855 research outputs found

    Simulation and feasibility studies of rooftop PV system for university campus buildings in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Present work simulates and analyzes the rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system on buildings roofs of the University of Surabaya, Indonesia for electricity power generation. The work also to calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction that can be obtained by PV system mounted on the building roofs. The surface area of the roofs was determined using Polygon feature of Google Earth TM. The energy output of the system was simulated with SolarGIS pvPlanner software program. The grid-connected PV system type was chosen in the simulation. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction analysis was carried out using RETScreen program simulation. It was found that about 10,353 m2 of the rooftop of the university buildings could be used for panel installation. The total capacity of the panels is found about 2,070 kWp with total electricity production is about 3,180 MWh per year and could supply up to 80% of the campus energy demand. The system would serve as a means of reducing 3,367.6; 2,477.2, or 1,195.7 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere in comparison to the same amount of electricity produced by burning coal, oil, or natural gas respectively. The unit cost of PV electricity was found ranging from 0.10 - 0.20 USD/kWh. From economic aspects, the rooftops PV system has the potential to provide power at a competitive cost in comparison to other alternative options of power generation. © 2018, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research

    Performance Analysis of a Grid-Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System

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    Turkey is among the countries largely dependent on energy import. This dependency has increased interest in new and alternative energy sources. Installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems (RSPSs) in Turkey is increasing continuously regarding geographical and meteorological conditions. This paper presents an insight into the potential situation for Turkey and a simulation study for the RSPS designing and calculation for the faculty building at Marmara University in Istanbul. This simulation study demonstrates that 84.75-kWp grid-connected RSPS can produce remarkable power. The system is performed in detail with the PV*SOL software (Premium 2017 R8-Test Version, Valentin Software GmbH, Berlin, Germany). Detailed financial and performance analysis of the grid-connected RSPS for faculty building with various parameters is also carried out in this study. According to the simulation results, the system supplies 13.2% of the faculty buildings’ annual electrical energy consumption. The annual savings value of faculty buildings’ electrical consumption is approximately 90,298 kWh energy which costs roughly $7296. A photovoltaic (PV) system installation for the faculty building, which has considerable potential for solar energy and sunshine duration, is indispensable for clean energy requirements and was supported by the simulation results. This paper can be considered to be a basic feasibility study prior to moving on to the implementation project

    Whole Life Sustainability Assessment at the Building Industry and Constructed Assets, through the Whole Life Costing Assessment and Life Cycle Costing Assessment evaluating the economic and financial aspects

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    Els edificis d’energia neta poden ser entesos com a edificis, que durant un temps determinat generen tanta energia com consumeixen. Ja sigui des del punt de vista de l’oferta o el consum, la disponibilitat d’energia està relacionada amb alguns aspectes bàsics, com ara la font (s), la conversió, la distribució, l’ús, el malbaratament, l’optimització, l’eficiència i l’autonomia. Aquests temes revelen la complexitat del tema de l'energia i justifiquen l'atenció especial que li dóna la comunitat acadèmica. Per obtenir resultats tangibles en l'anàlisi d'aquests sistemes, en el nostre estudi ens centrem en la modelització i optimització de solucions energètiques aplicades a edificis o sistemes similars. D'altra banda, el període de temps dels objectes analitzats es va estendre fins al seu període de cicle de vida previst. Es van establir els objectius principals com: - Verificar i analitzar l’estat de la tecnologia de les energies renovables per a edificis i actius construïts i l’aplicabilitat de l’anàlisi de costos del cicle de vida a aquests temes; - Configurar models reproductibles d’edificis i les seves principals càrregues elèctriques, mitjançant eines d’enginyeria de processos assistits per ordinador, per procedir a simulacions i optimització, considerant-se com a font d’energia primària l’energia solar; - Quantificar, utilitzant estudis de casos reals i hipotètics, els beneficis de les solucions proposades, amb l'objectiu de realitzar tota l'avaluació de la sostenibilitat de la vida mitjançant la reducció de tot el cost del cicle de vida;Los edificios de energía de red cero pueden entenderse como edificios, que durante un tiempo dado generan tanta energía como consumen. O bien, desde el punto de vista del suministro o el consumo, la disponibilidad de energía está relacionada con algunos problemas básicos, como las fuentes, la conversión, la distribución, la utilización, el desperdicio, la optimización, la eficiencia y la autonomía. Estos problemas revelan la complejidad del tema de la energía y justifican la atención especial que le presta la comunidad académica. Para obtener resultados tangibles en el análisis de estos sistemas, en nuestro estudio nos centramos en el modelado y la optimización de soluciones energéticas aplicadas a edificios o sistemas similares. Por otro lado, el período de tiempo de los objetos analizados se extendió a su período de ciclo de vida esperado. Los objetivos principales se establecieron como: - Verificar y analizar el estado de la técnica de las soluciones de energía renovable para edificios y activos construidos y la aplicabilidad del análisis de costos de ciclo de vida a estas cuestiones; - Configure modelos reproducibles de edificios y sus principales cargas eléctricas, a través de herramientas de Ingeniería de Procesos Asistidos por Computadora, para proceder a simulaciones y optimización, considerando como fuente de energía primaria la energía solar;Net-zero energy buildings can be understood as buildings, that for a given time, generate as much energy as they consume. Either, from the point of view of supply or consumption, energy availability is related to some basic issues such as source (s), conversion, distribution, utilization, waste, optimization, efficiency and autonomy. These issues reveal the complexity of the subject of energy and justify the special attention given to it by the academic community. To obtain tangible results in the analysis of these systems, in our study we focus on the modelling and optimization of energy solutions applied to buildings or similar systems. On the other hand, the time frame of the analysed objects was extended to their expected life cycle period. The main objectives were stablished as: - Verify and analyse the state-of-the-art of renewable energy solutions for buildings and constructed assets and the applicability of life cycle costing analysis to these issues; - Configure reproducible models of buildings and their main electrical loads, via Computer Aided Process Engineering tools, to proceed simulations and optimization, considering as primary energy source solar energy; - Quantify, using real-life and hypothetical case studies, the benefits of the proposed solutions, aiming the whole life sustainability assessment through the reduction of the whole life cycle costing; and - Guarantee the reproducibility of the models and main general results of this study and make them public, to contribute with their applicability and further researches

