed to find a treatment for many preventable diseases. However, all too often, children are excluded from these progresses since most of the new medicines have been discovered and developed for the adult population. Even if paediatricians routinely give drugs to children ‘off-label’, researchers have demonstrated that children do not respond to medications in the same way as adults. Furthermore, certain specific disorders are unique to children or occur in children differently than in adults. Besides specifically testing medicines in children in proper clinical studies taking into due account the peculiarity of this population, there is a growing recognition of the need to develop paediatric medicines having in mind the specificities of this vulnerable population. In this chapter, we will provide an overview on the drug discovery and development path for children highlighting challenges and new frontiers of each phase from the discovery to the preclinical and clinical development as well as we will provide a slightest hint about paediatric biomarkers discovery, age-appropriate formulation, pregnancy, and perinatal pharmacology and in silico pharmacology. Finally, pricing and reimbursement policies for medicines and new and existing research initiatives in the field will be discussed

    Modelling, Optimisation and Explicit Model Predictive Control of Anaesthesia Drug Delivery Systems

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    The contributions of this thesis are organised in two parts. Part I presents a mathematical model for drug distribution and drug effect of volatile anaesthesia. Part II presents model predictive control strategies for depth of anaesthesia control based on the derived model. Closed-loop model predictive control strategies for anaesthesia are aiming to improve patient's safety and to fine-tune drug delivery, routinely performed by the anaesthetist. The framework presented in this thesis highlights the advantages of extensive modelling and model analysis, which are contributing to a detailed understanding of the system, when aiming for the optimal control of such system. As part of the presented framework, the model uncertainty originated from patient-variability is analysed and the designed control strategy is tested against the identified uncertainty. An individualised physiologically based model of drug distribution and uptake, pharmacokinetics, and drug effect, pharmacodynamics, of volatile anaesthesia is presented, where the pharmacokinetic model is adjusted to the weight, height, gender and age of the patient. The pharmacodynamic model links the hypnotic depth measured by the Bispectral index (BIS), to the arterial concentration by an artificial effect site compartment and the Hill equation. The individualised pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variables and parameters are analysed with respect to their influence on the measurable outputs, the end-tidal concentration and the BIS. The validation of the model, performed with clinical data for isoflurane and desflurane based anaesthesia, shows a good prediction of the drug uptake, while the pharmacodynamic parameters are individually estimated for each patient. The derived control design consists of a linear multi-parametric model predictive controller and a state estimator. The non-measurable tissue and blood concentrations are estimated based on the end-tidal concentration of the volatile anaesthetic. The designed controller adapts to the individual patient's dynamics based on measured data. In an alternative approach, the individual patient's sensitivity is estimated on-line by solving a least squares parameter estimation problem.Open Acces


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    Abstract: Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling offers a scientifically-sound framework for integrating mechanistic data on absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination to predict the time-course of parent chemical, metabolite(s) or biomarkers in the exposed organism. A major advantage of PBPK models is their ability to forecast the impact of specific mechanistic processes and determinants on the tissue dose. In this regard, they facilitate integration of data obtained with in vitro and in silico methods, for making predictions of the tissue dosimetry in the whole animal, thus reducing and/or refining the use of animals in pharmacokinetic and toxicity studies. This chapter presents the principles and practice of PBPK modeling, as well as the application of these models in toxicity testing and health risk assessments