667 research outputs found

    Uncertainty of Forest Biomass Estimates in North Temperate Forests Due to Allometry: Implications for Remote Sensing

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    Estimates of above ground biomass density in forests are crucial for refining global climate models and understanding climate change. Although data from field studies can be aggregated to estimate carbon stocks on global scales, the sparsity of such field data, temporal heterogeneity and methodological variations introduce large errors. Remote sensing measurements from spaceborne sensors are a realistic alternative for global carbon accounting; however, the uncertainty of such measurements is not well known and remains an active area of research. This article describes an effort to collect field data at the Harvard and Howland Forest sites, set in the temperate forests of the Northeastern United States in an attempt to establish ground truth forest biomass for calibration of remote sensing measurements. We present an assessment of the quality of ground truth biomass estimates derived from three different sets of diameter-based allometric equations over the Harvard and Howland Forests to establish the contribution of errors in ground truth data to the error in biomass estimates from remote sensing measurements

    Regional carbon predictions in a temperate forest using satellite lidar

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    Large uncertainties in terrestrial carbon stocks and sequestration predictions result from insufficient regional data characterizing forest structure. This study uses satellite waveform lidar from ICESat to estimate regional forest structure in central New England, where each lidar waveform estimates fine-scale forest heterogeneity. ICESat is a global sampling satellite, but does not provide wall-to-wall coverage. Comprehensive, wall-to-wall ecosystem state characterization is achieved through spatial extrapolation using the random forest machine-learning algorithm. This forest description allows for effective initialization of individual-based terrestrial biosphere models making regional carbon flux predictions. Within 42/43.5 N and 73/71.5 W, aboveground carbon was estimated at 92.47 TgC or 45.66 MgC ha−1, and net carbon fluxes were estimated at 4.27 TgC yr−1 or 2.11 MgC ha−1 yr−1. This carbon sequestration potential was valued at 47% of fossil fuel emissions in eight central New England counties. In preparation for new lidar and hyperspectral satellites, linking satellite data and terrestrial biosphere models are crucial in improving estimates of carbon sequestration potential counteracting anthropogenic sources of carbon

    The NASA AfriSAR campaign: Airborne SAR and lidar measurements of tropical forest structure and biomass in support of current and future space missions

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    International audienceIn 2015 and 2016, the AfriSAR campaign was carried out as a collaborative effort among international space and National Park agencies (ESA, NASA, ONERA, DLR, ANPN and AGEOS) in support of the upcoming ESA BIOMASS, NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) and NASA Global Ecosystem Dynamics Initiative (GEDI) missions. The NASA contribution to the campaign was conducted in 2016 with the NASA LVIS (Land Vegetation and Ice Sensor) Lidar, the NASA L-band UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar). A central motivation for the AfriSAR deployment was the common AGBD estimation requirement for the three future spaceborne missions, the lack of sufficient airborne and ground calibration data covering the full range of ABGD in tropical forest systems, and the intercomparison and fusion of the technologies. During the campaign, over 7000 km2 of waveform Lidar data from LVIS and 30,000 km2 of UAVSAR data were collected over 10 key sites and transects. In addition, field measurements of forest structure and biomass were collected in sixteen 1-hectare sized plots. The campaign produced gridded Lidar canopy structure products, gridded aboveground biomass and associated uncertainties, Lidar based vegetation canopy cover profile products, Polarimetric Interferometric SAR and Tomographic SAR products and field measurements. Our results showcase the types of data products and scientific results expected from the spaceborne Lidar and SAR missions; we also expect that the AfriSAR campaign data will facilitate further analysis and use of waveform lidar and multiple baseline polarimetric SAR datasets for carbon cycle, biodiversity, water resources and more applications by the greater scientific community

    Remote Sensing of Aboveground Biomass in Tropical Secondary Forests: A Review

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    Tropical landscapes are, in general, a mosaic of pasture, agriculture, and forest undergoing various stages of succession. Forest succession is comprised of continuous structural changes over time and results in increases in aboveground biomass (AGB). New remote sensing methods, including sensors, image processing, statistical methods, and uncertainty evaluations, are constantly being developed to estimate biophysical forest changes. We review 318 peer-reviewed studies related to the use of remotely sensed AGB estimations in tropical forest succession studies and summarize their geographic distribution, sensors and methods used, and their most frequent ecological inferences. Remotely sensed AGB is broadly used in forest management studies, conservation status evaluations, carbon source and sink investigations, and for studies of the relationships between environmental conditions and forest structure. Uncertainties in AGB estimations were found to be heterogeneous with biases related to sensor type, processing methodology, ground truthing availability, and forest characteristics. Remotely sensed AGB of successional forests is more reliable for the study of spatial patterns of forest succession and over large time scales than that of individual stands. Remote sensing of temporal patterns in biomass requires further study, in particular, as it is critical for understanding forest regrowth at scales useful for regional or global analyses

    Innovations in ground and airborne technologies as reference and for training and validation : terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)

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    The use of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) to provide accurate estimates of 3D forest canopy structure and above-ground biomass (AGB) has developed rapidly. Here, we provide an overview of the state of the art in using TLS for estimating forest structure for AGB. We provide a general overview of TLS methods and then outline the advantages and limitations of TLS for estimating AGB. We discuss the specific type of measurements that TLS can provide, tools and methods that have been developed for turning TLS point clouds into quantifiable metrics of tree size and volume, as well as some of the challenges to improving these measurements. We discuss the role of TLS for enabling accurate calibration and validation (cal/val) of Earth observation (EO)-derived estimates of AGB from spaceborne lidar and RADAR missions. We give examples of the types of TLS equipment that are in use and how these might develop in future, and we show examples of where TLS has already been applied to measuring AGB in the tropics in particular. Comparing TLS with harvested AGB shows r(2)>0.95 for all studies thus far, with absolute agreement to within 10% at the individual tree level for all trees and to within 2% in the majority of cases. Current limitations to the uptake of TLS include the capital cost of some TLS equipment, processing complexity and the relatively small coverage that is possible. We argue that combining TLS measurements with the existing ground-based survey approaches will allow improved allometric models and better cal/val, resulting in improved regional and global estimates of AGB from space, with better-characterised, lower uncertainties. The development of new, improved equipment and methods will accelerate this process and make TLS more accessible

