4,661 research outputs found

    Nanoscale diffractive probing of strain dynamics in ultrafast transmission electron microscopy

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    The control of optically driven high-frequency strain waves in nanostructured systems is an essential ingredient for the further development of nanophononics. However, broadly applicable experimental means to quantitatively map such structural distortion on their intrinsic ultrafast time and nanometer length scales are still lacking. Here, we introduce ultrafast convergent beam electron diffraction (U-CBED) with a nanoscale probe beam for the quantitative retrieval of the time-dependent local distortion tensor. We demonstrate its capabilities by investigating the ultrafast acoustic deformations close to the edge of a single-crystalline graphite membrane. Tracking the structural distortion with a 28-nm/700-fs spatio-temporal resolution, we observe an acoustic membrane breathing mode with spatially modulated amplitude, governed by the optical near field structure at the membrane edge. Furthermore, an in-plane polarized acoustic shock wave is launched at the membrane edge, which triggers secondary acoustic shear waves with a pronounced spatio-temporal dependency. The experimental findings are compared to numerical acoustic wave simulations in the continuous medium limit, highlighting the importance of microscopic dissipation mechanisms and ballistic transport channels

    Real-time observation of a coherent lattice transformation into a high-symmetry phase

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    Excursions far from their equilibrium structures can bring crystalline solids through collective transformations including transitions into new phases that may be transient or long-lived. Direct spectroscopic observation of far-from-equilibrium rearrangements provides fundamental mechanistic insight into chemical and structural transformations, and a potential route to practical applications, including ultrafast optical control over material structure and properties. However, in many cases photoinduced transitions are irreversible or only slowly reversible, or the light fluence required exceeds material damage thresholds. This precludes conventional ultrafast spectroscopy in which optical excitation and probe pulses irradiate the sample many times, each measurement providing information about the sample response at just one probe delay time following excitation, with each measurement at a high repetition rate and with the sample fully recovering its initial state in between measurements. Using a single-shot, real-time measurement method, we were able to observe the photoinduced phase transition from the semimetallic, low-symmetry phase of crystalline bismuth into a high-symmetry phase whose existence at high electronic excitation densities was predicted based on earlier measurements at moderate excitation densities below the damage threshold. Our observations indicate that coherent lattice vibrational motion launched upon photoexcitation with an incident fluence above 10 mJ/cm2 in bulk bismuth brings the lattice structure directly into the high-symmetry configuration for tens of picoseconds, after which carrier relaxation and diffusion restore the equilibrium lattice configuration.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Exciton Control in a Room-Temperature Bulk Semiconductor with Coherent Strain Pulses

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    The coherent manipulation of excitons in bulk semiconductors via the lattice degrees of freedom is key to the development of acousto-optic and acousto-excitonic devices. Wide-bandgap transition metal oxides exhibit strongly bound excitons that are interesting for applications in the deep-ultraviolet, but their properties have remained elusive due to the lack of efficient generation and detection schemes in this spectral range. Here, we perform ultrafast broadband deep-ultraviolet spectroscopy on anatase TiO2_2 single crystals at room temperature, and reveal a dramatic modulation of the exciton peak amplitude due to coherent acoustic phonons. This modulation is comparable to those of nanostructures where exciton-phonon coupling is enhanced by quantum confinement, and is accompanied by a giant exciton shift of 30-50 meV. We model these results by many-body perturbation theory and show that the deformation potential coupling within the nonlinear regime is the main mechanism for the generation and detection of the coherent acoustic phonons. Our findings pave the way to the design of exciton control schemes in the deep-ultraviolet with propagating strain pulses

    Picosecond strain dynamics in Ge2_{2}Sb2_{2}Te5_{5} monitored by time-resolved x-ray diffraction

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    Coherent phonons (CP) generated by laser pulses on the femtosecond scale have been proposed as a means to achieve ultrafast, non-thermal switching in phase-change materials such as Ge2_{2}Sb2_{2}Te5_{5}(GST). Here we use ultrafast optical pump pulses to induce coherent acoustic phonons and stroboscopically measure the corresponding lattice distortions in GST using 100 ps x-ray pulses from the ESRF storage ring. A linear-chain model provides a good description of the observed changes in the diffraction signal, however, the magnitudes of the measured shifts are too large to be explained by thermal effects alone implying the presence of transient non-equilibrium electron heating in addition to temperature driven expansion. The information on the movement of atoms during the excitation process can lead to greater insight into the possibilities of using CP-induced phase-transitions in GST.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. B, in pres

    Control of carrier transport in GaAs by longitudinal-optical phonon-carrier scattering using a pair of laser pump pulses

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    We demonstrate optical control of the LO phonon-plasmon coupled (LOPC) modes in GaAs by using a femtosecond pump-pulse pair. The relaxation time of the plasmon-like LOPC mode significantly depends on the separation time (\Delta t) of the pump-pulse pair. Especially it is maximized when \Delta t becomes simultaneously comparable to the half period of the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon oscillation and resonant to the 3/4 period of the plasmon-like LOPC oscillation. We attribute these observations to the modification of carrier-LO phonon scattering and ballistic motion of the plasmon-like LOPC mode.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Ultrafast relaxation of hot phonons in Graphene-hBN Heterostructures

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    Fast carrier cooling is important for high power graphene based devices. Strongly Coupled Optical Phonons (SCOPs) play a major role in the relaxation of photoexcited carriers in graphene. Heterostructures of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) have shown exceptional mobility and high saturation current, which makes them ideal for applications, but the effect of the hBN substrate on carrier cooling mechanisms is not understood. We track the cooling of hot photo-excited carriers in graphene-hBN heterostructures using ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. We find that the carriers cool down four times faster in the case of graphene on hBN than on a silicon oxide substrate thus overcoming the hot phonon (HP) bottleneck that plagues cooling in graphene devices.Comment: Pages 1-12: Main manuscript. Pages 13-18: Supplementary materia
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