1,127 research outputs found

    A Comparison Between Trend Following (Tidy Little Robot – TLR) and Reversal Trading (Dirty Little Robot – DLR) Algobot Strategies

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    Algorithmic trading has become a defining force in modern financial markets, offering traders precision, speed, and automation. This article explores the world of algorithmic trading through the lens of two distinct algobots, Tidy Little Robot (TLR) and Dirty Little Robot (DLR). Developed using Pine Script 5 on the TradingView platform and implemented on the Pionex exchange, these algobots navigate the BTC/USDT perpetual market with a 1-minute timeframe. TLR excels in trend-following scenarios, while DLR specializes in identifying reversals. The study delves into their performance, methodology, implications, interpretations, limitations, and future research prospects, offering valuable insights into the evolving landscape of algorithmic trading

    Current challenges and methods in adherence with mHealth applications used for alcohol use monitoring and reduction

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    Abstract. Smartphones have become ubiquitous in the modern world; with them business of mobile applications (apps) has risen. Included in these applications are mobile health (mHealth), also referred as electronic health (eHealth), apps that are designed to aid people suffering from a variety of health issues. In this thesis the focus is on apps that aid people with alcohol related issues. Goal for this thesis was to study the current field of existing mobile applications that, deal in people suffering from substance use issues, mainly excessive drinking. Specific focus is on the adherence of those apps and how they plan to maintain it. Using this existing expertise and utilizing a Design Science Research (DSR) approach, MyLimits, a design prototype of mHealth application was designed. MyLimits aims at aiding young adults to self-manage their drinking amounts and habits better, with the purpose of designing an app that is would be able to maintain adherence among its users. Two new features were innovated for MyLimits to improve its adherence and these new features were an unnoticeable mode for widget feature and regular check-up meetings with a chatbot. MyLimits and its new features were evaluated in interview sessions with members of the target age group, along with gathering experiences and thoughts on adherence in behaviour change apps. The research found that existing alcohol related mHealth apps apply a variety of tools for their users. Personal monitoring tools such as self-reporting and goals settings a popular among many others. Social features are also common allowing users to connect with other users, health professionals or people who have experience in reducing their drinking. Gamification and rewarding systems are on the forefront of upcoming apps, but their actual affects still require studying. Findings on adherence show that mHealth app’s adherence benefits from segmenting the progress as behaviour change requires a long-term process. Visits and communication with a health counsellor were a great predictor for adherence. Other key aspect to adherence were tailoring to allow the user to personalize their mHealth tool and reminders have been shown to increase adherence and effectiveness of the interventions. The small number of interviewees was a limitation for this thesis, with five interviewees being interviewed. This was greatly affected by the COVID-19 situation affecting the world during the fall of 2020. Therefore, the interviews were done online, by use of audio call and screen sharing. This removed the possibility for testing the app in a real-world scenario. The interviewees did not have self-reported issues with drinking, and this could affect how sensitively they see the topic. Measuring adherence requires a longer period of monitoring and testing, greatly limiting the potential of evaluating the adherence of MyLimits.Tiivistelmä. Älypuhelimet ovat kaikkialla nykymaailmassa ja niiden yleistyttyä on syntynyt uusia liiketoiminnan aloja, kuten mobiilisovellukset. Näihin lukeutuvat myös mobiiliterveys- eli mHealt-sovellukset sekä muut terveys- eli eHealth-sovellukset, jotka on suunniteltu auttamaan erilaisista terveysongelmista kärsiviä ihmisiä. Tämä tutkielma keskittyy alkoholin käytön ja juomisen seurantaan ja raportointiin liittyviin sovelluksiin. Tutkielmassa tarkkaillaan olemassa olevia alkoholiin liittyviä mobiilisovelluksia. Erityisesti tutkielmassa keskitytään sovellusten antamiin ohjeistuksiin ja niiden noudattamiseen sekä siihen, miten sovellukset parantavat käytön jatkuvuutta. Hyödyntämällä olemassa olevia taustatutkimuksia ja suunnittelutieteellisen (DSR) tutkimuksen lähestymistapaa, tässä tutkielmassa suunniteltiin mHealth-sovellusprototyyppi, MyLimits. MyLimitsin tarkoitus on auttaa nuoria aikuisia hallitsemaan juomismääriään ja -tapojaan paremmin samalla, kun sovelluksen kehityksessä keskitytään ylläpitämään käytön jatkuvuutta. MyLimitsille kehitettiin kaksi täysin uutta ominaisuutta, joiden tarkoituksena on sitouttaa käyttäjiä. Nämä uudet ominaisuudet ovat huomaamaton tila (unnoticiable mode) widget-pienohjelmaominaisuudelle sekä säännölliset tarkastustapaamiset chattibotin kanssa. MyLimitsiä ja sen uusia ominaisuuksia arvioitiin haastattelemalla kohderyhmään sopivia henkilöitä. Haastatteluissa kerättiin myös haastateltavien kokemuksia ja ajatuksia käyttäytymisenmuutossovellusten käytöstä ja niiden antamien ohjeiden noudattamisesta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että nykyiset alkoholin käyttöön liittyvät mHealth-sovellukset tarjoavat useita erilaisia työkaluja käyttäjilleen. Henkilökohtaiset seurantatyökalut, kuten itseraportointi ja tavoitteiden asettaminen, ovat suosittuja. Yleisiä ovat myös sosiaaliset työkalut, joilla käyttäjät voivat olla yhteydessä toisiin käyttäjiin, terveydenhuollon ammattilaisiin tai ihmisiin, joilla on kokemusta juomisen vähentämisestä. Tulevaisuuden sovellusten eturintamassa testataan nykyisin pelillistämis- ja palkitsemisjärjestelmiä, mutta niiden vaikutukset edellyttävät vielä lisätutkimuksia. Käyttäjien sitoutumista testattaessa on huomattu, että mHealth-sovelluksen antamien ohjeiden noudattaminen vahvistuu edistymistä segmentoimalla, sillä pysyvä käytöksen muutos on pitkäaikainen prosessi. Tapaamiset ja viestintä terveydenhuollon henkilökunnan kanssa olivat tutkimuksen mukaan erinomaisia työkaluja sovelluksen antamien ohjeiden noudattamisen kannalta. Muita keskeisiä löytöjä ohjeiden noudattamiseen liittyen olivat sovelluksen mukauttaminen, jotta käyttäjä voi muokata sovelluksen työkaluja mieltymystensä mukaisesti, sekä muistutukset, joiden todettiin myös lisäävän sovellusten ohjeiden noudattamista ja yleistä tehokkuutta. Yksi rajoitus tutkimukselle oli haastateltavien pieni lukumäärä: haastatteluissa haastateltiin vain viittä potentiaalista käyttäjää. Tähän vaikutti suuresti syksyllä 2020 maailmaa kurittanut COVID-19-tilanne, joka poisti mahdollisuuden testata MyLimitsiä tosielämän käyttötilanteissa. Haastattelut suoritettiin verkossa äänipuheluita ja näytön jakoa hyödyntäen. Haastateltavat eivät ilmoittaneet heillä olevan ongelmia alkoholin käytön kanssa, joten he eivät ehkä suhtautuneet aiheeseen niin varautuneesti kuin oikea ongelmakäyttäjä saattaisi suhtautua. Sovellukseen sitoutuminen ja sen antamien ohjeiden noudattamisen tutkiminen vaatisivat pidempää seuranta- ja testausjaksoa, jonka puute rajoitti selvästi MyLimitsin sitouttamiskyvyn arviointia

