9 research outputs found

    Global cocaine intoxication research trends during 1975–2015: a bibliometric analysis of Web of Science publications

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    Density view of terms map based on the co-occurrence matrix of terms from text data in the title and abstract of retrieved publications related to cocaine toxicity by periods. Figure S1. Density view of terms map in Period I (1975–1995); colors show the density of relevance, sorting from blue (lowest density) to red (highest density). (number of publications related to cocaine intoxication = 954). Figure S2. Density view of terms map in Period II (1996–2005); colors show the density of relevance, sorting from blue (lowest density) to red (highest density). (Number of publications related to cocaine intoxication = 987). Figure S3. Density view of terms map in Period III (2006–2015); colors show the density of relevance, sorting from blue (lowest density) to red (highest density). (Number of publications related to cocaine intoxication = 961). Figure S4. Density view of terms map in Period 1975–1995; colors show the density of relevance, sorting from blue (lowest density) to red (highest density). (Number of publications related to cocaine intoxication = 2,902). (DOCX 794 kb

    Mapping of top papers in the subject category of Water Resources based on the Essential Science Indicators

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    Based on the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database, this study analyzed 798 top papers in the subject category of Water Resources from 2008 to 2018. The 798 top papers include 797 highly cited papers and 21 hot papers in the field. Distributions of document type, language of publication, scientific output, and publication of journals are reported in this article. Co-authorship network visualization of author, organizations and countries, co-occurrence network visualization of all keywords was visualized using VOS viewer software. Results showed that 798 papers, all written in English, were from 2,845 authors, 80 countries/territories and 1,107 organizations, listed in 49 journals in the field of water resources. Top 5 core journals with higher impact factor ranked as Water Research, Journal of Hydrology, Desalination, Catena and Advances in Water Resources. Top 5 countries and regions were USA, China, Australia, England and Germany. Top 5 organizations were Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of California System, Helmholtz Association, Delft University of Technology and Eth Zurich. Based on the analysis of network map of VOSviewer, there is cooperation for authors, organizations and countries or regions. The analysis of keywords showed that the research of water resource was separated 6 clusters. This study demonstrates that there are more top papers come from journals with the higher IF and higher rank in Category of Water Resources. Therefore, authors can choose their ideal Journal with a high impact factor to publish papers in the English language related to this research field

    Mapping of top papers in the subject category of Water Resources based on the Essential Science Indicators

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    90-102Based on the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database, this study analyzed 798 top papers in the subject category of Water Resources from 2008 to 2018. The 798 top papers include 797 highly cited papers and 21 hot papers in the field. Distributions of document type, language of publication, scientific output, and publication of journals are reported in this article. Co-authorship network visualization of author, organizations and countries, co-occurrence network visualization of all keywords was visualized using VOS viewer software. Results showed that 798 papers, all written in English, were from 2,845 authors, 80 countries/territories and 1,107 organizations, listed in 49 journals in the field of water resources. Top 5 core journals with higher impact factor ranked as Water Research, Journal of Hydrology, Desalination, Catena and Advances in Water Resources. Top 5 countries and regions were USA, China, Australia, England and Germany. Top 5 organizations were Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of California System, Helmholtz Association, Delft University of Technology and Eth Zurich. Based on the analysis of network map of VOSviewer, there is cooperation for authors, organizations and countries or regions. The analysis of keywords showed that the research of water resource was separated 6 clusters. This study demonstrates that there are more top papers come from journals with the higher IF and higher rank in Category of Water Resources. Therefore, authors can choose their ideal Journal with a high impact factor to publish papers in the English language related to this research field

    From Psychology to Phylogeny: Bridging Levels of Analysis in Cultural Evolution

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    Cultural evolution, or change in the socially learned behavior of a population over time, is a fascinating phenomenon that is widespread in humans and present in some non-human animals. In this dissertation, I present an array of cultural evolutionary studies that bridge pattern and process in a wide range of research models including music, extremism, and birdsong. The first chapter is an introduction to the field of cultural evolution, including a bibliometric analysis of its structure. The second and third chapters are studies on the cultural dynamics of music sampling traditions in hip-hop and electronic music communities and far-right extremism in the United States, using social network analysis and epidemiological modeling, respectively. The fourth and fifth chapters are studies on how cultural transmission biases influence population-level changes in music sampling traditions and house finch song, using a combination of agent-based modeling and machine learning. The sixth chapter is a technical report on computerized birdfeeders that were used to remotely collect data on the social network structure of a wild house finch population. Lastly, the seventh chapter applies a novel phylogenetic method based on dynamic community detection to reconstruct the cultural evolution of electronic music

    Localización y visualización de las principales líneas de investigación a través del análisis de co-palabras y del análisis de redes sociales. Propuesta metodológica para la delimitación temática de dominios científicos

