903 research outputs found

    Microcanonical processing methodology for ECG and intracardial potential: application to atrial fibrillation

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    Cardiac diseases are the principal cause of human morbidity and mortality in the western world. The electric potential of the heart is a highly complex signal emerging as a result of nontrivial flow conduction, hierarchical structuring and multiple regulation mechanisms. Its proper accurate analysis becomes of crucial importance in order to detect and treat arrhythmias or other abnormal dynamics that could lead to life-threatening conditions. To achieve this, advanced nonlinear processing methods are needed: one example here is the case of recent advances in the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism. The aim of the present paper is to recapitulate those advances and extend the analyses performed, specially looking at the case of atrial fibrillation. We show that both ECG and intracardial potential signals can be described in a model-free way as a fast dynamics combined with a slow dynamics. Sharp differences in the key parameters of the fast dynamics appear in different regimes of transition between atrial fibrillation and healthy cases. Therefore, this type of analysis could be used for automated early warning, also in the treatment of atrial fibrillation particularly to guide radiofrequency ablation procedures.Comment: Transactions on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals 4, 1 (2012). Accepte

    Engineering Education and Research Using MATLAB

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    MATLAB is a software package used primarily in the field of engineering for signal processing, numerical data analysis, modeling, programming, simulation, and computer graphic visualization. In the last few years, it has become widely accepted as an efficient tool, and, therefore, its use has significantly increased in scientific communities and academic institutions. This book consists of 20 chapters presenting research works using MATLAB tools. Chapters include techniques for programming and developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), dynamic systems, electric machines, signal and image processing, power electronics, mixed signal circuits, genetic programming, digital watermarking, control systems, time-series regression modeling, and artificial neural networks

    Design of Reliable Fluid Power Pitch Systems for Wind Turbines

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    GPU Implementation of DPSO-RE Algorithm for Parameters Identification of Surface PMSM Considering VSI Nonlinearity

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    In this paper, an accurate parameter estimation model of surface permanent magnet synchronous machines (SPMSMs) is established by taking into account voltage-source-inverter (VSI) nonlinearity. A fast dynamic particle swarm optimization (DPSO) algorithm combined with a receptor editing (RE) strategy is proposed to explore the optimal values of parameter estimations. This combination provides an accelerated implementation on graphics processing unit (GPU), and the proposed method is, therefore, referred to as G-DPSORE. In G-DPSO-RE, a dynamic labor division strategy is incorporated into the swarms according to the designed evolutionary factor during the evolution process. Two novel modifications of the movement equation are designed to update the velocity of particles. Moreover, a chaotic-logistic-based immune RE operator is developed to facilitate the global best individual (gBest particle) to explore a potentially better region. Furthermore, a GPU parallel acceleration technique is utilized to speed up parameter estimation procedure. It has been demonstrated that the proposed method is effective for simultaneous estimation of the PMSM parameters and the disturbance voltage (Vdead) due to VSI nonlinearity from experimental data for currents and rotor speed measured with inexpensive equipment. The influence of the VSI nonlinearity on the accuracy of parameter estimation is analyzed

    Effective algorithms for real-time wind turbine condition monitoring and fault-detection

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    Reliable condition monitoring (CM) can be an effective means to significantly reduce wind turbine (WT) downtime, operations and maintenance costs and plan preventative maintenance in advance. The WT generator voltage and current output, if sampled at a sufficiently high rate (kHz range), can provide a rich source of data for CM. However, the electrical output of the WT generator is frequently shown to be complex and noisy in nature due to the varying and turbulent nature of the wind. Thus, a fully satisfactory technique that is capable to provide accurate interpretation of the WT electrical output has not been achieved to date. The objective of the research described in this thesis is to develop reliable WT CM using advanced signal processing techniques so that fast analysis of non-stationary current measurements with high diagnostic accuracy is achieved. The diagnostic accuracy and reliability of the proposed techniques have been evaluated using data from a laboratory test rig where experiments are performed under two levels of rotor electrical asymmetry faults. The experimental test rig was run under fixed and variable speed driving conditions to investigate the kind of results expected under such conditions. An effective extended Kalman filter (EKF) based method is proposed to iteratively track the characteristic fault frequencies in WT CM signals as the WT speed varies. The EKF performance was compared with some of the leading WT CM techniques to establish its pros and cons. The reported experimental findings demonstrate clear and significant gains in both the computational efficiency and the diagnostic accuracy using the proposed technique. In addition, a novel frequency tracking technique is proposed in this thesis to analyse the non-stationary current signals by improving the capability of a continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Simulations and experiments have been performed to verify the proposed method for detecting early abnormalities in WT generators. The improved CWT is finally applied for developing a new real-time CM technique dedicated to detect early abnormalities in a commercial WT. The results presented highlight the advantages of the improved CWT over the conventional CWT to identify frequency components of interest and cope with the non-linear and non-stationary fault features in the current signal, and go on to indicate its potential and suitability for WT CM.</div

    System Engineering Applied to Fuenmayor Karst Aquifer (San Julián de Banzo, Huesca) and Collins Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica)

