9,929 research outputs found

    Terrestrial applications: An intelligent Earth-sensing information system

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    For Abstract see A82-2214

    SAT-hadoop-processor: a distributed remote sensing big data processing software for earth observation applications

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    Nowadays, several environmental applications take advantage of remote sensing techniques. A considerable volume of this remote sensing data occurs in near real-time. Such data are diverse and are provided with high velocity and variety, their pre-processing requires large computing capacities, and a fast execution time is critical. This paper proposes a new distributed software for remote sensing data pre-processing and ingestion using cloud computing technology, specifically OpenStack. The developed software discarded 86% of the unneeded daily files and removed around 20% of the erroneous and inaccurate datasets. The parallel processing optimized the total execution time by 90%. Finally, the software efficiently processed and integrated data into the Hadoop storage system, notably the HDFS, HBase, and Hive.This research was funded by Erasmus+ KA 107 program, and the UPC funded the APC. This work has received funding from the Spanish Government under contracts PID2019-106774RBC21, PCI2019-111851-2 (LeadingEdge CHIST-ERA), PCI2019-111850-2 (DiPET CHIST-ERA).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    File System Support for Privacy-Preserving Analysis and Forensics in Low-Bandwidth Edge Environments

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    In this paper, we present initial results from our distributed edge systems research in the domain of sustainable harvesting of common good resources in the Arctic Ocean. Specifically, we are developing a digital platform for real-time privacy-preserving sustainability management in the domain of commercial fishery surveillance operations. This is in response to potentially privacy-infringing mandates from some governments to combat overfishing and other sustainability challenges. Our approach is to deploy sensory devices and distributed artificial intelligence algorithms on mobile, offshore fishing vessels and at mainland central control centers. To facilitate this, we need a novel data plane supporting efficient, available, secure, tamper-proof, and compliant data management in this weakly connected offshore environment. We have built our first prototype of Dorvu, a novel distributed file system in this context. Our devised architecture, the design trade-offs among conflicting properties, and our initial experiences are further detailed in this paper

    Kulla, a container-centric construction model for building infrastructure-agnostic distributed and parallel applications

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    This paper presents the design, development, and implementation of Kulla, a virtual container-centric construction model that mixes loosely coupled structures with a parallel programming model for building infrastructure-agnostic distributed and parallel applications. In Kulla, applications, dependencies and environment settings, are mapped with construction units called Kulla-Blocks. A parallel programming model enables developers to couple those interoperable structures for creating constructive structures named Kulla-Bricks. In these structures, continuous dataflow and parallel patterns can be created without modifying the code of applications. Methods such as Divide&Containerize (data parallelism), Pipe&Blocks (streaming), and Manager/Block (task parallelism) were developed to create Kulla-Bricks. Recursive combinations of Kulla instances can be grouped in deployment structures called Kulla-Boxes, which are encapsulated into VCs to create infrastructure-agnostic parallel and/or distributed applications. Deployment strategies were created for Kulla-Boxes to improve the IT resource profitability. To show the feasibility and flexibility of this model, solutions combining real-world applications were implemented by using Kulla instances to compose parallel and/or distributed system deployed on different IT infrastructures. An experimental evaluation based on use cases solving satellite and medical image processing problems revealed the efficiency of Kulla model in comparison with some traditional state-of-the-art solutions.This work has been partially supported by the EU project "ASPIDE: Exascale Programing Models for Extreme Data Processing" under grant 801091 and the project "CABAHLA-CM: Convergencia Big data-Hpc: de los sensores a las Aplicaciones" S2018/TCS-4423 from Madrid Regional Government

    Technology assessment of advanced automation for space missions

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    Six general classes of technology requirements derived during the mission definition phase of the study were identified as having maximum importance and urgency, including autonomous world model based information systems, learning and hypothesis formation, natural language and other man-machine communication, space manufacturing, teleoperators and robot systems, and computer science and technology

    Geobase Information System Impacts on Space Image Formats

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    As Geobase Information Systems increase in number, size and complexity, the format compatability of satellite remote sensing data becomes increasingly more important. Because of the vast and continually increasing quantity of data available from remote sensing systems the utility of these data is increasingly dependent on the degree to which their formats facilitate, or hinder, their incorporation into Geobase Information Systems. To merge satellite data into a geobase system requires that they both have a compatible geographic referencing system. Greater acceptance of satellite data by the user community will be facilitated if the data are in a form which most readily corresponds to existing geobase data structures. The conference addressed a number of specific topics and made recommendations

    Multi-sensor Evolution Analysis: an advanced GIS for interactive time series analysis and modelling based on satellite data

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    Archives of Earth remote sensing data, acquired from orbiting satellites, contain large amounts of information that can be used both for research activities and decision support. Thematic categorization is one method to extract from satellite data meaningful information that humans can directly comprehend. An interactive system that permits to analyse geo-referenced thematic data and its evolution over time is proposed as a tool to efficiently exploit such vast and growing amount of data. This thesis describes the approach used in building the system, the data processing methodology, details architectural elements and graphical interfaces. Finally, this thesis provides an evaluation of potential uses of the features provided, performance levels and usability of an implementation hosting an archive of 15 years moderate resolution (1 Km, from the ATSR instrument) thematic data

    Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from space -The Global Urban Footprint-

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    Today 7.2 billion people inhabit the Earth and by 2050 this number will have risen to around nine billion, of which about 70 percent will be living in cities. Hence, it is essential to understand drivers, dynamics, and impacts of the human settlements development. A key component in this context is the availability of an up-to-date and spatially consistent map of the location and distribution of human settlements. It is here that the Global Urban Footprint (GUF) raster map can make a valuable contribution. The new global GUF binary settlement mask shows a so far unprecedented spatial resolution of 0.4 arcsec (12m\sim12 m) that provides - for the first time - a complete picture of the entirety of urban and rural settlements. The GUF has been derived by means of a fully automated processing framework - the Urban Footprint Processor (UFP) - that was used to analyze a global coverage of more than 180,000 TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X radar images with 3m ground resolution collected in 2011-2012. Various quality assessment studies to determine the absolute GUF accuracy based on ground truth data on the one hand and the relative accuracies compared to established settlements maps on the other hand, clearly indicate the added value of the new global GUF layer, in particular with respect to the representation of rural settlement patterns. Generally, the GUF layer achieves an overall absolute accuracy of about 85\%, with observed minima around 65\% and maxima around 98 \%. The GUF will be provided open and free for any scientific use in the full resolution and for any non-profit (but also non-scientific) use in a generalized version of 2.8 arcsec (84m\sim84m). Therewith, the new GUF layer can be expected to break new ground with respect to the analysis of global urbanization and peri-urbanization patterns, population estimation or vulnerability assessment

    Image data processing system requirements study. Volume 1: Analysis

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    Digital image processing, image recorders, high-density digital data recorders, and data system element processing for use in an Earth Resources Survey image data processing system are studied. Loading to various ERS systems is also estimated by simulation