34 research outputs found

    On multivariate polynomials in Bernstein–BĂ©zier form and tensor algebra

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    AbstractThe Bernstein–BĂ©zier representation of polynomials is a very useful tool in computer aided geometric design. In this paper we make use of (multilinear) tensors to describe and manipulate multivariate polynomials in their Bernstein–BĂ©zier form. As an application we consider Hermite interpolation with polynomials and splines

    On C2 cubic quasi-interpolating splines and their computation by subdivision via blossoming

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    We discuss the construction of C2 cubic spline quasi-interpolation schemes defined on a refined partition. These schemes are reduced in terms of degrees of freedom compared to those existing in the literature. Namely, we provide a rule for reducing them by imposing super-smoothing conditions while preserving full smoothness and cubic precision. In addition, we provide subdivision rules by means of blossoming. The derived rules are designed to express the B-spline coefficients associated with a finer partition from those associated with the former one."Maria de Maeztu" Excellence Unit IMAG (University of Granada, Spain) CEX2020-001105-MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033University of Granada University of Granada/CBU

    The apolar bilinear form in geometric modeling

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    Some recent methods of Computer Aided Geometric Design are related to the apolar bilinear form, an inner product on the space of homogeneous multivariate polynomials of a fixed degree, already known in 19th century invariant theory. Using a generalized version of this inner product, we derive in a straightforward way some of the recent results in CAGD, like Marsden's identity, the expression for the de Boor-Fix functionals, and recursion schemes for the computation of B-patches and their derivatives

    Handling convexity-like constraints in variational problems

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    We provide a general framework to construct finite dimensional approximations of the space of convex functions, which also applies to the space of c-convex functions and to the space of support functions of convex bodies. We give estimates of the distance between the approximation space and the admissible set. This framework applies to the approximation of convex functions by piecewise linear functions on a mesh of the domain and by other finite-dimensional spaces such as tensor-product splines. We show how these discretizations are well suited for the numerical solution of problems of calculus of variations under convexity constraints. Our implementation relies on proximal algorithms, and can be easily parallelized, thus making it applicable to large scale problems in dimension two and three. We illustrate the versatility and the efficiency of our approach on the numerical solution of three problems in calculus of variation : 3D denoising, the principal agent problem, and optimization within the class of convex bodies.Comment: 23 page

    Bernstein operators for exponential polynomials

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    Let LL be a linear differential operator with constant coefficients of order nn and complex eigenvalues λ0,...,λn\lambda_{0},...,\lambda_{n}. Assume that the set UnU_{n} of all solutions of the equation Lf=0Lf=0 is closed under complex conjugation. If the length of the interval [a,b][ a,b] is smaller than π/Mn\pi /M_{n}, where M_{n}:=\max \left\{| \text{Im}% \lambda_{j}| :j=0,...,n\right\} , then there exists a basis pn,kp_{n,k}%, k=0,...nk=0,...n, of the space UnU_{n} with the property that each pn,kp_{n,k} has a zero of order kk at aa and a zero of order n−kn-k at b,b, and each % p_{n,k} is positive on the open interval (a,b).(a,b) . Under the additional assumption that λ0\lambda_{0} and λ1\lambda_{1} are real and distinct, our first main result states that there exist points a=t0<t1<...<tn=b% a=t_{0}<t_{1}<...<t_{n}=b and positive numbers α0,..,αn\alpha_{0},..,\alpha_{n}%, such that the operator \begin{equation*} B_{n}f:=\sum_{k=0}^{n}\alpha_{k}f(t_{k}) p_{n,k}(x) \end{equation*} satisfies Bneλjx=eλjxB_{n}e^{\lambda_{j}x}=e^{\lambda_{j}x}, for j=0,1.j=0,1. The second main result gives a sufficient condition guaranteeing the uniform convergence of BnfB_{n}f to ff for each f∈C[a,b]f\in C[ a,b] .Comment: A very similar version is to appear in Constructive Approximatio

    Some properties of LR-splines

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    Recently a new approach to piecewise polynomial spaces generated by B-spline has been presented by T. Dokken, T. Lyche and H.F. Pettersen, namely Locally Refined splines. In their recent work (Dokken et al., 2013) they define the LR B-spline collection and provide tools to compute the space dimension. Here different properties of the LR-splines are analyzed: in particular the coefficients for polynomial representations and their relation with other properties such as linear independence and the number of B-splines covering each element. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Jacobi polynomials in Bernstein form

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    AbstractThe paper describes a method to compute a basis of mutually orthogonal polynomials with respect to an arbitrary Jacobi weight on the simplex. This construction takes place entirely in terms of the coefficients with respect to the so-called Bernstein–BĂ©zier form of a polynomial