    Strategies towards reducing carbon emission in university campuses: A comprehensive review of both global and local scales

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    Universities and other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have a key role to play in promoting decarbonisation and sustainable development. The implementation of low-carbon and energy-efficient strategies in colleges and University Campuses (UCs) is of utmost importance, as the number of these buildings continues to grow rapidly worldwide. This paper uses an organized search strategy for reviewing the most impactful previous studies regarding decarbonisations strategies in UCs in different climate contexts. This research presents a comprehensive overview of influential parameters, which are practical to be considered in designing new or retrofitting existing UCs which has not been done before and also highlights relevant policies and guidelines required to implement these parameters. These factors are spatial planning and landscape, renewable and clean energy, energy systems, thermal envelope, green transportation, management and control, human-related performance and smartness. This review also explores the recent trends in the decarbonisation of UCs such as the application of smart technologies and implementation of real-time data-based control and management technologies. Finally, this review presents the research gaps, future trends and technologies which will facilitate the decarbonisation of UCs. This review would help researchers and designers to facilitate the transition towards net-zero carbon future in university campuses

    Reviewing energy system modelling of decentralized energy autonomy

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    Research attention on decentralized autonomous energy systems has increased exponentially in the past three decades, as demonstrated by the absolute number of publications and the share of these studies in the corpus of energy system modelling literature. This paper shows the status quo and future modelling needs for research on local autonomous energy systems. A total of 359 studies are roughly investigated, of which a subset of 123 in detail. The studies are assessed with respect to the characteristics of their methodology and applications, in order to derive common trends and insights. Most case studies apply to middle-income countries and only focus on the supply of electricity in the residential sector. Furthermore, many of the studies are comparable regarding objectives and applied methods. Local energy autonomy is associated with high costs, leading to levelized costs of electricity of 0.41 $/kWh on average. By analysing the studies, many improvements for future studies could be identified: the studies lack an analysis of the impact of autonomous energy systems on surrounding energy systems. In addition, the robust design of autonomous energy systems requires higher time resolutions and extreme conditions. Future research should also develop methodologies to consider local stakeholders and their preferences for energy systems

    Modelling and Experimental Characterization of Photovoltaic/Thermal Systems for Cooling and Heating of Buildings in different climate conditions

