51 research outputs found

    An Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem for the derangement graph of PGL(2,q) acting on the projective line

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    Let G=PGL(2,q) be the projective general linear group acting on the projective line P_q. A subset S of G is intersecting if for any pair of permutations \pi,\sigma in S, there is a projective point p in P_q such that p^\pi=p^\sigma. We prove that if S is intersecting, then the size of S is no more than q(q-1). Also, we prove that the only sets S that meet this bound are the cosets of the stabilizer of a point of P_q.Comment: 17 page


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    EnProblems involving the idea of parallelism occur in finite geometry and in graph theory. This article addresses the question of constructing parallelisms with some degree of "symmetry". In particular, can we say anything on parallelisms admitting an automorphism group acting doubly transitively on "parallel classes"


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    Unitals of order nn are incidence structures consisting of n3+1n^3+1 points such that each block is incident with n+1n+1 points and such that there are unique joining blocks. In the language of designs, a unital of order nn is a 22-(n3+1,n+1,1)(n^3+1,n+1,1) design. An affine unital is obtained from a unital by removing one block and all the points on it. A unital can be obtained from an affine unital via a parallelism on the short blocks. We study so-called (affine) SL(2,q)\mathrm{SL}(2,q)-unitals, a special construction of (affine) unitals of order qq where qq is a prime power. We show several results on automorphism groups and translations of those unitals, including a proof that one block is fixed by the full automorphism group under certain conditions. We introduce a new class of parallelisms, occurring in every affine SL(2,q)\mathrm{SL}(2,q)-unital of odd order. Finally, we present the results of a computer search, including three new affine SL(2,8)\mathrm{SL}(2,8)-unitals and twelve new SL(2,4)\mathrm{SL}(2,4)-unitals

    Groups generated by derangements

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    Funding: the research of the last two authors is supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP200101951. This work was supported by EPSRC grant no EP/R014604/1. In addition, the second author was supported by a Simons Fellowship.We examine the subgroup D(G) of a transitive permutation group G which is generated by the derangements in G. Our main results bound the index of this subgroup: we conjecture that, if G has degree n and is not a Frobenius group, then |G:D(G)|≤ √n-1; we prove this except when G is a primitive affine group. For affine groups, we translate our conjecture into an equivalent form regarding |H:R(H)|, where H is a linear group on a finite vector space and R(H) is the subgroup of H generated by elements having eigenvalue 1. If G is a Frobenius group, then D(G) is the Frobenius kernel, and so G/D(G) is isomorphic to a Frobenius complement. We give some examples where D(G) ≠ G, and examine the group-theoretic structure of G/D(G); in particular, we construct groups G in which G/D(G) is not a Frobenius complement.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Quantum ergodicity on the Bruhat-Tits building for PGL(3,F)\text{PGL}(3, F) in the Benjamini-Schramm limit

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    We study eigenfunctions of the spherical Hecke algebra acting on L2(Γn\G/K)L^2(\Gamma_n \backslash G / K) where G=PGL(3,F)G = \text{PGL}(3, F) with FF a non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero, K=PGL(3,O)K = \text{PGL}(3, \mathcal{O}) with O\mathcal{O} the ring of integers of FF, and (Γn)(\Gamma_n) is a sequence of cocompact torsionfree lattices. We prove a form of equidistribution on average for eigenfunctions whose spectral parameters lie in the tempered spectrum when the associated sequence of quotients of the Bruhat-Tits building Benjamini-Schramm converges to the building itself.Comment: 111 pages, 25 figures, 2 table
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