958,364 research outputs found

    Soft behaviour modelling of user communities

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    A soft modelling approach for describing behaviour in on-line user communities is introduced in this work. Behaviour models of individual users in dynamic virtual environments have been described in the literature in terms of timed transition automata; they have various drawbacks. Soft multi/agent behaviour automata are defined and proposed to describe multiple user behaviours and to recognise larger classes of user group histories, such as group histories which contain unexpected behaviours. The notion of deviation from the user community model allows defining a soft parsing process which assesses and evaluates the dynamic behaviour of a group of users interacting in virtual environments, such as e-learning and e-business platforms. The soft automaton model can describe virtually infinite sequences of actions due to multiple users and subject to temporal constraints. Soft measures assess a form of distance of observed behaviours by evaluating the amount of temporal deviation, additional or omitted actions contained in an observed history as well as actions performed by unexpected users. The proposed model allows the soft recognition of user group histories also when the observed actions only partially meet the given behaviour model constraints. This approach is more realistic for real-time user community support systems, concerning standard boolean model recognition, when more than one user model is potentially available, and the extent of deviation from community behaviour models can be used as a guide to generate the system support by anticipation, projection and other known techniques. Experiments based on logs from an e-learning platform and plan compilation of the soft multi-agent behaviour automaton show the expressiveness of the proposed model

    An Examination of Character Recognition on ID card using Template Matching Approach

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    AbstractIdentification card (ID cards) becomes the main reference in obtaining information of a citizen. Some business sectors require the information contained in the ID card to perform the registration process. In general, the registration process is still using a form to be filled in accordance with the data on the ID card, which will then be converted into digital data by means of retyping the information. The purpose of this research is to create a character recognition system on the ID card where the character recognition process included into four stages: pre-processing, text-area extraction, segmentation and recognition. The experiment includes some tests of greyscale, binarization and segmentation algorithm, as well as the combination of those algorithms. Text area extractor showed satisfactory results of identifying text-area on the ID card, which can scope all the entire area that consist of text. In the segmentation stage, approximately 93% of character can be cut off correctly. The actual character will be mapped to the template character using two algorithms where the division grid of each of them is different. Nevertheless, the recognition process of applying the template method matching still needs to be improved back

    Enhancing Security Authentication of Information System using Morse code and Facial Recognition

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    Information Technology Management is combination of Data Exchange, Algorithm Development, and implementation of various technologies in order to solve the problems related to Information System security. The applications of data science are used by almost all Information Systems in various domains like educational institutions, finance, healthcare, business to handle large volumes of data. The practical applications range from predicting stock movement to predicting cancer. It is used in image processing to identity recognition, audio processing for speech to text prediction. Since authentication and security of the Information System are still not completely secure and is a matter of concern, we are able to implement a real time eye-tracing along with the facial feature recognition using Morse Code based secured authentication system to enhance the Security aspects of the Information Systems. Most of the traditional Information Systems have a single layer of security authentication and cannot be relied upon. In our findings, we do not find the existing systems to be completely secure and hence we focus on implementing multiple layers of unique security authentications using eyeball movements to form a distinct Morse Code and the facial feature recognitio


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    Abstract   The form of corporate crime (business crime) in our research is the crime of investments with pyramid schemes, the initial concentration of the pyramid scheme is within the jurisdiction of civil law and economic law turns into a legal matter that enters the jurisdiction. This is because the company that develops the business does not have good faith in the management of the company (good governance) corporate crime settlement strategy in pyramid business which be done through penal mediation. Penal mediation may be made if the parties (offerors, offerees, and corporations) involved value each other and the results obtained in penal mediation, because the most important principle in penal mediation is the recognition of guilt and forgiveness by the injured party resulting from acts to achieve a win solution in the effort to bring responsibility for the perpetrator and the victim. In the criminal justice system at both level of investigation, prosecution and court proceedings there is a possibility of penal mediation by adhering to the principle of legal assurance, legal order and justice

    Corporate social responsibility with special reference to a life assurance society