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    La ingeniería de sistemas, definida generalmente como arte y ciencia de crear soluciones integrales a problemas complejos, se aplica en el presente documento a dos sistemas naturales, a saber, un sistema acuífero kárstico y un sistema glaciar, desde una perspectiva hidrológica. Las técnicas de identificación, desarrolladas típicamente en ingeniería para representar sistemas artificiales por medio de modelos lineales y no lineales, pueden aplicarse en el estudio de los sistemas naturales donde se producen fenómenos de acoplamiento entre el clima y la hidrosfera. Los métodos evolucionan para afrontar nuevos campos de identificación donde se requieren estrategias para encontrar el modelo idóneo adaptado a las peculiaridades del sistema. En este sentido, se han considerado especialmente las herramientas basadas en la transformada wavelet utilizadas en la preparación de series temporales, suavizado de señales, análisis espectral, correlación cruzada y predicción, entre otros. Bajo este enfoque, una aplicación a mencionar entre las tratadas en esta tesis, es la determinación analítica del núcleo efectivo estacional (SEC) a través del estudio de la coherencia wavelet entre temperatura del aire y la descarga del glaciar, que establece un conjunto de períodos de muestreo aceptablemente coherentes, a partir del cual se crearán los modelos del sistema glacial. El estudio está dirigido específicamente a estimar la influencia de la precipitación sobre la descarga del acuífero kárstico de Fuenmayor, en San Julián de Banzo, Huesca, España. De la misma manera, se ocupa de las consecuencias de la temperatura del aire en la fusión del hielo glaciar, que se manifiesta en la corriente de drenaje del glaciar Collins, isla King George, Antártida. En el proceso de identificación paramétrica y no paramétrica se buscan los modelos que mejor representen la dinámica interna del sistema. Eso conduce a pruebas iterativas, donde se van creando modelos que se verifican sistemáticamente con los datos reales del muestreo, de acuerdo a un criterio de eficiencia dado. La solución mejor valorada según los resultados obtenidos en los casos tratados apuntan a estructuras de modelos en bloques. Esta tesis significa una exposición formal de la metodología de identificación de sistemas propios de la ingeniería en el contexto de los sistemas naturales, que mejoran los resultados obtenidos en muchos casos de la hidrología kárstica que comúnmente usaban métodos ad hoc ocasionales de carácter estadístico; así mismo, los enfoques propuestos en los casos de glaciología con el análisis wavelet y los modelos orientados a datos raramente considerados en la literatura, revelan información esencial ante la imposibilidad de precisar la totalidad de la física que rige el sistema. Notables resultados se derivan en la caracterización de la respuesta del manantial de Fuenmayor y su correlación con la precipitación, desde la perspectiva de un sistema lineal, que se complementa con los métodos de identificación basados en técnicas no lineales. Así mismo, la implementación del modelo para el glaciar Collins, obtenido también mediante métodos de identificación de caja negra, puede revelar una inestabilidad de los límites de los periodos activos de la descarga, y consecuentemente la variabilidad en la tendencia actual en el cambio climático global

    Assessing Variability of EEG and ECG/HRV Time Series Signals Using a Variety of Non-Linear Methods

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    Time series signals, such as Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Electrocardiogram (ECG) represent the complex dynamic behaviours of biological systems. The analysis of these signals using variety of nonlinear methods is essential for understanding variability within EEG and ECG, which potentially could help unveiling hidden patterns related to underlying physiological mechanisms. EEG is a time varying signal, and electrodes for recording EEG at different positions on the scalp give different time varying signals. There might be correlation between these signals. It is important to know the correlation between EEG signals because it might tell whether or not brain activities from different areas are related. EEG and ECG might be related to each other because both of them are generated from one co-ordinately working body. Investigating this relationship is of interest because it may reveal information about the correlation between EEG and ECG signals. This thesis is about assessing variability of time series data, EEG and ECG, using variety of nonlinear measures. Although other research has looked into the correlation between EEGs using a limited number of electrodes and a limited number of combinations of electrode pairs, no research has investigated the correlation between EEG signals and distance between electrodes. Furthermore, no one has compared the correlation performance for participants with and without medical conditions. In my research, I have filled up these gaps by using a full range of electrodes and all possible combinations of electrode pairs analysed in Time Domain (TD). Cross-Correlation method is calculated on the processed EEG signals for different number unique electrode pairs from each datasets. In order to obtain the distance in centimetres (cm) between electrodes, a measuring tape was used. For most of our participants the head circumference range was 54-58cm, for which a medium-sized I have discovered that the correlation between EEG signals measured through electrodes is linearly dependent on the physical distance (straight-line) distance between them for datasets without medical condition, but not for datasets with medical conditions. Some research has investigated correlation between EEG and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) within limited brain areas and demonstrated the existence of correlation between EEG and HRV. But no research has indicated whether or not the correlation changes with brain area. Although Wavelet Transformations (WT) have been performed on time series data including EEG and HRV signals to extract certain features respectively by other research, so far correlation between WT signals of EEG and HRV has not been analysed. My research covers these gaps by conducting a thorough investigation of all electrodes on the human scalp in Frequency Domain (FD) as well as TD. For the reason of different sample rates of EEG and HRV, two different approaches (named as Method 1 and Method 2) are utilised to segment EEG signals and to calculate Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient for each of the EEG frequencies with each of the HRV frequencies in FD. I have demonstrated that EEG at the front area of the brain has a stronger correlation with HRV than that at the other area in a frequency domain. These findings are independent of both participants and brain hemispheres. Sample Entropy (SE) is used to predict complexity of time series data. Recent research has proposed new calculation methods for SE, aiming to improve the accuracy. To my knowledge, no one has attempted to reduce the computational time of SE calculation. I have developed a new calculation method for time series complexity which could improve computational time significantly in the context of calculating a correlation between EEG and HRV. The results have a parsimonious outcome of SE calculation by exploiting a new method of SE implementation. In addition, it is found that the electrical activity in the frontal lobe of the brain appears to be correlated with the HRV in a time domain. Time series analysis method has been utilised to study complex systems that appear ubiquitous in nature, but limited to certain dynamic systems (e.g. analysing variables affecting stock values). In this thesis, I have also investigated the nature of the dynamic system of HRV. I have disclosed that Embedding Dimension could unveil two variables that determined HRV