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en el año académico 2016-2017El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral se basa, fundamentalmente, en el diseño de una propuesta metodológica que posibilite la localización, identificación y visualización de las principales subdisciplinas científicas y líneas de investigación, favoreciendo así la delimitación temática de dominios científicos. La ciencia se caracteriza cada vez más por su multi e interdisciplinariedad. Esto dificulta la demarcación de los distintos ámbitos del conocimiento y complica la delimitación, definición y distribución de las diferentes áreas, categorías o aspectos temáticos involucrados en el desarrollo científico. Desde el punto de vista bibliométrico, este hecho plantea un gran reto metodológico, especialmente, en niveles de agregación muy concretos o en dominios caracterizados por una gran especificidad temática y más aún cuando la mayoría de las bases de datos bibliográficas no permiten una delimitación temática más específica que el nivel de áreas, categorías o disciplinas científicas. De este modo, el diseño metodológico ha consistido en la selección de distintos dominios científicos en cuanto a su cobertura temporal, geográfica y temática para comprobar su aplicabilidad con independencia del dominio científico que se analice. Por un lado, se ha utilizado la producción científica recogida en la base de datos Medline sobre salud y mujer durante el período 1965-2005 y por otro, la investigación española con células madre recogida en la base de datos Science Citation Expanded durante los años 1997-2012. Asimismo, la propuesta metodológica se caracteriza por el desarrollo y combinación de diferentes técnicas bibliométricas. En primer lugar, se basa en el empleo del análisis de co-palabras para la identificación de los términos más representativos a partir de su aparición conjunta en los documentos (Co-words Analysis). Concretamente, se han utilizado como unidades de análisis los términos de indización de las bases de datos bibliográficas utilizadas para el estudio, es decir, descriptores MeSH en el caso de Medline y los términos clave KeyWords Plus y Author Keywords en el caso del Science Citation Index Expanded. En segundo lugar, se han combinado técnicas bibliométricas procedentes del Análisis de Redes Sociales y de la representación y visualización de la información, fundamentalmente, mediante el uso de dos programas informáticos especializados como son Pajek y VOSviewer. En el caso del primero, éste se centra en la generación de mapas basados en grafos que en esta tesis han sido simplificados a través del algoritmo de poda Pathfinder Networks (PFNETs) y representados mediante el algoritmo de visualización Kamada Kawai. En el caso de VOSviewer éste se centra en la generación de mapas basados en la distancia a través de la visualización de similitudes (visualization of similarities ̶ VOS) y que utiliza diferentes técnicas de clustering en la representación gráfica. Dada las ventajas y limitaciones que conllevan el uso de una técnica frente a la otra se han utilizado ambos con la intención de que puedan ser utilizados de manera complementaria.Los resultados que se han obtenido en esta tesis doctoral han sido presentados en las seis publicaciones que la integran y que son consecuencia de las distintas fases de trabajo que fueron diseñadas. Concretamente, los resultados permiten concluir que la propuesta metodológica planteada es adecuada para la localización, identificación y visualización de las principales tendencias o líneas de investigación que caracterizan la producción científica, con independencia de la amplitud o especificidad del dominio utilizado y de la cobertura de las fuentes de información empleadas. Su adecuación metodológica para la delimitación temática la convierten en una herramienta con un gran potencial de cara al desarrollo de nuevos estudios bibliométicos en posibles investigaciones futuras. No obstante, y pese a ello, también esta propuesta metodológica puede ser objeto de mejora. En el futuro, podría ser interesante emplear otras técnicas de análisis como el Análisis de co-citación de Autores (ACA) o el empleo de otros términos como pueden ser los procedentes del título, resumen, palabras clave, etc., como unidades de análisis

    The structure of a fundamental intellectual process for the scholarship of sustainability

