5 research outputs found

    Combining Multi-Scale Character Recognition and Linguistic Knowledge for Natural Scene Text OCR

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    International audienceUnderstanding text captured in real-world scenes is a challenging problem in the field of visual pattern recognition and continues to generate a significant interest in the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) community. This paper proposes a novel method to recognize scene texts avoiding the conventional character segmentation step. The idea is to scan the text image with multi-scale windows and apply a robust recognition model, relying on a neural classification approach, to every window in order to recognize valid characters and identify non valid ones. Recognition results are represented as a graph model in order to determine the best sequence of characters. Some linguistic knowledge is also incorporated to remove errors due to recognition confusions. The designed method is evaluated on the ICDAR 2003 database of scene text images and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches

    Deliverable D3.8 Design guideline document for concept-based presentations

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    This document presents guidelines on how to setup enriched video experiences. We provide user-centric guidelines on the named entities that should be detected and selected to effectively enrich video news broadcasts. This is presented in the form of a user study. We selected 5 news videos and manually extracted the candidate entities from various sources, such as the transcript, visual content and related articles. An expert was asked to also provide interesting entities for the videos. The resulting 99 candidate entities were presented to 50 participants via an online survey. The participants rated the level of interestingness of the entities and the usefulness of information from Wikipedia about these entities. Analysis of the results shows that users prefer entities of the type organization and person and have little interest for entities of the type location. They also indicate that subtitles are not enough as a source of interesting entities and that the amount of interesting entities can be improved by the combined use of subtitles with entities extracted from related articles or entities suggested by an expert. The expert suggestions showed to be more accurate than any other source of entities. Wikipedia seems to be a suitable source of additional information about the entities in the news, but should be complemented with additional sources. We provide engineering guidelines on how to present, aggregate and process content for TV program companion applications. We describe the content processing pipeline that was developed in WP3 to feed the content for the Linked News and Linked Culture demonstrators. This shows how content from the Web can be re-purposed to enrich videos by extracting the core display content and presenting it in a uniform way to the user

    A Comprehensive Neural-Based Approach for Text Recognition in Videos using Natural Language Processing

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    International audienceThis work aims at helping multimedia content understanding by deriving bene t from textual clues embedded in digital videos. For this, we developed a complete video Optical Character Recognition system (OCR), speci cally adapted to detect and recognize embedded texts in videos. Based on a neural approach, this new method outperforms related work, especially in terms of robustness to style and size variabilities, to background complexity and to low resolution of the image. A language model that drives several steps of the video OCR is also introduced in order to remove ambiguities due to a local letter by letter recognition and to reduce segmentation errors. This approach has been evaluated on a database of French TV news videos and achieves an outstanding character recognition rate of 95%, corresponding to 78% of words correctly recognized, which enables its incorporation into an automatic video indexing and retrieval system

    Online Deception Detection Using BDI Agents

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    This research has two facets within separate research areas. The research area of Belief, Desire and Intention (BDI) agent capability development was extended. Deception detection research has been advanced with the development of automation using BDI agents. BDI agents performed tasks automatically and autonomously. This study used these characteristics to automate deception detection with limited intervention of human users. This was a useful research area resulting in a capability general enough to have practical application by private individuals, investigators, organizations and others. The need for this research is grounded in the fact that humans are not very effective at detecting deception whether in written or spoken form. This research extends the deception detection capability research in that typical deception detection tools are labor intensive and require extraction of the text in question following ingestion into a deception detection tool. A neural network capability module was incorporated to lend the resulting prototype Machine Learning attributes. The prototype developed as a result of this research was able to classify online data as either deceptive or not deceptive with 85% accuracy. The false discovery rate for deceptive online data entries was 20% while the false discovery rate for not deceptive was 10%. The system showed stability during test runs. No computer crashes or other anomalous system behavior were observed during the testing phase. The prototype successfully interacted with an online data communications server database and processed data using Neural Network input vector generation algorithms within second

    Apprentissage neuronal de caractéristiques spatio-temporelles pour la classification automatique de séquences vidéo

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    Cette thèse s'intéresse à la problématique de la classification automatique des séquences vidéo. L'idée est de se démarquer de la méthodologie dominante qui se base sur l'utilisation de caractéristiques conçues manuellement, et de proposer des modèles qui soient les plus génériques possibles et indépendants du domaine. Ceci est fait en automatisant la phase d'extraction des caractéristiques, qui sont dans notre cas générées par apprentissage à partir d'exemples, sans aucune connaissance a priori. Nous nous appuyons pour ce faire sur des travaux existants sur les modèles neuronaux pour la reconnaissance d'objets dans les images fixes, et nous étudions leur extension au cas de la vidéo. Plus concrètement, nous proposons deux modèles d'apprentissage des caractéristiques spatio-temporelles pour la classification vidéo : (i) Un modèle d'apprentissage supervisé profond, qui peut être vu comme une extension des modèles ConvNets au cas de la vidéo, et (ii) Un modèle d'apprentissage non supervisé, qui se base sur un schéma d'auto-encodage, et sur une représentation parcimonieuse sur-complète des données. Outre les originalités liées à chacune de ces deux approches, une contribution supplémentaire de cette thèse est une étude comparative entre plusieurs modèles de classification de séquences parmi les plus populaires de l'état de l'art. Cette étude a été réalisée en se basant sur des caractéristiques manuelles adaptées à la problématique de la reconnaissance d'actions dans les vidéos de football. Ceci a permis d'identifier le modèle de classification le plus performant (un réseau de neurone récurrent bidirectionnel à longue mémoire à court-terme -BLSTM-), et de justifier son utilisation pour le reste des expérimentations. Enfin, afin de valider la généricité des deux modèles proposés, ceux-ci ont été évalués sur deux problématiques différentes, à savoir la reconnaissance d'actions humaines (sur la base KTH), et la reconnaissance d'expressions faciales (sur la base GEMEP-FERA). L'étude des résultats a permis de valider les approches, et de montrer qu'elles obtiennent des performances parmi les meilleures de l'état de l'art (avec 95,83% de bonne reconnaissance pour la base KTH, et 87,57% pour la base GEMEP-FERA).This thesis focuses on the issue of automatic classification of video sequences. We aim, through this work, at standing out from the dominant methodology, which relies on so-called hand-crafted features, by proposing generic and problem-independent models. This can be done by automating the feature extraction process, which is performed in our case through a learning scheme from training examples, without any prior knowledge. To do so, we rely on existing neural-based methods, which are dedicated to object recognition in still images, and investigate their extension to the video case. More concretely, we introduce two learning-based models to extract spatio-temporal features for video classification: (i) A deep learning model, which is trained in a supervised way, and which can be considered as an extension of the popular ConvNets model to the video case, and (ii) An unsupervised learning model that relies on an auto-encoder scheme, and a sparse over-complete representation. Moreover, an additional contribution of this work lies in a comparative study between several sequence classification models. This study was performed using hand-crafted features especially designed to be optimal for the soccer action recognition problem. Obtained results have permitted to select the best classifier (a bidirectional long short-term memory recurrent neural network -BLSTM-) to be used for all experiments. In order to validate the genericity of the two proposed models, experiments were carried out on two different problems, namely human action recognition (using the KTH dataset) and facial expression recognition (using the GEMEP-FERA dataset). Obtained results show that our approaches achieve outstanding performances, among the best of the related works (with a recognition rate of 95,83% for the KTH dataset, and 87,57% for the GEMEP-FERA dataset).VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF