456 research outputs found

    Theory and Applications of Robust Optimization

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    In this paper we survey the primary research, both theoretical and applied, in the area of Robust Optimization (RO). Our focus is on the computational attractiveness of RO approaches, as well as the modeling power and broad applicability of the methodology. In addition to surveying prominent theoretical results of RO, we also present some recent results linking RO to adaptable models for multi-stage decision-making problems. Finally, we highlight applications of RO across a wide spectrum of domains, including finance, statistics, learning, and various areas of engineering.Comment: 50 page

    Robust portfolio selection involving options under a “ marginal+joint ” ellipsoidal uncertainty set

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    AbstractIn typical robust portfolio selection problems, one mainly finds portfolios with the worst-case return under a given uncertainty set, in which asset returns can be realized. A too large uncertainty set will lead to a too conservative robust portfolio. However, if the given uncertainty set is not large enough, the realized returns of resulting portfolios will be outside of the uncertainty set when an extreme event such as market crash or a large shock of asset returns occurs. The goal of this paper is to propose robust portfolio selection models under so-called “ marginal+joint” ellipsoidal uncertainty set and to test the performance of the proposed models. A robust portfolio selection model under a “marginal + joint” ellipsoidal uncertainty set is proposed at first. The model has the advantages of models under the separable uncertainty set and the joint ellipsoidal uncertainty set, and relaxes the requirements on the uncertainty set. Then, one more robust portfolio selection model with option protection is presented by combining options into the proposed robust portfolio selection model. Convex programming approximations with second-order cone and linear matrix inequalities constraints to both models are derived. The proposed robust portfolio selection model with options can hedge risks and generates robust portfolios with well wealth growth rate when an extreme event occurs. Tests on real data of the Chinese stock market and simulated options confirm the property of both the models. Test results show that (1) under the “ marginal+joint” uncertainty set, the wealth growth rate and diversification of robust portfolios generated from the first proposed robust portfolio model (without options) are better and greater than those generated from Goldfarb and Iyengar’s model, and (2) the robust portfolio selection model with options outperforms the robust portfolio selection model without options when some extreme event occurs

    Relative Robust Portfolio Optimization

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    Considering mean-variance portfolio problems with uncertain model parameters, we contrast the classical absolute robust optimization approach with the relative robust approach based on a maximum regret function. Although the latter problems are NP-hard in general, we show that tractable inner and outer approximations exist in several cases that are of central interest in asset management

    Mean semi-deviation from a target and robust portfolio choice under distribution and mean return ambiguity

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider the problem of optimal portfolio choice using the lower partial moments risk measure for a market consisting of n risky assets and a riskless asset. For when the mean return vector and variance/covariance matrix of the risky assets are specified without specifying a return distribution, we derive distributionally robust portfolio rules. We then address potential uncertainty (ambiguity) in the mean return vector as well, in addition to distribution ambiguity, and derive a closed-form portfolio rule for when the uncertainty in the return vector is modelled via an ellipsoidal uncertainty set. Our result also indicates a choice criterion for the radius of ambiguity of the ellipsoid. Using the adjustable robustness paradigm we extend the single-period results to multiple periods, and derive closed-form dynamic portfolio policies which mimic closely the single-period policy. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Robust Optimization of Currency Portfolios

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    We study a currency investment strategy, where we maximize the return on a portfolio of foreign currencies relative to any appreciation of the corresponding foreign exchange rates. Given the uncertainty in the estimation of the future currency values, we employ robust optimization techniques to maximize the return on the portfolio for the worst-case foreign exchange rate scenario. Currency portfolios differ from stock only portfolios in that a triangular relationship exists among foreign exchange rates to avoid arbitrage. Although the inclusion of such a constraint in the model would lead to a nonconvex problem, we show that by choosing appropriate uncertainty sets for the exchange and the cross exchange rates, we obtain a convex model that can be solved efficiently. Alongside robust optimization, an additional guarantee is explored by investing in currency options to cover the eventuality that foreign exchange rates materialize outside the specified uncertainty sets. We present numerical results that show the relationship between the size of the uncertainty sets and the distribution of the investment among currencies and options, and the overall performance of the model in a series of backtesting experiments.robust optimization, portfolio optimization, currency hedging, second-order cone programming

    Distributionally robust optimization with applications to risk management

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    Many decision problems can be formulated as mathematical optimization models. While deterministic optimization problems include only known parameters, real-life decision problems almost invariably involve parameters that are subject to uncertainty. Failure to take this uncertainty under consideration may yield decisions which can lead to unexpected or even catastrophic results if certain scenarios are realized. While stochastic programming is a sound approach to decision making under uncertainty, it assumes that the decision maker has complete knowledge about the probability distribution that governs the uncertain parameters. This assumption is usually unjustified as, for most realistic problems, the probability distribution must be estimated from historical data and is therefore itself uncertain. Failure to take this distributional modeling risk into account can result in unduly optimistic risk assessment and suboptimal decisions. Furthermore, for most distributions, stochastic programs involving chance constraints cannot be solved using polynomial-time algorithms. In contrast to stochastic programming, distributionally robust optimization explicitly accounts for distributional uncertainty. In this framework, it is assumed that the decision maker has access to only partial distributional information, such as the first- and second-order moments as well as the support. Subsequently, the problem is solved under the worst-case distribution that complies with this partial information. This worst-case approach effectively immunizes the problem against distributional modeling risk. The objective of this thesis is to investigate how robust optimization techniques can be used for quantitative risk management. In particular, we study how the risk of large-scale derivative portfolios can be computed as well as minimized, while making minimal assumptions about the probability distribution of the underlying asset returns. Our interest in derivative portfolios stems from the fact that careless investment in derivatives can yield large losses or even bankruptcy. We show that by employing robust optimization techniques we are able to capture the substantial risks involved in derivative investments. Furthermore, we investigate how distributionally robust chance constrained programs can be reformulated or approximated as tractable optimization problems. Throughout the thesis, we aim to derive tractable models that are scalable to industrial-size problems

