2 research outputs found

    A computational steering model applied to problems in medicine

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    A Computational Steering Model Applied to Problems in Medicine

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    We describe a computational steering model which allows users to interactively change boundary conditions, model geometry, and computational parameters via a graphical user interface. To replace the typical simulation mode -- in which the researcher manually sets input parameters, computes results, stores data off to disk, visualizes the results via a separate visualization package, then starts again at the beginning -- we have designed software to "close the loop" and allow the visualization to help guide (steer) the design and computation phases of the simulation. We have applied the computational steering model to problems in medicine, specifically to applications in bioelectric field phenomena and biomedical device design. Introduction The current computational engineering and science modeling process is a familiar one -- create, or make modifications to, a geometric model, input initial conditions and/or boundary conditions, numerically approximate solutions to the governing equ..