13 research outputs found

    The impact of applying effort to reduce activity variability on the project time and cost performance

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    During project execution, deviations from the baseline schedule are inevitable due to the presence of uncertainty and variability. To assure successful project completion, the project’s progress should be monitored and corrective actions should be taken to get the project back on track. This paper presents an integrated project control procedure for measuring the project’s progress and taking corrective actions when necessary. We apply corrective actions that reduce the activity variability to improve the project outcome. Therefore, we quantify the relation between the applied managerial effort and the reduction in activity variability. Moreover, we define three distinct control strategies to take corrective actions on activities, i.e. an interventive strategy, a preventive strategy and a hybrid strategy. A computational experiment is conducted to evaluate the performance of these strategies. The results of this experiment show that different strategies are preferred depending on the topological network structure of projects. More specifically, the interventive strategy and hybrid strategy are preferred for parallel projects, while the preventive strategy is preferred for serial projects

    Explainable machine learning for project management control

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    Project control is a crucial phase within project management aimed at ensuring —in an integrated manner— that the project objectives are met according to plan. Earned Value Management —along with its various refinements— is the most popular and widespread method for top-down project control. For project control under uncertainty, Monte Carlo simulation and statistical/machine learning models extend the earned value framework by allowing the analysis of deviations, expected times and costs during project progress. Recent advances in explainable machine learning, in particular attribution methods based on Shapley values, can be used to link project control to activity properties, facilitating the interpretation of interrelations between activity characteristics and control objectives. This work proposes a new methodology that adds an explainability layer based on SHAP —Shapley Additive exPlanations— to different machine learning models fitted to Monte Carlo simulations of the project network during tracking control points. Specifically, our method allows for both prospective and retrospective analyses, which have different utilities: forward analysis helps to identify key relationships between the different tasks and the desired outcomes, thus being useful to make execution/replanning decisions; and backward analysis serves to identify the causes of project status during project progress. Furthermore, this method is general, model-agnostic and provides quantifiable and easily interpretable information, hence constituting a valuable tool for project control in uncertain environments

    Provider Education to Improve Knowledge Regarding the Diagnosis and Treatment of Insomnia in Primary Care.

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    The management of insomnia in older adults is suboptimal and leads to systemic problems for patients as well as increased costs to provide care. Evaluations of staff knowledge regarding the treatment of insomnia consistently indicate that primary care providers lack an understanding of how to manage and assess this problem accurately and effectively in practice. To address this gap in provider knowledge a quality improvement project to increase healthcare provider knowledge at a primary care facility in Miami, Florida, was undertaken. The project, which utilized a quasi-experimental pre-/post-intervention assessment framework, was carried out at IMC Health between June and July of 2021. A total of 12 primary care providers working at the facility agreed to participate in an educational program that was provided through a YouTube video created by the project’s co-investigator. Pre- and post-intervention assessments of provider knowledge were assessed using a modified version of the Assessment of Sleep Knowledge in Medical Education (ASKME) survey. A comparison of mean knowledge scores from the pre-intervention to the post-intervention demonstrated an increase from 49 to 98. A paired t-test was used to the results and demonstrated statistical significance at p = 0.001. The results support the use of a staff education to help improve knowledge of the management and treatment of insomnia in older adults. Based on the results, recommendations are made to expand the program to include more providers at diverse practice sites

    Strategies to Promote IT Project Success

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    Many project managers and business leaders lack effective strategies to manage information technology (IT) projects, which may inhibit business leaders from successfully implementing IT changes. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that IT leaders use to successfully implement IT projects. The target population consisted of IT leaders in IT organizations located in the Saint Louis Metro East area. The conceptual framework consisted of the general systems theory and the coordination theory. Data collection included organizational documents and semistructured interviews with 6 qualified participants. Data analysis included coding and thematic analysis, member checking, and methodological triangulation. The 4 themes emerging from the data analysis included (a) effective communication, (b) project planning, (c) project execution management, and (d) project closure. The themes highlighted practical strategies to effectively manage the implementation of IT projects. Findings may enhance the organization\u27s position and provide additional employment opportunities in the community