    Internet Copyright Infringement and Service Providers: The Case for a Negotiated Rulemaking Alternative

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    The Internet has dramatically increased the ease of copyright infringement. A popular proposal recommends that Internet service providers (ISP) be held liable for the harms, including copyright infringements, of their users. ISPs reject this approach, warning that it will hamper the expansion of the Internet. This article recommends a regulatory approach to ISP liability for copyright infringement. A technical introduction to the Internet is given, pointing to difficulties that courts have had navigating this conceptually new and complex subject. Arguments in favor or strict liability of ISPs are presented, with an analysis of their likely economic and social consequences. The author concludes with a regulatory solution designed to minimize losses both to service providers and content providers

    Developing of Q&A bots for medicinal disclosure for CKD-patients

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    This thesis was a subproject of the RealCo project by Prof. Dr. Thomas Keller at ZHAW which provides information about a medication called SGLT2 inhibitors to patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). While the goal of the project is to improve patient health literacy and compliance, this thesis rather focused on developing a chatbot to answer questions related to the use of SGLT2 inhibitors to CKD patients. Chatbots, as software components that communicate with users via natural language, are considered as an appropriate instrument for improving health literacy. The developed chatbots were implemented using natural language understanding (NLU) platforms, which, due to their structure, enable rapid prototyping, deployment and simple integrations. This thesis addressed the question of which NLU platform is most suitable for the use case. In this thesis, two artefacts were built with over 800 training questions about SGLT2 inhibitors to answer the question above. The developed chatbots were tested with physicians and pharmacists for correctness. The results showed that DialogFlow and Watson Assistant are the most popular and widely used NLU platforms were therefore selected for the chatbot development. The tests conducted and the feedback gathered from physicians and pharmacists showed that the answers were medically correct and the chatbot was perceived as friendly and appealing. Also, in the majority of cases, users received an answer that was relevant to their question. The implementation of the chatbots in these two platforms demonstrated that Watson Assistant was superior to DialogFlow in terms of latency as well as the delivery of the correct answer to the question asked. Future studies using the existing chatbots within the RealCo project should involve patients for testing and further development

