1,409 research outputs found

    Feature extraction from electroencephalograms for Bayesian assessment of newborn brain maturity

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    We explored the feature extraction techniques for Bayesian assessment of EEG maturity of newborns in the context that the continuity of EEG is the most important feature for assessment of the brain development. The continuity is associated with EEG “stationarity” which we propose to evaluate with adaptive segmentation of EEG into pseudo-stationary intervals. The histograms of these intervals are then used as new features for the assessment of EEG maturity. In our experiments, we used Bayesian model averaging over decision trees to differentiate two age groups, each included 110 EEG recordings. The use of the proposed EEG features has shown, on average, a 6% increase in the accuracy of age differentiation

    Graph analysis of functional brain networks: practical issues in translational neuroscience

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    The brain can be regarded as a network: a connected system where nodes, or units, represent different specialized regions and links, or connections, represent communication pathways. From a functional perspective communication is coded by temporal dependence between the activities of different brain areas. In the last decade, the abstract representation of the brain as a graph has allowed to visualize functional brain networks and describe their non-trivial topological properties in a compact and objective way. Nowadays, the use of graph analysis in translational neuroscience has become essential to quantify brain dysfunctions in terms of aberrant reconfiguration of functional brain networks. Despite its evident impact, graph analysis of functional brain networks is not a simple toolbox that can be blindly applied to brain signals. On the one hand, it requires a know-how of all the methodological steps of the processing pipeline that manipulates the input brain signals and extract the functional network properties. On the other hand, a knowledge of the neural phenomenon under study is required to perform physiological-relevant analysis. The aim of this review is to provide practical indications to make sense of brain network analysis and contrast counterproductive attitudes

    Feature-based time-series analysis

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    This work presents an introduction to feature-based time-series analysis. The time series as a data type is first described, along with an overview of the interdisciplinary time-series analysis literature. I then summarize the range of feature-based representations for time series that have been developed to aid interpretable insights into time-series structure. Particular emphasis is given to emerging research that facilitates wide comparison of feature-based representations that allow us to understand the properties of a time-series dataset that make it suited to a particular feature-based representation or analysis algorithm. The future of time-series analysis is likely to embrace approaches that exploit machine learning methods to partially automate human learning to aid understanding of the complex dynamical patterns in the time series we measure from the world.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Guidelines for the recording and evaluation of pharmaco-EEG data in man: the International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG)

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    The International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG) presents updated guidelines summarising the requirements for the recording and computerised evaluation of pharmaco-EEG data in man. Since the publication of the first pharmaco-EEG guidelines in 1982, technical and data processing methods have advanced steadily, thus enhancing data quality and expanding the palette of tools available to investigate the action of drugs on the central nervous system (CNS), determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of novel therapeutics and evaluate the CNS penetration or toxicity of compounds. However, a review of the literature reveals inconsistent operating procedures from one study to another. While this fact does not invalidate results per se, the lack of standardisation constitutes a regrettable shortcoming, especially in the context of drug development programmes. Moreover, this shortcoming hampers reliable comparisons between outcomes of studies from different laboratories and hence also prevents pooling of data which is a requirement for sufficiently powering the validation of novel analytical algorithms and EEG-based biomarkers. The present updated guidelines reflect the consensus of a global panel of EEG experts and are intended to assist investigators using pharmaco-EEG in clinical research, by providing clear and concise recommendations and thereby enabling standardisation of methodology and facilitating comparability of data across laboratories

    Exploring non-stationarity patterns in schizophrenia: neural reorganization abnormalities in the alpha band

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    Producción CientíficaObjective. The aim of this paper was to characterize brain non-stationarity during an auditory oddball task in schizophrenia (SCH). The level of non-stationarity was measured in the baseline and response windows of relevant tones in SCH patients and healthy controls. Approach. Event-related potentials were recorded from 28 SCH patients and 51 controls. Non-stationarity was estimated in the conventional electroencephalography frequency bands by means of Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD). Relative power (RP) was also computed to assess a possible complementarity with KLD. Main results. Results showed a widespread statistically significant increase in the level of non-stationarity from baseline to response in all frequency bands for both groups. Statistically significant differences in non-stationarity were found between SCH patients and controls in beta-2 and especially in the alpha band. SCH patients showed more non-stationarity in the left parieto-occipital region during the baseline window in the beta-2 band. A leave-one-out cross validation classification study with feature selection based on binary stepwise logistic regression to discriminate between SCH patients and controls provided an accuracy of 89.87% and area under ROC of 0.9510. Significance. KLD can characterize transient neural reorganization during an attentional task in response to novelty and relevance. Our findings suggest anomalous reorganization of neural dynamics in SCH during an oddball task. The abnormal frequency-dependent modulation found in SCH patients during relevant tones is in agreement with the hypothesis of aberrant salience detection in SCH. The increase in non-stationarity in the alpha band during the active task supports the notion that this band is involved in top-down processing. The baseline differences in the beta-2 band suggest that hyperactivation of the default mode network during attention tasks may be related to SCH symptoms. Furthermore, the binary stepwise logistic regression procedure selected features from both KLD and RP, supporting the idea that these measures can be complementary.This research project was supported in part by the projects TEC2014-53196-R of ‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’ and FEDER; the project VA037U16 from the “Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León”, the “Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)” under projects FIS PI11/02203 and PI15/00299; and the “Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León” under projects GRS 932/A/14 and GRS 1134/A/15. P. Núñez was in receipt of a ‘Promoción de empleo joven e implantación de la Garantía Juvenil en I+D+i’ grant from ‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’ and the University of Valladolid, A. Bachiller and J. Gomez-Pilar were in receipt of a PIF-UVA grant from the University of Valladolid. A. Lubeiro has a predoctoral scholarship from the “Junta de Castilla y León” and European Social Fund