    Identificación, análisis e integración de diferentes métodos de control de costes para la dirección y gestión de proyectos con la herramienta MS Project

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    [ES] El control de costes de proyectos es un proceso fundamental para cumplir con éxito el objetivo de un proyecto. Mediante el control de los costes un director de proyectos puede identificar desvíos en el proyecto y por consiguiente tomar acciones correctivas de forma temprana, permitiendo finalizar dentro del presupuesto establecido en la etapa de planificación. Uno de los objetivos principales del control de costes es poder estimar los costes finales a partir de las desviaciones. Para realizar esto, existe una extensa variedad de métodos, especialmente abordado desde el enfoque de la gestión del valor ganado. A esto cabe añadir que actualmente los proyectos se dirigen necesariamente complementados por software de gestión, siendo Microsoft Project el más popular y que basa el control de costes en método del valor ganado. Sobre estas evidencias, el presente Trabajo Fin de Master pretende integrar diferentes métodos en la herramienta MS Project con el fin de permitir a los directores de proyectos un análisis más detallado del desarrollo de los proyectos empleando diferentes métodos de control de costes. Para ello se llevará a cabo una identificación, análisis y clasificación de diferentes métodos presentes en la literatura. Adicionalmente se seleccionarán, según su relevancia y capacidad de integración con MS Project y sus herramientas de control. Finalmente, se efecturá a una evaluación de la eficacia y complejidad de las integraciones propuestas, buscando a su vez establecer futuras líneas de mejora o investigación al respecto.[EN] Project cost control is a fundamental process to successfully achieve the objective of a project. Through cost control a project manager can identify deviations in the project, therefore take earlying corrective actions, allowing to finalize within the budget established in the planning stage. One of the main objectives of cost control is to estimate final costs from variances. In order to, there is a wide variety of methods, especially raised from the approach to earned value management. In addition, projects are currently necessarily managed complemented by management software, where as Microsoft Project is the most popular and based on cost control of the earned value management. On this evidence, this final project of master aims to integrate different methods into the MS Project tool in order to allow project managers an analysis more detailed of project development using different methods of control of costs. In relation to the above, an identification, analysis and classification of different methods present in the literature is carried out. Additionally, its will be selected, according to their relevance and ability to integrate with MS Project and its control tools. Finally, an evaluation of the effectiveness and complexity of the proposed integrations will be carried out, in the search to establish future lines of improvement or research in this regardSegovia Araya, BL. (2020). Identificación, análisis e integración de diferentes métodos de control de costes para la dirección y gestión de proyectos con la herramienta MS Project. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/137337TFG

    The relationship and effectiveness of project planning constructs for project success

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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the effectiveness of project planning on project success that is achieved by reviewing the relationship at the conceptual model that created based on stakeholder theory, project success framework, and literature review in the concept of planning, project management and project success. This study used the online quantitative cross-sectional survey with 30 questions to collect the data from project managers (n=139) without limitation on industry and location. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Modelling, and multiple regression statistical analysis were used to analyse the data. Findings presented the positive statistical relationship at a 95% confidence level between 1) Time management and project management satisfaction 2) Cost management and Project management satisfaction, and 3) planning and project success. Managers can use the time and cost management constructs to satisfy their stakeholders and achieve project success. This study contributes to the current literature on project success, also add new insights on both time and cost management, as well as project management satisfaction. Moreover, business domains can use the results of this study to better understand investment requirements in planning for their organisations.Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2018.kr2019Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)MB