    Worst-Case Value-at-Risk of Non-Linear Portfolios

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    Portfolio optimization problems involving Value-at-Risk (VaR) are often computationally intractable and require complete information about the return distribution of the portfolio constituents, which is rarely available in practice. These difficulties are further compounded when the portfolio contains derivatives. We develop two tractable conservative approximations for the VaR of a derivative portfolio by evaluating the worst-case VaR over all return distributions of the derivative underliers with given first- and second-order moments. The derivative returns are modelled as convex piecewise linear or - by using a delta-gamma approximation - as (possibly non-convex) quadratic functions of the returns of the derivative underliers. These models lead to new Worst-Case Polyhedral VaR (WCPVaR) and Worst-Case Quadratic VaR (WCQVaR) approximations, respectively. WCPVaR is a suitable VaR approximation for portfolios containing long positions in European options expiring at the end of the investment horizon, whereas WCQVaR is suitable for portfolios containing long and/or short positions in European and/or exotic options expiring beyond the investment horizon. We prove that WCPVaR and WCQVaR optimization can be formulated as tractable second-order cone and semidefinite programs, respectively, and reveal interesting connections to robust portfolio optimization. Numerical experiments demonstrate the benefits of incorporating non-linear relationships between the asset returns into a worst-case VaR model.Value-at-Risk, Derivatives, Robust Optimization, Second-Order Cone Programming, Semidefinite Programming

    Robust portfolio choice with CVaR and VaR under distribution and mean return ambiguity

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider the problem of optimal portfolio choice using the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and Value-at-Risk (VaR) measures for a market consisting of n risky assets and a riskless asset and where short positions are allowed. When the distribution of returns of risky assets is unknown but the mean return vector and variance/covariance matrix of the risky assets are fixed, we derive the distributionally robust portfolio rules. Then, we address uncertainty (ambiguity) in the mean return vector in addition to distribution ambiguity, and derive the optimal portfolio rules when the uncertainty in the return vector is modeled via an ellipsoidal uncertainty set. In the presence of a riskless asset, the robust CVaR and VaR measures, coupled with a minimum mean return constraint, yield simple, mean-variance efficient optimal portfolio rules. In a market without the riskless asset, we obtain a closed-form portfolio rule that generalizes earlier results, without a minimum mean return restriction

    Data-Driven Methods and Applications for Optimization under Uncertainty and Rare-Event Simulation

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    For most of decisions or system designs in practice, there exist chances of severe hazards or system failures that can be catastrophic. The occurrence of such hazards is usually uncertain, and hence it is important to measure and analyze the associated risks. As a powerful tool for estimating risks, rare-event simulation techniques are used to improve the efficiency of the estimation when the risk occurs with an extremely small probability. Furthermore, one can utilize the risk measurements to achieve better decisions or designs. This can be achieved by modeling the task into a chance constrained optimization problem, which optimizes an objective with a controlled risk level. However, recent problems in practice have become more data-driven and hence brought new challenges to the existing literature in these two domains. In this dissertation, we will discuss challenges and remedies in data-driven problems for rare-event simulation and chance constrained problems. We propose a robust optimization based framework for approaching chance constrained optimization problems under a data-driven setting. We also analyze the impact of tail uncertainty in data-driven rare-event simulation tasks. On the other hand, due to recent breakthroughs in machine learning techniques, the development of intelligent physical systems, e.g. autonomous vehicles, have been actively investigated. Since these systems can cause catastrophes to public safety, the evaluation of their machine learning components and system performance is crucial. This dissertation will cover problems arising in the evaluation of such systems. We propose an importance sampling scheme for estimating rare events defined by machine learning predictors. Lastly, we discuss an application project in evaluating the safety of autonomous vehicle driving algorithms.PHDIndustrial & Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163270/1/zhyhuang_1.pd

    Data-driven integration of norm-penalized mean-variance portfolios

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    Mean-variance optimization (MVO) is known to be sensitive to estimation error in its inputs. Norm penalization of MVO programs is a regularization technique that can mitigate the adverse effects of estimation error. We augment the standard MVO program with a convex combination of parameterized L1L_1 and L2L_2-norm penalty functions. The resulting program is a parameterized quadratic program (QP) whose dual is a box-constrained QP. We make use of recent advances in neural network architecture for differentiable QPs and present a data-driven framework for optimizing parameterized norm-penalties to minimize the downstream MVO objective. We present a novel technique for computing the derivative of the optimal primal solution with respect to the parameterized L1L_1-norm penalty by implicit differentiation of the dual program. The primal solution is then recovered from the optimal dual variables. Historical simulations using US stocks and global futures data demonstrate the benefit of the data-driven optimization approach