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    This thesis addresses fundamental issues in sustainability thinking, especially in relation to its epistemological and methodological bases. The sustainability crisis has invoked multiple schools of thought cross-cutting wide range of human activities/ scholarships. The resultant diversity of perspectives has imparted a high degree of ambiguity, and an intellectual ‘looseness’, potentially obfuscating many sustainability issues, which in consequence deepened social confusion and political inaction. Despite this, sustainability has taken on a certain moral tone as a normative goal of society, which is based upon implicit assumptions about the constituent forms of knowledge and the methods by which this knowledge is legitimated. It is out of these normative bases of sustainability that ‘sustainability science’ has emerged as an overt attempt aiming to champion pluralistic and integrated forms of knowledge and research in addressing the sustainability crisis. Chapter 1 analyzes the intellectual standing of sustainability. This reveals the necessity for an intellectual perspective to replace the normative essence associated with the notion, and a necessary pluralistic orientation and avenue of knowledge. This intellectual perspective—formed in Chapter 2—stipulates that sustainability scholarship needs to operate both across and within disciplines, albeit cognizant of a more integrated reality. The reductionist mode of enquiry is unable to do this. Thus, the sustainability crisis requires a new mode of enquiry, which can enable the production of ‘bricks of knowledge while looking at the whole building’, in contrary to the production of ‘specialized bricks of knowledge at the expense of not seeing the whole building’ as characteristic of the reductionist mode. This new mode of enquiry necessitates a fundamental intellectual process, capable of enabling the pluralistic orientation and avenue of knowledge. Accordingly, based on fundamental research the thesis aims to analyze the sustainability science discourse and, through both deductive and inductive methods, develop a fundamental intellectual process to inform on the dimensions and structure of a pluralistic knowledge avenue, leading to the laying of an intellectual foundation for the scholarship of sustainability. This is corresponded to three key research questions (KRQs): KRQ-1: How can an intellectual process fundamentally be framed in order to study the pluralistic knowledge and research structures regarding sustainability? KRQ-2: What are the basic structures of the discourse of sustainability science and how are they structured? KRQ-3: How might a pluralistic knowledge avenue and the layout of an intellectual foundation for the scholarship of sustainability be elicited based on the rationale, framing and application of the fundamental intellectual process? The thesis takes the first decade’s ‘body of work’ of sustainability science as a dataset for analysis in answering these questions through heuristic fundamental research. Chapters 1-3 reflect fundamental research, while Chapters 4-6 and Chapter 7 present the results of heuristic deductive analysis and inductive analysis, respectively. The rationale for the KRQs is formed in Chapters 1-2, besides forming the intellectual perspective of sustainability. KRQ-1 is addressed in Chapter 3 in empirically framing a fundamental intellectual process. The analysis of the first decade’s ‘body of work’ of sustainability science is presented in Chapters 4-6, elucidating the discursive, integrative and contextual structures of its discourse, thus, addressing KRQ-2. These together form a continuous thread of inquiry on the intellectual treatment of sustainability, leading to addressing KRQ-3 in Chapter 7. In framing the fundamental intellectual process the Chapter 3 produces a fundamental literature organization process resulting in a structure of five cross-connected layers of organizations within the literature archive, while a discourse analysis mechanism produces an analytical process based on a system of five stages of discourse analysis. These together construct a fundamental scheme for analyzing the basic structures of pluralistic knowledge/ research. There are four key findings (KF) arising from Chapters 4-6. KF-1 reveals an overall lack of precision in characterizing the concept of ‘human-environment system’ in sustainability science along with an extremely open-ended representation. KF-2, revealing the overall contribution of sustainability science as consistent across its three different basic structures demonstrates mere structural contributions while lacking in intellectual capacities to provide the functional aspects to the intellectual treatment of sustainability. Based on conceptualization and extensive exemplification of a theoretical framework on the language of conversation in sustainability research KF-3 produces a new intellectual lens for approaching effective trans-disciplinary sustainability research through facilitating knowledge co-production. KF-4 reveals a strong correlation between the dominant ‘original nature’ and the characters of ‘literature survey’ and ‘literature archive analysis’ (being the ‘mode of conduction’ and the ‘utilized research method’, respectively) of sustainability science research, together with a dominance of these characters across the other empirical classes. This reveals the significance of fundamental literature organization and analysis process in brokering common language and understanding for the enabling of sustainability scholarship, besides breaking the impasse of the conventional incompatibility between original research and literature analysis processes. In Chapter 7, the KF 1-4 are analyzed in terms of different dimensions of the pluralistic knowledge avenue. The chapter also produces the structure of this avenue through inductively projecting on the characteristics of an integration expertise in light of the new mode of enquiry. Besides, Chapter 7 also extracts nine latent elements/ characters of an intellectual foundation of the scholarship of sustainability from the rationale, framing and application of the fundamental intellectual process as well as the inductive framing of the pluralistic knowledge avenue. These together produce the basis for an integrated theory on the intellectual foundation of sustainability. In summary, new knowledge components are pertinent to KF 1-4 and the inductive framing of the pluralistic knowledge avenue. Through fundamentally analyzing the prevailing scholastic reality of sustainability that is based on normative assumption-based works, the thesis produces a structure of sustainability scholarship based on fundamental intellectual justification. Its implications for sustainability science include: (i) the possibility of overcoming reductionist methods—constraining the contribution of the practice—through active intellectual orientation of the new mode of enquiry, (ii) prospects for innovation in the practice stem from the integrative structure of its discourse and in developing functional-intellectual capabilities, and (iii) a fundamental intellectual process is a means to overcome its normative impulse