33 research outputs found

    Co-channel interference reduction in Optical Code Division Multiple Access systems

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    In this thesis few new code sets and a multi-user interference (MUI) cancellation scheme have been proposed for Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) systems, which can be employed in the next generation of global communication networks to enhance their existing systems’ performance dramatically. The initial evaluation of the proposed code sets shows that their implementation improves the performance, decreases the BER and increases security considerably. Also the proposed MUI cancellation scheme totally removes all the cross-talk and interference between the active users within the network. These novel schemes and codes can be easily implemented in the optical packet switched networks. Optical switching has the ability of bandwidth manipulation at the wavelength level (e.g. with optical circuit/packet/burst switching); the capability to accommodate a wide range of traffic distributions, and also to make dynamic resource reservations possible. This thesis first gives a brief overview of co-channel interference reduction in OCDMA networks, then proposes two novel code sets, Uniform Cross-Correlation Modified Prime Code (UC-MPC) and Transposed UC-MPC (T-UCMPC), along with their evaluation and analysis in various systems, including IP routing over an OCDMA network. Thereafter, the new MUI cancellation scheme is proposed and then the proposed code sets and the MUI cancellation scheme are implemented and analysed in a laboratory-based experimental test bed. Finally the conclusion of this research is discussed

    Capacity, coding and interference cancellation in multiuser multicarrier wireless communications systems

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    Multicarrier modulation and multiuser systems have generated a great deal of research during the last decade. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a multicarrier modulation generated with the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform, which has been adopted for standards in wireless and wire-line communications. Multiuser wireless systems using multicarrier modulation suffer from the effects of dispersive fading channels, which create multi-access, inter-symbol, and inter-carrier interference (MAI, ISI, ICI). Nevertheless, channel dispersion also provides diversity, which can be exploited and has the potential to increase robustness against fading. Multiuser multi-carrier systems can be implemented using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), a flexible orthogonal multiplexing scheme that can implement time and frequency division multiplexing, and using multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA). Coding, interference cancellation, and resource sharing schemes to improve the performance of multiuser multicarrier systems on wireless channels were addressed in this dissertation. Performance of multiple access schemes applied to a downlink multiuser wireless system was studied from an information theory perspective and from a more practical perspective. For time, frequency, and code division, implemented using OFDMA and MC-CDMA, the system outage capacity region was calculated for a correlated fading channel. It was found that receiver complexity determines which scheme offers larger capacity regions, and that OFDMA results in a better compromise between complexity and performance than MC-CDMA. From the more practical perspective of bit error rate, the effects of channel coding and interleaving were investigated. Results in terms of coding bounds as well as simulation were obtained, showing that OFDMAbased orthogonal multiple access schemes are more sensitive to the effectiveness of the code to provide diversity than non-orthogonal, MC-CDMA-based schemes. While cellular multiuser schemes suffer mainly from MAI, OFDM-based broadcasting systems suffer from ICI, in particular when operating as a single frequency network (SFN). It was found that for SFN the performance of a conventional OFDM receiver rapidly degrades when transmitters have frequency synchronization errors. Several methods based on linear and decision-feedback ICI cancellation were proposed and evaluated, showing improved robustness against ICI. System function characterization of time-variant dispersive channels is important for understanding their effects on single carrier and multicarrier modulation. Using time-frequency duality it was shown that MC-CDMA and DS-CDMA are strictly dual on dispersive channels. This property was used to derive optimal matched filter structures, and to determine a criterion for the selection of spreading sequences for both DS and MC CDMA. The analysis of multiple antenna systems provided a unified framework for the study of DS-CDMA and MC-CDMA on time and frequency dispersive channels, which can also be used to compare their performance

    Multi-carrier CDMA using convolutional coding and interference cancellation

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN016251 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Comparative study and performance evaluation of MC-CDMA and OFDM over AWGN and fading channels environment

