194,862 research outputs found

    Prohibited Floor Trading Activities Under the Commodity Exchange Act

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    In algorithmic graph theory, a classic open question is to determine the complexity of the Maximum Independent Set problem on Pt -free graphs, that is, on graphs not containing any induced path on t vertices. So far, polynomial-time algorithms are known only for t≤5 (Lokshtanov et al., in: Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms, SODA 2014, Portland, OR, USA, January 5–7, 2014, pp 570–581, 2014), and an algorithm for t=6 announced recently (Grzesik et al. in Polynomial-time algorithm for maximum weight independent set on P6 -free graphs. CoRR, arXiv:1707.05491, 2017). Here we study the existence of subexponential-time algorithms for the problem: we show that for any t≥1 , there is an algorithm for Maximum Independent Set on Pt -free graphs whose running time is subexponential in the number of vertices. Even for the weighted version MWIS, the problem is solvable in 2O(tnlogn√) time on Pt -free graphs. For approximation of MIS in broom-free graphs, a similar time bound is proved. Scattered Set is the generalization of Maximum Independent Set where the vertices of the solution are required to be at distance at least d from each other. We give a complete characterization of those graphs H for which d-Scattered Set on H-free graphs can be solved in time subexponential in the size of the input (that is, in the number of vertices plus the number of edges): If every component of H is a path, then d-Scattered Set on H-free graphs with n vertices and m edges can be solved in time 2O(|V(H)|n+m√log(n+m)) , even if d is part of the input. Otherwise, assuming the Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH), there is no 2o(n+m) -time algorithm for d-Scattered Set for any fixed d≥3 on H-free graphs with n-vertices and m-edges

    H-free graphs, Independent Sets, and subexponential-time algorithms

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    It is an old open question in algorithmic graph theory to determine the complexity of the Maximum Independent Set problem on Pt-free graphs, that is, on graphs not containing any induced path on t vertices. So far, polynomial-time algorithms are known only for t ≤ 5 [Lokshtanov et al., SODA 2014, pp. 570-581, 2014]. Here we study the existence of subexponential-time algorithms for the problem: by generalizing an earlier result of Randerath and Schiermeyer for t = 5 [Discrete Appl. Math., 158 (2010), pp. 1041-1044], we show that for any t ≥ 5, there is an algorithm for Maximum Independent Set on Pt-free graphs whose running time is subexponential in the number of vertices. Scattered Set is the generalization of Maximum Independent Set where the vertices of the solution are required to be at distance at least d from each other. We give a complete characterization of those graphs H for which d-Scattered Set on H-free graphs can be solved in time subexponential in the size of the input (that is, in the number of vertices plus number of edges): If every component of H is a path, then d-Scattered Set on H-free graphs with n vertices and m edges can be solved in time 2(n+m) 1-O(1/|V (H)|), even if d is part of the input. Otherwise, assuming ETH, there is no 2o(n+m)-time algorithm for d-Scattered Set for any fixed d ≥ 3 on H-free graphs with n-vertices and m-edges. © 2016 Gábor Bacsó, Dániel Marx, and Zsolt Tuza

    Generalized feedback vertex set problems on bounded-treewidth graphs: chordality is the key to single-exponential parameterised algorithms

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    It has long been known that Feedback Vertex Set can be solved in time 2^O(w log w)n^O(1) on graphs of treewidth w, but it was only recently that this running time was improved to 2^O(w)n^O(1), that is, to single-exponential parameterized by treewidth. We investigate which generalizations of Feedback Vertex Set can be solved in a similar running time. Formally, for a class of graphs P, Bounded P-Block Vertex Deletion asks, given a graph G on n vertices and positive integers k and d, whether G contains a set S of at most k vertices such that each block of G-S has at most d vertices and is in P. Assuming that P is recognizable in polynomial time and satisfies a certain natural hereditary condition, we give a sharp characterization of when single-exponential parameterized algorithms are possible for fixed values of d: - if P consists only of chordal graphs, then the problem can be solved in time 2^O(wd^2) n^{O}(1), - if P contains a graph with an induced cycle of length ell>= 4, then the problem is not solvable in time 2^{o(w log w)} n^O(1)} even for fixed d=ell, unless the ETH fails. We also study a similar problem, called Bounded P-Component Vertex Deletion, where the target graphs have connected components of small size instead of having blocks of small size, and present analogous results

    Generalized feedback vertex set problems on bounded-treewidth graphs: chordality is the key to single-exponential parameterised algorithms

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    It has long been known that Feedback Vertex Set can be solved in time 2^O(w log w)n^O(1) on graphs of treewidth w, but it was only recently that this running time was improved to 2^O(w)n^O(1), that is, to single-exponential parameterized by treewidth. We investigate which generalizations of Feedback Vertex Set can be solved in a similar running time. Formally, for a class of graphs P, Bounded P-Block Vertex Deletion asks, given a graph G on n vertices and positive integers k and d, whether G contains a set S of at most k vertices such that each block of G-S has at most d vertices and is in P. Assuming that P is recognizable in polynomial time and satisfies a certain natural hereditary condition, we give a sharp characterization of when single-exponential parameterized algorithms are possible for fixed values of d: - if P consists only of chordal graphs, then the problem can be solved in time 2^O(wd^2) n^{O}(1), - if P contains a graph with an induced cycle of length ell>= 4, then the problem is not solvable in time 2^{o(w log w)} n^O(1)} even for fixed d=ell, unless the ETH fails. We also study a similar problem, called Bounded P-Component Vertex Deletion, where the target graphs have connected components of small size instead of having blocks of small size, and present analogous results

    Edge-Stable Equimatchable Graphs

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    A graph GG is \emph{equimatchable} if every maximal matching of GG has the same cardinality. We are interested in equimatchable graphs such that the removal of any edge from the graph preserves the equimatchability. We call an equimatchable graph GG \emph{edge-stable} if GeG\setminus {e}, that is the graph obtained by the removal of edge ee from GG, is also equimatchable for any eE(G)e \in E(G). After noticing that edge-stable equimatchable graphs are either 2-connected factor-critical or bipartite, we characterize edge-stable equimatchable graphs. This characterization yields an O(min(n3.376,n1.5m))O(\min(n^{3.376}, n^{1.5}m)) time recognition algorithm. Lastly, we introduce and shortly discuss the related notions of edge-critical, vertex-stable and vertex-critical equimatchable graphs. In particular, we emphasize the links between our work and the well-studied notion of shedding vertices, and point out some open questions