    Chatbots for Modelling, Modelling of Chatbots

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de Lectura: 28-03-202

    Design Knowledge for Virtual Learning Companions from a Value-centered Perspective

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    The increasing popularity of conversational agents such as ChatGPT has sparked interest in their potential use in educational contexts but undermines the role of companionship in learning with these tools. Our study targets the design of virtual learning companions (VLCs), focusing on bonding relationships for collaborative learning while facilitating students’ time management and motivation. We draw upon design science research (DSR) to derive prescriptive design knowledge for VLCs as the core of our contribution. Through three DSR cycles, we conducted interviews with working students and experts, held interdisciplinary workshops with the target group, designed and evaluated two conceptual prototypes, and fully coded a VLC instantiation, which we tested with students in class. Our approach has yielded 9 design principles, 28 meta-requirements, and 33 design features centered around the value-in-interaction. These encompass Human-likeness and Dialogue Management, Proactive and Reactive Behavior, and Relationship Building on the Relationship Layer (DP1,3,4), Adaptation (DP2) on the Matching Layer, as well as Provision of Supportive Content, Fostering Learning Competencies, Motivational Environment, and Ethical Responsibility (DP5-8) on the Service Layer

    Crowd-powered systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 217-237).Crowd-powered systems combine computation with human intelligence, drawn from large groups of people connecting and coordinating online. These hybrid systems enable applications and experiences that neither crowds nor computation could support alone. Unfortunately, crowd work is error-prone and slow, making it difficult to incorporate crowds as first-order building blocks in software systems. I introduce computational techniques that decompose complex tasks into simpler, verifiable steps to improve quality, and optimize work to return results in seconds. These techniques develop crowdsourcing as a platform so that it is reliable and responsive enough to be used in interactive systems. This thesis develops these ideas through a series of crowd-powered systems. The first, Soylent, is a word processor that uses paid micro-contributions to aid writing tasks such as text shortening and proofreading. Using Soylent is like having access to an entire editorial staff as you write. The second system, Adrenaline, is a camera that uses crowds to help amateur photographers capture the exact right moment for a photo. It finds the best smile and catches subjects in mid-air jumps, all in realtime. Moving beyond generic knowledge and paid crowds, I introduce techniques to motivate a social network that has specific expertise, and techniques to data mine crowd activity traces in support of a large number of uncommon user goals. These systems point to a future where social and crowd intelligence are central elements of interaction, software, and computation.by Michael Scott Bernstein.Ph.D

    Global Mobility Chatbot: Chatbot model to improve mobile employee experience

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceThe Global Mobility Industry is the area that comprehends the emerging internationalization and growth of companies outside borders. Its overall core essence is to support businesses all over the world in setting up operations, by assigning employees in other cities or countries outside the company's headquarters. These operations have intrinsically a set of challenges and opportunities that both companies and employees need to face while on move. To face these challenges and accomplish international move tasks and goals, software houses have been developing over the past years platforms and solutions to face each of the international moves phases. However, it's hard to keep every task, request, event, and everything on track and both accomplishing and managing it can become a struggle when the number of employees on assignment multiplies and grows year after year. The usage of Chatbots is not new in the tech world, but the technology, features, and capabilities of those have been growing and growing, and those are gaining a significant space and importance in a variety of different businesses and social fields, such as sales, real state, eCommerce, customer support, and even marketing and enterprise bots. Its capacity to work as a true virtual assistant, able to respond and support users 24/7, it’s becoming something more and more desirable for every company and employee. This dissertation has the goal to, first, make a deeper research and study on the Global Mobility Industry and the Chatbot usage and development. Defining and stating how helpful and valuable a chatbot could be when integrated with a Global Mobility software solution. By concluding this study, 2 built artifacts will result from it, specifically a backlog full of business requirements to accomplish, and a prototype of the chatbot using one of the top Chatbot enablers platforms in the market. To work and develop the artifacts, this dissertation will follow the design science research methodology, whose evaluation phase will be supported by a user testing session and a structured interview with carefully selected participants, with pre-defined closed and open-ended questions. Everything resulting from this dissertation will leave open space for future enhancements, by incrementing the value and functionalities of the chatbot, and potential real-world application and integration of it in Global Mobility softwares and platforms