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    Η απαίτηση για εφαρμογές υψηλής ταχύτητας μετάδοσης δεδομένων έχει αυξηθεί σημαντικά τα τελευταία χρόνια. Η πίεση των χρηστών σήμερα για ταχύτερες επικοινωνίες, ανεξαρτήτως κινητής ή σταθερής, χωρίς επιπλέον κόστος είναι μια πραγματικότητα. Για να πραγματοποιηθούν αυτές οι απαιτήσεις, προτάθηκε ένα νέο σχήμα που συνδυάζει ψηφιακή διαμόρφωση και πολλαπλές προσβάσεις, για την ακρίβεια η Πολλαπλή Πρόσβαση με διαίρεση Κώδικα Πολλαπλού Φέροντος (Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access MC-CDMA). Η εφαρμογή του Γρήγορου Μετασχηματισμού Φουριέ (Fast Fourier Transform,FFT) που βασίζεται στο (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM) χρησιμοποιεί τις περίπλοκες λειτουργίες βάσεως και αντικαθίσταται από κυματομορφές για να μειώσει το επίπεδο της παρεμβολής. Έχει βρεθεί ότι οι μετασχηματισμένες κυματομορφές (Wavelet Transform,W.T.) που βασίζονται στον Haar είναι ικανές να μειώσουν το ISI και το ICI, που προκαλούνται από απώλειες στην ορθογωνιότητα μεταξύ των φερόντων, κάτι που τις καθιστά απλούστερες για την εφαρμογή από του FFT. Επιπλέον κέρδος στην απόδοση μπορεί να επιτευχθεί αναζητώντας μια εναλλακτική λειτουργία ορθογωνικής βάσης και βρίσκοντας ένα καλύτερο μετασχηματισμό από του Φουριέ (Fourier) και τον μετασχηματισμό κυματομορφής (Wavelet Transform). Στην παρούσα εργασία, υπάρχουν τρία προτεινόμενα μοντέλα. Το 1ο, ( A proposed Model ‘1’ of OFDM based In-Place Wavelet Transform), το 2ο, A proposed Model ‘2’ based In-Place Wavelet Transform Algorithm and Phase Matrix (P.M) και το 3ο, A proposed Model ‘3’ of MC-CDMA Based on Multiwavelet Transform. Οι αποδόσεις τους συγκρίθηκαν με τα παραδοσιακά μοντέλα μονού χρήστη κάτω από διαφορετικά κανάλια (Κανάλι AWGN, επίπεδη διάλειψη και επιλεκτική διάλειψη).The demand for high data rate wireless multi-media applications has increased significantly in the past few years. The wireless user’s pressure towards faster communications, no matter whether mobile, nomadic, or fixed positioned, without extra cost is nowadays a reality. To fulfill these demands, a new scheme which combines wireless digital modulation and multiple accesses was proposed in the recent years, namely, Multicarrier-Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA). The Fourier based OFDM uses the complex exponential bases functions and it is replaced by wavelets in order to reduce the level of interference. It is found that the Haar-based wavelets are capable of reducing the ISI and ICI, which are caused by the loss in orthogonality between the carriers. Further performance gains can be made by looking at alternative orthogonal basis functions and finding a better transform rather than Fourier and wavelet transform. In this thesis, there are three proposed models [Model ‘1’ (OFDM based on In-Place Wavelet Transform, Model ‘2’ (MC-CDMA based on IP-WT and Phase Matrix) and Model ‘3’ (MC-CDMA based on Multiwavelet Transform)] were created and then comparison their performances with the traditional models for single user system were compared under different channel characteristics (AWGN channel, flat fading and selective fading). The conclusion of my study as follows, the models (1) was achieved much lower bit error rates than traditional models based FFT. Therefore these models can be considered as an alternative to the conventional MC-CDMA based FFT. The main advantage of using In-Place wavelet transform in the proposed models that it does not require an additional array at each sweep such as in ordered Fast Haar wavelet transform, which makes it simpler for implementation than FFT. The model (2) gave a new algorithm based on In-Place wavelet transform with first level processing multiple by PM was proposed. The model (3) gave much lower bit error than other two models in additional to traditional models

    Crossed-dipole arrays for asynchronous DS-CDMA systems

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    Performance Evaluation of Phase Optimized Spreading Codes in Non Linear DS-CDMA Receiver

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    Spread spectrum (SS) is a modulation technique in which the signal occupies a bandwidth much larger than the minimum necessary to send the information. A synchronized reception with the code at the receiver is used for despreading the information before data recovery. Bandspread is accomplished by means of a code which is independent of the data. Bandspreading code is pseudo-random, thus the spread signal resembles noise. The coded modulation characteristic of SS system uniquely qualifies it for navigation applications. Any signal used in ranging is subject to time/distance relations. A SS signal has advantage that its phase is easily resolvable. Direct-sequence (DS) form of modulation is mostly preferred over Frequency Hopping system (FH) as FH systems do not normally possess high resolution properties. Higher the chip rate, the better the measurement capability. The basic resolution is one code chip. Initially, some existing code families e.g. Gold, Kasami (large and smal..

    Efficient complementary sequences-based architectures and their application to ranging measurements

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en 2015En las últimas décadas, los sistemas de medición de distancias se han beneficiado de los avances en el área de las comunicaciones inalámbricas. En los sistemas basados en CDMA (Code-Division Multiple-Access), las propiedades de correlación de las secuencias empleadas juegan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de dispositivos de medición de altas prestaciones. Debido a las sumas ideales de correlaciones aperiódicas, los conjuntos de secuencias complementarias, CSS (Complementary Sets of Sequences), son ampliamente utilizados en sistemas CDMA. En ellos, es deseable el uso de arquitecturas eficientes que permitan generar y correlar CSS del mayor número de secuencias y longitudes posibles. Por el término eficiente se hace referencia a aquellas arquitecturas que requieren menos operaciones por muestra de entrada que con una arquitectura directa. Esta tesis contribuye al desarrollo de arquitecturas eficientes de generación/correlación de CSS y derivadas, como son las secuencias LS (Loosely Synchronized) y GPC (Generalized Pairwise Complementary), que permitan aumentar el número de longitudes y/o de secuencias disponibles. Las contribuciones de la tesis pueden dividirse en dos bloques: En primer lugar, las arquitecturas eficientes de generación/correlación para CSS binarios, derivadas en trabajos previos, son generalizadas al alfabeto multinivel (secuencias con valores reales) mediante el uso de matrices de Hadamard multinivel. Este planteamiento tiene dos ventajas: por un lado el aumento del número de longitudes que pueden generarse/correlarse y la eliminación de las limitaciones de las arquitecturas previas en el número de secuencias en el conjunto. Por otro lado, bajo ciertas condiciones, los parámetros de las arquitecturas generalizadas pueden ajustarse para generar/correlar eficientemente CSS binarios de mayor número de longitudes que con las arquitecturas eficientes previas. En segundo lugar, las arquitecturas propuestas son usadas para el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de generación/correlación de secuencias derivadas de CSS que reducen el número de operaciones por muestra de entrada. Finalmente, se presenta la aplicación de las secuencias estudiadas en un nuevo sistema de posicionamiento local basado en Ultra-Wideband y en un sistema de posicionamiento local basado en ultrasonidos