    Proposta de um Modelo Híbrido Risco-Eficiência para a Gestão de Projetos

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    A derrapagem dos prazos da calendarização e a ultrapassagem do orçamento previs-tos para os projetos são duas grandes preocupações no âmbito da gestão de projetos. Como tal, é essencial elaborar uma calendarização exequível e implementar metodologias que permitam monitorizar de forma mais eficiente os princípios de tempo e de custo da gestão de projetos. Em adição, no ambiente de negócio altamente competitivo, complexo e volátil da atualidade, é imprescindível considerar e gerir a incerteza inerente aos projetos, minimi-zando os riscos aos quais estes estão sujeitos para que cumpram com o planeamento. A Gestão de Projetos pela Cadeia Crítica (CCPM) e a Gestão do Valor Realizado (EVM) são duas metodologias de suporte à gestão de projetos amplamente validadas pela comunidade científica e adotadas nas mais diversificadas organizações. A CCPM foca-se fundamentalmente na gestão do tempo e dos riscos associados ao desvio dos prazos. A EVM foca-se na gestão dos custos e dos prazos, integrando o desenvolvimento das atividades dos projetos. Ambas as metodologias apresentam vantagens e limitações, identificando-se a oportunidade de se complementarem num modelo integrado que maximiza as primeiras e resolve as segundas, através da gestão simultânea dos custos e dos prazos, considerando os riscos associados e disponibilizando indicadores de projeção de estados futuros do projeto. Na presente dissertação foi elaborada a revisão bibliográfica da CCPM, da EVM e da sua integração por forma a propor-se um modelo com vista à otimização das forças associa-das a cada uma das metodologias, acrescentando valor ao processo de monitorização de projetos. Assim, deu-se o desenvolvimento do Modelo Híbrido Risco-Eficiência (MHRE) e posterior implementação em dois casos de estudo numa empresa do setor automóvel. Os resultados do estudo demonstram que o MHRE permitiu aumentar a robustez do processo de monitorização de projetos, através de um controlo integrado dos custos e prazos que considera, simultaneamente, o desempenho e o risco do projeto, possibilitando uma previsão mais eficiente do estado futuro do mesmo.Project schedule slippage and budget overruns are two major concerns in project man-agement. Therefore, it is essential to develop a feasible time schedule and implement meth-ods to monitor more efficiently the time and cost principles of project management. In addi-tion, in today's highly competitive, complex and volatile business environment, it is essential to consider and manage the uncertainty inherent to projects, minimising the risks to which they are exposed to in order to comply with planning. Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) and Earned Value Management (EVM) are two project management support methodologies widely validated by the scientific community and adopted in a wide range of organisations. CCPM focuses primarily on time management and the risks associated with deadlines' deviations. EVM focuses on cost and time management, integrating the development of project activities. Both methodologies have advantages and limitations, which makes the case for identifying the opportunity to complement each other in an integrated model that maximises their strengths, through the simultaneous management of costs and deadlines, considering the associated risks and providing projection indicators of future project status. In this dissertation, a bibliographic review of CCPM, EVM and their integration was carried out in order to propose a model to optimise the strengths associated with each of the methodologies, adding value to the process of project monitoring phase. Thus, the Hybrid Risk-Efficiency Model (HREM) was developed and then implemented in two case studies in a company of the automotive sector. The results of the study show that the MHRE allowed increasing the robustness of the project monitoring process, through an integrated control of costs and deadlines that simul-taneously considers project's performance and risk, enabling a more efficient prediction of project's future state

    Exploring Information Technology Return on Investment Reports for Planning, Budgeting, and Implementation

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    The failure rate of new government information technology (IT) projects in developing countries is high, with 35% classified as total failures and approximately 50% as partial failures. The population for this study was 10 senior managers of a public sector organization in Uganda selected because of high IT project successes achieved through leveraging IT return on investment (ROI) reports. The purpose of this qualitative single-case study was to explore the strategies Ugandan senior public sector officials used to leverage IT ROI reports during planning, budgeting, and implementation of IT projects to reduce failure rates. The conceptual frameworks were the strategic IT alignment model and framework for success. Qualitative data were collected through face-to-face interviews and review of the organization performance reports. Member checking of interview and document review data were used to strengthen credibility of the findings. The following themes emerged: involve senior managers in IT ROI reporting; use previous IT performance reports during planning, budgeting, and implementation; empower project teams to undertake IT ROI performance assessment; ensure completeness of the IT ROI reports; ensure comprehensive monitoring and evaluation indicators for IT projects; ensure availability of periodic IT ROI reports; and implement a change management program. The findings may contribute to social change by providing key strategies senior public sector officials might leverage during planning, budgeting, and implementation of IT projects to reduce failures, lead to increased citizen access to e-government services, and promote transparent government