13 research outputs found

    Numerical Solution of Internet Pricing Scheme Based on Perfect Substitute Utility Function

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    In this paper we will analyze the internet pricing schemes based on Perfect Substitute utility function for homogeneous and heterogeneous consumers. The pricing schemes is useful to help internet service providers (ISP) in maximizing profits and provide better service quality for the users. The models on every type of consumer is applied to the data traffic in Palembang server in order to obtain the maximum profit to obtain optimal. The models are in the form of nonlinear optimization models and can be solved numerically using LINGO 11.0 to get the optimal solution. The results show that the case when we apply flat fee, USAge-based and two part tariff scheme for homogenous we reach the same profit and heterogeneous on willingness to pay we got higher profit if we apply USAge based and two part tariff schemes. Meanwhile, for the case when we apply USAge based and two part tariff schemes for heterogeneous on demand, we reach better solution than other scheme

    Internet Pricing on Bandwidth Function Diminished With Increasing Bandwidth Utility Function

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    In this paper we analyze the internet pricing schemes based on bandwidth function diminished with increasing bandwidth utility function with 3 pricing strategies for homogeneous and heterogeneous consumer. The new proposed pricing schemes with this utility function will give the information to the internet service providers (ISP) in maximizing profits and provide better service quality for users. The Models on every type of consumer are applied to the data traffic in Palembang local server. LINGO 11.0 is used to compute the nonlinear programming problem to get the optimal solution. The results showed that for each case based on 3-pricing scheme, ISPs get better profit by choosing all three schemes in consumers type of homogenous case while for heterogeneous cases on willingness to pay and based on demand of the consumers, ISPs can select flat fee scheme to gain higher profit rather than those two other schemes

    Numerical Solution of Internet Pricing Scheme Based on Perfect Substitute Utility Function

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    In this paper we will analyze the internet pricing schemes based on Perfect Substitute utility function for homogeneous and heterogeneous consumers. The pricing schemes is useful to help internet service providers (ISP) in maximizing profits and provide better service quality for the users. The models on every type of consumer is applied to the data traffic in Palembang server in order to obtain the maximum profit to obtain optimal. The models are in the form of nonlinear optimization models and can be solved numerically using LINGO 11.0 to get the optimal solution. The results show that the case when we apply flat fee, usage-based and two part tariff scheme for homogenous we reach the same profit and heterogeneous on willingness to pay we got higher profit if we apply usage based and two part tariff schemes. Meanwhile, for the case when we apply usage based and two part tariff schemes for heterogeneous on demand, we reach better solution than other scheme

    Optimization of Wireless Internet Pricing Scheme in Serving Multi QoS Network Using Various Attributes

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    Pricing scheme in wireless networks were developed to provide maximum benefit to the internet service provider (ISP), where the given scheme can guarantee customer satisfaction and service providers who use such services. So that the proposed model should be able to attract consumer interest in applying such services. In this research we established wireless pricing model that involve QoS attributes then the model will be transformed into a model of optimization. Pricing models in wireless networks will be studied by looking at existing models as a nonlinear programming problem that can be solved optimally using LINGO 11.0. The solution is to maximize the total price for the connection based on the QoS parameters. Optimal results in the maximizing of pricing scheme is achieved when providers set the increase of price changes due to QoS changes and number of QoS value

    An Improved Model of Internet Pricing Scheme Of Multi Link Multi Service Network With Various Value of Base Price, Quality Premium and QoS Level

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    Internet Service Providers (ISPs) nowadays deal with high demand to promote good quality information. However, the knowledge to develop new pricing scheme that serve both customers and supplier is known, but only a few pricing plans involve QoS networks. This study will seek new proposed pricing plans offered under multi link multi service networks. The multi link multi service networks scheme is solved as an optimization model by comparing our four cases set up to achieve ISPs goals in obtaining profit. The decisions whether to set up base price to be fixed to recover the cost or to be varied to compete in the market are considered. Also, the options of quality premium to be fixed to enable user to choose classes according to their preferences and budget or to be varied to enable ISP to promote certain service are set up. Finally, we compare the previous research with our model to obtain better result in maximizing the ISPs profit

    Model and Optimal Solution of Single Link Pricing Scheme Multiservice Network

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    This paper discussed the new improved and modified internet pricing scheme in multiservice networks [1]. This new improved scheme is created to set up the  base price, quality premium and Quality of service (QoS). This scheme has the purposes to help Internet Service Provider (ISP) in maximizing the revenue and contribute better quality of service to the users. The objective function will be formed to set up the base price and quality premium as a vaiable or a constant. The models used are in nonlinear forms and solved by using LINGO 11.0 to get the optimal solution. The results show that for each cases of improved scheme, ISP gets better optimal solutions by varying or fixing the base price and quality premium

    Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)-based bandwidth utility function on internet pricing scheme with monitoring and marginal cost

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    The development of the internet in this era of globalization has increased fast. The need for internet becomes unlimited. Utility functions as one of measurements in internet usage, were usually associated with a level of satisfaction of users for the use of information services used. There are three internet pricing schemes used, that are flat fee, usage based and two-part tariff schemes by using one of the utility function which is Bandwidth Diminished with Increasing Bandwidth with monitoring cost and marginal cost. Internet pricing scheme will be solved by LINGO 13.0 in form of non-linear optimization problems to get optimal solution. The optimal solution is obtained using the either usage-based pricing scheme model or two-part tariff pricing scheme model for each services offered, if the comparison is with flat-fee pricing scheme. It is the best way for provider to offer network based on usage based scheme. The results show that by applying two part tariff scheme, the providers can maximize its revenue either for homogeneous or heterogeneous consumers

    Analysis Model in the Cloud Optimization Consumption in Pricing the Internet Bandwidt

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    The problem of internet pricing is a problem that is often a major problem in optimization. In this study, the internet pricing scheme focuses on optimizing the use of bandwidth consumption. This research utilizes modification of cloud model in finding optimal solution in network. Cloud computing is computational model which is like network, server, storage and service that is utilizing internet connection. As ISP's Internet service provider requires appropriate pricing schemes in order to maximize revenue and provide quality of service (Quality on Service) or QoS so as to satisfy internet users or users. The model used will be completed with the help of LINGO software program to get optimal solution and accurate result. Based on the optimal solution obtained from the modification of the cloud model can be utilized ISP to maximize revenue and provide services in accordance with needs and requests

    An Improved Optimization Model of Internet Charging Scheme in Multi Service Networks

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    This article will analyze new improved charging scheme with base price, quality premium and QoS networks involved. Sain and Herpers [5] already attempted to obtain revenue maximization by creating charging scheme of internet. The plan is attempted to solve multi service networks scheme as an optimization model to obtain revenue maximization using our improved model based on Byun and Chatterjee [2] and Sain and Herpers [5]. The results show that improved model can be solved optimally using optimization tool LINGO to achieve better revenue maximization. Better results are obtained in all cases rather than in [5]. The advantage of our new model is that ISP also can set up their base price and quality premium based on ISP preferences. For some cases for getting revenue maximization, we do not offer one service and just utilize some of the services