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    La integración de sistemas de fotovoltaicos/térmicos (PV/T) y un eficiente aire acondicionado en los edificios permite el suministro de calefacción, refrigeración y electricidad con una reducción de las emisiones de efecto invernadero. Las configuraciones de integración de: a) sistemas fotovoltaicos (PV) con enfriadores eléctricos refrigerados por aire y sistemas de bombas de calor aire-agua; b) sistemas fotovoltaicos/térmicos (PV/T) basados en aire con sistemas de bomba de calor aire-agua; y c) Los sistemas fotovoltaicos/térmicos de baja concentración (LCPV/T) con enfriadores de compresión y absorción tienen un gran potencial para aumentar la proporción de electricidad fotovoltaica in situ. La flexibilidad de incorporar energía LCPV/T para la red bidireccional de baja temperatura en distritos urbanos reduce las pérdidas térmicas y proporciona edificios de productores y consumidores (prosumidores). En comparación con la configuración típica del enfriador de compresión integrado fotovoltaico, la configuración propuesta de LCPV/T junto con los enfriadores de compresión y absorción reduce el período de recuperación en un 10-40% en el edificio de cajas en El Cairo. Sustituir la conexión a la red de agua del campus por el uso de bomba de calor reversible reduce en un 15-30% el coste operativo de refrigeración y calefacción en el edificio de cajas en España.The integration of photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) and efficient air conditioning systems into buildings allows the provision of heating, cooling and electricity with a reduction in greenhouse emissions. The integration configurations of: a) photovoltaic (PV) systems with air-cooled electric chillers and air-to-water heat pump (HP) systems; b) air-based PV/T systems with air-to-water HP systems; c) Low concentrated photovoltaic/thermal systems (LCPV/T) with compression and absorption chillers; and d) LCPV/T coupled with water-to-water HP have a great potential in boosting the share of onsite PV-electricity. The flexibility of incorporating LCPV/T energy for the bidirectional low temperature network in urban districts reduces thermal losses and provides producer and consumer (prosumer) buildings. In comparison to the typical configuration of PV integrated compression chiller, the proposed configuration of LCPV/T coupled with the compression and absorption chillers reduces the payback period by 10-40% in the case building in Cairo. Substituting the connection to the campus water network with the use of reversibl

    Book of Abstracts:9th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems

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    A Review of Solar Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal (PV-T) Collectors and Systems

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    In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in hybrid PV-T collectors and the wider systems within which they can be implemented, and assess the worldwide energy and carbon mitigation potential of these systems. We cover both experimental and computational studies, identify opportunities for performance enhancement, pathways for collector innovation, and implications of their wider deployment at the solar-generation system level. First, we classify and review the main types of PV-T collectors, including air-based, liquid-based, dual air–water, heat-pipe, building integrated and concentrated PV-T collectors. This is followed by a presentation of performance enhancement opportunities and pathways for collector innovation. Here, we address state-of-the-art design modifications, next-generation PV cell technologies, selective coatings, spectral splitting and nanofluids. Beyond this, we address wider PV-T systems and their applications, comprising a thorough review of solar combined heat and power (S–CHP), solar cooling, solar combined cooling, heat and power (S–CCHP), solar desalination, solar drying and solar for hydrogen production systems. This includes a specific review of potential performance and cost improvements and opportunities at the solar-generation system level in thermal energy storage, control and demand-side management. Subsequently, a set of the most promising PV-T systems is assessed to analyse their carbon mitigation potential and how this technology might fit within pathways for global decarbonization. It is estimated that the REmap baseline emission curve can be reduced by more than 16% in 2030 if the uptake of solar PV-T technologies can be promoted. Finally, the review turns to a critical examination of key challenges for the adoption of PV-T technology and recommendations

    A review of solar hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) collectors and systems

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    In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in hybrid PV-T collectors and the wider systems within which they can be implemented, and assess the worldwide energy and carbon mitigation potential of these systems. We cover both experimental and computational studies, identify opportunities for performance enhancement, pathways for collector innovation, and implications of their wider deployment at the solar-generation system level. First, we classify and review the main types of PV-T collectors, including air-based, liquid-based, dual air–water, heat-pipe, building integrated and concentrated PV-T collectors. This is followed by a presentation of performance enhancement opportunities and pathways for collector innovation. Here, we address state-of-the-art design modifications, next-generation PV cell technologies, selective coatings, spectral splitting and nanofluids. Beyond this, we address wider PV-T systems and their applications, comprising a thorough review of solar combined heat and power (S–CHP), solar cooling, solar combined cooling, heat and power (S–CCHP), solar desalination, solar drying and solar for hydrogen production systems. This includes a specific review of potential performance and cost improvements and opportunities at the solar-generation system level in thermal energy storage, control and demand-side management. Subsequently, a set of the most promising PV-T systems is assessed to analyse their carbon mitigation potential and how this technology might fit within pathways for global decarbonization. It is estimated that the REmap baseline emission curve can be reduced by more than 16% in 2030 if the uptake of solar PV-T technologies can be promoted. Finally, the review turns to a critical examination of key challenges for the adoption of PV-T technology and recommendations