    Aboveground biomass density models for NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission

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    NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) is collecting spaceborne full waveform lidar data with a primary science goal of producing accurate estimates of forest aboveground biomass density (AGBD). This paper presents the development of the models used to create GEDI's footprint-level (similar to 25 m) AGBD (GEDI04_A) product, including a description of the datasets used and the procedure for final model selection. The data used to fit our models are from a compilation of globally distributed spatially and temporally coincident field and airborne lidar datasets, whereby we simulated GEDI-like waveforms from airborne lidar to build a calibration database. We used this database to expand the geographic extent of past waveform lidar studies, and divided the globe into four broad strata by Plant Functional Type (PFT) and six geographic regions. GEDI's waveform-to-biomass models take the form of parametric Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models with simulated Relative Height (RH) metrics as predictor variables. From an exhaustive set of candidate models, we selected the best input predictor variables, and data transformations for each geographic stratum in the GEDI domain to produce a set of comprehensive predictive footprint-level models. We found that model selection frequently favored combinations of RH metrics at the 98th, 90th, 50th, and 10th height above ground-level percentiles (RH98, RH90, RH50, and RH10, respectively), but that inclusion of lower RH metrics (e.g. RH10) did not markedly improve model performance. Second, forced inclusion of RH98 in all models was important and did not degrade model performance, and the best performing models were parsimonious, typically having only 1-3 predictors. Third, stratification by geographic domain (PFT, geographic region) improved model performance in comparison to global models without stratification. Fourth, for the vast majority of strata, the best performing models were fit using square root transformation of field AGBD and/or height metrics. There was considerable variability in model performance across geographic strata, and areas with sparse training data and/or high AGBD values had the poorest performance. These models are used to produce global predictions of AGBD, but will be improved in the future as more and better training data become available

    Metabolic scaling theory and remote sensing to model large-scale patterns of forest biophysical properties

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    Advanced understanding of the global carbon budget requires large-scale and long-term information on forest carbon pools and fluxes. In situ and remote sensing measurements have greatly enhanced monitoring of forest carbon dynamics, but incomplete data coverage in space and time results in significant uncertainties in carbon accounting. Although theoretical and mechanistic models have enabled continental-scale and global mapping, robust predictions of forest carbon dynamics are difficult without initialization, adjustment, and parameterization using observations. Therefore, this dissertation is focused on a synergistic combination of lidar measurements and modeling that incorporates biophysical principles underlying forest growth. First, spaceborne lidar data from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) were analyzed for monitoring and modeling of forest heights over the U.S. Mainland. Results showed the best GLAS metric representing the within-footprint heights to be dependent on topography. Insufficient data sampling by the GLAS sensor was problematic for spatially-complete carbon quantification. A modeling approach, called Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations (ASRL), successfully alleviated this problem. The metabolic scaling theory and water-energy balance equations embedded within the model also provided a generalized mechanistic understanding of valid relationships between forest structure and geo-predictors including topographic and climatic variables. Second, the ASRL model was refined and applied to predict large-scale patterns of forest structure. This research successfully expanded model applicability by including eco-regional and forest-type variations, and disturbance history. Baseline maps (circa 2005; 1-km2 grids) of forest heights and aboveground biomass were generated over the U.S. Mainland. The Pacific Northwest/California forests were simulated as the most favorable region for hosting large trees, consistent with observations. Through sensitivity and uncertainty analyses, this research found that the refined ASRL model showed promise for prognostic applications, in contrast to conventional black-box approaches. The model predicted temporal evolution of forest carbon stocks during the 21st century. The results demonstrate the effects of CO2 fertilization and climate feedbacks across water- and energy-limited environments. This dissertation documents the complex mechanisms determining forest structure, given availability of local resources. These mechanisms can be used to monitor and forecast forest carbon pools in combination with satellite observations to advance our understanding of the global carbon cycle

    Planning, implementation, and first results of the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling Experiment (TC4)

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    The Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling Experiment (TC4), was based in Costa Rica and Panama during July and August 2007. The NASA ER-2, DC-8, and WB-57F aircraft flew 26 science flights during TC4. The ER-2 employed 11 instruments as a remote sampling platform and satellite surrogate. The WB-57F used 25 instruments for in situ chemical and microphysical sampling in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). The DC-8 used 25 instruments to sample boundary layer properties, as well as the radiation, chemistry, and microphysics of the TTL. TC4 also had numerous sonde launches, two ground-based radars, and a ground-based chemical and microphysical sampling site. The major goal of TC4 was to better understand the role that the TTL plays in the Earth's climate and atmospheric chemistry by combining in situ and remotely sensed data from the ground, balloons, and aircraft with data from NASA satellites. Significant progress was made in understanding the microphysical and radiative properties of anvils and thin cirrus. Numerous measurements were made of the humidity and chemistry of the tropical atmosphere from the boundary layer to the lower stratosphere. Insight was also gained into convective transport between the ground and the TTL, and into transport mechanisms across the TTL. New methods were refined and extended to all the NASA aircraft for real-time location relative to meteorological features. The ability to change flight patterns in response to aircraft observations relayed to the ground allowed the three aircraft to target phenomena of interest in an efficient, well-coordinated manner