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    Bibliography: pages 373-389.This thesis deals with the topic of corporate social responsibility and represents an effort to treat it as a management issue in the context of a large insurance society. Today we live in a world of increasing complexity, growth and change. Attempts to gain a greater understanding and insight into the functioning of our world have led to the development of an analytical method called the 'systems approach', whereby instead of explaining the whole in terms of its parts, the parts are explained in terms of the whole. The systems approach is a holistic method of analysing systems. The outputs of one system form the inputs to another. The analysis of any system must deal with the twin phenomena of complexity and interrelatedness. Each system is in itself quite complex but nevertheless has many interrelated elements organised to achieve the set objectives of the system. The systems approach is potentially useful when considering the complexities of a modern business organisation. Indeed, the conscious recognition of the business organisation as a dynamic whole brings with it the awareness of the difficulty of the managerial process. Systems thinking compels management to realise that their organisation is only a subsystem of a larger system - the society whose mandate legitimises their organisation's purpose and existence. The organisation's outputs are its inputs to the society, and vice versa. This interrelationship imposes certain obligations and restrictions on the manner in which the organisation conducts its business to ensure the increased well- being of the society as a whole

    Constituting the co-operative: law and the political in the history of the English co-operative movement

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    Co-operatives are often regarded as alternatives to capitalist forms of business organisation. This thesis argues that this alterity has been circumscribed by the legal recognition and constitution of co-operatives as bodies corporate within a broader system of political economy in the mid-nineteenth century, in which co-operatives came to be regarded primarily as commercial entities. Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault, this thesis pursues a genealogy of the co-operative in order to expose the conditions of its constitution, beginning with a critique of dominant historiographical approaches to the co-operative movement that regard legal recognition as ‘enabling’ for a co-operative form that already existed outside the law. Following an alternative historical account that locates the beginnings of the co-operative movement in the late eighteenth century, in what E.P. Thompson referred to as the ‘moral economy of the English crowd’, this thesis situates legal recognition within shifting forms of power and governmentality in the creation of the modern state, while also emphasising the historicity of the legal form of the body corporate. The body corporate imports a transcendent form of unity from the medieval church that becomes normalised in the nineteenth century as part of the emergence of liberal and biopolitical governmentality, serving as a form of metaphysical enclosure that facilitates market discipline. While co-operatives do offer a meaningful alternative by virtue of an ethos of mutuality derived from the moral economy, this thesis argues that legal recognition was depoliticising for the co-operative, not in the narrow terms of political economy, but through what Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy refer to as ‘the closure of the political’

    Evolution of Business Organizations in the European Periphery: Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic, 1850-1950 (EVOBUSORG)

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    "This project examines how business organizations evolved in the European periphery by focusing on the organizational form and economic performance of enterprises formed in Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic during 1850-1950. The objective is to explore the relationship between organizational law, entrepreneurial choice, and economic performance in a case study where the dominance of foreign capital and legal borrowing is evident. The researcher will create a database including the number and types of firms by using hitherto unexamined archival resources in the Prime Ministry's archives in Istanbul and the Republican Archives in Ankara. This database will be used to explore the relationship between business law and economic change through statistical analysis and a historical survey of commercial law, in particular incorporation laws. First, the evolution of business enterprises and how they performed in the Turkish/Ottoman context will be evaluated with a view to other cases that have been more extensively examined such as France and Spain. This comparative analysis will be used to assess competing theories about the origins and implications of different forms of business organization. Second, historical evidence on the choice of business form will be examined against the background of changes in social, political, and legal institutions. This will help us reconsider dominant views about historical roots of the region’s economic backwardness, i.e. the theories about the heritage of the authoritarian rule or the Islamic legal system. Through both channels, the project will provide insights for the current challenges posed by global processes which require recognition of institutional dissonance and seek tools for harmonization and economic integration."EU, Funded under : FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CI

    Peningkatan Kinerja Pelaku Industri Rumah Tangga Kreatif Melalui Kemampuan Inovasi Dan Branding Produk Literasi Melalui Teknologi Dan Pengenalan Peluang Bisnis

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    The biggest problems faced by home industry players are difficulties in marketing products and lack of skills in using technology as well as a lack of product quality assurance which causes difficulties in accessing a wider market. The aim of this service is to improve the performance of creative home industry players through innovation capabilities and product branding through technological literacy and recognition of business opportunities. The method used in this service starts from the planning process, implementing activities and monitoring evaluation. In the process of implementing activities in the form of providing training using lecture and discussion methods as well as mentoring to participants. This program was carried out by a team of ITSK Lecturers and Students Sugeng Hartono with the target being household food industry players who are members of ASEMKESUR in Solo Raya. The results of this program are that household food industry players obtain a PIRT licensing certificate as a quality guarantee for business products and use digital platforms to support the progress of their business.Keywords: Bookkeeping System, Micro Small And Medium Enterprises, PIRT     Licensin
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